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RP: YSS Kaiyō Pre-Mission Three: It's Chemistry

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Med Bay

"See you there." Carter said after hearing Meissa's stammering reply, before walking past her towards the medbay door. He could feel his ears tingling and turning red as he walked away, just from being that close. He left the bay, giving the Taii a sidelong glance as he passed by. When he got out into the hall, he rested his back against the wall, closed his eyes, and gave a deep sigh. "What is wrong with me today." He thought, then shook his head, and turned back down the hallway on his way to the Recreation Area.
Mat noticed Meissa's discomfort as she got into the ST bed. Something was wrong, aside from the fact that he was having trouble thinking about anything else but his female crewmates. "Is something wrong Meissa?" He asked, a concerned look coming over his flushed face.
"Nothing." Meissa snapped back. In that tone of voice that says 'I'M LYING!'
Besides, something was obviously up concerning her behavior in the last few minutes.
Her heart was fluttering...so why didn't she say anything? She asked herself that question as she stretched out and got on top of the ST bed.

Mat frowned. She clearly was lying about something. But calling her out forcefully would do nothing to help.
He sat down on the end of the ST bed and looked toward her. He spoke gently. "I don't think that's entirely true. I'd like to be able to help, if you'll let me."
Medical Bay

After a minute or two of internal debate, Anastasia noticed Mitsuko choosing to flee the bay. Curiosity got the best of her as she quietly walked up to the door. It slid open quietly for her, as she caught the tail end of the hormonal chaos. She saw Eden passionately kissing Saki, Meissa half naked hitting on crew members, and Arbitrated and Mochi both being as red as bashful tomatoes. Before the air was cleared by Boss, she smelt a tinge of the unknown smell plaguing the room, sending alarms off in her head.
"I really hope this isn't what she meant."

Anastasia took a deep breath a sloooowly hid behind the doorframe, waiting for the apparent fever dream she encountered to pass. She probably wasn't getting a backup anymore.
"I think it would ask too much out of you." Meiss replied.
In all honesty it was too much to ask for, wasn't it? Besides, she couldn't just do that her normal way of throwing herself into every situation she found.

Was Mat a good option? She wasn't sure.
...he was a bumbling idiot at times, she was sure of that.
Mat sighed. He knew that Meissa didn't exactly have a high opinion of him, but couldn't she see that he wanted to be able to help? He considered her statement for a moment before replying.

"Maybe it would be, but I'd rather try to help someone in any way I can than stand by and watch them hurting. And you're hurting right now."
Meissa blushed a little bit. "Just...hit the ST switch."

She decided she got a little more than what she bargained for.
Mat frowned. He couldn't just let Meissa deal with whatever this was on her own. He got off the bed and stood up.

"If I hit the switch will you promise to let me help you?"
Meissa studied Mat's face for a few seconds. He really was going to try, wasn't he.
"Sure, why not." Meissa replied. "Give it a good shot and see where it takes you."
And her as well, she guessed.
Mat looked for the indicated switch before initiating the process. He hoped he hadn't broken any rules by doing it himself, but if it was a way to help a friend, he was willing to risk the consequences.

"How does it feel?" Mat asked, he had never had an ST backup before.
Mat found himself talking to a rock.

Well, not a rock. More accurately a Meissa completely out cold and sleeping like a rock. If rocks drooled a little out of the side of their mouths.
Arbitrated looked to one side of the room, where her CO was making out with the one called Saki. She didn't judge, really, but she decided to mentally log this because it may very well be relevant later to the decision making of those two. She looked to the other side, where Mat was busy talking to his friend Meissa, with minimal success since she was being backed up. Yeah that's kinda adorable really. But then... She looked ahead at Mochi, shivering a bit at the cycling of the air, causing her feathers to mesmerizingly ripple outwards from her upper back, and loosening the previously-adjusted hair but not dislodging it yet. Oh, why was he so hot? His blonde hair, the green eyes, the body that wasn't trying to hid but didn't steal the spotlight either... Oh, and that mark on his face. What's the story behind that?

"H-hi..." Oh god what are you doing Arbl no he's too good for you no stop you're only wasting his time! Her voice, interestingly enough, carried fairly clearly even in this crowded space. She took a deep breath, exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale....

