Star Army

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RP: 5th XF [Prelude] Point of Origin

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Tesuro manned his position quite well, taking care not to miss any important readings. However, it was a simple liftoff and he didn't have much to worry about either way, so he gave himself leeway to relax.

This relaxation slipped away however, when Kiyoko reached over his shoulder working on something at his station; he tensed up and his eyes fixated entirely upon the screens in front of him like a hawk eyeing its prey. His breathing intensified just a bit, but he made sure not to let it become too obvious. He did not want to appear to be a spaz in front of his superior officer.

Ritsuko arrived and, though Tesuro would never admit to it, he listened quite entirely to their exchange. Without turning around, he lifted a brow to their rather unprofessional conversation, and needless to say was a bit surprised at that sort of behavior from a higher-up, though he was by no means "appalled". Even being the introvert he was he didn't mind laying back a few when he wanted to relax.

His mind wandered to lazy days on the farm, when he would sit out on the porch after a hard day's work and have pseudo-philosophical conversations with his father. However upon later reflection, he would realize they were merely drunken musings that didn't particularly make sense or were even relevant to anything anywhere. Still, it was a fond memory.

When Ritsuko patted his shoulder, Tesuro was thrust out of his dreamland and as the words she spoke passed through his ears he shook, obviously embarrassed. He turned around, blushing rather intensely, to Ritsuko, then to Kiyoko, and to Ritsuko again.

"No no! I was doing no such..."

However Ritsuko had already left to go speak with Creighton. Obviously it was a joke that he had taken a little too seriously and inadvertantly made himself look a tad foolish. He quickly turned to Kiyoko and stood in a very erect and proper manner. "Si--miss--no, Shosa! I apologize if I gave off any impression! I would never demean your honor in such a way as to flirt with you as one would a common civilian. I am very, very sorry, Shosa!"

He bowed deeply to her, a bit confused at this point. He knew it was just a joke, yet he continued to apologize as though he had committed some great offense. Perhaps it was just the stress of a new mission venting itself, or perhaps it was something else.
Ichiro knew he heard something about liquor, but decided to pay attention to his station and not say anything yet, as he watched the lines of information roll across the screen.
"Hmm, maybe..." Creighton's voice trailed off with a playful tone as Ritsuko approached him and posed her question. He turned his head to her and with a grin. "Or perhaps you couldn't stand the thought of being without me and hacked Star Army Command to change my orders."

He turned from the communications station, leaving Ichiro to his own. Slowly he walked with Ritsuko towards the center of the bridge. "Besides, can't play as much as I can out here. And I intend, to play." Creighton chuckled as he leaned into Ritsuko.

"The effort is there. Now if only we could work on your timing." Creighton half-snickered, half-whispered to her. "The 'grand' disguise Kiyoko had seems to be falling apart before we even leave port."

He suddenly eyed some communications of note. "Aww..." He made a short trot to the communications station. "Why are there so many ships here? You, help me send out path warnings to them." He nodded to Ichiro as he spoke. "Argh, I hate shipyards and ports because of this."

He then looked over to the Shosa at the science station. Well if they didn't know, I'm sure they have a guess now. Otherwise, we'll be the only ones having the fun. He telepathically sent to her. I just hope we can leave on time. I'm sick of home already.
With the in-system course done Itkatsu moved her attention to the fold jumps, bringing up the solution sent from Seijin no Umi on the volumetric projection; the Neko's eyes looked it over as she directed her words at Kiyoe. "With the Shosa's requirements for our course, we seek a course that stays away from danger while also not unduly delaying our arrival. Just like in power armour combat you gather the same sort of information to make your decisions; the enemy's territory, fleet movements, recent battlegrounds, along with astronomical factors...â€
Kiyoe looked at the display for several seconds. On one hand, the Chui probably knew a lot more about navigation than she did... but on the other hand, she could have purposely displayed a bad course as some sort of test. After several seconds of inspection, she had to concede that she couldn't find anything wrong with it. She nodded. "It looks okay to me..."
Kiyoko gave Tesuro a gentle look; he had taken the Shoi's words to heart. There he was apologizing; she thought it was cute and giggled. "Urameshi-Hei, Why are you apologizing? If you were flirting with me, I wouldn't be offended.â€
Ichiro stood, bowed to the beta shift comn person, and walked up the steps to the upper bridge, toward the conference room, where he saw the Shosa. He raised an eyebrow as he saw her face. "What's wrong, Shosa?" he asked, looking in and reeling back slightly at the words on the wall. "Oh...gods.." was all he said.
"Is that so." Creighton jested back at Ritsuko, grinning as he did so.

Creighton motioned to Ichiro to follow the Shosa before he left his spot at the communication console. The Yamataian finished a few more alerts and announcements before the beta shift personnel began to filter in. Walking towards Tesuro, Creighton looked over the bridge a little, making sure people were in their correct places.

Smooth going so far.

He smiled as he approached the Santo Hei. "Already hitting it off well with the commander I see." Creighton commented to the fellow Yamataian. He grabbed hold of the back of Tesuro's chair as the ship shifted into hyperspace. "I do hope you'll be an asset to this team, Urameshi. Don't worry if things are troublesome now. We'll be able to acquaint you with-"


Creighton turned rapidly, curious at the sudden telepathic outburst. He never finished his sentence to Tesuro as he jogged over to Kiyoko.

