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RP: 188604 [Post USO X Heartbreaker Crossover] Party on Ee'ee



Ee'ee Orbit - I'ee Homeworld

Ee'ee was a pleasant change from the rest of the star system it resided in, providing significantly more vibrant vista than than the other cold, dead planets that orbited the star, not to mention the graveyards of scrap metal that seemed abundant. Despite this, it was just as green and blue as any other terrestrial planet.

The Oo-Thi starbase loomed above the planet; very clearly of the same origin and materials as the fearsome, planet-busting battleship that had been destroyed in the Outer Graveyard. Whatever its original purpose was, the starbase now evidently served as an orbital habitat and shipyard for the I'ee: The interior of the station's 'barrel' had been converted into a ringworld of sorts. Its small size meant that it was structured in terraces, hanging gardens and structures built along the walls and ceiling of the tube.
It wasn't as impressive as a true ringworld, but it was charming nonetheless.

Thi-Thi's sizable fleet greeted the Yamataian vessel, YSS Heartbreaker, and its USO-affiliated acquaintances in orbit with a message from Thi-Thi herself. The I'ee queen invited those so inclined down to the surface of Ee'ee, where she would meet with them personally, and provided a set of coordinates indicating a location on the surface.

Ee'ee Planetside - Geometric 'City'

The meeting location chosen by Thi-Thi was an odd one. The landing craft used by USO and the Heartbreaker had passed over several large industrial complexes and urban cities, the latter of which all seemed abandoned and overgrown, to finally arrive at what could have only been some sort of artistic piece.

It was several square kilometers in size, literally the size of a small city, and even appeared to be modeled off of one. For the most part it seemed to be constructed of concrete, stone and other such materials. Streets and blocks were clearly defined, with large polygonal shapes serving as buildings. Cubes, pyramids and even spheres, some several stories tall. At the very centre of this bizarre 'city' was a large pyramidal spire which extended almost half a kilometer into the air. It possessed a right angle to it, resulting in a large slant on the face pointed north, into which a large landing pad had been cut out.

The faces of the pyramidal spire were covered in plates of metal, each apparently of different elements and alloys, resulting in a reflective display. It was a garish structure, to say the least, but one couldn't help but admire the sheer effort that would have gone into producing such a massive art piece.

It was here that Thi-Thi waited for the aliens, surrounded by a small army of her children, all armed to the teeth. Despite this, the I'ee queen insisted on standing in front of her family, at an impressive height of almost twelve feet. Unlike the other I'ee, the queen's bulk forced her to stand on four legs instead of two; her rear and mid legs thick and muscular to accomplish this. In comparison, her forelimbs seemed woefully small, though they still carried a large, ceremonial blade inscribed with gold and copper glyphs.

"Greetings, aliens," the I'ee queen spoke in a synthesised voice that sounded fittingly regal and matronly, her voice booming over the sound of the wind as the visitors left their ships. "I wanted to meet the people responsible for saving my home, and the home of all I'ee. I know that each of you must have a name of some sort. May I please hear them?"
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

The Heartbreaker's Kuma shuttle touched down, the airlock's outer door swinging open, helpful step locking into place. It began powering down as the crew exited one by one, ordered by rank, with their Captain bringing up the rear. They were all wearing their Type 32 Coat and Cap over their Duty Uniforms, with two notable exceptions. The android, of course, with its paint and construction mimicking a generic Star Army Infantry uniform of uncertain type. And their new medic, wearing a long overcoat and tri-corner hat. Tsukisaki had her sword on her belt, while her first officer, Rin, was holding a small wooden box in both hands.

