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RP: YSS Kaiyō [Pre-Kaiyō] Hime, Samurai, & Musuko

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Head in the Stars
Staff Member
🌸 FM of Yamatai
🎖️ Game Master
7日 1月 YE 39
0900 Hours

"Wil," Rei said to her student, the one she had brought from the orphanage and to the school. He had been silently sleeping when she had approached. Her student had been napping after another of his own self taught lessons, perfecting and mastering his twin dragon form.

She went on, "I must speak with you. The matter is of the utmost importance."

He stirred softly. "Five more minutes Mama..." He said rolling over.

"Ie, no. No more minutes. I have news and a decision for you to make."

He rolled over and sat up rubbing his eyes. "What's wrong Mama?" He asked.

"Let's go for a walk, William," she told him.

William stood and tied his sword to his waist, and his kendo swords to the other side. "Okay, I'm ready..." He said moving to follow her out.

She walked with her hands behind her back, not trying to make idle chit chat or anything similar while they walked. When they had reached the koi pond, she stood watching the fish inside of the water, swimming from one place to another almost aimlessly.

She spoke up, "I will be leaving the school, Wil. There is little stopping me from rejoining my fellow samurai or, better than that, fighting for the Yamatai Star Empire in this state of war we find ourselves in. Wil, I want you to know I am not leaving you. You have the choice to come with me--" She sounded like she had more to say, but realized he probably did, too, so stopped short.

He watched the koi pond as Rei spoke. After she said her piece, he thought for only a moment before saying. "Well then I am going too I guess. I just got a mom... I'm not gonna let her leave without me..." He added, looking up at Rei with a small smile. "It'll be an adventure."

"It will be. Go, then, musuko and pack your things. Our adventure awaits us."


The pair had taken the rail lines to Kyoto and were bound for the Imperial Palace.

On the train, Rei looked to her adoptive son, wondering what the arrival to her old home would be like.

Rei asked herself what would happen if he was not accepted as her student by the elder council. There was no way of telling if he would be. But what she knew was that she wouldn't abandon him like he had been abandoned before.

She asked, "What do you think of your time at the high school, musuko?"

William was enthralled by the scenery going by, her son hadn't ever been outside the city before. He had grown up in the orphanage. He was actually very excited to be able to travel with his new mom, but also worried at the same time.

When Rei spoke he jumped slightly, shuffling the duffel bag on his lap around. He stifled a laugh, "Sorry mama, you startled me. It was interesting. It was nice getting to me meet new people who all love to fight like me." He replied looking back over to her.

"I'm sorry," Rei said, apologizing for having startled him. "It is good you found kinship with your fellow fighters there. You will no doubt be meeting more. Are you prepared to meet those that fight in forms and with force you haven't yet experienced? A ronin is good, but a sensei no budo is much better."

He nodded softly. He was worried now about meeting the other samurai... His mother was strong, but there were stronger samurai than her? "I... I am..." He replied.

"I know you are," she told him. "I'm ready for you to meet them, too. More than ready, musuko. I think we will learn a lot from each other, still, though. We will always do that."

He smiled. "Thank you Mama." he replied genuinely. William was heartened by his mom's presence, and he wasn't as worried as there railcar continued onward.

"Did you learn enough that you feel ready to take on enemies of Yamatai, musuko?" Rei asked.

He nodded. "Yeah, I think so..." He replied, his hand drifting down to his sword. "I think I can..."

"Ie, that's not enough. You must know. Know that what you do is correct and what you will learn will have a solid foundation of knowledge, strength, and skill. Know that you will do exactly what is needed of you from the Empress and Yui. Know that you are the best you can be."

He looked over to his mom and nodded with conviction this time. "Yeah... I do. I am ready." He said with conviction and fire in his eyes.

"Hai, yoi. That is good. Our stop for Kyoto is coming up. Are you ready to go to the palace?" she asked.

He patted his sleeveless vest, feeling slightly self conscious. "Yeah. I'm ready." He replied.

