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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

"Yeah, found some messed up bio-experiments stuff." Alec's stomach was twisting at the sight of the of experiment. The inhumanity, the ethical violations, the implications on the war effort.

Alec began to gather up the datapads; The information needed to be passed on to the IPG and his helmet footage wouldn't do. Plus, he didn't trust it to function nominally as per usual.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

As Mark looked on the screen, he was able to spot an image of the big Elefirn mutation in the middle of a small tube, being incinerated. That was before the laboratory's alarms began to ring and prompted Alec to collect the Kuvexian datapads. The doors to the laboratory, and the entire mainframe before him began to light up, and a map of the entire facility appeared. A section of the Western facility brightly glowed, and several Kuvexian hazmat suits propped up from the ground along with a few Kuvexian small arms. After a small moment the mainframe automatically provided camera surveillance of the area. The rest of the Inquiry team had blown into the room, and gas from the walls began to seep outside. Another view from the camera was also visible, a large majority of Elefirn workers had ducked down, and were now crawling on the floor, all headed for what seemed to be the largest exit. Meanwhile a group of eight Elefirn armed in non-standard Elefirn power armor and weapons were running towards the Nepleslian breach.

Even sealed off by the thick laboratory walls, the pair could still hear great deal of footsteps, and random panicked chatter. It was clear that the facility was no longer condensed into one small space, but rather spread out throughout across the entire facility.

Western Manufacturing Facility
The two Elefirn didn't even flinch as their bodies burst into oblivion. Their corpses spewing gore with a gout of colorful gas following closely behind, the gas slowly filling up the room as they no longer flowed into the bodies of the Elefirn. Before long, the group could hear a large amount of foot steps getting closer to their position as they began to secure the chamber. The suddenly the intercom went off in the Kuvexian language, which Vizil so helpful decided to translate, seemingly out of habit.

"Fuckin, Quarantine, Toxin A-2, enclosing vulnerable sections. Got it! Ah~ shit!"

Glynn walked besides Jared and past Adam as he began to peer into the hallway with his LMG at the ready. It was at that moment where three Elefirn soldiers appeared, wearing what seemed to be sturdier non-standard power armor, and carrying with them heavy construction equipment, as well as traditional Kuvexian small arms. Unlike the previous butchered pair, they reacted immediately when they saw the Nepleslian forces, and using their near instantaneous Elefirn skittishness, took cover at the end of the hallway and yelled out in shock.

"What in the god damn fucking shit, wh-wha-shit! CLOSE THE BLOODY FUCKING DOOR!"
Western Facilicy

Linda clicked her tongue underneath her helmet as she heard Vizil translate the message over the intercom. It was soon followed by guards showing up as well, things had rather quickly deteriorated and it was no longer a quiet operation. "Alright boys, distract them and secure an escape route while I get this." Now that things had come to this she just tried to download as much of the data in the console as possible instead of picking and choosing files.

She switched her comm over to contact the other team and spoke to them all. "We've got company on our end, grab what you can and start thinking about getting out."
Wetern Facility

Adam looked to the door that quickly had become the focal point of activity. It seemed to Adam that this mission had been like a roller coaster to him, peaks of action and standing. He knew that to most they did prefer both but to Adam it was infuriating to have to stand around. He just was not built to not be engaged, with the rare exception of hunting his prey. He moved to the doorway and rapped on Glynnos helmet.

"You heard the lady, go blow out an exit for us, me and the pea shooter have this," he said gruffly before peeking out the doorway at the lightly entrenched Elefirn. He sent a brief spray from his weapon down at them, more to spook them then injure at the moment.
Western Manufacturing Facility

Jared heard the translated shouts through Vizil even as he started firing down the hall. He wasnt attempting to hit the enemies, just keep them in cover so they could escape.

Quarantine, toxin? What the hell? He thought. "Vizil, what the hell were they doing in here? What do they mean quarantine?" He did not like the shouts of the others.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Alec quickly gathered and stored whatever datapads he could on his armor. This was intel that needed to get back to back to higher ups. As he moved, he glanced up and watched the cams showing the enemy reinforcements moving in.

"Boss, got the intel. Bad news though, you got heavies rolling up on where you breached and several more shooters moving up to take shots in your part of the facility. Gonna and link up with here shortly." He turned over to his companion as he checked his rifle. "Mark, get us a way outta here to the others ASAP."
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark studied the security cameras for a second before running to the door they'd entered. Unsure how to actually open it, he began fiddling with the panel just hoping for the best.

