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RP: 5th XF [Prelude] Point of Origin

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Tesuro still sat under the shower, and by this time had finished about half of the bottle he started. He wasn't used to this kind of liquor and could only take it in small gulps. A buzz began whirring itself into his head, which made various strange thoughts flow through his head. However, at the slow rate at which he was drinking combined with his natural Yamataian immune system didn't allow him to become very drunk. A little buzzed, but not at all close to hammered.

The night was just overwhelming for him, and the alcohol, noise of the shower, and cold water helped to distract his mind from it all. At the beginning of the day he was a new recruit on the Yugumo, shy and generally unwilling to make any good friends. But by the end of the night had already made himself out to be a fool in front of his commanding officer, been excessively molested, and by taking a risk and making friends with somebody on a whim, ended up embarrassing himself simply due to his naivete on the subject of sex.

"I know what sex is..." he mumbled to himself, somewhat drunkenly. It was true, he did. He knew all there really was to know; but only through books and never through experience. He had never flirted, been flirted on, courted anyone, been kissed, and had certainly never made love. That, coupled with his isolationism from the rest of world made him unable to cope with the dancing of the naked women and the advances of Akira properly. He simply felt foolished and horrible about himself and how he had acted.

He took another gulp from his bottle and again laid it down between his legs. But as soon as he did this, he received the message that Kiyoko was waiting right outside of his door. "The Shosa...?" he said to himself, panicked.

Quickly, he turned off the water and jumped out of the shower, knocking the bottle over and causing it to spill into one of the drains--mostly. In a frantic manner, still completely nude of course, he looked for some clothes to throw on himself. Soon he found his uniform issue pants that he had taken off before entering the shower. At this point, still somewhat enibriated and distracted by the surprise, he pulled the trousers on without his underwear and quickly fastened them. This proved to be a more difficult endeavor than he first anticipated, and they instead hung loosely off his hips. Thinking that this was appropriate enough, he answer the door for Kiyoko.

The door opened in front of her, and Tesuro stood standing in the doorway, breathing deeply. He supported himself against the wall, his hair and body still dripping wet from him forgetting to dry himself. Remembering his manners at the last moment, he half-saluted Kiyoko. " there anything I can help you with...?" he uttered, with an obvious headache.
Caine nodded to them and chuckled a bit at their comment about the way the party was going and shrugged. "You'll get used to stuff like that." He told Kiyoe and blinked, feeling the vibration of the communicator going off in his pocket and pulled it open and turned away to recieve the message. "Hmm I see, I suppose I should go ahead and inform her about this...." he said and turned to the new people.

"Pardon me you guys, try to have some fun ok? This might be the last time we'll have the chance for a while." he said and started to head away from them toward the exit. "Yugumo, just where is Kiyoko-shosa now?" he asked the AI.
Despite all the commotion and noise, Camellia had fallen asleep at the table she was seated at. With noone there to keep her company, and the fact she drank about thirteen beers based on the glasses around her, she had gotten bored to the point of drinking herself into a drunken stouper, and then passed out. Arms resting one on top of another on the table, with her forhead resting on her arms.
The blue-haired Yamataian shrugged dismissively. "Not much, really. I always mostly just hung out and talked to people in my dad's bar... I like practicing fighting too, but I'm not too good with power armors yet. I don't really have any, you know... hobbies." Snagging herself a bite from a plate near the unconscious Camellia's elbow, she added, "What about you?"
"Me? Well..I practice fighting, but prefer gunfights and fighters then power armors. I ....well.I do a little art on the side...nothing decent.." Ichiro said, a slight blush at the mention of something so unlike a fighter.
"Huh. You'll have to show me your work some time! Though I guess I'll see it anyway, since we're in the same room. Speaking of which," Kiyoe stood, stretching, after polishing off a final bite of food, "I think I'm gonna head back there too."
"Well, so I don't seem like I'm obsessed with you, I think I'll mull here for a bit, then go back to the room." Ichiro said, smiling at her. "See you later, I guess."
>ON JP Kiyoko and Tesuro/Warning some adult content!!

Kiyoko had a surprised look on her face as Tesuro opened the door dripping wet, "Uh...Should I come back later?" she was not much better off, her skirt and shirt were still wet from dancing with Caine, the heart at least somewhat covered her breasts. Oh lord, and I thought he was embarassed on the bridge-now I show up to his quarters while he is in disarray-not that I am much better. She smiled slightly, it was awkward-Why couldnt he have been clothed. Kiyoko stop staring at him!, she scolded herself, adjusting her eyes to focus on the wall beside the door.