Rei nodded. "Then let's go."

They got off and were soon at Ketsurui Avenue, a ten block long street that had a palace at each end. They were headed for the taller of the two and made their way to the impressive site.

"Is there anything you need to buy before we go in?" Rei asked. "Are you hungry?" A keen observer may have picked up that she was exhibiting signs of stalling their entrance into the palace.

He looked to her then looked around the area. "We can go get some food." He replied looking Rei over. She was acting pretty off.

"Ie, I'm not hungry. Just you." Rei took them to a sushi house and they were sat down in the back.

The server set up some tea for them and left them alone.

William smiled and nodded, taking the tea and taking a sip. "Kyoto has good tea..." He said with a sigh.

"Yes," Rei said. "The tea at the palace is even better, you'll find." She looked about the restaurant and back to Wil. "Decide what to order yet? Take your time, I don't know if you've ever had nigiri or sashimi before, but try those before you get a roll."

He nodded. "I'll get that then. I never ate sushi before." He replied. When the server returned, he ordered some sashimi.

"You have matured a lot since I first met you, musuko. That is not to say you were not mature for your age then, but now, you have grown exceptionally well." It was very close to praise. She thought of adding more to her statement, but realized she was starting to feel pride in Wil and didn't want to get overly dramatic.

He smiled. "Thank you Mama. I wouldn't have been anywhere close if you hadn't adopted me. It feels like forever ago, yet it has only been a few short months." He added.

"It does seem like a long time, hai. It has been an eventful time, too. You did well in school and you'll do even better wherever we are placed by the council of elders." Rei clasped her hands in front of her as she spoke. "I do not worry they will not allow you to be my student, I worry they will not allow us to fight for Yamatai in a capacity that matters most. I was a part of the changing of guards before, a time honored tradition, but that was still made trite by the tourism it entailed.

"That is why I left the palace, but I still do not see the reason behind letting Nepleslian senators and alien tourists make use of us when Yamatai could make better use of a samurai in battle against the enemy or as protection for the elite. There are questions I sought the answers to and have found them, though they are not what I nor the council initially thought I would find. Or perhaps this is what the council wanted for me and I was blind to it. They may have wanted me to have my eyes opened to all that the samurai are in the context of all that non-Yamataians are. I am sorry to go on so long, musuko. Look, your food is here."

He listened closely to Rei's story. He looked awe struck as he followed along. "That is amazing." He said afterwards. "You were in the changing of the guard." He looked down to his food, but he stopped. "Mama...I am worried..." He finally said softly. "Will they even accept me? I am not a Nekovalkyrja..." He added. "Will they make me leave?"

"We will see, musuko. They may," she said bluntly. "If they do, I will be a ronin once more. Eat and we will go afterwards."

He nodded softly and he began to eat silently. His mind now off, worrying about meeting the council. He was afraid that he wouldn't be accepted. He shook the feeling away and ate some more.

As he ate, she thought deeply about what would come of their meeting with the council and how it would go. Where they would go if they didn't accept Rei and her student.

William finally finished eating and finished his tea. "Thank you Mama. I am ready to meet the council..." He said softly.

"Hai! Then let's go ahead and get ourselves there." Rei paid the bill and got up from her seat and they made their way to the Imperial Palace.
Last edited:
7日 1月 YE 39
1500 Hours

Rei and William walked past the samurai guarding the Imperial Palace's citadel, where the Premier of Yamatai governed from, and into the palace's interior. She was instructed from there to enter the Empress' Palace, to be re-assigned. They said nothing about her student that followed her like a shadow, but made it clear she would have a place among the Star Empire of Yamatai, still. She was told where to go, but not who she would be meeting. She and Wil walked wordlessly back the way they had come, until they faced the white walled castle.

Rei took her student to the place she would one day reside and, before entering the Hall of Fallen Samurai, spoke out to him for the first time in many minutes.

