Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing


Linda watched as things unfolded, unfazed by most of it, but what did catch her attention was the reaction Vizil had to the fungi. After a moment of collecting her thoughts to formulate a plan she spoke over the comms to everyone. "Someone secure a sample of the fungi, we need to bring it back for research. Villines, Shields, go with Private Corbin, see where the rabbit hole leads, keep in touch. Everyone else, follow me with Vizil, we'll head to this possible command center."

"Roger." Mark responded, moving to catch up with Alec. "Bunch of fungi and explosives sounds like a party and I ain't one to miss a party."
Adam finished his dark work, his primal urges had been momentarily sated as he cleaned his machete on one of the dead bodies but did nothing about the blood covering his Raider armor. He affixed the blade back in to position over his left shoulder blade. He looked to Linda as she gave her orders and used Vizil's original direction as their likely path.

Though there were no threats clearly available, he still crouched in a predatory way, the lack of noise a clear indication to him that something was up and he much preffered to ambush rather than be ambushed. He went off slightly ahead, staying aware of his surroundings, his rifle held loosely but at the ready.
With the orders to move out came, jared slung his rifle on his back, and swapped to his pistol. No need for the rifle while on the move. He fell in with the rest of the group moving to the command center, silently, not really finding a reason to say anything, and staying alert for any possible targets.
Western Manufacturing Facility

Vizil clung closely to Linda with an adventurous "Right ho! Cap'n!", as she began to steer the team towards the western portion of the facility with minimal resistance. The more they went down this route, the more a faint chorus of alien voices could be heard, coming from a deeper portion of the western facility.

Vizil pushed herself closer to Linda with wide eyes, "They're probably eating the tough slop right now. So that's some good ass news, because we are going to have sometime to ourselves alone before they turn on the machines again, and mindlessly slave themselves away!"

For a moment, she continues to lead the group down the path before making several small turns. As the Inquiry team follows behind, they pass several machines that appear to be converting the Fungi into a strange paste, and then later injecting several sorts of strange additives before separating the paste into large cubes, apparently waiting for distribution around the rest of the warehouse. The machines were too alien to properly make an accurate assumption of what each part of the process does in particular. Though it's quite the obvious observation that the finalized product appears nothing like the fungi that it was made from. However dispute the evident change, Vizil could not hold back from angrily eyeing, and then spitting, on the maroon paste.

Eventually, the Inquiry strike team was lead into a vacant corridor, with one of the walls etched with a solid metal door, clearly locked and with no way to look past the door, and into the room.

"Okay! I think we're here, a bit of a fucking walk I know, but that's not so bad right? I think that whatever you guys are looking for will probably be here, a couple of bitches should be eyeing the screen but that's about it."

Pointing at the metal door, Vizil took a few steps back for the team to do their work.

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Taking the lead, Alec follows the drone at a distance. It soon becomes clearly that the drone is indeed carrying the body of, what appeared to be, a recently deceased Elefirn worker. The right arm of this particular specimen was completely missing and widdled down to merely a nub that was connected to the shoulder. The wound was cauterized, and prevented any amount of blood from dripping on the factory ground. It did not seem that the drone was struggling with carrying the body as it flew and dodged random debris that was left out, such as empty canisters and other miscellaneous items.

Soon the Drone isolated itself into a singular corridor that was noticeably cleaner that the rest of the facility Alec has traversed through. Pausing it's movement, the Drone waited before a metal door until it fully opened itself for the Drone to make it's way into the room. From what little observation Alec could make from a distance that would maintain his hidden state, he saw an almost regal laboratory, or perhaps it was an infirmary? Once the Drone had drifted into the room, the doors began to slowly close shut once more. It was very possible to beat the doors and run into the facility right now, and squeeze through.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Seeing an opportunity for discovery, Alec rushed forward and through the door. The room seemed too out of place in this factory so investigation were in ordered before leveling the place. He looked back towards the others, trying to hold one of the doors open with his suit's strength for them hopefully pass through before the door closed.

"Let's move! Double time!"
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark sprinted towards the door Alec was holding open. Trying not to bowl over the man, he squeezed through the opening and dropped to his knee off to the side of the doorway, weapon at the ready and scanning for targets.

"Am I the only one that thinks it's a bit too neat and tidy here for a manufacturing plant?"
Western Manufacturing Facility

After arriving at the door, Linda took a look around to make sure there was no one there, but also to look for a console to open the door with. "Vizil, you seemed rather annoyed at whatever was happening to the fungi. Do you know what that process was making?"
Western Manufacturing Facility

Jared always hated the walking from target to target, it was always kind of boring to him. They finally reached the command center. Jared kept his gun at the ready, waiting for when they breached the door to go in.
Facility - West

Adam moved up and crouched in front of the door, he had done his best to tune out the jabbering alien. He was sure she was steering them to some type of ambush, the travel time had taken far too long and it was just too quiet for his liking. He half expected every corner to come across some resistance but was continually disappointed.