Tesuro, now even more embarrassed than before, tried to divert his eyes from the spectacle before him. When the door opened, he couldn't help but look over Kiyoko's wet body. Though her reason for being in such a state, he told himself, was more understandable than his. In her presense at that moment he felt a bit weak, and had to force himself to tear his eyes away from her soaked body. After successfully doing so, he diverted his eyes to the floor, partially to stop himself from feasting his eyes on her, and partially out of shame for doing so in the first place. Her being his commanding officer did not help make him feel any better about his unwanted lustful thoughts. "No..." he started, trying to cover up the fact that he was still a bit drunk. "No, it's fine. I out of the shower and didn't want to keep you waiting...I apologize for my appearance, Shosa..." he said shyly, still looking down at her feet.

Kiyoko looked around, wondering how much interesting gossip would come about her making house calls to the enlisted bunks, she said "I didn't notice anything wrong with your appearance, can I come in?" she smiled a little-watching him stare at her feet. This is turning out a great deal more awkward than I think I imagined on the way down here.

"Of course, Shosa." Tesuro said, bringing his eyes up to her face. He smiled slightly back at her, trying hard to seem "normal". At this point he felt had done nothing but make himself out to be a socially awkward fool, which in his opinion he was. He stepped aside, and bowed deeply to her, trying to show his respect.

The door hissed closed behind Kiyoko, "Please, save the bowing for the bridge. I am just here to talk-How are you settling in?" she inquired, leaping onto what would be Akira's bunk, and slidding downwards into a sitting position with her knees drawn up to her chest, her back resting agaunst the bulkhead. The enlisted bunks were comfortable, but they lacked the spring or the pillowing that the bed in her quarters had. She couldnt help but think that sex had to be less than amazing on one.

As she walked past him into the room, Tesuro watched her from behind as she made her way to one of the room's bunks. While she was still turned around, he smelled his breath. Alcohol. "I'll have to make sure not to get too close, then..." he thought. As she sat down, he casually picked up the clothes he had stripped on the floor and tucked them neatly into the drawers near his bunk. He then picked up his severely torn workout T-shirt and held it up. He looked at it, then to Kiyoko and said on an unrelated topic, "I apologize. I've been conditioned so much to use formalities toward both superior officers and women that I sometimes don't know when it's appropriate to just be...myself." Wading up the shirt, he threw it in a nearby trash receptacle. It flew through the air and landed in the container perfectly, making it move only slightly from the force. He sat down on his bunk across from her, letting his body's weight fall limply onto it, causing it to shake. His fingers found the edge of the bunk and held him up so that he sat straight on the edge. "I'm settling in...all right" he began. "The accomodations are very generous, and I've found the company to be quite nice." He ended the last part with a light smile toward her.

Kiyoko regarded his smile, it was warm and told her a great deal about him, she noted "The company in this fleet has always been that way, people say that is because my mother demanded it. I just think it happened on its own." she looked down a moment, thoughts of her mother came drifting back. She sighed, "Look, I am sorry for what happened on the bridge this morning-Ritsuko is prone to joking around. She is just trying to brighten things up-this whole war has everyone down. She didn't mean to embarass you."

Tesuro tensed as the words came from her lips. He had hoped she had forgotten about the incident and had merely written it off. He chuckled nervously, thinking it would serve to suggest that he was merely writing off the occurence himself. "Oh! That...yes. It's quite alright, Kiyoko-shosa. I was just's my first assignment on my first day...I'm sure you remember how that was for you. Were I relaxed I'm sure I would have simply laughed it off--it's not as though the concept of me flirting with you would be so far-fetched!", he told her, somewhat forcing a laugh at the end. Hoping she would not take it the wrong way, he added on at the last moment, "Don't you think...?"

Kiyoko laughed, "You are so nervous-and I dont see it like that. And on my first assignment, I was definately not relaxed." she moved over on the bed and patted the seat next to her welcomingly, "I was a wreck. I was assigned to a scientific expedition on Taiie IV just after the initial colonization. The ground base commander was great until he read my surname and figured out that my mothers were the top ranking officers in the fleet. He kept assigning me lab work-keeping me out of the field claiming it was to utilize my talents-he just didn't want it on his hands if something happened to me. Finally I got the guy to let me out on an expedition, but yea...Those first few days were something else."

