Star Army

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RP: NSS Inquiry [Post Mission-Two] Debriefing : Blink of an Eye Briefing


Inactive Member
NSS Inquiry
"Private Edison!" A stern feminine voice rang out, "You are to remain still, we have not finished here yet! Then end of your curfew is to be announced within a weeks time, and is effective immediately! After your curfew has ended you will be escorted for the final time to the hangar bay for your debrief." She took a glance at the sheepish Marine, "Not tomorrow, dumbass!"

The man flinched and retorted with a lackluster, "Damn... i'm sorry!" then turned to the squad, "Also, i'll need to clarify that this isn't a punishment at all, it's just a tedious chore that we all have to with deal with, we have no say in this. Trust me, your curfew will be over in the blink of an eye, and we'll get along nicely until then!" he gave a nervous smile at the team, twitching slightly when he glanced at Linda.

"Uhhh... You'll also have to be mission ready by the time your curfew is up though. I'm guessing that you'll be the first ones with boots on the ground again, so just a heads up. And... I think that pretty much covers it... Oh! My name by the way is Iggy, and I'll be one of many people stalking you for now, even while you're talking shit unfortunately."

With nothing more to say, the soldiers split up and followed a separate member of the team. Iggy tagged close behind Adam to the lavatories, and was over his shoulder in the machine shop, merely watching Adam do his thing. The stern woman followed but kept her distance from Linda, close enough to do her job, but far enough to avoid risking bodily harm or worse by the IPG Agent. It seemed that she was quick to pick up what Linda put down. Alec and Glynn were also joined by two other burly marines, mostly quiet even when someone tried to make conversation with them, and with the tendency to breathe down their necks whenever they were in arms reach of their datajockey.

Fortunately it seemed that Iggy was right, and time seemed to by pass quickly as everyone was allowed to spend their curfew they way the wanted, even if it mean the occasional awkward cough or audible breathing. So in what seemed like a few days, their curfew was suddenly lifted, and the squad a woke to the sound of their respective guardians waking them up one fateful Polup morning. Iggy took the drastic measure of using cold water to wake Adam up while everyone woke up to the GENTLE Anthem of the Imperium being played by their guardian's datajockeys. After which they were then escorted through the Inquiry's corridors one last time towards the hangar bay...

Inquiry Hangar, Present Day

In the hanger, there were several shuttles being prepared for departure, and before them stood four figures waiting for them. As the group approached, they quickly recognized an Elefirn soldier wearing an ill-fitting Nepleslian uniform standing next to an aged IPG Operator with a long tired gaze. Besides them were two unfamiliar marines, both of them were undoubtedly privates.

Iggy took a sheepish step forward and was the first to speak. "Sir, as you ordered, we have brought them as scheduled."

The Operator meanwhile turned and acknowledged Iggy's presence with a minor hint of contempt in his eyes, "Excellent, then we can begin. You are dismissed." he said, turning his attention towards the rudely awoken soldiers.

Then without missing a beat nor expecting a response, the IPG Operator focused on the task at hand "Now that the entirety of the Inquiry Strike Team zero zero one is together, clarifications and introductions are in order. Due to precarious circumstances, you have all been removed from the command of Second Lieutenant Cadence Newborn, and henceforth be placed under my guidance. As such you may all address me as Operator Manson from now on. With that in mind, in order to bring this strike team back to full capacity, I have assigned both Private Sanford, and Private Barrett to join you in future operations starting today, feel free to get to introduce yourselves when I have finished speaking."

The older man took a slow breath, "With that out of the way, I will now briefly cover the events of your last mission. Your attempts to drive back the Elefirn front were beginning to be successful, whilst at the same time yielding one bit valuable information. However the sudden appearance of the Yamatai Star Empire prompted the Captain of this vessel to initiate a planet wide withdraw to prevent confusion and avoid units going MIA. If you were allowed to push further, then perhaps you could have caused the Elefirn army to retreat and capture a military outpost. Regrettably that was not the case, and we are now limited to small expeditions on the planet's surface until additional reinforcements arrive. Until they do, we are to gather as much data on the enemy as possible in order to plan a planetary invasion."