"Ahem Hey there!" Might as well at least get someone tall enough to reach above the bottom shelf as her friend, though. Flying in close quarters tends to be problematic, and she doesn't carry a step stool around everywhere either.
As Mat was chatting up Messia (despite the fact she seemed to be currently unconscious), Mochi noticed Eden as she entered and saluted in a sluggish manner. It felt as if his arm was moving through water, dense and cool due to the vents and pheromone influence. On some level registering that the Taii herself was affectionately cuddling and kissing Saki, he found it quite warming. As the Doctor finished his intentionally drawn-out folding he picked out what he could only describe as a voice that sounded like a melody, "H-hi.."

He froze immediately, just about preventing his eyes from widening. She- Oh lord. Playing it cool, he cleared his throat, feeling the flushing of blood in his face and extremities. Was she talking to him..? The Juni ran a hand through his unruly blonde hair, trying to not seem like a complete wreck. Don't be stupid - please don't be stupid. He prayed, as another melodical call came fluttering across the room "Ahem Hey there!"

Taking a moment to calm himself and a few slow breaths, he turned to Arbitrated with a shy smile. "Hey.. Uhm.." he had to force himself to not be overwhelmed by it all, taking a few steps towards her so that they could talk more easily but not too close. At this distance, Mochi was even more taken aback by how stunning she was, feathers and hair dancing in the light breeze.

Rubbing the back of his neck as if he was playing it off, he tried to make it seem like it wasn't a big deal. "Arbitrated Shan, right?"
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Oh he's coming this way this can't be good oh no oh-wait a sec why would he be coming closer to rebuke me? Collect yourself! She twisted her body at the hips slightly, back and forth to loosen the tense muscles which weren't helping anyone. It felt... Odd, to be noticed by someone she doesn't interact with often. It felt... Nice, too. Oh crap he's saying something!

"Uuuuuuuummmm-uh, yeah..." Her voice dropped to a murmur, her face to the floor with it. "I think you're called... Mochi?" That's a nickname you dolt! What's his real name? This is how you turn them away! Her face becoming red like carbon blood, and hot to the touch she trembled in this odd position. She was never good at names and it always was the worst with critical meetings like this. It usually takes her a week or more of talking before she can remember it without pausing for five seconds or so.

This... Nice young man, with his cute voice and messy hair, was too much for her to work with right now, but she didn't want to run away either... So there she remained, frozen in place, eyes to the floor, trembling like a leaf in the breeze.
Medical Bay

What looked like a sleepy Orion made his way to the med bay. He was pretty late, he HAD decided to sleep a bit more, but the call to the med bay woke him up. Why was he late then?Orion.. wasn't really fully awake at the time. It normally takes awhile for his mind to wake up... Anyone that had seen him would have seen an elysian with wings dropped on his back, almost dragging them, tripping around and occasionally falling to the floor, his eyes seemed to be looking at nothingness. He finally made his way towards the hallway where the medbay was located, but, still in the drunk/sleepy state, tripped and had an unpleasant encounter with the floor.
Just Outside the Medical Bay

Anastasia, who had been snooping outside of the Med Bay door in confusion, jumped at the sudden crash from Orion hitting the floor. Her wings tightened against her body as she flinched and turned to face the groggy morning bird kissing the ground. After a moment of heightened breathing, she rushes over to Orion, kneeling down beside the Elysian.
"Are you alright??"
"I'm fine...." Was the grumpy reply of the elysian

He.. somehow sat up and looked at Anastasia, his purple dark eyes where kind of empty.

The Elysian then unexpectedly slapped himself, hard.

Anastasia helped pull Orion from his hard landing into a sitting position, responding in a rather 'IT Guy' manner, "Maybe you need more sleep..."

Her voice trailed off into a murmur as she looked at Orion's deep purple eyes. There for just a moment, her heart rate fluttered as strange, uncommon thoughts raced through her mind. She took another deep, quiet breath, looking at him sitting there on the floor. Anastasia's eyes went without blinking for an awkwardly long time, looking Orion's face over. "Nice feathers... is he a Patrician??"
Anastasia's thoughts kept racing by, having inhaled just enough of whatever the hell that smell was to derail her train of thought. She opened her mouth to ask if he hurt anything, to ask anything to get her mind back on track, but all that came out was a quiet, spaced-our "uuuuuuhhhhhhhmn...".

Anastasia snapped back to reality, reeling back a bit as Orion slapped himself straight across the face, yelling "WAKE UP" at the top of his lungs. She fells backwards, landing on her butt. She looked disoriented, but shook it off as her face returned to nearly normal. "Betterer?"
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"finally... I can feel something..."

Orion then realized he just slapped himself and rubbed his now red cheek, letting out a nervous chuckle.

"Alright I think.. I'm up"

He looked back at Anastasia.
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