Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: Bounty Hunts Prologue 2 - A New Flight, and a New Fight

Kendra gave the young man a nod and opened her giant plus bear. From within she drew a large automatic shotgun made by Styrling. She put a big magazine in it. Now it was not time to stand by and use stealth.

"We lingered here for long, let us go now." Kendra said and looked at the flight attendant that talked at the group. "Show me the shortest way to cargo bay or whenever they could land with the shuttle. We must hurry!"
Cargo Hold

"Got it!" Amanozako replied. She really did not care how many of the mutineers made it out in the end, as long as more of the loyalest were blasted down first. She ducked behind a crate and plotted out her plan of action.

Amanozako eyed where the hunkered down enemy group was, all safe atop their stack of crates with crates stacked around them for defense. She frowned, her red eyes moving up to the ceiling, which housed many runs of pipes and cable bundles. She grinned.

She popped up, taking aim at the ceiling above and squeezed her impaler rifle's trigger, sending volleys of energy fire into the pipes and cables and supports hanging over the hunkered down loyalists, blasting them and sending the wreckage tumbling down.
Desmond sighed and holstered his pistol back on his vest. He stopped to think for a while, then could make something useful out of that situation while the rest of the group was taking so long behind him. While the woman wasn't in any situation to pull it up and there was no way her 'pet' would lift it for her, he could lift it just fine.

The bounty hunter reached under the shelf and started to pull it up with a grunt until the said shelf was leaning against the opposite wall, making it possible for the woman to get out.

"You're part of the crew." He said, stating rather than asking after he noticed her uniform, "Do you have an ID? An access card?" He asked. If he managed to get hold of one that could get him to engineering and then the cargo deck it would save a considerable time instead of busting through the doors. Not that he couldn't do it, he'd just rather be quicker.
===== Cargo Bay Third Deck =====

As Amanzako fired into the pipes, three of the pirates saw the danger, and jumped off into the labyrinth of crates, leaving the other two pirates to be crushed by the falling wreckage. The pinned down mutineers shouted a thanks, and a not so appropriate offer towards Amanzako, and continued to hunt down the remaining three loyalists in the cargo crates.

"Nice shooting Red! Let's go get the Capt'n." He pointed where the group last saw Kara and McRenar vanish in the crates, "I saw em' dash through those crates. Ready when you are, Red. We got your back."

Suddenly, the lights in the cargo bay shut off, leaving the room in darkness, with only the eerie glow of the emergency lights on, bathing the bay in red. A few shouts of surprise rang out in the bay. "Looks like this just got a whole lot tougher Red."

===== Lower Level Kitchen =====

The attendant pointed out the open door, that Desmond had opened minutes before, "I believe your friend is heading in the right direction..."

Nicholas chuckled to himself, "He doesn't like introductions does he?" He powered up the sniper rifle in his hands, "Now... I believe there are pirates wandering the ship, and among them, a single man that would be financially beneficial to us to kill, so, in the interest of time and money, lead on..." He paused stumped, "I don't believe I've caught your name..." He looked bothered by not knowing the name of his new-found ally.

===== Engineering Access Corridor =====

When Desmond entered the room, the reptile hissed, and bared its teeth at him. "Haures, stop" Haures backed down, just watching Desmond as he lifted the shelf off his owner.

Upon lifting the shelf, Desmond would find that the wounds were bleeding, heavily. The woman gasped in pain as the shelf rubbed against the wounds, and some of the supplies shifted. After a second, she slowly produced a card out of her chest pocket, slick with blood, and a few holes in it, though the access code was intact. "Here... this should... open all the... doors......on...the...ship." She was getting quieter as she spoke, "Haures...... follow... him...... from now......on."

The woman slumped over, gasping out a ragged breath, and stayed silent. Haures whined again, and bumped his head against the woman a few times. However Haures was well-trained, and after a few moments, he turned he looked at Desmond, smelling him. He slowly walked up, and waited next to Desmond, for the next command.
Kendra checked her shotgun and gave the woman a nod. "I am Kendra," she said simply to Nichalos and then waved at him to follow. There was no time to spare. "He left introduction to me, while he went to go and actually be useful. Try learn from him in the future and we will all make a good group." She said as she slithered. As nasty smile on her face though showed, she was only teasing him.

Kendra made her way to Desmond, dead body and fairly big lizard. "Any problems?" She asked him, her eyes going down to the animal. "I see you found yourself a friend. He looks a bit like you. Except the beard of course." She joked and laughed a bit.
Desmond leaned forward and closed the woman's eye, he wasn't that much of a jerk yet to not do that. He stared at the ID card for a while, trying to plan what he would, but then just decided to improvise on the the spot since there was no telling in what would happen once he reached the cargo hold.

"What you looking at?" He asked, eyeing the lizard when Kendra finally caught up. He simply stared at the Separa'Shan after listening to her remark.

"Says the person who's a reptile from below the waist. Anyway, it's time to get going." Desmond said, showing her the ID card and then moving to the airlock that lead to the engineering section. He waited until all the others had caught up before opening the airlock.
Cargo Hold

Amanozako cursed as the hold went suddenly pitch dark, safe for a few blinding flashes from weapons fire, which too also quickly died out as the compartment went dark.

"Well that's BS" she muttered and withdrew several cylindrical objects from one of the pouches on her belt. "No matter" she added and took one cylinder, which she immediately struck the end on the crate next to her and chucked into the center of the cargo hold. A gout of brilliant flame erupted from the end of the flare, bathing the space in flickering light.

She quickly spotted some of the loyalists who had been using the dark to make good an escape and opened fire with her Impaler rifle, spraying them with deadly energy pulses.
===== Cargo Bay Third Deck =====

Amanozako was joined by her two "followers" in filling the group of cowards full of bullets and death. Two of the loyalists managed to dodge the hailstorm of death, and took cover behind more of the cargo crates. Amanozako would see the bright muzzle flash of a shotgun that was blind-fired from around the crates corner.

She would feel many of the shots bury themselves in her vest, and a few that found their way into the less protected parts of the jacket. Amanozako would feel a sharp pain on her right forearm, and the lower left part of her torso.

She wasn't the only one to receive some of the deadly pellets. One of her followers, not the one who had been speaking to her prior, had the misfortune of not having body armor like Amanzako. He was peppered with the small pellets, causing wounds all over his chest. He grunted in pain as he collapsed to his knees, holding his wounds.

Though she didn't have time to assess her wounds, the shotgun barrel gleamed brightly, and the finger on it's trigger was starting to squeeze again. "RED! MOVE!" The other mutineer called as he jumped to the safety of a nearby crate.

