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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Eight: Kaminari

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Anastasia listened quietly to the room's questions and answers, looking at some of the newest crew members. A new technician? Thank god. Out of all the ship's technicial specifications, the double aether reactors had stuck out the most. At least she wasn't in this alone any more. There were new infantry and bridge crew too, and a new Sepra'shan...

Anastasia perked up while listening to the mission briefing, and the fact that she would get to drive a tankette. She wasn't too happy about returning to Komorebi, land of technical anomalies and dead L'Kor structures, but she had longed to use one of these fine armored vehicles in mission since she first stepped aboard that fateful day.

She nodded as Hoshi finished and sat down. Her emerald eyes drifted to Eden, wondering how this mission would play out. But first, there was a ship to explore and Santo Hei technicians to greet.
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Hoshi said to Matsuvo, "The second officer was not demoted from captain. The XO was demoted to an experimental position we are tentatively calling Second Officer. The Captain was demoted to XO. You are an infantry member. You will report to Shosa Teien Eden. It would behoove you to understand her position in this new crew dynamic before implying Star Army Command is at fault here."
He kept his gaze towards the door as he shuffled past people, his body turning left to right as he slid effortlessly past each. Though, as Meissa eyed him with a smile he wasn't able to cling to the serious expression he had before. His own manner of a slight smile teased at the corner of his lips as he made eye contact, and continued on. Giving a bit of a yawn as the door slid open he made his way through it, and before it closed he heard his name rolling across the room. Raising a brow he ducked himself back into the room, and listened as it closed behind him once more.

"Did she say tank?"

Royce said all to himself seemingly, his face bright almost beaming a smile before he tilted his head, speaking to himself quietly once more as he was so accustom to doing. "I mean, I'm not sure who's idea it was to put me in control of a tank, but not gonna' argue it even a bit." His mind drifted and wandered with the possibilities, and the smile widened even more. His eyes held that expression of a child who was just given an expensive toy for no good reason, though after a moment the expression faded as he remembered where he was, and who he was with. Pulling his head back he glanced to the side, his lips pulled back and he blinked a few times. Not bothering to make eye contact with anyone he took a large step back towards the door which slid open again, his forested eyes falling beside him.

"I wonder if.. Hm, Tank huh.."

The engineer reached a hand behind his head, and shrugged as he scratched at the back of his head, making his exit once more. At their next stop, he'd be rolling across the terrain in an armored machine that dealt hands of death and explosions, or so he hopped. Royce didn't seem to hear the Tankette, only Tank. The poor bastard was in for a small shock when he'd finally get a look at the terrifying machine... Which was smaller than a jeep, and as intimidating as a floral printed clown car.

YSS Kaiyō II


The normally attentive Minkan was, for once in his military life, not paying attention to either the briefing or the words and questions that followed afterwards. His arms were crossed and his rear was planted firmly in a seat that, for all intents and purposes, wasn't too comfortable but a marked welcome from the cushioned chair he had grown used to. To say that Riku had forced himself to forget the debacle of the past month and a half was the simplest way of explaining this away except now he looked at the crew, the people around him, what he once considered family, with eyes of suspicion and borderline paranoia. The blue-eyed Yamataian had gone through so much with these men and women and now, that even the new faces that came along only added to the discarded pile of nostalgia. It was refuse.

In the end, it was his job to know the crew, but they were limited to dossiers and what little public knowledge could be gleaned from talkative mouths and passing conversation. There was a line that had been drawn sub-consciously, left alone to fester somewhere his digital mind couldn't comprehend nor touch, and as the Communications Operator relaxed into his seat he had one thought, and one thought only.

Maybe it's time to think about an early retirement.
Faye smiled inwardly more so than in outward appearance as the brown-haired Elysian caught her gaze. Although the moment seemed to stretch on for longer than either probably should've let it, violet eyes surrendered first, intentionally returning to pass over the room while the new captain finished up her mission briefing. Children indeed, was her well-protected thought.

Mentally noting the high number of Elysians among the crew, Faye was not too worried as the angelic-folk had been loyal members of the Empire for a while now. These ones also seemed.. different than Elysians that she had interacted with in the past. Perhaps too.. innocent to the realities of the universe. However, more observation would be needed to make a proper assessment.

Mulling over Meissa's stare and the potential meaning behind it, the "starship operator" decided that it could remain merely coincidence for now. Fresh faces meeting for the first time... but Faye would likely have to be careful around that one in the future... Or perhaps seeking friendship was the better option here? Socializing was much more complicated than a sharp blade to the throat, unfortunately.
Meissa found the back of her neck moist with cold sweat when Faye's violet eyes pierced into her. Reminded her of Saki. Or Kikyo. But more precise and cutting.

Honesty was the best policy against Faye, Meissa thought. It was how she dealt with most of the crew -- all of the crew, in fact. It certainly helped with Eden and Saki. And if Faye was picking her apart for what information she contained, just like Meissa was for her, well then, let her do it.

Kyoi sighed a little as contact broke. Both of them would probably have lengthy discussions with each other, most likely. Faye seemed okay, breaking contact in good humor, but her eyes clearly spoke miles on how far she was out thinking.