As they stacked near the door he was ready. He knew it was probably a small handful of unsuspecting enemies but this was the job.
Western Manufacturing Facility

As they stop at the door, Vizil sheepishly looked over towards Linda, "Not fucking fibbin Cap'n, I don't know shit. They sat our asses down in front of those machines, and just told us to move the damn parts and church that paste out. Shitty place to be, you wouldn't know unless you felt a drop of that get on you. It's so fucking... ack! Thinkin bout it make my stomach flip."

Beside the door, Linda can very easily spot a console to the doors, and it could very possibly communicate to other parts of the facility and to the room itself judging from the complexity of it. It's an easy conclusion to make, it appears that whomever was assigned to this position, was never meant to leave the position unless it was of dire importance. This revelation was not necessarily surprising.

Jared was followed by Glynn, and mimicked his motions as the pair reached the opposite ends of the doors. With Jared's gun at the ready, Glynn prematurely stuck out an explosive, ready to use for the breach. Glynn waited for Linda's command, and spoke, "We're ready to breach Sergeant."

Adam kept to himself, ready to burst through the doorway in what ever way he wanted to, meanwhile Vizil clung behind him, so much so that it seemed like she was getting in the way. Though it was clear she meant nothing by it.

Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark and Alec made it through the closing chamber doors, and opened themselves to an opulent chamber, adorned with refined Kuvexian decor. From the walls, floors, to the scientific equipment itself. From the doorway, they pair see the drone make it's way to the only truly filthy area of the room. In the corner of the room, a tiny fragment of hell was clearly visible as five Elefirn bodies were crudely stacked upon each other near a bloodied chute. The flesh there has slowly begun to rot, and the dried blood covered both the walls and the polished floors. After dropping the sixth corpse, the drone floated upwards into a chute designed for itself in the ceiling, effectively disappearing from the room.

The Doors behind Mark and Alec closed with a solid thud, and a satisfying click.

Aside for the overbearing elegance of the chamber, a massive mainframe covered an entire wall, with several screens covered in Kuvexian text. Oddly enough they were still on, despite the fact that this room was abandoned for quite the while judging from the corpses left here. In the center of the lab, several human sized tanks were filled to the brim with a transparent green liquid. Five of these containers held the bodies of Elefirn specimens, the term Elefirn used lightly as they all looked incredibly disfigured. Out of the five, three bared strong physical anomalies, and the only recognizable features left was the form of the legs, and their third eye.

The first seemed to have have three times as much muscle mass as a regular Elefirn, and was truly a hulking beast. However it appear that it's eye were bulging from it's sockets, and it's tongue was well over a foot long as it completely filled the subjects mouth.

The second subject possessed a normal Elefirn frame, however it's cranium was busted open, and it's brain floated freely in the container. The Elefirn in question also possessed no fur and it's skin was ripped apart, it was clear that the subject was slashed by something sharp. For some reason, this subject also possessed claws.

The third subject suffered from severe malnutrition, it's body bearing the smallest frame of even the most dainty of Elefirn, it's bones clearly visible through it's dark red fur. Unlike the other subjects, this Elefirn possessed it's antlers, however they were the longest of any Elefirn ever witnessed by Alec and Mark. They ran against the walls of the test tube, leaving scratches in some portions of material encasing the subject. This one continues to visibly twitch from time to time.

The rest of the subject appear to be ordinary Elefirn, aside from the fact that they have taken clear external and internal damage that would expect from bullet wounds or amputation.

One the opposing side of the mainframe, there was a large table made uniquely from some alien bone. On it were scattered about datapads, expired tissue samples, as well as blood samples, as well as other hand held medical and science equipment. An intellectual's wet dream.

Manufacturing Facility
There is a loud ding, to which the facility slowly began roaring to life.

Vizil jumped in response,

"uhhhh, fuck we should hurry"
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Alec looked in both shock and awe at the sight of these... things. The corpse pile meant little to apparent experiments in front of him. Were they trying to make new soldiers? Radical experimentions for healing the wounded? Or were they failed copies of the ID-SOLs experiment. Whatever they were, it meant possible trouble for the war effort.

"Boss, you're gonna wanna see this." He said over comms as he moved over to the mainframe.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark moved over to the tanks to get a better look at the muscular Elefirn. "Do you think they've got more of these bad boys because that's what I'd call a decent fight." he asked while tapping on the tank with his knuckles.
Western Manufacturing Facility

While the group was about ready to breach, a ding sounded and machines came to life. Jared did not like that. He looked to vizil.

"Uhhhh....what is going on?"
Western Manufacturing Facility

Linda sighed at Vizil's 'explanation'. It did not really answer any of the questions and just gave her more. However once they extract the data from the computers and process it she would know more, so she was satisfied with what Vizil said.