===== Engineering Access Corridor =====

"Well Kendra, I'm sure we'll be fantastic. Best team out there we'll be..." Nicholas replied as he followed her into the access corridor, being tailed by Helric and Jacob, with the attendants in back. Nicholas had stopped upon spotting Haures, "... That is quite a reptile."

Haures just yawned as Kendra and Desmond spoke, afterwards showing off his serrated teeth, appearing to grin at Kendra, before returning his gaze to Desmond. As the team walked down the hall, Haures waited until the flight attendants passed, one of which who squealed upon seeing the large reptile, before following the group from behind, though he was still acutely listening for commands from his new master.

As Desmond swiped the ID Card, the airlock lights flashed green, and cycled open, allowing the group to continue to Engineering. In front of them was an ante-room to engineering, which was empty. A few benches were scattered along the walls, and a datapad was left on one of these benches. The group could hear voices through the next door, which was locked with code.

Nicholas whispered, "I count six unique voices, though two of them sound like ship's crew by the tone."
Cargo Hold

A foul stream of obscenities erupted from Amanozako's mouth as she took a hit. Burning pain shot through her right arm and left torso as she rolled to safety behind some crates with her compatriots. The curses kept coming as she tried to asses her wounds in the dark, not an easy task.

It couldn't be too bad, her armored vest had absorbed a lot of it. If any vital organs had been hit she doubted she would be able to stand and keep functioning like she was. Most likely flesh wounds. Painful, but nothing that would slow her down. That said she could feel some warm wetness on her skin from blood.

Amanozako cursed up a storm that would make any Nep sailor blush. In the dim flare light she assessed her resources, including her fellows around her. She spotted what she wanted on the pirate crouched next to her and lashed out, grabbing a small frag grenade off his belt.

Before there could be any protest she flipped the release switch, which popped off with a clang and chucked it over the crates and across the compartment at the source of the shotgun blast, then huddled down as the explosive went off.
Kendra listened for a while, but the voices were too muffled. "Do we have to go through there? I would rather bypass it if possible." She said and looked at the keypad. "Hmm... I hope our card will work on that if needed." She was speaking silenty, just so others in the group could hear her.

"I assume no-one has a flash-grenade?" Kendra asked others with curiously raised eyebrows. "Cause if we have to get trough this doors, we are bound to be under fire and I don't like that too much."
===== Cargo Bay Third Deck =====

The two loyalists couldn't see the small object in the darkness of the hold, only hear the clanging as it hit the deck. They couldn't tell what it is was, and for all they were concerned, it was just some leftover debris falling down a bit late.


The small grenade filled the hold with a bright light for a few seconds, anyone looking at the explosion from a distance would have been blinded for a moment from the sharp change in brightness. Amanzako and her compatriot would have a ringing in their ears from proximity to the explosion, coupled with the sound bouncing off the walls of the hold, though it subsided after a few seconds.

Looking around the crate would reveal several broken cargo crates, spilling the remains of passengers personal belongings around. One of the suitcases had burst open, and spilled bundles of cash out, scattering it around the suitcase. Unfortunately, much of the money was unusable due to the explosion, but some was still good.

"THAT WAS DAMN GOOD RED!" Her comrade laughed, "You owe me another grenade though. Let's get going, we can't keep getting slowed down, they'll get away." He rose, and pointed towards where he saw Kara and John last, "Still might be around there, might not be..."

===== Engineering Access Corridor =====

Nicholas shrugged, "Sorry to disappoint, I used my last flash-grenade to escape some gangsters back on Neplesia. We should probably look around for a way around, if there is one."

Nicholas started looking for a vent or opening on the walls, but after a moment, Kendra would feel something head-butt her lower half.

Haures was sitting down, looking up at her, with the datapad from the bench in his mouth. He tried not to bite down on the datapad, but a few of his larger teeth dented the frame of the pad, but it still worked fine.

The screen displayed a message from a mechanic on the shipyards.

"I fixed most of the problems on your ship, but the air vent in the ante-room from engineering remains unfixed. It seems the hinge is busted, and I didn't have time to fix it with the other problems being more important. If you find some off-time, I advise replacing it so the vent cap doesn't fall off and hurt someone."

Haures just thumped his tail on the deck.
Cargo Hold

Amanozako nodded, she didn't take any time to celebrate the momentary triumph. There was still work to do. She cut around the stack of crates, her rifle at the ready and braced against her shoulder as she came around to where the enemy had once been. Now there was just a smoking burn mark and scattered chunks of crates and shipping containers.

It was hard to tell if there were bits of bad guy or not, but she didnt stop to check. Some of them had got out and she needed to get them.

"Let's go" she said to her compatriot and signaled to the only exit Kara and John could have escaped through.
Kendra looked at the datapad reading the message. She raised her head looking for said ventilation cover. She handed it to Nicholas as she looked. "Look for the vent, if it is big enough that could be our travel route." Kendra told Nick and others. "And if there won't be filters every few meters."
Leaving the others to their own arguments, Desmond started to inspect his shotgun again, aiming it towards the floor and looking down the sights. He thumbed the gauge changer switch on the weapon, listening to the soft purr and humming as the weapon expanded to make room for a larger and much more devastating caliber.

The bounty hunter reached for another shell on his ballistic vest, a much larger one than he'd been using, that didn't really look at home inside the weapon at all, and loaded it straight into the ejector port of his shotgun. he racked the fore-end back again, closing the 4 gauge shell inside of it, then started to check his sidearm, doing a quick reload and putting the half-empty magazine away.

"So, are we going or what? That ship's not gonna stay there forever." He said, half asking, half mocking.
===== Cargo Bay Third Deck =====

Amanzako would find herself weaving through a cramped passageway through the crates, twisting and turning like a snake, only wide enough for one person, and barely that. After a few minutes, Amanzako would find the passage end abruptly, after turning a corner.

In front of her, or what she could see, was the door to engineering. It was wide open, spilling light into the dark cargo hold, though from Amanzako's view, no one was present in the ante-room. A small scuffling sound rang out nearby, the sound of boots rubbing on the deck. If she paid enough attention, she might've noticied the toe of a boot edging out from the "exit" of the passageway.

===== Engineering Access Corridor =====

Nicholas quickly read over the message and started scanning the roof, "Just wait a second Desmond, looking for a better way..." He stopped as he spotted the vent. From looking at it anyone could tell that it was loose. "... and there it is." He walked underneath it, and began prodding the at the vent, trying to make it pop off. After a minute, the vent gave, and Nicholas caught the vent covering with his free-hand, preventing it from making a racket on the deck.

Nicholas pointed at the now exposed shaft, "I think we can fit in that, give me a second to..." He backed up, and ran, jumping up to grab the vent lip, and pulled himself up, "...yeah, I think we're good, don't see any obstructions. Should get us into that next room a bit quieter as long as we don't make a parade up in here." Nicholas let his hand down, waiting to pull one of his compatriots into the shaft. "I hope you aren't afraid of being in an small enclosed space, if so, I advise staying down there." He added.