He pointed his finger as the squad, "This is where we come in, and when the briefing for your next mission begins". Manson took a stern few steps away from the group so that everyone was able to face him directly. "After your second mission with Newborn, the Inquiry team was successfully able to bring in two Elefirn rebels on board. After some quick questioning on the behalf of Operator Nelson, we were able to discover that the Kuvexian presence was very nearly wiped out, most likely due to a chemical experiment gone wrong. The chemical residue found on Operator Nelson's and Private Shield's power armor helps reinforce this notion. Fortunately our scientists have determined that said chemical compound is mostly harmless to us, meanwhile it has mild hallucinogenic affects on the Elefirn species as confirmed by our resident aliens."

As if it was her cue, a xeno's voice cut through the air, "It was trippy as fuck though, i'd hit that shit again anytime. Some fucking gunners have rooms fuming in whatever the shit it was." Manson reached out to his temples in a sign of mild annoyance, but continued with his demeanor and continued. "Yes, well further questioning has led to the discovery of an industrial complex hidden in dense forests and small cave systems. Orbital scans of the area depict a very large warehouse, that are paired up with three small manufacturing plants, most likely producing small arms and power armor for the Elefirn war effort. Further observation has also shown a moderate garrison of Elefirn soldiers guarding this complex, however most seem to be preoccupied operating the machinery. Your mission is to infiltrate this enemy position with the primary objective of acquiring any intel of import regarding enemy military assets or movements. Should you encounter Elefirn resistance, you are tasked with destroying it. Unfortunately you will be escorting the Elefirn named Vizil throughout this mission as a, for the lack of a better term, personal assistant"

"I understand this may be a lot of information to take in at once. If you have any questions, comments, concerns, and requests for your mission, now would be the time to express them."
NSS Inquiry
Hangar deck

Private Jared Barret had been assigned to the NSS Inquiry recently, but he had not yet been assigned to a strike force. He had been going a little stir crazy, not liking sitting around doing make work stuff. Finally today, he got the orders to report to the hangar bay as he was being reassigned to Task Force Zero Zero One. He arrived at the hangar bay, and he was apparently not the only one being reassigned, there was another private there.

He stood at attention next to the two superior officers and waited. Eventually the rest of the task force was brought in. One of the officers explained that him and the other private would be assigned to the task force to fill in vacancies. The man then jumped straight into the mission briefing.

The force had encountered the aliens and had almost been victorious until the arrival of the YSE. It made them pull back their forces. Jared assumed that they were trying to avoiding getting into a confrontation with them. Their new mission was to infiltrate an industrial complex and they would be taking along one of the aliens with them. He had still to meet one of these Elefirn yet, so this would be an interesting first mission.

When the man asked if there were any questions, Jared piped up. “Just point me towards a target, Sir. I’ll take care of the rest.” He said with a smirk, and then walked forward to join the rest of the squad.
NSS Inquiry
Hangar Deck

The quarantine was annoying to say the least, but Linda put up with it as much as she could. There were periods where she was unaccounted for, but there was still no communications, she just needed her alone time.

When everything was said and done, and the team was brought to the hangar, she was surprised to see IPG personnel, but part of her also kind of expected it, the operation was no longer just about force, but intelligence as well. Being under the command of another IPG operator meant she would at least have an easier path of reporting, and that she could probably be a little more obvious with her behavior, of course that would come with time though, she was satisfied with knowing this operation was now an intelligence mission.

The two new privates however were a bit unwelcome, and she let them know it with a sharp glare. She had nothing against them and they were probably good recruits, but privates had a tendency to get in the way of how IPG does things, especially if she got saddled with looking after them.

She cleared her throat and spoke up soon after everything was finished though "Sir, are we to leave the facility intact? Or do we have plans to destroy it after extracting intel?"
NSS Inquiry
Hangar Deck

Everything was still new to August. He was assigned to the NSS Inquiry fresh out of boot camp. The young soldier barely had time to adjust before he was reassigned to the strike team. Even so, he remained as steadfast and enthusiastic as he could. He reported to the ship's hangar bay, along with another marine he was unacquainted with.