"You will one day see me leave and this is where I will go, Musuko." Without realizing it, she had let her stern demeanor slip and was growing somewhat emotional over the subject, thinking about what would come of the boy when that day came.

William walked the halls of the Empress' Palace, looking like a child on a field trip. He was absorbing everything, looking quite awe struck at all that he was seeing. It was so much larger and grander than anything he had ever known. Even the school paled in comparison. Finally he and Rei ended up outside of the Hall of Fallen Samurai. He listened to Rei speak, and a chill rolled down his spine. This would be the place where his mom would be buried. It was an eerie feeling, but William shook it away.

"That won't happen anytime soon Mama. You are too skilled for that to happen." He replied softly with a smile.

"Arigotou, Musuko. The sentiment is sweet," Rei replied, having been walking with her hands hidden by her white yukata while her swords dangled from her obi. "I don't think it will happen soon, either. Iie, no."

There was something that gave Rei pause. The Hall of Fallen Samurai was usually incredibly empty, but Rei picked up an almost imperceptible sound. It was a small exhalation that didn't belong to William nor herself. Just one, but it was enough so that it called to Rei to cease her movement and listen for more. She pushed her hand up in front of William to ask him to stop moving and her long elfen ears were nearly twitching to pick up any more sounds that may have come.

They had yet to enter and, realizing there was someone inside, Rei said to William, "We may not be alone when we go inside. We will be quiet for their sake, and those of the dead."

They approached the open threshold and when they did, they were both caught off their guard by the sight before them.

The long funeral hall stretched out in front of them. The open chamber was cool and dark, even accounting for the fading afternoon light. Each of its thirty meter tall walls were lined with sixty ebony shelves upon which sat little lacquered spirit tablets inscribed with remembrances of the Ketsurui Samurai's fallen. A regal red carpet that matched the imperial family's bloody motifs bisected the room's silvery-gray marble floor. At its center stood a tall, beautiful Nekovalkyrja woman whose skin glowed under a shaft of sunlight that fell down around her from the skylight high above.

She wore a traditional jūnihitoe. Its many layered robes were sewn of black silk like a funeral kimono, save for the white yukata closest to her body, and threaded with subtle strands of golden string. Her hair was long and as black as the endless void that the Empire held dominion over but had a lustrous shine like pure obsidian. Two Yamataian bellflowers sat at her temples, keeping the straight black bangs that framed her faced perfectly styled. When Rei and William rounded the corner, they caught the girl's profile for but a moment before she shifted her head and body toward them and locked her glittering crimson eyes with the samurai's. She'd been caught by surprise, too, even though she was there expecting them, but tried not to show it behind an effortlessly furrowed brow fixed above her eyes.

There was a pause between them while silence for the honored dead continued to reign. The Neko examined Rei and her companion for a while, motionless since adjusting her stance.

"So you are the samurai sent to protect me," she said at last. The voice was feminine and carried the immaculate tones expected of high birth, but sounded stern and officious——not quite husky, but certainly not dainty——as it echoed through the solemn hall. "Approach."

Realizing that her re-assignment was in front of her, Rei bowed first before following orders. It was a deep, thoughtful bow that carried with it respect and willingness to serve in its nuances, if they were to be deciphered. While she did so, she accessed PANTHEON to identify the Neko in front of her and her student.

The only thought that went through the ex-ronin's head after she did was, Shinjirarenai!! How is this possible? The samurai eyed her student as she herself bowed while her long piece of tied back hair fell from her back and over her shoulder, in front of her while she held her bow.

William stopped and saw the immaculate figure standing in the sacred hall. He paused, stunned by her beauty and her sovereignty. He was shocked into action by Rei stepping forward and did like wise. He stayed several steps behind Rei, his shy and quiet self returning now that it wasn't just Rei and himself. He bowed very deeply towards her, clamping his mouth shut. Mentally he was thinking... Holy crap...It's one of the royal family... Holy Crap!