The flight attendants were impressed with Nicholas's show of physique, but they whispered, "We can't go up there!" Haures thumped his tail on the deck, looking at Nicholas. The expression in his eyes repeated what the attendants had said. Not everyone could get into the vent.
===== Cargo Bay Third Deck =====

Amanozako saw the boot toe poking just into sight at the end of the crates. It caused her to slow her pace and put up a hand to halt the others following her. She quickly and quietly withdrew her survival knife with her left hand as she continued to hold the rifle in her right, resting the barrel against her shoulder.

She moved forward, silently, her steps carefully placed, back to the crates as she approached the end, where the toe still stuck out. Then, with one swift motion she swung her left arm around the edge at chest level, impaling her knife into whoever was waiting around the corner.

Amanozako would feel the knife swish through empty air, and bounce against the side of the crate, jolting her arm. The knife would nearly jump out of her hand, but she managed to keep ahold of it.

Amanozako frowned, there was nothing there, no satisfying feeling of cold steel biting into soft flesh or rending bones. The Neko cursed softly, returning the knife to its scabbard and dropping her impaler rifle back into a two handed grip as she advanced once more. She kept her eyes about her, senses alert as she cut between cover and made for the hatch on the far side that lead into the next compartment.

A quick clang of footsteps on metal would ring out, and a grunt of exertion. "RED!" Amanozako would hear her comrade call out before he was suddenly muffled, by being slammed onto the deck by another. Someone had jumped off the top of the cargo crates, landing on James.

Amanozako made a quick about face and charged back hard to where her compatriot was now slammed down on the deck with someone on top of them. She bull rushed into the attacker, slamming the full force of her armored torso into them, knocking them off of James and onto the deck. As they toppled down she drove her knees into the attackers mid section and the muzzle of her impaler into their face and pulled the trigger.

Upon slamming into the attacker, Amanozako would feel extra weight land on her, feet first onto her shoulders. The weight, though it could only be a person, drove Amanozako to the deck, and her rifle clattered out of her hands, she never had the chance to pull the trigger, skidding off a few meters before halting.

Amanozako was flat on her face, arms in front of her, and legs apart. A pressure on her back intensified, as the person firmly pinned Amanozako to the floor.

"Well, hasn't this been fun?" She would hear the voice of a female, Kara, the pirate captain, and a pinprick of pain on the back of her head, the cool feeling of sharp metal.

Amanozako let out a slow breath. She could feel the cold steel of a sword and the weight on her back had to be a boot. Options were a bit more limited than she would have liked at this moment, but there were a few open to her.

"I'm enjoying this quite a bit" she responded, grinning. "Though I don't think all of your friends I've cut down have as much as I." she added, then, quickly and violently she spun her legs, sweeping Kara's out from under her as she jolted her body with every ounce of genetically engineered strength given to her by her Mishhu creators and forced her head and upper torso out from under the tip of the sword.

As Kara's balance was thrown she shoved down with her hands and knees, launching herself up and moved to tackle the pirate.

Amanozako would find her legs hit nothing, Kara had jumped, holding onto the crate above. She had sensed the movement in Amanozako's muscles before it had happened. As Amanozako rose, Kara let go, landing on her chest this time, pinning her to the floor again, "Did you really think that'd work?"

Amanozako wouldn't have to respond, a clang rang out, and Kara swooned, toppling over, as a tool smacked the back of her head, "Nope, but that did." James was standing up, holding his hand to pick Amanzako up.

Amanozako gasped, the wind knocked out of her as Kara had landed on her again. She accepted James' help up and steadied herself a moment. That had hurt some.

"Thanks" she wheezed, then collected her Impaler and swung it over her shoulder. She then grabbed Kara's sword, gripping it's hilt in both her gauntleted hands. She kicked the incapacitated pirate captain in the head, knocking her onto her back and stood over her, breathing hard as she stared down at the woman who had tried very hard to kill her a few moments earlier.

"No quarter given" she hissed and plunged the sword into Kara's chest

A loud *BANG* echoed through the hold, and the sword never reached Kara's chest, a bullet saw that Amanozako's hand managed to rid itself of the blade. "I think we can work out an agreement, that involves everyone getting out, in one piece. Also, don't try anything you'll regret, I got more bullets." Amanozako would hear a male voice, and James supplied with venom, "John, can't stay off Kara can you?"

Amanozako cursed as the sword was shot to pieces before she could dispatch her prey. Her eyes shot to the source of the bullet. "John McRenar" she hissed as she recognized him from the file images from his warrant.

She glanced down at Kara, then back up at the main course. She dropped the broken sword, which landed with a clatter on the deck."And what sort of arrangement would be worth more than the death mark on your head?" she said as she stepped casually away from the knocked out Kara, slowly pacing in an arc, making McRenar have to constantly adjust his aim.

"Glad to see you at least have something of a business attitude. Now, in addition to letting you live, here's our exchange. You, kindly step through that door over there, and head into engineering, you should have some "friends" in there by now. I will also provide double the bounty that you have been offered, as I already know who sent it. Now, me and my friend here, take our shuttle, and leave, simple as that. Feel free to kill the rest of our crew, we can find more idiots seeking a quick fortune. How does that sound?" John hadn't wavered his aim for a second. Still tracking Amanozako, while keeping an eye on James.

Amanozako grinned at him, "I just don't trust you with you're gun pointed at me like that" she said. "If we're going to do business it should not be at gunpoint. Mine are put away" she said and held her empty hands, palm out.

"Oh, well your friend..." He indicated James, "is still holding a quite deadly tool, with the right aim." John chuckled a bit at his wordplay, as James was indeed holding another wrench. "Also, to be fair, you did just try to stab my friend. Who was defenseless on the ground."

"And she tried to stab me while I was defenseless on the ground, I think we can call that even" Amanozako replied. "James, dear, put the wrench down" she added. "Then we can talk this over like proper businessmen" she never let her eyes waver from McRenar as she spoke, her hands ropping to rest casually by her sides.

"She didn't want to kill you! She got the result she was looking for. She was actually looking to bring you along, but..." He glanced at Kara's unmoving body, "... I don't think she'll want to now."

"That's bull and you know it." Amanozako replied. "But she doesn't matter in this deal." she said. "Put the gun down and we'll deal. Keep it pointed at me and I don't think I'm going to be too inclined to deal."