Speaking of which, the question Matsuvo asked lurked in the back of Kyoi's digital mind. He was right. Why was Eden effectively demoted? Kyoi was more than willing to pass it off as "lack of experience," but Eden after what the Kaiyo had been through had more experience than anyone could ever need. It wasn't Hoshi jutting herself in and trying to get her hands on new toys -- Star Army Command assigned officers. And if Hoshi requested a Fuji, she'd just get her own.

She didn't think Star Army Command was being cruel, either. There were other ways for command to be cruel to Eden, other ways more fit in regulation. And if they wanted to punish her out of regulation, they would just transfer Saki to a different ship. That would certainly rip poor Eden's heart right out of her chest.

And it wasn't that a Shosa wasn't high enough rank to command the Fuji-class. If a Taii could command a Plumeria, then logically one rank up, Shosa, could command a Fuji. Kyoi looked at the specifications. It wasn't that different, either. Just bigger.

So as it went, "Eliminate the impossible, and whatever remains, however improbable..."

In the back of her mind, a theory began to form. A theory for the truth. She was talking to Eden for sure after this.
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YSS Kaiyō II

One of the more reserved recruits, midst the many colors of emotions, merely sits in his chair and listens to Hoshi as she explain the details of whatever epilogue to the crew of the YSS Kaiyō II is in store for them. While he would like to express his condolences openly, like every other kind-hearted soldier, he didn't feel that it was in his place to do so, especially amidst those whom he doesn't recognize.

In which case, he happens to know absolutely none of his new crew. He did want new experiences, however, so he didn't complain about it.

Walter Hyde calmly looks around him with his brilliant orange eyes, finding a great variety of characters and personalities around him. Fierce, passionate, and well-versed in the ways of the Kaiyō, most likely. They twinkle in anticipation, however the engineer remained calm.

Well, looks like I am going to find myself pretty busy, Walter thought to himself. At least I am not the only guy fixing things, cannot imagine what it would be like to be the only engineer on a ship so advanced as this. He smiled gently, leaning back in his seat.

Being the guy to not ask many questions, he chose to keep quiet, and watch.
A slightly uneasy Abart'huse tried to think more about the mission to keep his mind off his looming Separa counterpart, and thought of something he found unusual. While he didn't know much about the specifics, as he joined the crew way after the mission had ended, he heard from some of the others about the Komorebi mission, and got the general gist of it. Raising his hand, he spoke up, directing his question to Eden-shosa as requested.

"Shosa. If i may ask, what exactly is the purpose of fielding the two Tankettes on this mission? From what i've gathered it we are headed for an area with rugged terrain and relatively dense foliage, with little information on what kind of opposition to expect. Wouldn't the tankettes make our foces less maneuverable and a more easy target, as opposed to a pure infantry-based unit?"

He never had any serious training in battlefield tactics or experience with command, but with all the games and movies he'd consumed over the years, he knew the pro's and cons of armored vehicles, no matter how advanced they may be.....

From the other end of the room, Nerai'tha's icy white eyes widened a bit, accompanied by a slightly raised eyebrow. It wasn't a bad question, in fact, there was a good amount of truth in Abart's statement. However she had a feeling Abart had forgotten the sheer number of infantry members the kaiyo had at it's disposal now, which gave them more room in dividing their forces into groups effectively.

Not that she was going to say anything, instead she sat there playing a bit more with her lock of hair hanging besides her face, twirling through her fingers. Let's see how Teien-shosa reacts to the question first.....hopefully not too badly, poor Barry never took scoldings too well~
"The tankettes have a non-Aetheric weapon, which would be much more ideal in atmosphere." Meissa told Abart. "Aside from that, when we first visited the planet, there were paths built by the L'Kor the tankettes can take advantage of. The tankettes can also serve as a power station in case we need to stretch our suit's capabilities, and their large size and durability makes them both good cover and a strong force to still be reckoned with."

"The tankettes are also convenient storage crates, which roughly sums up to you being able to carry more grenades and me being able to carry more plastic explosive, as a relevant example to you and me." the owl added. She was thankful for the addition of tankette storage space, which meant that she wouldn't have to deal with stretching her resources as much.

In short, the tankettes had their use. Not like a power armor, but useful nonetheless. But that still posed its own question...

"What could the L'Kor have brought that we need the brute force and longevity of a Tankette for? How deeply are they entrenched?" Meissa asked.
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YSS Kaiyō II

Anastasia finally piped up, concerned about one little thing. "The last time we entered the atmosphere on Komorebi, our shuttle Aether reactor output decayed unnaturally. There were no damage reports after the mission was over." she paused to catch her breath. "Should we be concerned about bringing power armor and tankettes to the surface?"

Hoshi looked at Meissa and then at Eden, who spoke up in a quick tone after she had taken a deep breath and looked to owl-winged Elysian.

"We don't know what forces we will be encountering, that is why we are prepared for any eventuality." Then, she turned to Anastasia, "Yes, that was a problem before but since then, Star Army has made several trips down and back up fro the surface of Komorebi and found it to be suitable for travel."