The samurai stepped forward when she had ascertained that her student and herself had shown the greatest level of respect that they possibly could and approached her, saying nothing. When she was within a few feet of the Neko, she stopped short and bowed again, making sure her student did, as well. Rei held her hands close to her thighs and looked up, as she was almost two feet shorter than she who stood before her.

William stepped up as well, still staying several feet behind the two Nekos. He felt very out of place now that he was in the presence of one of the royal family, plus how smoothly Rei fell back into her old traditions. William felt like a clumsy toddler compared to the two, but Rei had faith in him that he was anything but that.

"I had been informed that a squire would accompany you, samurai-san," the tall Neko said when they got closer. Unlike William, she actually was a clumsy toddler, though she seemed good at hiding it. Neko matured quickly, but this one wasn't even a month old yet. "My mother's martial prowess was imbued within me from my first moment, but I 'must continue to learn more about people my age.'"

That last part, most certainly an unnecessary detail for anyone to share, sounded recited; the way she said it didn't seem the same as other words she chose. The girl's pretty face was still formed into a stern, placid mask, too.

"What are your names?" she inquired flatly. "It is proper for you to tell me first, as I am the sixth daughter of Ketsurui Yui-taisho."

Rei spoke evenly as she realized the mistake she had made, saying, "I am Rei of the Ketsurui Clan, born to serve Yui-taisho and the Empress and all that live within their domain. I am honored to have been born to serve you, as well."

William swallowed hard, taking a second to formulate his thoughts before opening his mouth to speak. "I am William... I am not part of any clan. I however wish to serve the Ketsurui Clan and the royal family with my life." He replied calmly and evenly, bowing again keeping his eyes fixed on the floor. "If you would allow me." He added.

"I am Ketsurui Aiko," the tall Neko with kikyo flowers in her hair said back, lowering her head in a shallow bow as she'd been taught to do. A grin spread across her lips when she rose back up, though her eyes stayed sharp and commanding. "And it is my honor to have the protection of you both. I once heard the Empress say that our clan is in service to the Empire's citizens, so I know it is my way as well. That is why I chose to meet you here."

Aiko cast her eyes away from Rei and Wil in a surprisingly quick way, and slowly surveyed the wall of shrines that ringed where they stood. Her nose was held up as much as one could expect a young lady to carry hers, and her red big eyes darted from name to name as she read each in an attempt to commit all of them to memory.

"I have never been here before, though this palace is my only home," she said. "Did you know any of them, Rei-san?"

Surprised with the chance to speak to the princess other than formal introductions, Rei spoke out slowly. "Iie, no. I have known no samurai that have fallen. My job has predominantly been a facade on the outside of the true work that samurai do. It is why I take such pride in being able to serve the Empire by being at your side."

William mentally sighed, glad that he got through is very informal, formal introduction. He listened attentively as Rei and Aiko spoke, still remaining silent. His face showing little emotion at all. Yet, Rei could easily tell how William felt by the way he stood and how he behaved. He was being overly quiet, plus his eyes still hadn't left the floor.

"Then I will swear to you now that you shall not join the souls enshrined here, so long as you are counted among my followers," Aiko declared. The immaturity behind her commanding tone could be heard as it echoed back through the cavernous room, but the reflection only made her strive to sound more convincing. "We will fight Kuvexians. That is my purpose. I trust these piggish aliens are no match for the swords you both carry at your hip."

William finally responded, softer than Aiko. "My blades are yours to command, your highness. Only say the word." He said crossing his arm over his chest.

"Mine are yours, as well," Rei responded in kind, full of vigor. "In that you can trust."

Aiko turned on a heel and faced the pair of freshly-minted yojimbo again, and then stepped forward and toward the way they'd entered the Hall of Fallen Samurai. She forced her way between Rei and Wil and proceeded at a quick pace.