"Calling my bluff, well played. However... it seems..." John grinned, "I don't need a deal." What he was referring to was the loyalists who streamed from the sides, coming up behind Amanozako. "Two of you, stay here, the rest..." John nodded towards engineering, "Get rid of them." The eight pirates jogged to the engineering ante-room, shutting the door behind them, but restoring the cargo bay lights, the wonders of a light-switch.

Amanozako's eyes quickly took in the changing landscape. "Well, this does put a damper on things, doesn't it?" she said, fixing her gaze back on McRenar.

"That's business, darlin." John chuckled as he walked up to Kara, propping her up, and leaning her on him, starting to wrap her arm around his shoulders, his rifle hanging low. The two pirates behind Amanozako were ready to fire their revolvers as soon as John was in the clear.

Amanozako watched him move, turning to keep facing him as he walked past. As McRenar moved to pick Kara up he had to loose the aim of the rifle. That's when she moved. Her hands, which had rested casually at her sides since she had dropped the sword moved with lightning speed. Quick drawing her pistols and firing from the hip, as many rounds as she could put into him.

As Amanozako fired, the pirates behind fired. John couldn't do anything, not with Kara's dead weight. Strangely enough, she felt much less hits on her back then she expected, as she filled both John and Kara full of metal. If they weren't dead, they soon would be.

Amanozako had heard a lot of fire behind her, and upon turning around she would find both pirates dead, and James standing almost directly behind her, and his gun fallen to the floor or, at least he was standing for a few seconds before he fell to his knees. He didn't have the armor Amanozako had, and he had taken most of the shots. "Red...... good... work..." His voice was so quiet he might've not been talking at all. He hit the deck with a thump and let out a few last shuttering breathes before falling silent.

Amanozako watched in silence for a long moment as he fell. She didn't even feel the pain from the hits she had taken. They were inconsequential. What James had done was not.

The bounty hunter stepped over to where McRenar and Kara lay crumpled in a growing pool of their own blood. She could see McRenar was desperately grasping onto the last threads of life as she towered over him.

"I know you wanted to make a deal and get out of this alive" she said, taking a painful breath. "But you know the pity is when I'm paid, I always follow my job through. You know that" she said, then once that had sunk in, she put the last round in her right hand pistol into his head.

Holstering both her spent guns, Amanozako returned to where James had fallen. The cargo bay was now silent, everyone else in there was dead. She sank to her knees next to him and looked down on his still face. No one, absolutely no one had ever moved a finger to help her, let alone save her life like he had.

"Thank you" she whispered and leaned down, kissing his forehead as she brushed his eyes closed. After what seemed like an eternity, she got back to her feet, retrieving the wrench he had used to save her and tucking it under her belt.

The full weight of the last few minutes began to take its toll. A tear ran down her cheek as she began reloading her guns and assessed her wounds before pressing on. She gave one last lingering glance at James' lifeless form after she had retrieved the needed ID cards and DNA samples from McRenar and Kara needed to claim their bounties, then pressed on. She had more to do before the day was over.

By the end of her vigil, she would cease to hear gunfire and explosions in the engineering section of the ship, and could her voices that signified talking, but she couldn't hear what they said.

===== Engineering Access Corridor =====

Kendra looked at the arrendant who spoke. The Separa sighed as she realized that the women became liability, but she said she will take them with her so she will take them with here even if it should kill her. She reached up and grabbed Nick's hand, grabbing the edge with her other hand and puling herself up. Nick of course had to back up for her to get in.

Kendra turned about and reached down with her hand. "Desmond you are up, Nick go on make room." She said, her eyes then went to the two guys who were with Nick. "You two help the girl and the lizard in the vent. We will move on and clear the way, you cover the rear. Got it?"

Nicholas moved forward, "Ah yes, so we can all fit up here, like a big happy family. Helric, Jacob, do as she asks would you kindly?"

Desmond sneered at the extended hand, leaving his weapon hanging from its sling as he jumped after Kendra had climbed and grabbed the entrance of the venting shaft, hauling himself up. He had grown in a space ship, so he was more than used to tight spaces.

"So, which way?" the bounty hunter asked after hauling himself up, drawing his sidearm.

As the team entered the vent, they would find it difficult to see past each other. After a few meters however, the vent split into three, going left, right, and straight ahead.

"Well, I would imagine these all pop out in engineering... somewhere." Nicholas whispered back to his compatriots, as he started down the left vent, allowing his compatriots to move forward, "So...?"

"We split," Kendra cut him off.

"Are you kidding me?" Desmond asked. The prospect of not having people to get shot instead of him disturbed him a little.

"I am not," Kendra replied. "If we drop in from three spots at once we had better chance. After all only one person can leave the vent at a time. Just send a message to other when you reach exit and then we will co-ordinate and drop on them."

"Okay, okay." He replied, taking the right vent, doing his best to crawl and keep his gun forward. Kendra herself went straight on forward.

"Sounds like a plan, meet with you soon." Nicholas replied as he continued into the left vent, disappearing around a curve.

Kendra, after crawling/slithering for a minute, would find a small opening in the sides of the shaft, not large enough to crawl out of, but it allowed the voices below to reach her.

"We're gonna have a mighty fine time, just us, and you three!" The voice was clearly a male pirate, "Since we finished rigging the bomb to send your ship straight to Davey Jones locker after we're done stealing all your loot." Another voice chirped in, "But first..." Kendra would hear a distinct click of a gun's trigger, "How about some fun with my revolver here?"

Desmond would hear the same, though upon traveling further, he could see an outline of an obstruction ahead of him, though it didn't appear to belong in the vent. If Desmond listened closely, he could hear the sound of scared breathing. As if on a cue, he pulled the slide from his sidearm back, making enough noise for whoever or whatever was in front of him to listen to him. He wasn't about to risk approaching the person at that point. "You there, put your hands up." he said on a hushed tone.

Kendra did not wait on. She slinged her shotgun on her back and used her natural body to quickly and silently slither forward, helping herself with her hands. She needed to get out of the vent fast.

Desmond would hear a sharp intake of breath, and then a reply, "Put my hands up? I can barely move my hands in here!" The voice was correct, it was pretty cramped in the vent, not allowing the motion. "I'm just one of the ship's engineers, hiding from... well you know, the pirates."

"Sad story. Stay still, no sudden movements." Desmond replied, and started moving past the engineer.

After another half minute of moving along, Kendra would see the vent hatch into engineering, light shining through the slits. While she crawled, she would hear clicks from the revolver, but no *bangs*. The pirates were getting somewhat restless over this fact. The space beneath Kendra was clear, and if she popped out of the shaft, she would land behind some consoles, out sight of the pirates, who were focused on the tied up engineers.