Trying to cover up Tesuro's nerves failed, but Kiyoko did not seemed to mind, which served to put him at ease. He could feel his mind begin to clear as he listened to her story. Almost automatically he got up and sat next to her on the bed, his eyes fixated upon her eyes and her lips. He listened intently to her every word, and in doing so it helped change his image of Kiyoko as simply a higher ranking officer and a relatable person just like himself. When she ended, he nodded in reflection of her story. "That must have been tough for you, wanting to prove yourself but being barred from doing so. Surely they'd have not given it a second thought if they'd known what a commander you'd be today." He smiled at her again, though keeping his distance as he was still worried about the condition of his breath. However, after his response, he became more serious as he looked into her eyes. "'ve always had those names to live up to...I can't imagine the pressure you've have to endure."

Kiyoko smiled, it was the first time she had actually came out and talked about it. She said "Life in their shadows is not always as it cracked up to be, but it is not all that bad either. That is how I met Camellia and Caine-they both served on the Akuro when my mother was alive. Now they serve here..." she leaned on him a little bit, "The ship though seems empty, but you never expected to find yourself on the bridge crew mhm?"

As Tesuro felt Kiyoko's body press on him, he couldn't help but blush and turn away just a bit to try and conceal it. He wanted to move to take away the risk of doing something foolish to her by accident, but he knew that would be rude and made himself stay. Instead, he leaned back on her to make her feel as though she wasn't intruding upon him. It felt nice, he thought, letting somebody get that close to him without running away. Slowly the heat in his cheeks left and the blushing subsided. He turned his head back toward her and responded, "No...I wasn't expecting it. But to be honest, I'm not one who looks forward to fighting...being on the bridge seems as though it will be a much more secure position for me for the time being. Besides...the bridge is where you will be, and I think a new soldier being so close to his commander is a very good thing..." He tensed up again, thinking he may have sounded a little suggestive. Quickly and awkwardly he added, "...for questions know...things like that."

Kiyoko grabbed one of the pillows at the head of the bed and hit him with it, "Do it again and I will twap you. If you want to flirt with me take a risk solider.." She laughed, falling over to the side.

Tesuro's head turned with the smack of the pillow. He looked over to her, holding his cheek with his eyes wide open. "Did you...just hit me with a pillow...?" he asked as he pulled the pillow out of her hands playfully. All of his conditioning told him to avoid the situation, but talking with her gave him a new light feeling that he didn't want to abandon. He leaned over her just slightly, smiling, he put his hands to the sides of her waist. "Shosa! I hardly think this is appropriate conduct!" he started. "In fact, I do believe I read somewhere during my training that should a higher officer strike a soldier with a pillow..." He paused again, raising the pillow up. "That gives him license to fight back!" he ended, playfully swinging the pillow down on her.

Kiyoko smirked at his words, and then seeing the pillow coming down on her, it caught her right across the chest, she laid back on the bed giggling, her green strands pillowing out around her head. She reached for the pillow and tossed it through the air right towards Tesuro, still giggling with enjoyment from it all. "I haven't been in a pillow fight since I attended the Academy!"

The pillow hit Tesuro right in the face again, and he pretended to fall over in pain, still laughing. He had never been in a pillow fight, or any other play-fighting not counting standard sparring. He jumped off the bed, and ran over to his, tossing his pillow over to Kiyoko in an offering manner. He stood up and opened his arms, still holding the other pillow, and said "Well, at least you have experience then!" Entering into a fighting position, he swung the pillow around jokingly in a taunting manner. "Come at me; I'd like to see what my Shosa can do!"

Kiyoko snatched the pillow out of the air and got up on the bed, she bounced up and down a little bit and then leapt forwards aiming left of Tesuro, the pillow being held by its edge in her right hand barreling towards his head. "Mwa..!" she exclaimed. Her NH-29 agility was a definite advantage over him, she was faster, stronger and little to his knowledge a pillow fighting goddess.

Almost immediately Kiyoko's amazing speed was evident to Tesuro. He had obviously heard that nekos were naturally quick, but he hadn't expected it to be so blatant. In his moment of awe, he was caught off-guard at the pillow flying toward him, but still managed to dodge it. Even he was surprised at this; though it was not a complete dodge as the pillow made contact with the back of his head as he bent down. Quickly he counterattacked, swiping upwards toward Kiyoko whose swing was still ending.

Missing Tesuro caught her off guard, shifting her weight she tried to avoid the pillow but as she was coming down she got the pillow right in the face, she rolled over sweeping her leg to the back of his knee. Her sapphire eyes glistened as she gave her foot a tug forward acting on the back of his knee trying to bring him down, at the same time grabbing a pillow with her free hand, and sending it barreling towards his crotch, hoping he would protect himself and help her bring him down.

