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RP Promised Land: Espionage - Chasing Dawnlight

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Funky City Streets: 1:52 AM

In the small hours of the morning there's rarely a call anyone would want to answer. Those awake for business or pleasure, those in sleep either restful or fleeting: None of them were likely in position to welcome a ringtone hammering upon their personal time. But when you work in this line of business you are expected to be available when called upon, you march out into the rain drenched streets of Funky City or you lose your payday.

What would soften the blow of a rude awakening is the method of pickup and rendezvous for the team assembled: An elongated town car, so black that the blaring neon glow of Downtown seems to slide off it like the downpour outside. The fine interior lit low from streetlights and billboards outside, with enough seating for a modestly proportioned board of directors; ready for them to swill liquor from the mini-bar on their way to something too important to be sober for.

For the majority of those called out - new hires for whom their prospective employer was intangible - this would be the first sign of two things: That their employer was real, and that the compensation attached to the messages with nothing more than the pick up points was real.

This would also be the first time a handful of those being picked up on rainy and be-puddled street corners would put a face to the name "J.J. Newhouse". A slim nepleslian woman, with a shock of bright red hair pinned into a tight bun at the base of her skull. Everything about her; from the tailored black suit, and the white silk blouse, to the nearly imperceptible rimless spectacles reflecting the screens of three juggled communicators looked out of place anywhere except a sterile office thirty floors over street level.

It certainly looked out of place considering the other passenger: A grown man dressed only in a sweat-stained undershirt, and black cargo trousers with pockets turned inside-out, tied up on the floor of the stretched sedan. The two-inch heel of Newhouse's shoe resting approximately and roughly where a face would be under a sack tied over the poor sap's head.

So far the only words from her mouth had been exchanges of names; directions for the neon-blue haired driver to stow their equipment in the trunk; a handful of 'get in's; and a few polite 'help yourself's with indications towards the large travel-cup coffees sitting on the seat by the rearmost doors... The ones sitting rather close to the crystal tumblers atop the chilled drinks cabinet.

But slowly the car was filling with the team itself, and possibly the question of 'what is going on?'. The call for work was sparse on details; but perhaps showing up without question was some test proving that no one present was so stupid, or so blindly curious as to question the methods behind the money.

Jacob rubbed his eyes for what seemed like the millionth time since being awoken from his "beauty sleep". The steaming cup of coffee was helping but was quickly running low. The bald man was slumpedin his seat sporting midnight blue sweat pants and a black simple t-shirt. The short sleeves did nothing to hide that he wore a black bodysuit running to his wrists underneath.

The sight of J.J. with her heel at some goons covered head barely phased Jacob when he climbed in. His natural demeanor regardless how he felt often made people believe he was bored or uncaring. He was of course quite curious as to the mission brief and who this schlub was.

"Ms. Newhouse I presume? I'm Mr. Miller, though I want to say you already knew that," Jacob said with a monotone drawl. He always felt he had to introduce himself due to his completely average and forgettable visage. He had wrestled his whole life with making impressions. People remembered distinguishing features, Jacob had none.
Work had been slow this month, so Daman's sleep cycle was completely at the mercy of his own whims. For him that meant he had only woken up from a long sleep an hour or two prior to getting a call on his communicator. Unphased by the late hour, He merely closed the linguistics paper he had been reading and checked the weather. Daman pulled on his wool pea coat and wrapped his scarf around his neck.

Constantly checking the time, he did a quick inventory of his HHG ammo, slipping several non letal varieties of ammo into the interior pocket of his coat. After a lengthy nerve fraying elevator ride down to street level, Daman put up his collar and stepped out into the downpour.

The Iroma and splashed through the growing puddles on the downtown sidewalks, and waited on the corner for the pickup vehicle. He stared at the vibrant neon reflections that danced in filthy gutter, trying not to wonder what sort of job he was getting himself into. In time he'd be told everything that he needed to know. Unnecessary curiosity could get you killed.

When A stretched town-car splashed through the puddle he was meditating on, he stepped back to avoid the water, and then forward to slip inside the door that was waiting for him. He shook his hair and horns free of excess water and crossed his legs once he settled into his seat. "Lovely morning for a drive... Pleasant seeing you again miss..." His light accent laced his words as he spoke. He gave the other male in the car a little nod of acknowledgement. He didn't look down at the person in the burlap sack, assuming that once everyone else was picked up everything would be explained.