After maneuvering the assembled crew into proper formation, the Taii turned to face the ones they in turn considered aliens, bowing formally to the surprisingly large I'ee royal. In the background, a sullen-faced Neko poked her head out of the shuttle, before the excited pair of I'ee ambassadors tumbled out to join the others. Valesti glanced at Rin beside her, pausing to let the representatives from USO join them as well, scowl threatening to break the calm expression she was holding for this inter-species meeting. She had not been entirely pleased to learn their temporary allies would be again visiting the I'ee at such an opportune moment. The Taii expected two things...first, that the I'ee had engineered this coincidence for some reason...and two, that those outlaws would make fools of themselves. And likely attempt to draw the Star Army soldiers down with them.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

Following closely behind the Star Army vessel was a Ragnarok shuttle, carrying USO's personnel. Their shuttle touched down, opposite their SAoY counterparts and lowered the ramp. Down the ramp came Captain Ulysses Werner of the Necromancer, Cyrus Marshal of Ragnarok, and Raphael Castiel of USO. The three walked side by side with a small squad of Cyrus's personal guards in tow. The three were each dressed in their fatigues and wore their berets as well. They each nodded to the Taii and the SAoY crew as they lined up in front of Thi-Thi.

The three men looked to the queen and bowed in unison. Cyrus spoke first. "Thank you, your highness for allowing us onto your beautiful world. My name is Cyrus Marshal and I am the leader of Ragnarok." He said ending his bow.

Next to speak was Raphael. "It was our pleasure to help your grace. You can always count on Ragnarok and USO. I am Raphael Castiel, Director of USO's Intelligence Division."

Finally Werner spoke. "Yes, I was glad we were able to help your people your highness. My name is Ulysses S. Werner, captain of the Necromancer."
Alex was uncomfortable leaving his other "half" up in space, and he still wasn't over having accidentally killed his own clone/brother. But, characteristically, he put up a friendly facade.

As he stepped out of the shuttle he was taken aback by the throngs of I'ee surrounding the "Queen".

He walked up to stand on his own. "Hi there. My name's Alex. I'm a pilot and I helped up there too."

He waved to the queen and to the crew of the Heartbreaker.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

Despite barely having the want to actually come down, he even less wanted to deal with what he had now learned were outlaws and not mercenaries. In his mind, they were both liabilities and the tired, worn, and similar scowl to the Taii's rested on the Medic's face as well. His outdated uniform forming a stark contrast as his coat was the longest out of the Heartbreaker's crew not to mention his hat. Accepting authority nonetheless, Isao stood in a formal stance and neutralized his expression somewhat into a more honorable face but couldn't help still feeling that these... amateurs would be attending to what Isao only could assume was a more diplomatic approach.

Being behind on politics didn't help the matter either, as he apparently had missed an entire Second Mishhuvurthyar War and the start of this Kuvexian one. This worried him deep down that there was an entire warring fleet roving around tailing the SMX forces and while they had their fun the NMX had gone and started it all up again. At any state, both wars were over and he had just taken an NMX Neko under his charge which only made him feel even more like an outcast to the entire Heartbreaker crew, but it was out of his hands really.

Isao gave a quick glance around the Star Army group before settling and waiting on cues and words from the Taii that would signal the bows and formalities that the Medic hated so, but knew were entirely necessary when dealing with potential allies and in the presence of this other party he had never even heard of until the debriefing.

It had been a couple of weeks since the second battle of Ee'ee and quite a lot had happened in that short amount of time. Back home one disaster after another seemed to be brewing, and leaving Uso to jump at the I'ee's invitation!

Uso herself would disembark after Cyrus, Raphael, and Werner.

Watching the three of them play soldier was nearly as adorable as Gutstripe and Sammy. Overly formal, uniforms... there was that small growing feeling of dread... diplomacy... ranks... economics.... things were starting to get pretty serious around 188604. Maybe actual uniforms weren't such a bad idea. The digital black did look good, and the three of them did make for a great image standing together.

Alex was there too of course, Uso putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder as she looked over at the Yamatains.