Even further surprised,Tesuro landed a hit! "I guess hand to hand combat training has actually come in handy." he thought. But in his moment of self-congratulation, he had no time to respond or notice her next attack. He felt a strong force against the back of his knee, causing him to fall to his back. He used his other leg to try and correct himself, but this was a fruitless effort and he fell flat on the ground. His head did not hit the ground, as he used his energy to keep it from doing so, but in this he left himself vulnerable to another attack, letting a precise swing of the pillow right between his legs. "Huurhk!" he let out as the pillow recoiled a bit off of him. Since it was a pillow he was struck with, the blow was not as severe as one might think, however she had hit a sensitive area, which left him stunned.

Kiyoko sat up, her tummy shirt in disarray pulled up to her exposed nipples-still laughing and unware or uncaring of this wardrobe malfunction she said to him, "Had enough tough-guy?" she proped herself on her hands, back up off the bed her head tilted to look at Tesuro, who she figured may have recieved a pillow to his package, she couldnt help but be proud-taking him down like that. She shook her head a bit straightening her hair which hung down behind her.

Tesuro's hands rested between his legs in an effort to soothe the mild pain he was feeling. He rested his head on the floor and groaned; not out of pain, but in a playful way admitting defeat. Beginning to push himself up after the pain subsided he spoke. "Heh...that was a low blow, my Shosa. But now I've learned my lesson not to challenge the great..." Tesuro was unable to finish his sentence after he propped himself up and looked at Kiyoko. Her breasts, apparently unknown to her, were bare and he could do nothing but stare captivated at her. It was more or less the most nudity he had seen from a woman, although he had been "assaulted" by nude women earlier in the hour he did not consider that seeing a woman truly naked. He looked away, obviously aroused and nervous, and pointed at Kiyoko's chest. "Umm...your little up..." he said rather unclearly.

Kiyoko blinked, He looks like he seen a Mishuu pop out of me....wait...oh. She noticed then, sitting all the way up. Looking at him her sapphire eyes narrowed slightly, he was cute-sitting there as nervous as he was. A virgin she had derived from it all-no doubt that he was. She quietly informed Yūgumo, her telepathic link to the computer much faster than reaching for the console. Yūgumo change door entry protcol for this room-lockout its occupants until I order ortherwise. She smiled, grabbing the edges of the skimpy top she tugged it down alittle, but then pulled it up and over her head and tossed it towards Tesuro. She awaited his reaction with a playful look in her eyes.

Her shirt landed over Tesuro's face, covering his shocked expression at her unexpected action. It stayed there for a moment before it slipped off his face, his expression still as it was before. In his pants he felt what he did when he was thrown into the dancefloor by Creighton earlier in the night, but he made no effort to cover it as in this situation he could certainly not be blamed for having what he did. His eyes looked Kiyoko over eagerly, and similar images he had earlier in the night with the anonymous neko flashed into his mind. His baser impulses showed him images of bending Kiyoko over his bed and taking her from behind, lifting her up against the wall, holding her atop him, pinning her down as he indulged himself inside of her. He tried to shake off the thoughts by closing his eyes and shaking his head for a moment, but as soon as his eyes opened he saw Kiyoko there. Beautiful Kiyoko. Half naked on his bed and looking at him with a look he had only read about. He bit his lip, still nervous, but so very eager to know just what his Shosa wanted with him. "Kiyoko..." he said breathlessly. He began to move toward her very slowly in a crawling manner, his eyes shifting from her naked breasts to her beautiful, blue eyes.

Kiyoko reclined backwards propping herself up with one hand, her right hand held up with her nailess didgit curling to motion him towards her, she whispered sweetly within his mind Kiss me.. She loved Caine dearly, but she wanted Tesuro as she wanted many on this ship, she had no intention to seduce Tesuro when she arrived, but it had become inevitable. Yūgumo following Kiyoko's cue lowered the light levels by over half, leaving the room dimly lit. She awaited him, ached for him, she wanted to take away his innocence-having never had the opportunity to do so before to any of her lovers.

(Note to Kel and Ichy: The door of the enlisted bunk is locked out by Kiyoko)

Ichiro finished off a final swig of rum, and stood, grabbing some food. He decided enough was enough, and wanted to head to his drawing pad, which he left...somewhere...he couldn't remember if he had it on the bridge, or if it was in the room.
Kiyoe didn't waste any time to return to the room upon leaving the party. When she arrived, though, it seemed that the door wouldn't let her in. She glared at it in confusion. This is my room, right? Looking up to the ceiling, she impatiently asked, "Hey, computer! What gives?"
Ichiro was already, having jogged, at the entrance to the bridge. Walking in, he started searching around for his drawing pad. "Now..where is it..." he pondered out loud.
Yugumo responded politely to Kiyoe.