"I do something wrong?" Creighton asked the Shosa from behind. His voice was puzzled as he approached the entrance to the command briefing room. He felt a shiver run over him as he approached the doorway and Kiyoko.

Shosa... What the hell is that? Was all Crighton could send to his commander as he gazed into the room.
Tesuro, still blushing, nodded to Kiyoko in response. Not knowing what else to say, he gently nodded his head and bowed slightly, saying "Y-yes, Shosa."

A bit unfulfilling, yes, but he didn't find it his place to engage in idle conversation about flirtation with his superior. She was much to busy for that, as was evident since she quickly walked off to attend to other matters. He pushed his concentration back onto his work, shaking off the embarrassing situation and hoping it would not be brought up later after hours. It would be brought up sooner than he thought though, as Creighton approached him and began speaking to him. He listened intently as his presiding officer spoke, cringing at the joking comment he began with, but soon he saw Creighton suddenly distracted and suddenly ran off. He followed closely behind.

His head was down as he entered, but he soon looked up and his eyes filled with horror. Blood--spread all along the walls in words that seemed so real and sincere. Who had spoken them...but more importantly who had written them so discretely?

He could sense Kiyoko's horror, much moreso than his own. He wanted to ask what was wrong or say something, say anything. But his sense of inferiority kept him from this, and he merely stood behind, staring horrified at the sight before him.
Kiyoe wasn't far behind Kiyoko. By the time she reached the door, she'd already gotten the impression that something was wrong. Rather than ask the petrified people in the doorway what was up, she took the initiative herself, leaning forward to look into the room through a gap between their bodies. Upon seeing the writing on the wall, her only reaction was to pause for a moment and say, "... whoa."
Kiyoko moved back from the doorway allowing the others a view. She regained herself quickly and began inquiring of the WIES as to how the writing had gotten there.

"Yugumo, identify all personnel who have entered the command briefing room since your activation.â€
When Motoyoshi moved away from the doorway Itkatsu shifted to look through the spot the Shosa had vacated, her expression hardening slightly as she saw the crimson words. It was not the first time she had seen blood – though at least this time she was not covered in it – and so after a moment of examining the morbid scene Kiyoko turned and moved away from the doorway, listening to the Shosa's instructions.

"Hai, Shosa,â€
Kiyoe reluctantly tore herself from the room and followed Kiyoko. As she walked, she mused aloud, "I bet it's just red paint. I mean, just because it's red and mysterious, everybody jumps to conclusions... and if it's been there since the room was made, we really don't even need to worry about it. Right?" Though her words said otherwise, the fact that she was babbling made it fairly obvious that the incident had left her shaken.
"h..Hai." Ichiro said, turning away from the scene, and following the other woman to the Second floor briefing rooms. Who could have done it...and why? And why in blood? he pondered to him self.
Tesuro stood fixated on the words spelled out in blood. A thousand questions raged through his mind, none of which he could answer. When he was ordered to follow Itkatsu, he did immediately, taking it as a welcome opportunity to leave the morbid scene.
Creighton ignored the bloody lettering for a moment and glanced about the room. It still appeared immaculate, no signs of struggle or even a source of the blood. The circumstances of it all gave the young man reason to wonder. The Yugumo's mission was one of hope. A demoralizing attack like this could jeopardize the crew's well being.

Turning around he surveyed the bridge. Noticing several Beta shift members moving to take a look at the commotion. "Please, nothing to see here." Creighton started. He motioned, with his hands, for them to return to their stations. "There's nothing important here. Return to your stations."

After giving the command, Creighton turned to Kiyoko and shook his head. He then looked at the enlisted crew with them. "Please comply with the Shosa's orders. We will be along shortly." Creighton then nodded to Itkatsu and followed after the commander.

We should have the Yugumo run tests to find the blood source, if it even is blood. Creighton sent to Kiyoko telepathically as he moved behind her.
The door of the ready room closed behind them, Kiyoko looked to Creighton "Tests are already underway. I think we may have a problem on our hands- for now I am willing to assume this was some kind of sick joke on the behalf of some base-rat, but I want security to keep their eyes open.â€
"A sick joke..." Creighton muttered as he looked at the writing on the wall. He balled a fist in his right hand. "Dammit, why would anyone think this was funny? It's- Aww, dammit now I'm getting worked up over it."

He turned away from the wall and threw his arms up in disgust. "This isn't what we need now. And now I need a heavy drink as well." He turned and looked at the Shosa.

It was times like these he wished the 5th Fleet was back to normal. Not in its current state, ragged and hardened. Just a simple fleet, with a simple mission, explore and expand the empire. And back when he was less stressed and strung out.

"Alright." Creighton said finally after several seconds of just looks and silence. "Should I go down and check on this party arrangements? Or should I stick with you for the briefing?" Creighton began to follow after his commanding officer.
"Just assign one of your more trusted soldiers. I need you at the briefing.â€
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