She just couldn't resist sending a smile their way! It hurt knowing that there were now so many people depending on good relations, and that everyone here knew her name. There was certainly some satisfaction to be had in having her little party fighting along side the SAoY and proving every bit as capable... Juvanille, sure, but fun. The SAoY being here was going to be a load of work but it was something that needed to be done. Having a SAoY captain that saw the USO in a good light was a plus, doubly so if the crew was included.

But that was a conversation for later.

"I am Uso Tasuki, and I am glad we could be of help. Your Joint Technology Expidition certainly made an impression on my people. We couldn't just stand by and let Sammy and Gutstripe's home be threatened by the NMX. Your people certainly have a friend in us."

Uso would place her hands behind her back, going up on her tip toes for a moment before settling back down. She tried to maintain that cute look, her body clothed in a black sun dress, belt around the waist, skirt flowing down to her knees, straps on the dress showing off the NH-7 Hemosynth ports on her shoulder as well as the radiator slits on her arms and legs. The entire dress was showing a soft projection of space, making it look like there was a hole cut into the universe that she was wearing.
Tsukisaki seemed relieved as the soldiers appeared first. They had been the easiest to deal with before, and still seemed the most respectful. The others that followed were as lax and informal as she had feared, but not as overtly disrespectful as some of their compatriots had been. She let the representatives introduce themselves, eyeing Uso herself very closely, now that their supposed leader had finally made an appearance in person. Her evaluation was again mixed.

Taking the initiative again, the Captain stepped forward in front of the Queen, next to the other representatives, her crew members remaining in position near the shuttle for now. "I am Taii Tsukisaki Valesti, Captain of the YSS Heartbreaker. This is my First Officer, Shoi Hoshitomo Rin." The Minkan bowed again, opening the wooden box as she rose, revealing several awards and medals on display inside. "I am simply a soldier, and can make no promises or swear oaths of friendship. However, if the Mishhuvurthyar remain your enemies, Yamatai and her Star Army will be forever vigilant in seeking their destruction. This, any soldier of Yamatai would gladly swear." She was as serious and dramatic as ever, it seemed.

"By my authority, I wish to present to...Your Highness..." Valesti hesitated for a moment there, as she was not exactly an expert on I'ee government or society. That was one reason they kept the two Ambassadors on board, after all. "...with these Awards of the Star Army of Yamatai recognizing the brave actions of the I'ee fleet that eagerly rushed into battle with the Mishhuvurthyar alongside us." The Tai tucked a few from the box, before Rin stepped forward, beginning to offer the container to the Queen herself...and after noticing the ceremonial attachments to her limbs, she instead looked to either side for some sort of servant or retainer to hand them off to.

"We could not recognize every I'ee involved individually, but included a set of medals to display as you wish. However, there were two individuals that deserved special recognition..." The Taii gave the Queen another respectful nod, before turning to look through the crowd of I'ee in attendance. It was rather hard to differentiate between them, especially when she had only met this pair briefly while Cosima had been tending to them. After a few moments of searching, she suddenly advanced into the crowd, showing no discomfort moving through the aliens to find her targets. Brandishing a pair of sashes modeled after the trophy necklace one of them had been recorded wearing, Tsukisaki swiftly descended to one knee, unconcerned with appearance beyond ensuring her sword was safely tucked to the side.

The two I'ee soldiers were sporting shiny new advanced cybernetic replacement limbs, while the injuries to their eye, face and the like had been healed with medical technology that was obviously far beyond anything seen on Ee'ee before. The Taii had a very serious expression on her face as she held out the sashes, marked with Himiko's Nadeshiko, ensuring the two creatures were not startled or scared before lowering them into place the way she had seen the trophy necklace worn. "If the spirit is willing, the flesh can go on and on without many things." With a meaningful nod, Tsukisaki rose and turned to rejoin her crew, many of whom could remember the round of similar medals she'd made sure were awarded to the I'ee that had battled the infected Vekimen before.