August stood at attention along his fellow soldier, slightly puzzled by the presence of an alien, but he made an effort to not show his confusion. It wasn't long until the strike team arrived and the briefing began.

He listened eagerly as Operator Manson explained the details of the last and next mission. While he knew about the massive withdrawal, he wasn't familiar with the other details of the group's previous mission. An alien rebel? So that's why the weird alien is on board. August mused. Hearing the news on the Kuvexians also perplexed him. Chemicals that wiped them out? Sounded fishy. Their next mission was to infiltrate some sort of factory. Simple at first but battle often comes with surprises. The fact that they had to escort the Elefirn also complicated matters, however August was confident his newly assigned unit would be able to handle the situation.

As the Operator finished and Private Barret spoke, August saluted the strike team offering his greetings. "Private Sanders reporting. Eager to work with you all." He noticed the scowl on the group's own IPG agent. He took note of the sour tempers of both the IPG agent and the Operator. Probably best to not get on their nerves. What was the joke in boot camp about the IPG acronym? Irritated Pissy Guys/Girls?
NSS Inquiry
Hangar Deck

The quarantine was a bit of a somber affair but the the IPG agent that loomed over Alec's shoulder seemed a lot more receptive to casual conversation then the rest of the squad. Granted it was like talking to a brick wall, at least the brick wall won't walk away mid-conversation.

But a new day dawned, a new mission was being briefed, and a some new boots were being put in the mix for the mission. By the way things were going, the fresh faced recruits began to outnumber the NCOs.

The medic listened the operators briefing, taking mental notes of the objectives along with the reactions of the others towards the mission the new recruits. He'd try to introduce himself to them when the occasion wasn't so formal. For now, he had questions.

"Uh, sir." Alec started with his hand raised. "Will we be expecting another visit from the Yams today or is this a strictly green affair?"
NSS Inquiry
Hangar Deck

With arms tied behind his back, the IPG agent addressed Linda first,"I have arranged for the entire facility to be razed to the ground through long distance bombardments after you have met your objectives. We do not expect the facility to remain in one piece during and after the operation, and neither should you"

Manson slowly scalded his demeanor as he looked upon the rest of the privates "However, merely because the facility is deemed to be laid to waste, it does not mean you can destroy it yourselves before you completed your objectives. I can't emphasize enough that your mission is to retrieve as much information from the facility as possible, and that will not be achieved if you level entire sections of the facility into piles of rubble. We currently have no way of comprehending how sensitive objects of importance are with the warehouse or administrative offices. Such items can include digital documents, electronic equipment, chemical compounds, or biological entities. "

Taking a long and drawn out breath, Manson's shoulders looked visibly relaxed "Though I do understand that you will be heavily outnumbered throughout the entire operation, which is why I bothered to authorize the use of heavy ordinance and high explosives. I have also taken the liberty to requisition several assets to be deployed in the worse case scenario in which you get overwhelmed by Elefirn forces. I would be disappointed if you do."

"But that won't happen because you guys got me!" Vizi's arms flayed about with an energetic bout, almost smacking Jared and August upside the head, as well as missing their shins by mere centimeters as she danced around in a circle with a leg out with ear-to-ear smile across her dotted cheeks.

With that smile intact, she then held a pantomimed rifle, and with her cheery state announced "You guys will just waltz right'up fuck'em up from da front, and I'll sneak right around behind their asses and Go'a 'KA-POOM', and 'Gratatatatatatatatat' for treating me like shit, those fucking bitches! Slaving myself over there was such a fucking pain in the ass, shit! Gahhhhhhhh...." she weezed as her three eyes took a few seconds to hide her sudden outburst of anger.