Desmond would have no "trouble" from the engineer, though squeezing past him was somewhat of a challenge in the shaft. Incidentally, the maneuver caused some bumping on the vent walls, though the pirates were far too into their "game" to notice it. Desmond would find his vent hatch soon after, and he would find his "LZ" similar to Kendra's. He peered through the hatch, holstering his sidearm and making ready his shotgun again, waiting for the best opportunity until he could slip into the room unnoticed.

Kendra slowly and as silently as possible raised the hatch and slid it aside. She then grabbed her hair and carefully peeked out to assess the situation. She wanted to know where all the pirates are first.

Kendra would see the pirate's backs to her, as they were facing the line of tied-up engineers, walking to each one after spinning the revolver chamber, and "firing" it at each engineers head. So far each trigger pull resulted in disappointment for the pirates, but luck only goes so far.

Desmond would have a more difficult time, due to the fact that he was within the pirates peripheral vision, though they weren't paying his "LZ" any attention.

The duo would hear a quiet ping, and upon looking at their respective datapads they would read.

"In position. Also, I think the residents of the ship would be grateful if we... saved those engineers. Just pointing that out. - From Nicholas."

Kendra ignored the ping. There was no time to read when any of the engineers could bit the bullet any time. Instead she just pulled out her silenced pistol and poked out of the vent. Being up was better at the start as it will confuse them. Kendra herself did not have much trouble being upside down.

She set the iron-sights on the head of the pirate on the right, when she was sure of her aim she pulled the trigger sending a bullet into his cranium and quickly moving her gun to the next pirate to the left, sending two bullets at his back.

Desmond froze after his datajockey emitted the sound. For a heart freezing moment he wondered if the pirates had heard the noise, but then he started to ease up when he noticed they still were playing their little game with the engineers. Slowly, he brought his shotgun to bear and prepared to jump down.

Kendra's appearance caught the attention of the engineers, and in turn, the pirates who were watching the eyes of their terrified "prey". They had begun to turn to see what the engineers were so interested in as Kendra began to fire. That was right when Desmond decided to jump down. He landed on both feet and rolled to the side, quickly standing on punch that when he fired it he was thrown on his back by the knee and raising his shotgun at the pirates. He only had a single, 4-gauge shell loaded from when he activated the weapon's gauge changer, but the shell packed enough

Kendra's first shot rang true. Even though the pirate had began to turn, he just made his head a larger target to hit. Though his friend had a bit more luck, but not much more, as the rounds that had been intended for his back, instead burrowed into his arm. He would've screamed, but Desmond had made sure that he wouldn't be able to. The massive four-gauge round, all but vaporized the poor pirate.

The bound engineers screamed, or tried to through their gagged mouths. The duo would hear some loud footsteps, and yelling. They didn't have long till more showed up.

Closer to home, they heard a vent cap being kicked off, and Nicholas tumbling out of his vent, "You started without me, but it seems we got company in... oh, less than thirty seconds." Nicholas calmly jogged to the back of the room, giving him more space with his unscoped sniper-rifle. "So... I advise preparing for them."

Kendra quickly slithered out of the vent, dropping behind console under her vent. She holstered her pistol and grabbed her auto-shotgun from her back. She listened from where the steps were coming. "You guys crawl into cover!" She shouted at the engineers as she looked for the best possible cover, from which she could go into fire-fight.

Desmond tumbled the gauge chamber back to the regular shells and then scattered to find some cover of his own. He moved towards the same U-shaped console that Kendra had taken cover in, raising his shotgun and aiming towards the door right when the weapon clicked 'ready'. He pumped the slide back to let one of the regular shells be loaded into the barrel and waited.

Kendra moved to the console from which she could shoot into the doorway. She peeked at its side, instead of above it hoping to make herself harder to notice at first engagement. She had a large magazine in the gun, which should supposedly be enough, if that would not work she had to go for her pistol.

The three would hear some more yelling, getting louder, up to the point it stopped abruptly. It was completely silent for a handful of seconds, until the airlock cycled open, revealing a giant slab, of metal. The pirates knew they were walking into some bad, they prepared, at least... somewhat. The pirates, stacked behind the piece slab of metal, slowly moved forward, seeking some other cover.

Kendra frowned, she sure wished she had some grenades. She made a mental note to never go somewhere without grenade ever again. This had one opportunity though. Since they were behind thick slab of metal they could not really see at all. They just moved forward.

Kendra looked at Desmond. She quickly reached into her backpack and dug out her chainknife, putting it behind her belt. Then she pointed at Des and herself and waved at the moving wall. "Let's charge them," she whispered to Des.

"What!?" He asked, not taking his eyes away from the impending wall of doom coming their way. "There's only two of us..." He started saying.

"They are not looking!" She whispered back quickly. "We take them by surprise! Just rush quietly."

"Okay, fine. Fine!" He said, realizing how much out of his mind he was. The idea was crazy, but it looked like it was the best one they had.

"Nick SHOOT!" She then shouted at Nicholas. If Nick would be shooting, pirates would hunker down and they could not hear them approach.

All the two would hear is three sharp cracks, as Nicholas had already fired at chest height into the metal. The slab was thick enough to stop most small pellets and rounds, but the Sniper-Rifle didn't qualify as that, it didn't even fire bullets. The MASER weapon took full advantage of the slick metal, heating up all the contact points. Nicholas had fired where he guessed the pirate's hands to be, and two of the shots were right on target.

Swearing erupted from behind the slab, and it clattered to the floor, after two of the pirates holding it up let go from the heat. It was a comical scenario, eight pirates standing behind a toppled makeshift shield, though many immediately dodged to the side, though the slower ones remained a viable target for certain individuals.

"Oh shi-" said Kendra as she saw what Nick's rifle did. Her plan was no longer valid, so she just raised her shotgun and opened fire. Single-shots, because she did not want to waste shells. Desmond did the same, pumping shot after shot towards the pirates with his shotgun.

The overlapping sprays of shotgun fire encompassed the two unfortunate pirates, who were still swearing about their burning hands. Kendra and Desmond gave them something much more substantial to swear about, but the aftermath of multiple shotgun blasts from two shotguns, didn't really leave much at all. Those two pirates were reducing to meaty blobs wearing very shredded clothing.

The momentary victory didn't last long, because two of the pirates who had dodged also were equipped with shotguns, and they were pointed in the duos direction.

Kendra went back into cover, but as she did she let her shotgun above the console and fire two more shells blindly. Then she hunkered down and slowly crawled aside to later peek out on different place when the enemy fire would end.

Desmond also got behind cover, instead firing blindly the remaining of his ammo over the console, not risking to expose himself and then stopping to reload his shotgun again.

The duo took cover not a moment too soon, as the shotguns sprayed their cover with lethal pellets. The blind-fired shotgun did little more than discourage the other pirates from joining with their weapons as well.