"Attention! Sound off!" With her gift box presented, Rin turned and called out to the Star Army soldiers, instructing them to step forward and present themselves individually, as the Queen had requested.
Ee'ee Geometric City

"Oh, we've landed. Why did nobody wake me up...?" A soft voice wafted out of the USO shuttlecraft, low in volume and overlaid by the grogginess of fatigue. Shielding her eyes from the sunlight with one arm, Araxie the rose-winged Elysian stumbled to the disembarking area, staying mostly still within the shaded interior of the vehicle until her body responded appropriately. She'd heard about these insect-like people and had decided to come along, partially for courtesy and additionally to assist in anything that may or may not be in need of her assets.

"Large open area, great for mobility but little shelter." Passively noting her initial thoughts of this hedron-imbued nexus as she observed it from above, Arx leaned against the shuttle's interior for a bit of support as she bounced one leg to get her blood flowing again.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

Corgan walked up beside the Elysian. He saw that everyone was already assembled. His left arm was fully healed, but it still didn't feel quite right. Like the other Ragnarok soldiers, he was dressed in his fatigues and a beret. Who is she talking to, he wondered. He shrugged and walked past her, trying to be inconspicuous as he got into position beside Cyrus.

He turned his head to look at Uso. The cute outfit and pose threatened to cause an embarrassing situation for him. His cheeks reddened and he forced himself to look at the I'ee queen. The sight of a giant insect prevented any incidents that would have made USO look bad. He waited silently for the Star Army to finish their ceremony or whatever they were doing.
Ee'ee Planetside, Geometric City

It was a rare occasion for Errowyn to be out on a social call to I'ee. But it seamed that she made her appearance, after securing the Shuttle from flight. But definitely didn't want to crowd out the SAoY delegation and their shuttle by landing the Queen's Slave. She politely stepped passed Araxie.

"You looked so peaceful and relaxed," She whispered to the Araxie on her way passed the Elysian.

She continued with off the shuttlecraft to join up with the Uso Group. She opted for a more down keyed, yet still formal as the situation dictated. She wore the matching digitial pattern that the Regnoraks wore only the uniform cut was very similar to the blue SAoY skirt style Duty Uniform. She had her SAoY Service pistol at her side within easy reach. The headset with mic still in place, camouflaged by her hair, yet would be noticed under observation. She moved with the easy grace of NH-29 as she moved up next to Uso to watch and listen to the proceedings.
Ee'ee Planetside - Geometric 'City'

The I'ee queen regarded the two parties with interest, though Alex in particular caught her eye and ear as he strode forward to introduce himself. "Ahh, you are Alex?" she asked with a nod of her head. "I have something for you, once introductions have concluded." Returning her attention to the others, she politely returned the bow from Werner, Cyrus and Raphael before turning her attention to the Yamataians.

Thi-Thi watched as the Taii formally introduced herself and her crew, offering a polite bow, then craning her head lower to peer at the offered medals. "Ahh," she mused. "Baubles infused with honour. I can see why the Ee'ith enjoy your company, Yamataians." The queen shuffled to one side as Valesti approached, her children also making way for the Taii until she had reached the two prosthetic-augmented pilots. The two sisters squeaked at the Taii, bowing their heads to allow the awards to be placed upon their person.

As the Taii returned to her people, the crowd of Thi-Thi's children moved back to their sisters to examine their awards. "I admit, Taii Valesti," Thi-Thi spoke, leaning upon her large blade. "There was no greater prize you could have granted me than healing my children as you have done, but I do not appreciate these gifts and the meaning placed upon them any less. Thank you." The queen gave a respectful nod of her head, listening as the crew of the Heartbreaker were introduced.

Behind the Yamataians, Sally, Yui and Sammy stood quietly, watching with happy smiles on their LED masks. They seemed very pleased to see everyone getting along and giving gifts.
Ee'ee, Geometric City

Well, Skade thought as the Taii went about her official business, the I’ee know how to pick their homes. Using a planet-buster’s muzzle as a habitat? A city made out of geometric shapes? Sweet! I wonder if I can explore the place after we’re done. Who knows what stuff is here? Hope the Queen is okay with us. You’d think so, but you never know with some people. Either way, her sword is pretty cool.