He helped himself to the coffee glad for the warmth. His free hand shifted forward to shake the bald man's hand. "Daman Tilak, pleasure to be working with you."

Nichole was elated to have gotten herself a job, there were a few issues with her last one with someone's head ending up in building full of people, but there were extenuating circumstances of the man's face being perfect for hitting with a bat. Either way, 'Nicky Hate' was not a person usually called to do work, so it must've been either a bottom of the barrel job or no one was really available, regardless she wasn't going to turn this one down with the promise of good pay.

She had gotten herself ready quickly and met the limit when it arrived. She wasn't like most the others in the vehicle though, her hair was flashy, half bright red and the other half pink and her outfit was just as showy; a dark red under-bust bustier with halter straps, a pink long sleeve off the shoulder blouse and a matching red skirt, finished off with black heeled ankle boots that were rather impractical. Normally someone would be considered crazy for wearing this kind of thing, but judging from the CQBS-A2 shotgun, Snapshot PDW, and grenades that she loaded into the trunk, this wasn't her first rodeo, and the metal bat meant it probably wasn't a good idea to question her about it either.

Nicky had even stepped on the man on the floor before finding herself a seat and scanning the space with her crystal blue eyes. "I hope ya'll don't get in the way of my fun." Her voice was high but rather than the 'cutesy' kind of voice expected with such a pitch, there was a hint of malice and enjoyment in her words, what she considered to be 'fun' was definitely something perverse.

Alistair silently checked his datapad again, loading up new trojans and viruses. The young man looked like shit. His eyes, even the prosthetic one, had bags under them. Being a ex marine, former gang member, and hacker extraordinaire meant that when you got a job, you don't turn it down. He was dressed in a black combat jacket over his NSMC combat fatigues. He walked to his bathroom and looked in the mirror. He had a deep scar running down his face as well as many other cuts across his face and neck. His sighed and splashed some water in his face as he grabbed the rest of his equipment and slammed the door behind him.

He had meet the Limo outside his small apartment and got in quickly. He slumped in a chair and grabbed a coffee. His Zen Armaments .45 Caliber Pistol hung from it's holster, showing off the sleek black silencer. He nodded to those in the vehicle already. "Evening everyone. I'm Alistair Thorn." He said in a gravely voice as he pulled his NSMC beret down over his eyes attempting to catch a few more minutes of sleep.

Jacob greeted the Iroma's handshake. "Jacob Miller, at your service," he replied in a similar tone to Daman's. He sat back and once again huddled over his coffee.

The next arrival of the woman with the flagrant disregard for subtlety caused Jacob to scrunch his nose just slightly. Being someone who's life was spent socially invisible he had a hard time liking such extravagant looks.

He kept his head down until a third person joined them. It wasn't hard to tell that this one was once military and wished to be back. That was Jacob's only thought as to why anyone would A. Wear fatigues in the 'normal' world and B. Wear fatigues on an illicit job.

In the end however it was none of his business. He gave a quick nod in greeting then went back to staring out the window.

Jacob's greeting would have gotten returns in the form of a small nod of acknowledgement, and a stare that confirmed that Newhouse did in fact recognise him. It wasn't a look of recognition one would give a person, though: It gave the impression that she was more cataloguing him like an insect she had just pinned down. The same general impression of her morbid interest carrying on to each new introduction, and addition to the car.

That was until she appeared satisfied that they had picked up some sort of critical mass of passengers. Whatever possibility of continued conversation between Daman and Jacob was silenced as their middleman shifted in her seat, sitting a little straighter; the heel of her shoe shifted into what might be an eye-socket and drew out a whimper from her captive.

"We are short on time, so I trust that you'll pass this information on to the rest as we pick them up." Newhouse chimed in. Her voice a perfectly clear business tone, with each word pronounced fully like a sales pitch. "Approximately two hours ago, another agent captured this man at a bar. He is a member of Crimson Assurance Securities... Which I am informed is a private security contractor, out of their own territory in Upper Haven in Roger Wilco city. He was mouthing off, quite unwisely I should say, about the transfer of a valuable asset from... A certain medical firm, shall we say. A quick sweep of his rooms confirmed his story."

