Star Army

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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing

Polup Forest

Alec landed on his feet with a skid before letting go of Mark. He turned back to look at the smoke raising from the the pile of rock and ash that was the enemy facility and let out a whistle of bemusement.

"Whew, talk about cutting it close." He sighed before taking position to form a perimeter. "Don't jinx us now, Mark. I'd like to get home alive and in once piece."
Polup Forest

With the final pieces of the facility succumbing to their own weight and leaving the facility a mere pile of rubble and fire, a new radio contact appeared,

, this your eagle's eye speaking dropping down fast, ETA t-minus... what 5 minutes? Hang tight until then a prepare to make a snappy departure, we won't be returning to this planet soon. Out"

With the radio transmission coming to a close, Vizil and the wounded Glynn crawled out from the forest and towards the rest of team, seeing the area has been cleared of resistance. Behind them trailed few nonthreatening Elefirn souls watching the group, and eventually the Nepleslian transport ship which soon landed on Polup's soil and opened it's bay for the soldiers for a trip towards the stars. Even after the doors closed, the native Elefirn still continued to watch the Nepleslian troops leave their atmosphere in both shock and awe in their faces.

Within a few moments, the team was once again inside the NSS Inquiry, and as the door opened, Manson was waiting already waiting for them with his stoic glare.
Linda helped Glynn into the dropship quickly, and on the way back made sure to radio in for a medical team to be on standby to receive patients. The Elefirn's unusual response unnervered her some, but she had slowly been getting used to their mannerisms, enough that the guilt was not there. When they arrived, it wasn't until Glynn was safely in the care of the medics that Linda spoke up to Manson.

"Operation was a success, the facility was destroyed, and we managed to download a substantial chunk of data from the computers. I do not quite understand what it is, but the factory was producing something that was rather unnerving for Vizil."
Upon arrival on the ship Mark quietly stepped off to the side while Linda reported in. Though tired and scuffed up, the he felt the mission went rather well and chalked it up as a success.
With the sign of the wounded Glynn coming out of the forest, Alec waved the him and Vizil and began patching them up as best he could even after they boarded the shuttle and took off for the ship. Once the shipside doctors got to Glynn, Alec let out a sigh of relief before snapping a salute to Manson and approaching.

"Sir, Ma'am, I have some intel you two would like to take a look at when you have the time." He said, offering the multiple datapads he pilfered from the former laboratory.
Shuttle Hangar
As a group of medical staff stripped him off his damaged Power Armor suit, Glynn continued to grumble out that he wasn't too terribly wounded, stating that he felt nothing, even though Alec helped both extract his bloody arm from the suit with the rest of the medical staff, as well a preventing further damage from increasing in severity during the shuttle ride.

"...See? It's... not that.... bad. Just... some rest....."

With that, the medical team carted him off and left his suit there within the shuttle for station hands to deal with as the rest of the Inquiry team stepped forward, with Linda leading the advance as she began to explain the situation to Manson.

When she was finished, the team could see that Manson seemed to garner a slight smile upon hearing that a large segment of Elefirn Data was ripped away from Elefirn systems. Though his dissatisfied look resurfaced when both he and Mark found an even more tired Elefirn, when compared to Mark, leaning on his armor, fast asleep with several bandages from Alec's quick handiwork prompting a quick blurb to escape Manson's lips.

"Perhaps not unnerving enough." and reengaged his silence as Alec took an opportunity to hand him the information that he snagged from the Kuvexian labs.

Yet another tiny smile formed on his lips as Manson began to work the datapads with his finger tips, perusing over the visual information in his hands as he quickly congratulated Alec for the find. As Alec stepped away however, he caught sight of two more Elefirn in makeshift Nepleslian uniforms being guided around the hangar. If memory served the Inquiry team well, the two Aliens most likely went by the names of Ruda and Allorow.

"Excellent," Began Manson, "I'll have the datapads deciphered immediately, and then we'll be able to deduct most of the concepts contained in these in a matters of days. With the information from foreign computer systems, we may be able to not only discover additional Kuvexian and Elefirn facilities, but perhaps use the material could find use as a cross reference, for some other information brought to light."

He draws a breath before he continues, "We've recently discovered additional facilities on the Planet Rega, unfortunately the Elefirn on board have no recollection of any information regarding the entity, to the point of the planet not even existing for them. Regardless, that will most certainty be you next area of operation along with several additional members, until then, you are now allowed to wander freely about the ship, for now. I also have additional news regarding your current positions on this ship..."

Manson reaches into his pockets and procures a small metal case and opens it, inside several assorted patches with Nepleslian ranks neatly laid across a decorative interior.

"I am forced to recall a promise made by the Captain of this vessel. Due to your participation and relative success of your endeavors, despite my personal reservations, you are all promoted one rank with all the privileges in pay and prestige that come with it. However there will be no ceremony, and you will be binded together until the Elefirn Conspiracy is either destroyed or Neplelsian reinforcements arrive to support our ops. Along with the decorations given to you by the Captain and myself, you also receive two instances of your just pay at your new rank. With that announcement out of the way, and before you are dismissed as no debriefing will required, have any of you encountered any instance of traitorous thoughts among the Elefirn populace? Subjects resembling Ruda, Allorow, or even Vizil in terms of their loyalty to their former masters, we've managed to intercept suppressed signals from off-world sources. Though jammed, they have indicated independent cells of Elefirn sources... outside of Kuvexian Jurisdiction, if not, you are dismissed, and be ready to be called up again in the coming week."

Manson collects the rest of the physical data, such as a sample from the fungi that the team acquired, and holds it up against the light while he waits for a response before the group disperses.
Shuttle Hangar

There was a lot of information to process as Manson spoke, but Linda listened diligently and made sure she took it all in. She even complemented the squad with a "Well done everyone" when an appropriate pause was left in Manson's speech. The promotion was also unexpected, but in hindsight it did make sense, and she wasn't about to refuse it.

When given the chance to speak though, she did. "I don't know about treasonous tendencies, but in general they seem to be acting like a herd, they will probably work for whoever takes the lead. Either that those in the factory are being heavily drugged....I am unsure, we couldn't get any blood samples." She mentally kicked herself, having not thought about that while they were on the field, it'd have been valuable information. "Speaking of planet Rega, is it possible that the Kuvexian's kidnapped Elefirns and dropped them on that planet? That might be why the Elefirn don't know, the only ones that go there are work prisoners."
Shuttle Hangar

Manson nodded in agreement with Linda's thought process as he handed out ranked patches, "That would be our current theory Operator, though where on the planet is something that we are still trying to decipher. Hopefully the information you retrieved will be enough to further reveal answers to our questions. Though in regards to drugs present within Elefirn bodies, particularly from Allorow, Ruda, and Vizil, we know that the Kuvexians did supplement their bloodstreams with some sort of foreign substance, Ruda seemed to be the one most affected while Allorow was only moderately affected... Vizil on the other hand seemed to have little to no trace in her bloodstream, and her body was the first to be able to cleanse it from her system, which is why I deemed her to be an acceptable member for your last mission. What the specifics of this drug entail is still unknown, however it is currently believed that the drug eventually causes heavy physiological trauma and damage to one's personality or sense of self it would seem. From what we were able to observe, this damages the supernatural capabilities of the Elefirn third eye to some degree and causes hemorrhaging throughout the upper body and head, ultimately resulting in death. Though I have faith you will extract the necessary information."