"You must show me your techniques in the dojo, then!" the princess demanded excitedly, light and speedy on her feet. Already, Aiko was shrugging off the many layers of her ceremonial costume, leaving a trail of heavy silken kimono discarded behind her. Doubtlessly, palace minders watched from afar and would collect the robes with due haste. "The sensei who have instructed me are among the best, but I tire of their repetition. Come along! I will know your ronin tricks before my commissioning ceremony and first deployment," she added. Clearly, the girl had been told more about Rei and her companion than they'd been told about her. "We only have a few days!"

William quickly stepped out of her way, and followed behind Rei and Aiko. At her mention of the dojo, another chill ran down his spine. "First I meet one of the royal family, and now we have to fight her?" He thought to himself. His face remained blank as he walked behind the two of them, quietly listening to Aiko.

"True, true." Rei said, "This is true, we may only have a few days left." She was quickly realizing they would be fighting the war with the princess and she wondered exactly how and where this would take place. "Do you have more information for Wil and myself about when we will be leaving and to where it might be?"

The trio was crossing the palace grounds at a good clip, now. Dark blue carpets cast a pretty reflection against the golden vaulted ceilings above as they traversed its halls, passing by resplendent murals of Yamataian victories. As they got further and further away from the samurai memorial, more servants lined the halls and stopped to bow when Aiko stormed past, attentively showing their respect to the princess and her new retainers.

"I am to be commissioned as a Shōi Kōhōsei in celebration of my first month of life," Aiko replied to Rei, again sounding a bit like she was simply repeating another's words. "Then I will go to the front and learn to be a true officer of the Star Army from the Empire's most elite warriors." She said it in a way that made her sound convinced of Yamatai's total military excellence, like a child who'd only ever heard stories of valor and noble sacrifice. In the coming days, she was sure to be disappointed, but these were realizations every young Neko likely faced. "I must admit, the prospect excites me greatly. And I will pilot a Kirie Armor suit into battle. We will bring glory to Yamatai, surely!"

William nodded to the princess. "Very noble, your highness. And we will be with you every step of the way..." William replied. He was slowly fitting into his role. All he had to do was copy Rei, who was walking just a bit behind the princess and let her speak out fully before even beginning to think of responding.

After a good amount of time, Rei agreed with the princess wholly, saying, "There is nothing this Empire can't take on. Even moreso with you at her helm, Aiko-hime."

Rei knew the princess was a child compared to herself and even compared to Wil, but wanted nothing more than to inflate the young Neko rather than deflate her with the reality of what she saw in the situation. Aiko was a Kirie pilot, but Rei wondered how she would protect her on the battlefield without armor. Would she truly be on the battlefield or merely be a propaganda tool for the Empire, Rei continued to ponder. She wanted to know if the young princess' mother had thought through Rei's assignment to her with much foresight or if the decision had been made lower down. Her inner thoughts were quick, but pointless, as she herself couldn't answer them. She couldn't think on them long, though, as a figure approached the trio.

The Neko's eyes could be seen as alight and excited before she bowed deeply, saying afterwards in an assuring voice, "Taisa Catherine Ross. Sixth Squadron leader of the First Expeditionary Fleet, at your service, Ketsurui Aiko."

Ross-taisa's sudden arrival made Aiko stop in her tracks. The princess was not used to being addressed in such a manner——or really at all, barring tutors and trainers——and glanced sharply over her shoulder at Rei. She only wore a single black kimono over her white yukata, now, fastened with a simple obi sash, and hadn't brought her sword along, so felt somewhat vulnerable. Considering the revelation that rogue samurai had killed a former Empress while they tried to assassinate Himiko and Kotori, Aiko had every reason to take pause, but stood her ground and did not think to flinch again.

Rei took the glance to mean a myriad of things and moved with a single step to be in between the two, eyes sharp and pointed at Taisa Ross.

"Stand down, samurai," Catherine Ross said with decidedly angry tinge to her voice. When Rei did nothing but let her hand sit on the grip of her hilt, the Taisa changed tactics. "I see, I see. Well, we're all going to be aboard the same ship, so we should gain a mutual understanding at some time."