Meanwhile Manson tapped at the screen of his datajockey "Yes... that. Anyway as far as we are concerned Private Corbin, the probability of encountering the star army on the ground is relatively low on its own accord. The Yamatai navy has not yet bothered to push their military presence on the ground aside from their initial first encounter. However I can almost guarantee their interest will be peaked once we carpet bomb the facility beyond the material realm or if their sensors manage to pick up intense fighting within the facility. However you should be isolated enough to fight the Elefirn without interruptions as I have taken the liberty to prepare decoys to help distract any third parties from easily identifying your movements on the ground"

"With that out of the way..." Manson scanned the two greens from head to toe, "WE won't be working together, you will be SERVING together, and I assure you that it wont be a pleasure until I see the after action report describing this mission as a 'complete success' and a 'flawless operation' by all standards! I have faith that Operator Nelson can accomplish this task, everyone else still requires further examination. If you meet my expectations then maybe you'll be rewarded. Do not get your hopes up."

"With basic questions out of the way, you will be deployed in exactly two hours. You have that much time to gather your equipment at your own personal discretion, including but not necessarily limited to your armor and your small arms. While the operation itself is ongoing, I will be monitoring your progress as well as advising you on the current situation from a distance. You shall be evaluated on your ability to operate as an expeditionary unit, one that can function without a constant influx of orders and direction."

The hangar deck interrupted Manson as it growled whilst a shuttle landed on the hangar ground nearby the group. "Oh yes, and it seems we can finally wrap this up soon, there is one more man I would like you to meet, designation SOL."

The shuttle opened, and a single soldier in Power Armor disembarked, "Private Villines, welcome back shipside from scouting, you will be joining these soldiers on the ground. If anyone has anymore questions, now is the time to ask. If not, you are dismissed. Operator Nelson, I need to speak to you in private after you have kitted yourself"
Adam was in surprisingly good spirits as they gathered together and all endured the briefing. He saw the way the babysitting had been tedious on the other members of the squad and he fet some justification. This was a walk in the park compared to jail, he could care less having someone lean over his shoulder and keep an eye on him. At least he didn't have to watch for a shiv in the spleen, though he did always glance about just in case.

The only thing that really dampened his mood was the introduction of the Elefrin "ally." Obviously being xenophobic in the current universe was a rare thing and Adam certainly had no issues with most, it was that it was not a Nepleslian. He has worked hard and been shaped correctly to be a patriotic killer and to have to work beside an outsider really wrankled his skin. So much so that his eyes were daggers and his fists were clenched as the deer person spoke.

The way he ground his teeth together when the thing was dancing about, his hand waivering slightly by the crafted blade at his hip, it was all he could do not to rage out and stab the idiot and be done with it's shenanigans. Really the only thing holding him back at this point was that it seemed the bib boss was ready to release them and let them arm up, which is something Adam took great pride in using and showing off his self maintained, upgraded and handmade toys.

Two questions remained however that he felt needed to be addressed, "Yeah so, Sir, you said we can retaliate accordingly given we encounter Elefrin resistance, what about this one? What if it gives us resistance? You also mentioned approving ordinance and shit, what are we wearing? back in the Raiders?"
Mark nodded his acknowledgement to Manson and removed his helmet. Having already prepared most of his gear he'd much rather get something to eat and take a shower but there'd probably be time for that later.

While not having any questions of his own, Mark knew it wouldn't hurt to listen to the others ask theirs and opted to stick around for a moment. He used this time to look at the faces of his new team. His gaze rested on Alec and although he couldn't quite put his finger on it, Mark was certain that he had seen the man before.
Linda gave a nod to Manson as he asked her to come back later. She had wanted to speak with him as well, so it worked out for her. He was IPG so she knew he was competent, but she didn't know where his ideals were on this sort of issue. Of course it was always Nepleslia first, but that could mean a lot in this case.

That would have to wait though, first she needed to secure proper equipment for this operation. So without waiting to hear any more questions Linda gave a salute and turned, then made her way out. Her first stop was the power armor bay.

NSS Inquiry, Power Armor Bay

Sgt. Nelson stepped into the bay and eyed around and then spotted her M10 Raider armor. It was black like all IPG suits, but this one was specially fitted for her. In order to get it ready for the operation , Linda went to the terminal next to it and put in a request to refit the suit, and made it high priority. It would be equipped with an AS4GS as it's primary weapon, since there was no need for stealth, and the leg mounted launchers would be RAL-02a systems. It wasn't common for the intelligence opperatives to be so focused on offense, but it was needed this time.