"Retracing our steps isn't the fastest way over there but from what I can piece together from the info we're workin' with hopefully we take one of the hallways running parallel and come out on these ugly bastards' flank before tearing them a new one."
Western Manufacturing Facility
As Linda began to download the rest of the information into her datapad, the system from her power armor suit started giving off almost the same reading, and warning as the toxin from the AA bunker. However this might have been overshadowed due to the fact that senstive information was suddenly being downloaded to Linda's data pad. This included several maps communication signals, primitive proxy servers, inventory numbers, and delivery routes. Using her own quick discretion, Linda quickly plucked out most of the information that seemed even remotely useful. By the time she had successfully perused over most of the data, the console began to detect a foreign communication signal and instantly began to jam it despite the console's damage, and the current hacking attempt. The message seemed to be coming from the other side of the mountain pass, and from the surrounding air space.

"S...... C...- in Ser...we --- p.......massive .... spike of -------sig-----and ................ at -our loc---- What is ......... stat-- of your op......sen an additional sold---- ......... a w--head, to your position .... not want ....... ene-- to arm them----- or eva- ........ additional .......... ordnance.."

Upon hearing Adam's suggestion, Glynn took up arms and nodded to his fellow man. "On it, it should only take me a few seconds, a minute in the case that everything goes wrong. Be prepared for the blast, the wall in undoubtedly thicker than the door and requires more firepower to breach, it will be difficult to manage the exhaust of the blast." With that said, Glynn left the two Marines to do their work as he proceeded to accomplish his own task as Adam laid fire down the corridor. This sudden burst of fire had effectively blanketed the area just outside the corridor, and now all the Elefirn hid by the entrance and have taken cover beneath some factory obstacles that were laid about. From a distance, he could see hints of more Elefirn Soldiers approaching, wearing what appeared to be large Hazardous environmental suits. Undoubtedly tougher than the power armor the current Elefirn soldiers wore, however it was clearly not of military grade.

With shots flying towards the Enemy, Vizil rapidly jumped and began to grasp at Jared before her petrified face yelled, "I DON'T FUCKING KNOW, I JUST WORKED MY ASS HERE! A DAMN SLAVE! BUT I JUST KNOW I CAN'T BREATHE WHATEVER IT IS! IT'S IN THE NAME, TOXIC, AND IT'S A GAS! " Just as she appeared to shed a tear, a blanket of Elefirn fire shot up above Jared's head. The aether shot decimated a part of the ceiling above the allied alien. "AAAAAHH!" Luckily enough pressure was being given off by Jared that most of their shots only whizzed dangerously closely. That was going to change in a moment considering he too could now see more soldiers approaching. It didn't matter how accurate the Elefirn needed to be, if they all shot wildly they would undoubtedly blast everyone with in the corridor without too much effort due to the tight space.

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

The two soldiers began to fiddle with the Alien technology, and while Alec had success in capturing enemy intelligence. More experiment logs, data tables, videos, and other various medical notes that were stored on the console. Yet things weren't so bright for his companion. Mark was met with abrupt disappointment as soon as he interacted with the Elefirn door controls. Although the door seemed seemed simple enough, it was automatically sealed shut, like a bunker in the middle of a war zone. Whatever was keeping the door sealed, it had something to do with variables outside of Nepleslian control... for now. It would take some more effort to break through this doorway in particular.

Once they both had come to that conclusion, one of the larger test tubes began to tremble violently. Soon one of the test tubes began to leak water, and suddenly a portion of the metal casing over the first test tube burst a bit with a sudden BANG! Soon enough there was a screeching of metal, and an organic wheeze as liquids began to flood out of the chamber from the first test tube, and then some wild and uncontrollable scratching coming from the rest of the tubes.
Western Manufacturing Facility

Jared cursed under his breath. He didnt like the situation they were in right now. He was rarely ever in a close distance engagement. As more and more soldiers appeared around the corner of the door, he kept firing, but it didn't matter much. There was just too many to beat back. He saw the bullet almost hit his alien friend.

"Allright, I think its time to go." He called out, but was going to wait on the order to come down the chain of command.
Western Facility

After hearing the broken parts of the message Linda clicked her tongue once more and spoke to Alec "That's a negative Private. We work on a rendezvous outside of the facility. Remember we have friendlies that are going to bomb the facility."

After those words she tried to get a message to command, one of text since it looked like audio signals were being jammed.
Transmission to command said:
Stealth compromised, securing what we can and extracting. Harassing fire on the facility would be appreciated.