Yoshida blinked as Anastasia reminded her of what happened before. If she were honest she hadn't payed that much attention to that little detail. Even if command said it was safe, the shuttle seemed fine for a little while at least. So, yoshida thought for a moment. What could be done about that, she wondered... and what drawbacks would it have?

After a brief inner conversation she had concluded that it would certainly result in their armors at least functioning below typical standards, possibly to the point of being unable to properly fly or use shields. Even so, they still had capacitors built into the mindy that would let them operate without the reactors for a time. But energy burning activities like flying, activating sheilds, and worst of all, teleporting, would probably be all but off limits in the worst case scenario of total shutdown. a lot of aether handheld weaponry also had some amount of power storage, so those weren't an issue. But being in a burning forest in a suit with effectively no power...

"So... Just incase, should we bring Fusion reactors?" Yoshida asked, tilting her head slightly. "I mean, I know we have built in capacitors and all, but... if there really is something down there that messes with our reactors, we might be down there for a while! And, we wouldn't want to be down there for a while in a burning forest I think." As she said this, she once more looked around the room, picking out the familiar faces. It was only now she noticed Ume was here! That was a suprise! She would have to talk to her later- but for now she resigned herself to a small, discrete wave.
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Walter raised an eyebrow, shifting his sitting position that signals that he is engaged in the conversation pertaining to the mission on Komorebi. While he isn't the man to question others, especially of a higher authority, the nature of unnatural deterioration of Aether just happened to be the one red flag he spotted. He speaks up.

"With all due respect, Madame Hoshi, these people do have a right to be concerned on this matter. If a shuttle had suffered from an irregularity as drastic as inefficient Aether power conversion, within the atmosphere of any planet, should be a cause of concern for the safety for everyone partaking in this mission. However, if this case has only happened once, while other Star Army regulated vessels have made it safely to said planet, could it be possible that this irregularity isn't of natural origin?"

He pauses, adding, "I do not doubt the Star Army, nor do I normally ask questions. However I, among others, find this worrying."

Walter does his best to not think of anything at this moment; it would only make him nervous.

Hoshi spoke out "Kokoro-hei has made an interesting point and has a good idea. We will have fusion reactors brought with the away team for auxiliary power."

Hoshi then looked to Eden and back to Walter.

Eden stiffened and said, "Hyde-hei. That is Chusa Hoshi."

Hoshi spoke out directly afterwards, "What Star Army Command is doing right now is being worried. Just like you. Just like me. That is why we are going there; to see if we should be worried." She looked to Anastasia and Royce, "I want you to work closely with the rest of the engineers to be sure the tankettes and power armors are functioning normally."

The Santo Hei blushed in embarrassment, nodding back respectfully at the higher authorities. "Understood..."

While Walter considered saying more, he figured that there is nothing else he can say, anyways. Congratulations, I have emphasized the obvious. I am better off lending an ear than lending my thoughts, he thought sourly.

The blushing engineer reclined back in his seat, no longer looking at anyone in particular, and not saying anything.

Ume tried her hardest to listen to all the questions and all the answers that were given in the briefing, Kazue had constantly told her about how she needs to think more strategically and not just rush in. With the problems with using aether on the surface, she would have to change most of her weapons for her load out, and couldn't use her Ryuha to the fullest. She had an idea for a moment, but the Fuji-class was a gunship and didn't have the vehicle compliment needed for it.

She had forgotten where she was and entered a very obvious thinking posture as she racked her brain for a solution, or even anything that might help, fortunately she had kept herself from mumbling out loud. However a solution did come to her, well it was not something so grand as to be called a solution, it was merely a far fetched idea. "Umm...if the cabin has long range communications, it might have a sensor suite networked to it. So maybe we could hack it? Then we could have it do a scan and tell us if aether still works right?" The area was totally out of her expertise so she wasn't sure if there was any chance of what she just said, but in her mind it seemed like a good idea.

The resident Science Officer stood beside his smol partner, one hand in hers and the other hooked onto his belt as he listened in attentively. So, they were going back to that sprawling jungle planet, rife with all things wild and unusual. All things considered, he was pretty stoked to be heading back - even in a heavily armored vehicle.

Being a biologist through and through, the rather unique ecosystem they had found during the original away mission had made him eager for a second look. While Mochi wasn't particularly happy with the sudden shift of power aboard their new craft, it wasn't in his job description to question their officers or pass judgement, only advise.

"It does makes sense to bring some sort of backup system." he piped up, turning a fraction towards their new CO, green panel reflecting the light in strange patterns. "I'd be concerned about mines or traps also, since they have the advantage of being entrenched with apparently enough assets to take our position."
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To Ume, Hoshi nodded, "Yes, we had our best team try to work on doing just such a thing. There were, sadly, no results from the efforts. We'll be going in blind."

"We'll have those backup systems brought onto the ship immediately," Hoshi told Iemochi. She looked around the room, "If there are no more questions, we will begin breakfast."
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