Jared had no other questions to ask, it seemed a straight forward smash and grab. Though now was the time for him to check over his gear. He headed to the armory to check out his weapons. Once given them he went to one of the ranges and placed his rifle and pistol down on a nearby workbench. This time to him was almost a sacred time. It was the time he had to himself and checked over all his equipment.

After making sure that it all looked in good operating condition, he stepped to the range and fired off, he spent the rest of the time practicing at the range, keeping a eye on the time so he would not be late to the mission start.

With the briefing basically over, Alec thought over his loadout for the mission as some people began to shuffle out to gear up. He was thinking on keeping it the same as last mission; HPR, LSP, and a medical kit for the worst case scenario. Maybe grab a couple of grenades for when the worst case rears it ugly, antlered head around for the mission.

His thoughts were eventually sidetracked when he noticed Mark starring at him. "You need help with something, pal?"
Hangar Deck

August listened intently as more questions were asked to Operator Manson. He tried to best to remain unfazed as the man eyed him head to toe. The young man was disgruntled when the Operator explained that everyone else needed "further examination." Manson didn't trust them yet. It was understandable, yet August couldn't help but get mentally ticked. Regardless, he would fulfill the parameters of his mission as best he could.

It was quite surprising to see another person introduced to the group. Ranks seemed to be filling up nicely he mused to himself as he dismissed himself to prep. After inspecting his gear, he began to warm up for the mission by performing push ups, sit ups, and burpees.
NSS Inquiry
Hangar Deck

Mason took one hard glare at Adam before pulling out his data jockey once more, "Private Edison, if the alien proves to be hostile and offers you resistance, you are not authorized to eliminate it on your own accord. You are instead to subdue the creature in any way possible, and recapture it. This specific Elefirn knows too much be left free, however it is too valuable an asset to be simply terminated at the smallest slight." Manson lowered his data jockey.

"In regards to your equipment, I will repeat that it is up to your discretion. I will merely be observing your decisions for the course of the mission. As to the ordinance I have requested, that is currently classified information for the first Inquiry Strike team, for you. This is because I do not wish you to become reliant on the promise of receiving life changing equipment. If the need ever arises, I will personally deploy whatever it is I have prepared, but you all might as well assume that you will be getting nothing."

With all the questions answered, and several soldiers already dismissing themselves, Manson dismissed any soldier still within his presence with a sigh of borderline relief. He then returned to his Datajockey while advancing to another shuttle craft with a small squad gathered within a small circle.

Vizil on the other hand, quickly scanned the group, and closely scooted behind one of the less hostile marines she just had the pleasure of meeting. Adam did not seem to like her judging from that leer he gave her. Linda was just as hostile and indifferent towards her like her IPG peer, and generally unapproachable as well. But at least she had some experience with her unlike Alec and Mark who unfortunately seemed like they were burly men who were going to talk. Glynn was eerily silent, both appearing and vanishing as if he were a ghost. She eventually discovered where August was, but eventually decided to back off from the sudden increase of confusing male pheromones during his exercise. In the end, she stuck closely behind Jared as he made his way to the Armory.


Unsurprisingly, any equipment requests made by the Inquiry strike team were already made high priority, and doubly so for the Linda, the IPG Agent, who quickly found her power armor retrofitted. Even the Privates no longer had any restrictions on how much they equipment they could take. The only thing that was practically preventing from taking anything was the physical amount that an individual could carry. Private Shields used this to his advantage and stocked up on an absurd amount of explosives and ammunition for both himself, and the rest of the team.

Vizil on the other hand, was barred was using any of the terminals to access weapons for herself when on the range with Jared. Instead she watched how everyone went about their own individual business with three puzzled eyes. She stuck by Jared as he tinkered away with his guns, and was his audience while he shoot down the range, occasionally smiling and waving at him whenever he needed to reload.