"My Associate was rather short on the details, as they wished as much confidentiality as possible. As such I can't tell you what you're looking for: Only where it will be at a certain time. The package is being transferred from one hand to another at a rendezvous point outside of Funky City, where it will be transferred on to the old mag-rail train system. From there it will ride in on a normal supply run to the Quais, where it is presumed to trade hands again in order to be transferred again."

"It can be safely assumed that it is going to be moved on to the air trucks at Trade-Central, and we know there will be a second security team there to handle the trade-off. Your job is to board the mag-train, find and identify the package, handle the security team, and get out with it before it arrives at the Quais."

After a long explanation, Newhouse fell silent, looking between them like a school teacher would. Her expression reading saying any questions, children?
The limo stopped next to a fancy high-class hotel called The Velvet Rose. A disheveled redheaded woman with hair pulled into a loose ponytail wearing a tight black dress and red heels stood out front smoking a cigarette. A large suitcase sat beside her. When she noticed the limo she tossed the cigarette to the ground and stomped it out with the heel of her shoe. She waited for the driver to open the door and take her luggage then climbed into the limo, casually stepping over the man on the floor. Her heel came quite close to crushing his delicates.

Seeming to recognize Jacob she smiled and found a seat next to him. She leaned forward to get a cup of coffee giving everyone across from her a view of her large bosom. She took a gulp of coffee, licking her lips suggestively. "Brigid Piper MD, for those of you I'm not yet acquainted with. Pleasure to meet you." The woman said, her voice soft and smoky. Brigid gave Jacob a hug, careful not to spill her coffee.

Her sky blue eyes moved from person to person, seeming to gaze directly into their souls. She gave Nichole a look of disapproval. Her gaze lingered on Daman. "I look forward to studying your anatomy." She said with a wink. Finally, she settled her gaze on Newhouse. "It's nice to put a face to the name. Glad to meet you, Ms. Newhouse."
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Funky City Streets

After driving a little ways through the city, the limo eventually stopped in front of a woman in a black hoodie and cargo pants, the light of her Game Buddy reflected off her glasses as she toyed around with a game on it. It took the limo to honk its horn for her to finally look and take notice to it before jamming it into her hoodie pocket and hurrying over and into the limo.

"Well you sure know how to arrive in sty-oh," The new passenger started saying as she hopped in before stopping at the sight of the man tied to the floor with a sack on his head, along with the rest of motley occupants. "Was not expecting this sort of kinky party but I guess I you work with odd individuals in this field." She said as she finished getting in, closing the door the behind and taking a seat next to the scarred up Nepleslian with the cybernetic eye. She took quick glance around at everyone, taking stock of her "co-workers" before raising a gloved hand to the man next to her. "Name's Ayla. Pretend you don't know me if either of us gets caught."
Funky City Streets

Elizabeth was woken by a phone ringing at an ungodly hour and was simply told to be ready on the street corner that her apartment block was on. She quickly gotten dressed in the dark, knowing where her clothes were. Old habits die hard, just newly released from service.

She left the apartment, yawning and making her she had her boot knives in place and left the apartment. She showed up at the corner when a big executive stretch limo pulled up and honked at her. The door opened and she climbed in. The light hit her as she was dressed in an all military uniform. Seeing everyone give her strange looks. "SQUEAKIES!" She yelled as if she inside a noisy tank. "YOU WOULD WEARING MILITARY UNIFORM TOO IF YOU JUST GOTTEN RELEASED!" she smiled at every one. "I'M YOUR VEHICLE OPERATOR!"

"WHATS THE GIG?" She kicked the hooded man on the floor for being in her way. Then stepped on him as she worked her way to a vacant seat. "FORGET TO TAKE OUT THE TRASH?"

Jacob smiled at seeing Brigid. Growing up, he was rather friendless beyond his sister, even in adulthood the same can be said. He was lucky however to have met someone during a job that actually wanted to get to know him.

The job had been a relatively simple one but the employer had wanted assurances (like most first time employer's do). Since that night Jacob and Brigid had become good friends and worked a few other times together. He was confident she was a good choice for this mission.