Lockout overide has been engaged by the Shosa. Please return at a later time for entry. There is an enlisted commons on this deck for your convience.
Her voice echoed through Tesuro's mind. Even after Kiyoko said it, he heard it again and again. Kiss me--kiss me--kiss me... Her eyes and her finger beckoned him forth and could do nothing to stop himself. He wanted her so badly, and though he knew that there would be various complications following what he was planning on doing, he was just so overwhelmed by her beauty and want for him that he could not stop. As he got closer to her, the look in her eyes became more apparent, and the dimming of the lights served to heightened the sensuality of the entire affair. Obviously this woman knew what she was doing.

Tesuro crawled onto the bed and advanced slowly on her, causing her to lay down below him as he did. Even through the dim lighting he could see the shimmering of her eager lips, warm and moist. Now he was but inches from her face. So beautiful...moreso than ever before now. He wanted to tell her, but as well-read as he was, he could not form words to describe her beauty. Instead he stayed silent.

Never having kissed anyone before, he was naturally nervous and his lip quivered ever so slightly. He hoped that his kiss was not awkward and uncomfortable. The last thing he wanted was to turn her off after he was so close to attaining what had been out of reach to him since he reached adolescense. slowly his face dipped down to her...his eyes closed...and almost haphazardly his lips fit perfectly into hers. They surrounded her bottom lip softly, the natural pout of his lips helping this. His heart raced as he tried his hardest not to let his lip shake. My god...this is incredible... he thought privately. Her lips on his was the greatest feeling he had ever felt. Never had he been that close with someone for one, and her taste! He savored every moment of their kiss, but having so little experience, did not know how to continue.
Creighton stood uneasily after some time unwinding. He still felt terrible, a fact not being helped by the half-finished bottle of whiskey in his right hand. The young man took one final long drink from the bottle, downing nearly half of what remained.

Recoiling from the drink Creighton gagged for a second and wiped his mouth his his shirt sleeve. That was... good man. Where the hell? He thought to himself in a haze. He began to stumble out of the Arboretum and back inside the ship.

A few personnel that spotted the stumbling man offered to help, but Creighton simply grinned and waved them off weakly. The lift was the worst part, Creighton unable to touch the holographic keys correctly.

"Now waz dat messthage wunt?" Creighton tried recalling out loud. As his head rolled around lazily the Yugumo's arm reach and keyed the the level of his quarters. Slowly the lift closed and began moving, Creighton paying it little mind.

"I tink. Yeah..." Creighton grasped his head as he stumbled from the lift, wandering towards his own quarters. Unknowingly his Yamataian body was already in overdrive, pumping the toxic alcohol from the sensitive body functions.

Reacting his quarters Creighton keyed them open and stepped into the room uneasily. He shambled over to the bed area with both hands over his face. "Ok, so that's it. Those crew are replacing the bridge crew." He finally was coming to his senses. "Yugumo make a note of this for me when I get up. I don't feel to well."

With that said Creighton sat down on his bed and slowly feel on his side. Almost as quickly as he went down he began to fall asleep. From his doorway the Yugumo stood smiling, she looked to the ceiling and nodded. The lights slowly dimmed to black as the AI stepped from the room, letting the doors shut behind her.
Huh? Kiyoe didn't seem too pleased by the response--as far as she was concerned, it was her room, and she was ready to go to sleep. The idea of somebody else locking her out of it for what seemed to be an arbitrary reason infuriated her. "What do you mean, a lockout?! What's the problem?"
Caine sighes he'd gone to the quarters as well, Yugumo having mentioned where she was. "I suppose there's a reason and they're busy" Caine said, with a sigh as he approached.
Ritsuko was on the bridge-the third shift was traditionally manned by her and Kiyoko-reduced staffing to keep the other shifts fully staffed. The bridge lighting had been dimmed-Ritsuko sat in the command chair, her drawing pad before her-she was sketching a picture of Yui from memory. She turned having heard the lift, "Kobayashi-san, what are you doing up here? You reek of booze and a few other things I can't pin down.â€
Caine crossed his arms over his bare chest, the jacket still slung over his shoulder. The message was quite important but so what Kiyoko's privacy, whatever she was doing might be important in its own right. But locking the people out of their bunkroom wasn't good.

"Yugumo, Just tell Kiyoko that I bear a message for her from Chujo Mitsuya Saito and that it's quite important." he said and listened to Kiyoe's complaints. "And Yugumo, when the Shosa leaves this bunkroom, rescend the lockout command. We can't have our enlisted standing in the hallways all night, I'm sure the Shosa will understand." he said and turned to Kiyoe. "Kiyoe, why don't you come with me? Until this is done with you can relax with me." he said to her.
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