Manson later reappeared, and marched his way to Linda and quickly began to move his mouth, "Operator Nelson before I begin to say anything, I must state that I trust in your ability to carry through this mission and provide additional guidance to the privates throughout it. With that said, I will give you the authority to order the extermination of the Elefirn specimen if you note the usefulness of the specimen has been outlived, or that it proves too dangerous out on the field. Since you have worked with this creature personally before, I have faith that you will be able to make that call. Now, if you had anything to say, now would be the time to say it."

Silently, Mason stood there for a moment, until the two hours passed by rather quickly. There was barely enough time to do anything more than to warm up for the mission at hand, perhaps they would find a larger moment of respite when they returned in the same shuttle that was currently taking them down to Polup's surface once more.

Polup Atmosphere
Shuttle ride

It didn't take long for Mason to begin speaking through everyone's helmets, "Inquiry Strike Team 001, you will be Aerially inserted deep within the forest of Polup's surface, far from any potential scanners that could be present within the industrial complex. The facility you are looking for is due North near the edge of a mountain range, it will be impossible for you to miss. Remember, your primary objective is to obtain intel. Look for navigational computers, comm stations, and inventory records both within the main manufacturing plant as well as the three underground production sites. Do expect a large Elefirn presence. Your mission begins when you touchdown, good luck." comms soon died after that, and remained in silence.

All that there was left, was the soft rumble of the shuttle cutting it's way past the world's atmosphere...

Linda gave a nod to Manson "Understood, I'll make sure she poses no danger to the rest of the team." She then gave a salute and got back to her PA to make the final adjustments to it for the operation.

Polup Atmosphere
Shuttle ride

Linda was prepared much like last operation, with her camera feeds being backed up, and carrying her SMG as a back up in case she needed to disembark from her Raider armor. Even if she had dropped several times on the planet already, it was still not 'safe' and her training taught her she could never be too careful.

"You hear that everyone? Intel, that means if you can, capture one of them alive and question them about where we can find it. Just don't let them shoot you while you're trying to capture them." She spoke flatly as if it was an every day thing, but she was serious.
NSS Inquiry

While Jared was in the armor, he noticed that he seemed to have drawn the attention of the alien that was going to be assisting them. He hadnt been as hostile outright to it as others had voiced, but mainly he didnt care about it or anything, just mainly the mission was his only concern. As long as it did its job, he was ok.

After the 2 hours had passed, he walked up to the alien. "Well, we better get back to the bay. Its about time." He said. As he walked back that way. He turned to the alien, it staying with him for 2 hours had kinda made him, not attached per se, but fond of the thing, a little.

What was its name? He thought Something with a V maybe? Vi----Vizil. Yes that was it,

"Stick close by. We will try to get you through in one piece."

Polup Atmosphere
Shuttle Ride

Jared had taken a seat in the shuttle and listened to the briefing. He looked around for Vizil, he wanted to ask why she was helping them out, as they were a invading force, and they had surely killed others of the same species before. Why was she going to help them infiltrate and destroy the facilities of their own people. Once he noticed where she was sitting, he was going to ask that.
NSS Inquiry

"No you just look like someone I'd met awhile back." Mark replied to Alec before walking off. Since he'd just got back from the field he decided it wasn't worth the hassle of changing his loadout and spent the time remaining cleaning his HPAR and his old 10mm sidearm.

Polup Atmosphere
Shuttle Ride

Mark sat quietly and listened as Linda spoke. "I'll do my best, besides I'm not all that fond of being full of holes." He responded. The sarcasm was more to make him feel better than anything else, Mark had never been fond of riding in these things and was counting the seconds til he'd be on the ground.
Adam's perpetual sour mood had returned, sure enough the brass had said that he can't just kill this tagalong. It was frustrating, and now to top it off her they were looking for intel and the IPG lady was clearly telling them they couldn't just kill the aliens they come across. She obviously did not understand what he was there for and so he would just have to wait for his moment.

His gear was very basic, and similar to his last outing, the only major difference was the small Durandium ballistic shield he had installed on his Autocannon and the addition of the DART launchers on his calves. He had never been able to field these launchers before thanks to his status as expendable so if they let him, he took them. Of course his self made machete was affixed securely to the small of the armors back.