Interested, but not ready to trust someone that made her ward uneasy, Rei simply said, "Go on."

"We will have you aboard the YSS Excalibur in my squadron," the Taisa said. She looked to Wil without moving her head, "All of you. When we have determined the ship that fights at the forefront of battle with the most prowess, we will move you there for you to be part of the charge into the unknown frontier of Kuvexian space. At which point, you will begin to see combat. If the missions go poorly, we will shuttle you back to Yamatai and another purpose will be found for you. We do not want you in any kind of danger and will not put you in a position of such."

William watched the Taisa approach, and then Rei stepping in front of the princess. Instinct took over and William also took a step forward, as if to place a second line of defense behind Rei. He didn't speak, but fixed Taisa Ross with a stare. Nothing disrespectful, merely closely watching her movements.

Catherine Ross went on, " I apologize for happening upon you in such an informal setting. I am going to be reporting on Aiko's future in the Star Army and was made aware that the three of you would be here. I would appreciate if you were aboard the ship in the next week. I myself have to get back to it. If there is anything you need before then, you may tell me now or call upon me later."

"Thank you for your report, Taisa," Aiko said, by now totally ignoring the brief wrinkle that'd first marked their interaction. "I look forward to being a part of your Sixth Squadron. A fitting place for someone of my lineage. May we all bring pride to Yui-taisho."

Those last words were filled with more unwavering conviction than any Rei or Wil had heard from Aiko yet. The princess sounded particularly fiery and strong now, though she obviously tried to be those things at all times, and stood a little more proudly than the perfect posture she always held when she spoke of the first Nekovalkyrja.

"That we will," Rei said. She closed hr eyes and smiled, though ever aware of her surroundings by way of using her skin vision. "Especially you," she added, turning her head slightly to look behind her at Aiko. With that, she turned back to the Taisa, looking expectantly for more information or a self-dismissal.

Ross opted for the latter and backed away from the samurai, then bowed deeply. "I will be seeing you all on the ship soon enough. Rest well, I expect you all in proper fighting condition. Rei, I expect to see you fitted for an M7 Sarah."

The samurai was now a little more confident in her ability to take care of the princess on the battlefield and nodded tersely. She glanced at Wil, wondering how he would fare and what he would accomplish without a power armor, but was quiet about the topic of his utility. At the moment, the news that he was accepted as her protege by the squadron leader and Yui's daughter was enough to fill her with joy.

"Hai!" Rei said.

The Taisa nodded to her, then walked past her, bowing curtly to the princess in the small space there was, then left them.

Aiko nodded after Ross bowed and moved onward to speak with other Imperial officials. She waited a few moments with her hands folded gracefully in front of her, just until the Taisa was out of earshot.

"Tch! How does she expect me to rest after delivering such news?" Aiko remarked once only her bodyguards and passing servants could hear. "To my face, no less! Such impertinence!"

She stepped forward again, back on track toward the palace dojo.

"Let us make haste! Our time would be better spent training!" Aiko paused her speech for a beat, mentally organizing her remaining days in the capital in full detail. "And tell me of your adventures across Yamatai while we walk. I will not get to see its grandeur before we go."

William nodded and stepped back out of her way and followed behind. "I really don't have very many stories of Yamatai, your highness. I only ever lived in Tsubomi, and I never left the city until a few hours ago..." He replied. He was supposed to be her bodyguard now. "No harm in talking with her," he thought.

Filled with stories of exploits and adventures across Yamatai, Rei began to open up to the princess, beginning by asking, "Have you ever met an alien, Aiko-hime?" Rei didn't quite let her answer before beginning to speak again, "You'll find them very interesting when you do. For now, I will tell you what I have seen..."

Rei went on to detail her experiences with Friede, the unnamed alien unknown to Yamatai and the fight she had seen between her and another member of her species in the moonlit meadow. She went on to describe the veil she wore, the body she had, even the clothes she wore and the sound of the alien's voice. There was so much more she wanted to say to the princess and so much more to be told.