As she waited, she checked her uniform over for the fifth time, making sure that her tail looked okay and her medals were set in their appropriate places. Been getting a lot of these. Happens when you spend more than a year on a ship that sees this much action.

Saba’s looking like his usual impressive self, the Neko thought, giving him a small smile when he looked over. Though he’s not the only guy on the ship now. Not sure what to think of Isao. Kind of stuck in the past and has who knows how many psychological problems. And he’s the medic! She sighed and shook her head. Hopefully, someone else can deal with that problem.

Like how I hopefully won’t have to deal with USO’s crew too much, she thought, nodding back at the more disorderly crowd’s greetings. Corgan’s cute, but I’m not sure I could settle down with him. Seems like the kind of person to go off and do his own thing.

Stepping forward when it was her turn, she gave the Thi-Thi Queen a bow. “I’m Joto Hei Skade Masashiga, your Majesty,” she said, straightening and giving her best smile. “It’s been an honor working with both your children and their cousins.” Or whatever you call members of the same species that aren't in your 'family', she thought as she stepped back into line.
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The birb, after only a few moments and multiple other passengers had left the transport, side-stepped off of the ramp like a steep staircase to actually encounter solid ground. After another scan of the skyline and a cautious, curious-looking relaxing of her previously compressed wingspan, Araxie silently pivoted towards the I'ee who seemed to be rather excited over the victory from nearly a month ago. There wasn't any passing comment in response to Errowyn, although a slight tinge of pink had briefly been visible on the female's cheek. Knowing the positioning she probably had ended up leaning on Alex or something.

Continuing to observe the proceedings from the relative back of the group, this non-combatant didn't want to try for any sort of unearned glory. This ceremony was for the fighters, after all.
Alex's eyes went down for a moment. "I'm honored by your generosity."

He then turned to face Araxie for a moment, accidentally rustling her wings a bit. "Hey, nice to see you awake. I'm glad you decided to come."

He then turned slowly in a circle, taking in the sights of a new planet. "Whooaaaahhhh...." Alex said, eyes wide in awe. "This place is so incredible!"
Alex was lucky, in a way. The angel was still recovering from her nap and the situation seemed to demand formality... Her face reddening slightly, Araxie did the speaky thing; "Yeah, thanks... It is! It's a pretty unique design too, making me think of the reverse of a normal city. The buildings are far apart rather than in a grid of blocks and smooshed together..."
Ee'ee, Geometric City

As if she was a statue, Hasewega stood there in formation as the ceremony was underway. Despite her stillness on the outside, she was still shaking from the mission on the inside. She had gotten too emotional during the fight and put too many lives on line. And now she was standing here like she wasn't liability, and it was tearing her up inside. But this was not place to kick herself.

As soon as it was her turn, the minkan stepped forward and gave. "Nitô Hei Hasewega Sara, your Majesty ." She stood back up and straightened herself out. "It was a privilege working with your ambassadors and soldiers." She said curtly before stepping back into formation.

She needed to distract herself for a bit. She couldn't just sit there and stew in her inadequacies. Stoically, she tried to look past ceremony with its the well dressed soldiers of Yamatai, the tottering I'ee soldiers, and the motley crew that made up the USO's delegation and out towards the surrounding environment. The architecture seemed fairly odd but simple for a city but the art piece seemed to deamand the most attention, luckily avoiding a ubiquitous honeycomb shape she thought most insectoid species would do. She'd have to take a walk around to see what else the city has to offer after the ceremony.
Ee'ee, Geometric City

The veteran medic had began to notice a resemblance of this species, having seen some before the rescue but put that in the back of his mind now. He'd begun to adjust to the revival of his career and had approximately nine years to make up for. Best was to put his best foot forward and tackle it with haste.