He sat with a huff on the bench besides some of the newbies, his helmet loose on his lap. He lloked them over like they were nothing, his sneer making it evident that they, like everyone else, were not his favorite people. He spoke up to Linda, "Hey, you just tell me who to kill then it will be done, forget all this silent warning crap."
Polup Atmosphere
Shuttle Ride

During the descent, an aerial diagram of the facility was sent to the squad, detailing various buildings and key components of the facility. There was a total of 2 small warehouses scattered around the main manufacturing plant. While another simply massive warehouse, rivaling the size of the manufacturing plant itself, separated itself a short distance by a road in order for it to be directly connected to several small landing pads. If one was to guess, if that single warehouse was full, it could very easily stock several dedicated transport ships worth of trade goods and military gear. Perhaps bearing enough supplies to outfit a small army.

From that point, a large road began to fork off into the distance towards a small mountain range not too far off from the facility's location. The road eventually sunk underneath the mountains, preventing any additional visual feedback. Though it is safe to assume that something is down there according to reports of logistical vehicles periodically entering and exiting from the caverns.

Glynn, placing himself beside Adam, momentarily glanced away from his diagram towards Adam and spoke oddly plain, "Indeed, and before you go out and carry demolitions on the enemy, give me a notice. It is my responsibility after all, and this time around I do posses an abnormal amount of munitions. That goes for everyone here who wants a hand, happy to serve after all."

Meanwhile Vizil was able to steal a place between an oppressing gaze and Jared, happily humming to herself before turning to Mark with a confusing barrage of facial expressions in response to his question, "Heh, well it's kinda hard to fucking explain.. but, uh, you guys helped me out once, and they just you know. They kinda stopped being my people, when they um, you know, they took it too far I guess." Though her odd show of awkwardness was once drowned out quick by a sudden burst of her otherwordly zeal "But damn! They deserved it that's for damn sure, they technically shot at me first!" she gently punched Jared's power armor "So don't worry about it! I got your back along as you got my back back Jack! Uh, it was Jack right? Shit, I forgot, weird ass names, I don't blame you guys for being grumpy all the time man... with names like that, i'd be grumpy all the time too!"

Polup's Surface

Within a few moments, the Strike Team's boots crushed the soft soil of Polup. The Aerial insertion deployed the strike team deep within the forest of Polup's surface, far enough from any potential scanners that could have been present within the facility. Though it was not far enough to dissipate the echo and pounding of machines blasting through the forest. It sounded more like the facility itself was a massive cannon ceaselessly firing, in contrast, a suppressed bleating slowly rang back from the shuttle as a false-confidence-fueled Vizil slowly stepped on to her homeworld once more.

According to the diagram, there are three very obvious paths to the facility. There was dense patch of shubbery towards the west of the facility, and although there was no visible entrance to the manufacturing plant, it was easily the most visibly obstructing path for both sides. The second path would lead straight into the road connecting the manufacturing plant, and the enemy compound at the mountain ranges, and it would give direct access to both main entrances. Of course the enemy would be easily alerted to an enemy presence due the cleared out roads unless the strike team changed their tactics accordingly. Lastly, the longest route would involve the strike team traversing around a clearing in the woods and around some hills that lead into the Elefirn cave system underneath the mountain range.

Of course, the true question in the back of everyone's mind was when would the Operation would become open season, not if.
He looked through the options available and to him it was obvious. "Yo," he started, "we should cut through this dense forest, once we reach the site cut a whole through the walls and let the games begin."

Adam was always one for the sneak attack, in fact it was his specialty when he was on the streets, he would sometimes wait in the shadows for ays until he had the right time for his kill. Then again, his type of malice was of patience and violence though not always in that order.
Polup's Surface

Linda made sure to download the map from the ship when she could, so after she landed she brought the image up on her HUD and checked things over. With a nod to herself she then spoke up to the rest of the strike team "We're here for intel, so let's avoid altering them so they don't have time to get rid of it. So we should head through the forest and get as close to the factory as possible. We'll cut a whole in the wall and enter from there."