Rei went on to tell her about how she learned the Neju Koyu form and what else she had garnered from her travels across Yamatai.
Palace Garden

William was training alone in a small garden, a short distance outside the palace grounds. He was practicing his twin form with a tree again, while Rei and Princess Aiko were off doing... Well William wasn't sure. All of this was so new to him. Just like going to school, except the school was much more welcoming. Here was a different story. William didn't know much about the clan, but from what he gathered he was not welcome here. He could see the side long glances, and the hushed whispers. He wasn't even allowed to practice on the grounds, he had to leave to do that, thus the garden he found himself in now...

However, the student did not care. He was used to the treatment. It was just like the orphanage all over again. He fell into the same routine that he had back then. Sun up to sun down he trained. Today however his comm device rang. He was still getting used to having one. Now that he and Rei were responsible for the Princess' safety, the mother/son duo always had to be in constant contact. He sheathed his kendo swords and tapped his ear piece. "Yes, Sensei Rei Sama..." He had also taken up calling his mother that again, as he did not wish to embarrass her in front of the other samurai...

"William," I have gotten a letter. I want you to read it. Where can I find you right now?" Rei asked William.

"I'm in the garden." He replied, turning around and looking at the palace.

Rei replied, "Hai! I will meet you there in a few minutes, Musuko."

"Hai." A letter? William was quite perplexed. It was quite odd. He stopped and ran a hand through his hair. It was about time for a break. He sat down and closed his eyes, and waited for Rei to arrive.

"Musuko!" Rei said minutes later. "For you," she said, handing him the letter she had only recently received. "Read it with care!"

William gingerly took the letter, and began reading it aloud. "To whom it may concern, if you are reading this then I am dead and you have adopted my son...William." He looked up with shock in his. "Mama?" He asked. He looked back down and continued to read. "I can not put into words how thankful I am for what you have done for me. I never wished to abandon my only child, yet I had no choice. There are those who would have used him for nefarious purposes. However, I did not write this to explain my actions, this is so I may give you a token of my graditude. I have named you, William's new mother, the sole heir to my life's savings. Please, use it to give your son the life that he deserves. Enclosed is the bank account information. Thank you so much for what you have done." He looked at it and his eyes began to swell with tears. He then notices a small litte script at the end. "And, a message for William... Son, I love you so much. And everyday I wish that things were different. But, this is what fate has given us. I just want you to know that I will always love you..."

"How do you feel about reading that, Musuko?" Rei asked William, eyes oddly open and welcoming.

The tears fell freely now as he read the last part of the letter over and over. He stiffled a sob and clutched his locket, holding it tightly. "Thank you Mama..." He said in a whisper, so no one else could hear him. "Thank you for showing this to me."

"Mochiron!" Rei said in a comforting tone, "Of course, Musuko. Of course. I want to be sure you are happy. Are you, without your birth mother or father?"

He smiled warmly and nodded with tears still streaming down his face. "I am. I am so thankful everyday that you adopted me." He wanted to hug his mom so much in that moment, but knew he could not. Not here. He would hug her later. He smiled up at her. "I love you Mama. Thank you so much."

"Now, Musuko," Rei began. "We need to get you another sword. Will you come with me to get you one?"

"Of course." He said wiping the tears from his eyes, and hastily shoving the letter into his pocket. "Where to?"

"A place not too far. Come, we will go there now." Rei led him away from the palace and down the street, through a few stalls until she was entering a back alley and through there, entered through a small doorway into a sword shop unknown to many residents of Yamatai. Rei knew, though, and was willing to share her knowledge with William.

William walked along behind his mother, palming the hilt of his sword. He smiled as he felt it. He might have been dealt a bad first hand in life, but he got a trump card. Rei had turned everything around for him and gave him a chance at something greater. He was not going to let her down, no matter what the cost.