Next she had to make herself useful. She changed position to get a view on the enemy firing on them and with her AS4GS fired a heavy slug aimed for the chest of one of the environmental suits. She wanted to scare her opposition by punching a hole right in their toughest armor.

"Shields, what are we looking at for the wall?"
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

A slight grimace worked across Alec's face as he received his orders. The door was locked tight and would need some heavy persuasion before they would get out, but they had a bigger issue now. The medic brought his rifle up as he heard the glass break and set up an overwatch position behind some medical equipment, intending to blast anything that came forward that wasn't a Nepleslian power armor.

"Mark, you're an explosives expert. Make. Us. A. Way. Out."
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

"Yeah I'm on it, just keep those freaks back if they get out"

Mark quickly set about placing charges around the door frame. The scratching coming from inside the tubes made the hair on the back of his neck stand on end and despite his bold words earlier, the thought of fighting these mutated things wasn't a pleasant one. "This is gonna be a big one, being this close I'd really suggest bracing yourself for the shockwave."
Western Manufacturing Facility

Firing at the enemy with her weapon held sideways, Vizil clung underneath Jared's towering power armor frame, and with her lips, almost incoherently, muttered, "ohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuckohfuck".

Although her shots missed disproportionately , the rest of the Inquiry team managed to correctly line up their sights with the enemy, knocking down one Elefirn worker as another dragged their comrade away and replaced her position. As Jared continued to fill the opposing end of the hallway rife with active ammunition, his perceptive eyes managed to see small bits and pieces of the environmental suits fly off and fail to harm his victim. Though as Vizil reloaded her weapon in the safety area Jared provided, Linda's weapon roared across from Jared as Linda completed her transmission.

The blasted voraciously bit into the enemy's shoulder, sending the bogey stumbling a few steps backward as the hiss of pressurized air filled the enemy's vicinity along with an intense, yet small, purple flame. Past the gunfire it was impossible to hear the screeches of pain that came from that particular worker. Even if it was audible, a sudden transmission from allied greens began to play back and muffled the battlefield. However, the message itself was still stifled by quite a bit despite being so close to a cluster of information.
Transmission - Command to Sergeant:

...Mess ---rece...dis- add... ordan... St-By.

The message slowly receded into back into radio silence. After which, Linda took an almost instantaneous glance to see Glynn's progress on the explosive charge.

"The explosive is almost ready Sergeant! Be advised, the shockw-"

A single lucky shot from the enemy abruptly cut Glynn's warning in half, as it managed to fly it's way past most of the inquiry team, and towards the delicate equipment. Within the span of a nanosecond the vicinity grew abnormally quiet before the hallway erupted with a surprisingly massive force, followed by an instantaneous fire. The blast pushed the members of the Inquiry around and against the walls while the opposing Elefirn workers were met with scorching winds that pushed them back, accompanied by fires that lingered on whatever remained of their furry coats.

As the air began to rapidly return to hospitable levels, the particles of dust began to thickly swirl around and refused to settle on the wreckage of the area. It would be impossible for the naked eye to discern anything past this dust bowl aside from a natural light that licked it's way into the ruins of the hallway.

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

The brutish creature busted through it's scientific cage, and flung pieces of shrapnel with wanton destruction, colliding with it's neighboring test tubes, tearing apart both metal and glass. A portion of the shrapnel managed to sink itself harmlessly into Alec's pauldron as he began to fire and tear into the mutated Elefirn with his rifle. Each shot tore and flung a chunk of the creature's flesh towards the lab's once sterile walls before it laid motionless on the ground for a spell of a few seconds.

Within moments of dropping the creature, the monstrosity began to violently spasm on the ground despite the growing amount of gore splattered across the ground, painting the floor a vile shade of red. Slowly it began to flop and contort it's body with force as if it were a fish out of water, and began to slowly make it's way towards the pair once more with it's distorted use of muscles.

Much like it's downed relative, the other hideous love child of biology with the long claws began to vainfully slash at the air outside it's test tube with pained croaks. Unlike the ugly bastard with the Nepleslian ammo slowly sinking into it's flesh, this creature was chained to the remainder of it's test tube, it's flesh had melded with the remainder of test tube walls.

While the creature began to move it's soon-to-be necrotic flesh, Mark had finished increasing the yield of his breaching explosive. As per his warning to Alec, the kinetic energy that the device would unleash was something to be fearful of. Mark could surmise that the direct exposure to the blast would be something that not even his thick Nepleslian armor would be able to withstand without moderate amounts of damage. Despite this however, it was guaranteed that the explosive would bore a massive hole through the thick lab doors.
Finished placing the explosives, Mark scrambled to get behind the nearest piece of available cover. "Five seconds 'til this thing dets, I strongly suggest getting behind cover."