Another sharp crack and suddenly the room was half as loud as one of the shotguns stopped firing. Shortly afterwards they would hear some animated swearing from Nicholas, as he had overheated the rifle from firing too quickly. "DAMN IT! You'll have to excuse me for a moment, this damn thing is being quite stubborn."

"Anyone noticed if any of those dead pirates we got had a grenade?" Kendra asked others as she waited for opportunity to peek out and shoot.

"What!" Desmond replied as he put one shell after another into his shotgun. He really hoped Kendra wasn't thinking about going through the firefight to search some dead man's pocket

"Might've been one on the belt of the one on the right..." Nicholas called over as he waited for the rifle to vent heat, "... but I didn't really pay attention after I fried their hands." Nicholas swore some more as the heat vented. "Also, there's a bomb back here, just thought you'd like to know!"

"One thing at a time!" Kendra shouted as she prepared herself. "Desmond, you feeling lucky today? I still got enough ammo I can put enough suppression fire for you to get that grenade. Unless you are too scared. You up for it?"

"I was born lucky! Do it!" He replied, looking over the cover to have an idea of what the situation looked like. It didn't look very good for him.

Kendra took a breath and peeked out. Her gun aimed at the consoles pirates used for cover and started pulling the trigger. The goal was not to shoot the bastards really (although that would be nice too), but to make them stop shooting and give Desmond space to do his thing.

Desmond vaulted over the console, then dashed towards the dead pirate that Nicholas had singled out, keeping his head down and jumping the last of the distance until he landed on his belly right besides the dead man. He fumbled with the corpse's belt for a while, finding two grenades, standard frags.

He pulled the pin of one and threw it where there were most pirates, hoping that it would distract them as well as to give him a window to get back into cover again, then set back towards the relative safety of the consoles.

The pirates saw what Desmond was doing, but couldn't do much about it, except throw a grenade at Desmond, who jumped after it, intent on throwing it back before it blew him to tiny pieces.

Desmond would have no trouble sending the grenade back, but as he threw it, he felt another enter his hand, the one he had thrown earlier; He sent that right back too, dropping flat and waiting for the two detonations.

Kendra meanwhile watched out for any hands that would try to toss more grenades back at them, ready to blast them with another shotgun shell.

Kendra would be "disappointed" as no more grenades flew from the pirates. So she quickly dived into cover. The team would hear both grenades, one that had landed on "target", the floor next to the pirates. The second one wasn't as lucky. It exploded in three-quarters to its destination, spraying shrapnel in all directions, including towards the hunters. Nicholas and Kendra were safe behind the consoles, Desmond felt a few pieces graze over him, but nothing major.

The pirates however, fared worse, as they were much closer to both grenades. All but two perished, the remaining two only survived due to their comrades blocking the shrapnel with their bodies. These two survivors just roared, screaming vengeance. They already knew almost the entire crew was dead, and if they even had a chance at surviving, they would quickly find their leaders not present either, so they did a last resort, they charged... with shotguns, firing wildly.

Sadly Kendra was out of ammo, but those muppets were getting closer and firing their shotguns wildly, they will surely be out of ammo soon as well. That is why she reached for her chain-knife, digging it out from behind her belt and starting it. The blade wheezed as the small engine inside the handle roared and revved it. Now she just had to wait for them to get close, ready to jump the closest pirate.

Desmond didn't have time to reach for his shotgun, staying flat on his belly like he was. He rolled on his back and unholstered his pistol from his chest rig and then sat up, looking for whichever pirates were left. He picked one and fired his pistol at him, full auto.

Desmond's rounds crippled the pirate, as the first rounds hit his upper legs, stumbling him. However anger mixed with adrenaline was a powerful engine, and this pirate was as close to as a machine as possible right now, though Desmond's pistol did a great job as making the pirate unable to move with any due speed. A loud crack from across engineering, and the pirate's head was suddenly not there. "PERFECT HEADSHOT!" Called Nicholas. Upon seeing that there were no more pirates coming his way, Des simply lied down again, catching his breath.

Kendra would hear what she was waiting for as the pirate reached mere feet away from her cover. She had a few seconds before he switched to his sidearm, a window to strike. Kendra sprung off her tail, flying across the console with a hiss. A push of a button in the handle put the knife at full revv. The pirate was fast enough to react and did only possibe thing, put his shotgun in front of him. The blade of the knife caught in the shotgun, while Kendra grabbed it and wrapped her tail around his legs.

The blade bit into the shotgun and started cutting. A milimeted after milimeter it made its was through the shotgun. The pirate could only watch in fear as the blade split the gun in two and cut into his chest. Blood sprayed as the knife cut through his ribs into his lung. He could only shout out in pain and spit blood.

Within few seconds his body was limp so Kendra got up. "Seems like it is all of them." She said and reached behind the console for her shotgun. She noticed the shells on pirates rig so she just un-hooked her magazines and started loading it up. He only had 12 rounds, so Kendra loaded the rest from her personal reserves.

"Nick can you untie those engineers? Des have a look at that bomb will you? We need to find ourself an airlock now and toss that shit out." The things were getting more and more complex.

"Yeah seems like we're done, and sure thing." Nicholas slung his rifle over his back, its barrel tapping against his messenger bag. "Wait a second actually..." He walked over to the one of the vents and yelled up it, "HELRIC, JACOB! Where did you go?" Soon after the pair fell out of the opposing vents, one on left, and the other on the right. They both caught an attendant after they hopped out, and Helric caught a second one, while Jacob had to "convince" Haures to come out of the vent.

Afterwards they nodded at Nicholas, "Right here!" they replied in unison. Haures made his way over to Desmond, and plopped down next to him, thumping his tail on the deck twice.

"Right... thanks you two." Nicholas called as he untied the engineers. As he removed their mouth gags, all the engineers said were classic bits like, "You're my hero!", "Thank you so much!" and "You saved us!". Nicholas just kept nodding and saying "You're welcome."

"Yeah. I'll be right there." Desmond said, getting up and holstering his pistol again. He walked towards where the bomb was and took at look at it.

The bomb was nothing special, just a packet of explosives rigged to detonator, that McRenar or Kara most likely had. It was crudely attached to the engine core. It hinted that the pirates weren't smart enough to trigger something a bit more advanced, and harder to stop.
=== Engineering ===

Desmond approached the bomb; he wasn't a bomb-maker, but he had enough knowledge about starship engineering to know what should have and what shouldn't be strapped to the engine unit, so unless things really were like in the movies, he could just remove the whole thing and throw it away instead of cutting the right wire.

"So I guess we need to find airlock and toss this thing out."Kendra suggested again and looked at the engineers. "Or these guys could do it, we need to move after all." She added with a shrug, pointing her clawed finger at the engineers.