As they entered the alley and into the back room of the sword shop, he looked to Rei. "What is this place Mama?" He asked as they entered.

"Where we will get your sword," she said, watching as a man approached them.

"What can I do for you, samurai?" he asked.

"A sword," she replied tersely.

He asked her, "What kind of sword?"

"Eeto..." she looked to William. "Ideas, Musuko?"

He nodded and walked forward. He drew Rei's Heart and handed it to the man to inspect. "I wish for the blade to mimic this one. However, reverse the colors. The blade should be made of durandium." He replied.

"This, I can do," the man said, looking at the both of them thoroughly.

"I also wish for you to reinforce the blade in your hands with Durandium as well." He said walking around and looking at the blades. He came across one particular blade, one who's blade seemed particullary sharp. He had been looking into sword mods for awhile and recognized it. "And can they both be monomolecular?" He asked looking back to him.

The swordsman gave pause and stood still for a moment, then said, "I wonder who are, to come in to my shop and ask me for something so..."

"We are nobody to be worried about," Rei said shortly.

"If that is so..." Trailing off, the swordsman picked up Rei's Heart and nodded. "I can do this."

William smirked slightly. "One final request. Heat modifications on both. I have read much about them. Quite genius if you ask me." He remarked.

Rei smiled at the man, proud of her apprentice, then asked, "Will you do it?"

"For a price," the swordsman said. "A large one, if any."

"We can meet your price," she said confidently. "We will be back in how long...?"

"Two days for these two blades, one to be modified and one to be made," the man replied.

Rei responded, "We will see you then."

William smiled and nodded to the man. "Thank you." He added and stood by Rei. "I appreciate it."


Rei and William had spent the two days in anticipation together, in their own ways, and returned to the sword shop the way they had come days before. This time, Rei let William enter ahead of her with a small smile on her porcelain face.

William seemed different today. His normally blank face was grinning from ear to ear in anticipation. His swords were finally ready, and he couldn't wait to see them. "We're back." He called as he entered and walked inside.

"Who is?" the man replied from inside a back room. Then, he entered and saw his visitors. "Very good to see you two, indeed. Your swords were finished this morning! They are ready for you. Why don't you take a look?" He took the swords, both covered in clothe, out from under a counter top and placed them on it, for William to inspect.

He eagarly took Rei's Heart, and uncovered the blade. The hilt was much heavier in his hands, as the that was where the new heating unit was placed. The blade seemed much darker as he inspected. The lines from the damacus steel were faded slightly, but could still be seen. "It's beautiful." He said as he held it aloft in one hand. He slid it smoothly back into it's scabard, and gingerly took the new blade. The hilt was the same as Rei's Heart, but the blade was flipped. The blade was blood red in color, and had a deep black sawtooth pattern. It mirrored Rei's heart perfectly. "This is outstanding." He said holding both blades aloft now. "Thank you."

"You are very welcome," the swordsman said before pulling the blades into new scabbards. "I will accept payment, now."

"Hai!" Rei said quickly, offering the man what he asked for. "He will use these blades respectfully and wisely, I can promise you that."

"Much appreciated," the man told her after completing the transaction. "Enjoy them, as well."

Rei looked to Wil with a smile creeping at the corners of her lips.

He smiled back at her. "Thank you Mama." He said softly. He drew both blades again, and thumbed the the small switch to activate the heat mod. He felt the soft hum, and could see the blade begin to heat up. In a few moments, the blades were red hot. "This is amazing..." He hit the switch again, and the heatsinks quickly cooled the blade, allowing Wil to sheathe them again.

"Very impressive work," Rei told the swordsman. "We will do a fine job protecting and serving the Empire."

He palmed the hilt of his new sword, smiling. "We shall. The enemies of Yamatai shall fall to these swords." William added.

"Now, let's go, Musuko. She will be waiting." Rei turned on her heel after thanking the swordsman one more time and was out the door.

He followed closely behind, they musn't keep her waiting.
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