Her attention then turned back to the door. "Blow it down, and clear the room."
Eastern Manufacturing Facility
Mark knocks on the tube, and in response the entire body violently spazzed. The force produced by the body was enough toshake the entire tube with the impact of it's body. In response the entire laboratory lit up brightly, the first subject's tube suddenly found itself encased with a wall of thick metal, hugging the glass closely.

Meanwhile as the lab lit up once again, Kuvexian datapads were visible and sprawled all over the mainframe. Alec was able to see a sort of visual log on the mainframe, and recordings of several experiments that the Kuvexians were holding spotted across several screens. One of these recordings was already playing, and seemed to be on a loop...

Western Manufacturing Facility

Vizil awkwardly rubbed her chin with her finger, "W-well fuck, um, I guess Lunch break is over, and everyone and their mother is gonna go back the fuck to work... b-but! It should be no problem! We can just fucking shit on and kill everyone here! ...Proba-"

The Elefirn's voice was interrupted by Glynn's voice, "Understood Sergeant!"

Glynn began working clockwork at the behest of Linda's command, and set up several charges alongside the perimeter of the door. Within a few moments, the door was ready to be blown down, and Glynn began to count down, "Breaching in 3...2...1!"

Right on cue, the door vehemently flew inside the room, and crashed alongside a railing. Inside the room were two Elefirn who were once preoccupied with monitoring three separate consoles. Yet they were not surprised, they merely looked at the breach which suddenly opened before them, shockingly considering the fact that the third Elefirn here was completely pasted by the door. A quick glance past the dust, and into the room revealed that they were visibly hooked up to one console each. In a manner extremely similar to the anti-air turret seen at the sudden Yamatai Offensive.

Suddenly Emergency lighting began to fill the corridor, and a small alarm began to blow through the Western Manufacturing facility.

Kuvexian Science Log #1


00:00 - [Two Kuvexian Scientists are briefly finishing a physical examination of a conscious Elefirn Amputee within a small chamber. No audio output.]
00:30 - [Scientists strap down the Elefirn subject, inject the Elefirn with a syringe, and leave the testing chamber. No audio output.]
02:00 - [Elefirn subject shoes no signs of discomfort, there is some unintelligible Kuvexian speech in the background.]
03:00 - [Kuvexian chatter continues in the background, gasses begin to flood the room, Elefirn subject shows no sign of discomfort. Subject instead relaxes their shoulders.]
05:45 - [Chamber is fogged up due to the influx of gasses. A single Kuvexian voice can be heard. Elefirn subject suddenly jerks up at attention in
07:15 - [Unintelligible Kuvexian voice is heard again, Elefirn subject soon dislocates both arms, and slips her arms out of the restraints. Subject remains seated. Subject begins violently shivering.]
08:15 - [Subject snaps one arm into place in response to a Kuvexian voice. Subject's third eye begin to bleed . No audio output.]
08:47 - [Kuvexian scientists enter the room in environmental protection suits. Subject begins to Convulse. No audio output.]
09:33 - [Kuvexian scientists place an oro-nasal mask over Elefirn Subject. Elefirn Subject ceases convulsion, Subject's third eye continues to bleed profusely.]
10:23 - [Elefirn subject ceases movement. Kuvexian scientists begin running diagnostics.]
10:37 - [Subject becomes limp, Scientists take a blood sample, leaver test chamber.]

Western Facility

Adam had been crouched beside the blast site, he trusted the Raider armor to shield him and did not even look away from the flash. the auto tint of his helmet kicking in and out with smooth efficiency. The dust was all around him as he stepped in to the breach, his autocannon coming up to eye level as he moved crouched in to the odd room.

These fucking aliens were tied in to the machines, their reaction to the explosion spoke how little they actually cared for their own lives. Pathetic, caged, weak. Adam lined up and mercilessly fired a duo of rounds to send one on it's way to death as he thoughtlessly stepped on and over the mangled corpse of the pasted Elefrin on the ground.

"One down," he reported coldly.
Western Facility

Once the door was cleared, Linda did not even let herself be bothered by the two Elefrin, if they were not concerned she was not either. She simply stepped forward and pulled out her Datajockey and tried to connect it to the terminal as the others dealt with the remaining two. She wanted to download the data from the facility, even if it might be in another language.

"We don't have much time now that the alarms went off, we should expect hostile company." Her tone was a bit flat and dry, like nothing strange had happened.
Eastern Manufacturing Facility

Mark lept back and snapped his weapon up as the creature he'd taken for dead suddenly moved. "Christ on a cracker this fuckin thing nearly gave me a heart attack."

"Alec can you find anything useful on these datapads?" Mark moved to inspect the video playing, hoping to get some idea on what in the hell is going on in this place.
Western Facility

As the door blew off its hinges, Jared stepped in in a breaching formation, with the other soldier. Bringing up his pistol a second after the first alien went down, and firing. The second alien collapsed as well as the pistol found its mark.

"Two down." He called out and quickly scanned the room. "Room seems to be clear." He moved back towards the manged doorway and took up a over watch position peering out the door down the hallway, just incase anything came their way.