"Well, we do have a ship to catch." Desmond replied, pulling out a wirecutter from his toolbelt and working on detaching whatever wasn't engine from the engine. He then removed the explosives and cables very carefully and dragged them away from the engine, laying it on the ground, making the job easier for the engineers.

Meanwhile, on the far side of the engineering compartment a hatch slid open, allowing a single rather mangled up looking armored individual in to the space. Amanozako crossed the threshold and quietly examined the area, her Impaler rifle ready, reloaded and resting against her shoulder as she moved in, checking her way as she moved along. She kept out of sight of whoever was talking, she needed to know if whoever was there was part of her group that rebelled against McRenar and crowed, or loyalists, or ships crew.

"Let's go," Said Kendra as she slithered towards the doors to cargo bay. She shouldered her auto-shotgun again. She hoped that pirates did not get spooked by the gunfire and escape, with Desmond following right behind, fumbling with his shotgun as he tried to reload it and walk at the same time.

Amanozako ducked behind cover as the others came, making for the airlock between engineering and the cargo bay she had recently been in. They did not look like passengers and they were not members of the pirate crew. She did not recognize them. Mercenaries maybe? Other bounty hunters even?

The red eyed neko frowned, letting them pass, then as they had their backs to her she stepped out, her rifle shouldered, aimed and flicked to full automatic fire. "All of you, drop your weapons!" she said, her finger just a few ounces of pressure from depressing her trigger and spraying them all with impaler fire.

"Drop yours, would you kindly?" Nicholas was standing directly behind Amanozako, with his pistol pointed at the back of her head. His cybernetic ear twitched, "You aren't that quiet."

Amanozako grinned, her head tilting slightly. "Someones got good ears" she commented, then dropped, spinning around as she swept her gauntleted hand up, swiping the pistol away and jamming the muzzle of her impaler against his chin. "Now drop yours"

Kendra turned and aimed her shotgun at Amanazako. "You drop him you are dead girl." Kendra said simply as the iron sights framed the armoured woman's head. "So toss that gun away and let's have a chat."

By that time Desmond had already vaulted sideways, rolling on the ground towards the nearest piece of cover. The bounty hunter rocked back the slide of his shotgun as he took a crouched firing position.

"It appears I already did. Good play. So... you a pirate?" Nicholas had some difficulty speaking with the muzzle jammed on him, but he didn't move.

The neko ignored the one behind her for now, her piercing red eyes fixed on Nicholas. He could feel the heat of recent heavy use as the muzzle of her rifle pressed a bit harder. "Not a pirate, you?" she responded, her voice a low hiss.

"Just a guy... who made some new friends. Looking for someone... not a pirate."

"And your friends?" she asked, her eyes darting to the others for just the slightest of moments.

"Why would I make friends with pirates? I'm an "honest" man looking for "honest" pay, if you catch my drift. I suppose the cargo hold is empty now?" He replied quickly.

"Unless you like dead bodies" she said, "Bounty hunter then...tell your friends to put their guns down and I'll put mine down" she added, though her finer remained firmly planted on her rifles trigger.

"You first." Desmond said, not lowering his shotgun.

"Not how its gonna work, kid" Amanozako hissed. "His chin here's the only insurance you and the snake done blast me in the back when I put this down" she looked back at Nicholas. "Tell them, down, now"

"Actually, I don't see any insurance, I barely know that guy." He fired back.

"Thanks Desmond." Nicholas replied. Then Desmond lowered his gun, "But whatever, let's just play your way." He said, putting it slowly on the floor, but still keeping in mind he had his sidearm still holstered.

"And you too" she indicated the snake woman

"No chance Cat, we lower our guns and you shoot Nick and then us." Kendra said, her shotgun still aimed at the head. "Like this you shoot Nick, we shoot you. So how about you lower the guns. I know you are not pirate, because you would fire right away and not try to disarm us."

"I think this gun barrel is going to burn my chin if you argue any longer." Nicholas piped.

Amanozako rolled her eyes, "I can do this all day" she said. "Im not moving this an inch while you're pointing that thing at my head"

The argument would be interrupted by a broadcast over the ship's PA.

"Attention all passengers, the pirates have been nearly cleared from the ship, and a military ship is responding, and will be here in a matter of minutes."

Nicholas shrugged, "We could always get arrested by the military, or shot... or both! They'll probably blow up our only way off this boat as soon as they get here too, think fast."

"For what? Saving the ship?" Kenda chuckled. "But yeah this is our cue. You two have fun. Me, Des and flight attendants have flight to catch. Bye," Kendra simply started slithering away, while she still aimed at Amanazako. Then she stopped for a second. "Or you can end with this stupidity, let go of Nick and just go away or with us. I don't give a damn."

"Stop Pointing The Gun At My Head" Amanozako commanded. She was about fed up with this. She quickly calculated how fast she would have to move after firing her rifle based on reaction times to avoid a direct hit to the back of her head, she could afford some more damage, but not a lot.

"Soon will," Kendra said as she moved. She did not care too much about Nick, not enough to risk her life for him. In the end Kendra moved out of the sight and with her, her gun as well, while Desmond hefted his shotgun up again and followed after her. Desmond was followed by his trusty lizard, Haures.

"Together forever, eh?" Nicholas simply stated to Amanozako, "Thanks for NOTHING Kendra!"

"You are welcome!" Came a shout back.

Once the snake was out of view, Amanozako slowly let the rifle sink down, the warm muzzle finally releasing Nicholas' chin. She got back to her feet, taking a step back to regard the other bounty hunter. "What were you doing on this ship anyways?" she asked as she shouldered her impaler rifle and eyed the other to see what he would do, if he would try and pull a holdout weapon or something.

"How about we ensure we don't get arrested before we tell stories? Short version, McRenar." Nicholas turned his head and called out, "It's all right you two, weapons down." Behind the farthest console, Helric and Jacob stood, and shouldered their weapons, nodding to Nicholas.

"So, we got places to be."

"Hate to tell you, McRenar's dead" Amanozako said as she eyed the other two, then headed back to the cargo bay, this time through the main doorway.

"Well, that makes my time here a complete waste, at least I found a completely reliable team when it counts, and someone who likes pointing guns at me!" Nicholas waved at Helric and Jacob, "Let's go."

=== Cargo Hold ===

Inside, the cargo bay was a disaster, riddled with bullet holes and blast marks. Dead bodies of pirates littered the compartment, some slumped over crates, others laying in pools of their own blood. Somewhere near the center were both McRenar and his main heanchwoman, Kara, both full of so many holes they were near unrecognizable. All of them, then one single pirate who had been almost cared for in his final moments, his eyes closed and his arms crossed over his chest.