Waiting until it was his turn, Isao took a rigid step forward and a gave a sharp bow with care so that his tricorn stayed rested on his head, "Jôtô Hei Sutauto Isao, your Majesty." Following his identification, he rose from his bow and gave a similarly rigid step back into the formation.

He let his mind wander around as he stood face forward and blank stare ahead. From what he could see, it was an odd place. The architecture was something to be marveled with considering the species' size, compared to theirs. His resting scowl lightened a little as he stood attentively in the formation, being the sore thumb of the delegation from the longer coat and different headwear. He mentally noted to get at least one set of the new standard duty uniforms but whether he would wear it would be up to the Taii.
Ee'ee - Geometric City

Looking around from the vantage point on the tower, it was obvious that the 'city' below was uninhabited, despite being well-kept. It seemed as if the whole complex was the art piece. Beyond the limits of the 'city', rolling plains of grassland and sparse, tall trees could be seen. To the West, nestled between forested hills, a blue lake sparkled in the sunlight; what appeared to be some structures were scattered around its shorelines. To the North, directly behind the visitors, were tall mountains with white peaks. The South was blocked by the looming tower that they stood upon, but in the East one of the abandoned cities that they had passed over on their way here could be seen. From this far away, it looked like a fairly average city skyline with tall buildings.

Thi-Thi, who seemed to have been eyeing Isao's unique uniform for some time, nodded her head when he introduced himself. "You must be the one discovered aboard the alien craft," she stated. "Ee'ith had wanted to make some sort of gift for you, but her and I both assumed that simply being free would outshine anything we could fabricate. Being alone for merely a day would drive any of us to insanity; I must commend your integrity for having survived so long." The queen gave another nod to the medic.

Waiting until the last of the aliens had introduced themselves, the queen spread her translucent wings, glittering in the sunlight, and flapped them once. "Now that introductions have concluded," she announced. "I have two things to offer you. Firstly, I have gifts from Ee'ith, who had watched our battle anxiously. Alex, would you please approach?"
The large queen observed Alex as he approached, gently laying her blade down to one side and taking a thin slab of metal from one of her daughters who stood at her side. "I am aware, Alex, that you had a sibling involved in the battle to stop the Misshuvarthyar," she stated, her voice taking on a more solemn tone. "I am aware that we, as aliens to one another, have many differences, but it is clear that the death of family affects us the same. Both Ee'ith and I worked upon this for you, in hopes of easing your grief."

Stooping low, the queen offered the metal slab to Alex. It was a plaque made of copper with gold trim and jet stones, similar to most commemorative gifts the I'ee seemed to enjoy making. Roughly half a meter in length and width and five centimeters thick, it bore a detailed engraving upon its face. It depicted a familiar, if stylised representation of a U1 variable fighter locked in a struggle against a Misshuvarthyar. The two were of equal size, and scattered around the two were chunks of jet stone, presumably representing the junk of the Outer Graveyard.
Elaborate, golden letters were set into the lower-most border of the scene, written in Trade: 'JASON'.
Ee'ee - Geometric City

The android stood beside Skade, observing quietly. When everyone was done speaking, he started to announce himself. It seemed he hesitated a little bit too long and the queen moved on. He waited until she was done with Alex to speak up. "I am Santo Hei Takeshi Saba, Thi-Thi-Heika. I am pleased to have been of service to your people. The two who aided us fought valiantly and killed many abominations." He said formally, bowing low before her.

When he rose, he returned to merely observing. He liked the little wasps, they were tough for such small creatures. Saba wondered what it was like to have a family, to have parents. Something inside of him longed to meet his creator, whoever that may be.
Alex's eyes teared up. He took the plaque gingerly, as if afraid that it would break if he wasn't gentle.

"T- thank you..." He said, his voice wavering. "It's beautiful."

His right hand brushed across its surface, feeling the grooves and chunks of jet embedded in the metal.

"I don't know what to say."
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