Mark started the countdown; giving the explosives one last uneasy look before ducking down. "One more thing Alec, if you enjoy having teeth I recommend not holding your breath."
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Western Manufacturing Facility

Linda clicked her tongue under her breath, she still couldn't understand the message she was receiving, but she couldn't just hope for it to suddenly clear up. All she could do was make way to what she thought would be a safe location. The sudden and early detonation of the explosives caught her off guard however, but she didn't have time for that and instead ordered everyone though. "Doesn't matter how it got there, we got a hole, get going everyone!"

As she spoke she fired a few shots down range at the Elefirn, as she made her way towards Glynn. "Shields are you still with me?" She placed a hand on his shoulder and lightly patted him to get his attention in case he couldn't hear her.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Having dumped several bursts into the creature, Alec was a bit perturbed to see it still moving despite the chunks of body missing. "This some sort of fucking zombie movie?" He yelled as he fired off several more shots.

However there wasn't much time to keep shooting. With the Mark sliding into cover, Alec followed suit and took cover as the explosives counted down. He continued to keep firing off bursts towards the monstrosity as it move, ready to jet through the hole in the door when the explosives went off.
Western Manufacturing Facility

As the rubble began to slowly dissipate and settle down, Linda looked down upon Glynn, and within a few seconds it was clear that Glynn's Power armor suffered an incredible amount of damage. The man's entire left arm was completely shredded, and with most of the power armor in the way, it was still unclear just how much of his biological body had suffered from the explosion. However she still a received a slight response from Glynn as Vizil quickly jumped through the wall's new opening.

"I should be alright Sergeant. Though I may require another dose of what you confiscated."

As Glynn began to rise up, a far clearer message was playing through Linda's system.

Transmission - Command to Sergeant:

Inquiry-001 repeat, message received is distorted, additional information requested. Ordinance is on standby until location and request confirmed.

With the transmission over, the sounds of the Elefirn continuing their fire slowly roared up again, and their footsteps were getting uncomfortably fast and close.

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Once again the building quaked violently as Mark's explosive detonated violently and clearly ruptured a new entryway. The shock swept through the entire room breaking the remaining test tubes, and finished breaking their structure, allowing them to shatter upon the ground. The dying test subject itself had it's flesh charred and was sent soaring past Alec to the other side of the laboratory, stopping only once it made a noticeable dent on one of the walls. Once the initial blast had settled down and the heat began to disperse, Alec moved from his little corner of safety, and burst through the hole in the door only to be greeted with five grievously wounded Elefirn workers who were second hand victims of the explosion in question. From a distance he could also see a small gathering of Elefirn workers surrounding what also seemed to be the remnants of another explosion. However Alex was too far away to really understand the situation with his naked eye.

Once the explosion had settled, Mark too rose from his cover and luckily was unscathed. It shouldn't have been a surprise that his detonation was a successful one, and as he briefly scanned the area once more, he was able to confirm that the Elefirn test subjects were well beyond the point of no return. However something had caught his eye, a spike that measured a quarter of his arm had managed to make it's way partially through his armored arm. Though it didn't appear to be caused by the rubble, the damage it did was largely negligible.
Western Facility

Linda swore under her breath as she saw Glynn's condition "Stay with me Shields, and keep talking. We'll call it rations, just keep talking." She helped drag him to his feet and put his good armor around her shoulder and made her way towards the hole, shotgun still in hand to fire at anyone that approached. There was a bit of good news though, it would seem that command finally could get a good signal through, maybe the wall was lined to block signals. This time, confident in signal strength she spoke instead of simply sending text.

Radio to Command said:
"This is Nelson, we've been made, we are making our way outside of the facility now, prepare for bombardment."
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark looked confusedly from the spike in his arm to the remnants of the door. "What is this bullshit," he muttered to himself before ripping it out and bringing his rifle up to bear.

Stepping through the ruined door, Mark quickly took stock of his surroundings. "We seriously need to get moving towards the others," he said to Alec before using his massive size to barrel down the hall through the crowd.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Alec was in too much of a hurry to stop for the wounded Elefirn. They needed to leave and they didn't to leave yesterday. "Five steps ahead of you! Keep pushing!" He yelled as he sprinted through facility towards an exit.

"Top, we're hualing ass out of the facility now!" He radioed to Linda. "Multiple unarmed combatants wounded but high priority intel in tow! Mark, are you still combat capable?"