Kendra's eyes followed the massacre. Someone were all out here and from the looks of it, there were two sides killing each other until no one was left. There were quite distinctive burns with energy guns, which would point to the neko who took Nick hostage.

"Someone went all out here." Kendra said to Desmond and Haures.

"Yep." Desmond replied nonchalantly, sifting through the dead pirates and looking for any weapons that he could take with him on the way, managing to find a still operable .357 submachine gun and a couple of extra magazines.

Amanozako had not intended to be back in the cargo bay turned morgue so soon. Her eyes darted immediately to her one single compatriot, with a definite hint of regret, then to the bloody mass that had been her target. She did not bother to loot the dead, it was unseemly and she walked past.

"For someone so keen on making an exit, you are taking your sweet time pillaging" the Neko commented as she passed. Now that they were in the better light of the cargo bay it became apparent that she was armored in NMX infantry armor, its identifying livery removed and the nasty shape that was her rifle was an equally NMX Impaler rifle.

Kendra slithered among dead bodies, when she suddenly bent down and picked up something. "Hey look," she said and showed Desmond her find. A trusty military revolver. A HHG. "This will be handy!"

"Oh hey Kendra, thanks for your help back there, real treat." Nicholas looked around for a gun, spotting something interesting next to the remaining part of McRenar's body, "Well, If I can't have McRenar, I'll have this." He said to himself, checking the gun out. It was a Wulver Rifle.

"You are alive," Kendra replied with a cheeky smile. "It worked."

"Guess it did." Nicholas had a fake smile, "Warn me next time you might leave me to die at the hands of an unknown." Desmond, meanwhile, just fumbled with a lighter to lit up a cigarette.

Amanozako crossed the bloodbath of her making, bound for the hatchway on the far side. She had no intention of waiting for the others to finish their scavenging. She would make her way to the shuttle bay, secure herself transport and depart, most likely leaving them behind if she could.

She was followed closely by Kendra, who gave the neko careful looks. She pointed at the airlock. "There should be the pirate shuttle. Let's commandeer that bitch. I have a ship to stole." Kendra said with an evil smile.

Now feeling more comfortable with the cigarette, Desmond checked his newly acquired weapon, removing the magazine to check for any remaining ammo, and then slamming it back home and then followed the Neko.

Crossing the airlock boundary into the pirate shuttle, the Neko slid into the pilots chair and began working at the controls quickly and with familiarity since she had been the one to pilot it there in the first place. Panels lit, systems came online and engines began to hum as power was applied from the small reactor.

Kendra stopped inside the doorway into the shuttle. She turned around and looked at the rest of the gang. "Come on move your fat arses."

"Yeah, move outta the way." The voice was Jacob as he took his place in the pilot's chair, pushing Amanozako out of it, "This is mine. Don't argue." Jacob's hands flew over the controls, sign of a master at work.

"Just let him do that." Nicholas chimed as the rest of the crew piled into the shuttle, the door closing behind them, "Ready to go!" He was checking out the weapon he had picked up, cleaning it off mostly.

The Neko glared at Jacob, but slowly moved to another chair, sinking into it and wincing from the pain from her wounds. The adrenaline was finally wearing off and it was starting to hurt. She pulled off her gauntlets and ran her white slender fingers over her armor, feeling the damage that had been done to the protective plates and a few new holes here and there, some that oozed thick red hemosynth.

Amanozako cursed in some nasty alien tongue as she cracked open her backpack and withdrew a medical kit. Then she unfastened her gunbelt and armor vest, slipping them off for a time so she could treat her wounds. Her black jumpsuit had several perforations where bullets and blades had bit into her. She went to work patching herself up while others took care of the shuttle.

Once she was done, she put her kit away, put her armor back on and re-fastened her gun belt in place, making sure everything was set for the next fight.

"Let's fly this heap of junk," Kendra moved forward, holding her shotty with only one hand. She stood behind Jacob's chair and looked where they will be flying.

Desmond took a seat by the end of the shuttle. They weren't out of the woods yet, and there was still the actual pirate ship to go. He was in the middle of reloading his weapons when he noticed Haures next to him. He took his time staring at the lizard as he inserted a fresh magazine into his pistol and pulled the slide back before holstering it back. Its posthumous owner hadn't really asked him if he wanted the pet or not, and he had ended up stuck with it; So stuck with it he would be.

"So, you uh... Do any tricks?" He asked Haures.

Haures looked at Desmond in the eyes and shook his head up and down, making the bounty hunter widen his eyes in surprise. "Holy shit." He said, "That's cool... So uh, play dead or something?"

In response, Haures flipped over on his back, feet in the air, and tongue out of his mouth. It was like something you'd see a dog do in cartoons, except it was a giant lizard.

"Three buttons ahead of you, this isn't a pile of junk though... well... who am I kidding, this thing is a piece of shit." Jacob replied as he set the shuttle off to the pirate ship, which was stopped near the starliner, "And off into the darkness."

"So that is my new ship eh?" Kendra pointed at the shiny point that was pirate ship in the distance. "Does not look too shabby."

Amanozako didn't bother to look at the pirate ship. She had seen it, she had been on it and knew how many people there were still aboard, who they were, where they were and what they were capable of, that, in addition to the ships internal layout and defenses. Though she didn't offer that information to the others. Instead she rest in her chair, patched up, eyes closed and giving her body time to mend itself. As she rest, her mind drifted to the events of the last hour, the fighting, killing McRenar and his henchwoman and most to James, the one person to show her any sign of compassion or friendship, now dead on the cold cargo deck of that ship they had just departed.

She opened her eyes slowly, withdrawing his wrench from her pocket, holding it deftly in her hands as she examined the steel tool. She let her eyes drift closed again, drifting into a short, but at least restful sleep.

Nicholas stated outloud, "I think this is the start of a beautiful business relationship. Cheers. Don't get to sappy though, I've had enough sappiness to last the day, and my daily quota is zero sappiness."

"We still need to take the ship first," Kendra responded, turning her head towards Nick. "There probably won't be too many of those bastards there. Hell they might even surrender. That would be nice, I would not want to get blood all over the ship. We could just lock them up and toss them out on some planet."

"Well, let's get to it."

== End ==
Century Goose quarters

Lapas checked his bags one last time before getting ready to make his move on the bridge. "The boarding teams gone I might as take it without the bombs" He stated to no one in particular. He spent several days on the ship waiting for the right moment to grab the captain steal the ship and get his money. Normally he'd be nervous about this but the two hours he spent prepping the bombs put him into a state of focus.

He loaded his Laiz rifle, slung it over his back and began his stroll to the bridge. The Iromahuanke started humming a drinking song one of the pirates liked. Beneath that he was ready for any threat that could come his way.