As the other agents got comfortable and Jacob cringing from the volume of "Squeakies", he replied to J.J., " Ms. Newhouse, to clarify. We are to board the mag train which is full of cargo and security forces, find an unknown item and abscond with it? Will the item be the only thing on the train? Passengers? How much security? Has the train been fitted with its own security? Would you happen to have this chaps uniform?"

Nicky had taken in a lot as the ride went on, first Alisatir who arrived in military fatigues, she didn't think someone would arrive just out of the military to do this kind of work. She didn't way anything but she kept her eye on him, he seemed to grab her attention, which could result in any number of things some far more dangerous and not remotely as pleasing as others. Before there were any other arrivals though JJ began to explain their mission, a lot of it sounded like a fun ride, and it showed on her face with a large smile. She wished the target was something they needed to destroy, then she could blow up the whole train car it was on, but it looked like there weren't fireworks in the near future. She did have a question though that would effect how she approached this. "Will the train be making any stops before the hand off or will we have to make it stop to get off?"

After the mission brief a few more people started to board the limo, the first of which, some doctor gave her a look, and she looked back, not with a look of disapproval, but like she was ready to fight. "You got something to say sweetheart?" Her voice was still sickeningly 'sweet' possibly even more so than before but along with it was a great amount of hostility, which was only stopped by 'Squeakies' arrival.

They were much too loud and it was more than a little annoying. "Pipe down you lug-head, we're not inside one of your tanks." The uniform and patches gave away that the woman was previously in an armor squad, so figuring out she was a tanker wasn't too difficult.
Squeakies laughed at Nicky comment. She liked the woman instantly. "oh.. kay.." In a much softer normal voice. She settled on one of the last few empty seats that was available. She yawned widely. "Anyone got coffee that would peel the paint of a Maximus?" Looking around at the various people present.
Newhouse pointed towards the coffees that had been shifted around the limousine seats a few times by now as more came into the car. Seeming somewhere between bemused and frustrated as the team got louder and rowdier: She probably hadn't slept at all. The driver, on the other hand kept the partition down and just chuckled a few times as if all their antics and posturing was funny.

"For the sake of newcomers, again. You will board the train; which will be taking four stops within Funky City limits at major junctions. It will have on board a combination of shipyard workers on their morning commute, ship parts, and one security team escorting cargo of a valuable nature. This man on the floor is one of the security team, his gear is in the trunk. We will be dropping you at the first stop along its route, just outside Funky City limits, where you will be able to board it. The train itself has security cameras only. Assume that any other defenses are likely portable."

"The client wishes that the nature of the package be unknown, in case this information is inaccurate. Although we have been informed that it will be... Obvious when you see it. You will have to keep in contact with me in order to confirm the package with the client. From there... You will extract it, by any means you see fit. Kill the guards, hijack the train digitally, threaten to blow it up and negotiate? I don't care."

The lawyer would adjust her glasses, light reflecting from the lenses and the... Slightly too many silver rings about her fingers, "But keep in mind that we can't keep the police off your tails on such short notice."
Jacob nodded approvingly at the information. As usual, Newhouse had supplied pretty accurate and detailed enough information to accomplish the goal. He was glad he got to work for her again. He looked back at the rest of the accumulated group. "I am nowhere near qualified to tell all of you what to do. I can only attest to my skills and those of Ms.Piper here," Jacob said gesturing to Brigid beside him. "However, since we all seem to be in the same situation, it might be good to have some sort of plan. Free for all's don't usually end well in my opinion. I will go first. I am Jacob Miller. I am most effective as a Chameleon. I am able to gain entry onto the train as this guard, given I can see his face and hear his voice. Alternatively, I can also help one of you look like him and I myself can portray a a worker. Unfortunately this takes care of two of us, not the entire crew. I am open to suggestions."
"If you can stop the train. Call me and I'll be there with the vehicle to haul it away and the crew." Squeakies spoke up. "Do you have the route the train is taking? Plus I'll need a electronic map of the surrounding area of the train's route so I know what to expect on roads and such."
Alistair cleared his throat as he took out his datapad. "I might be able to help with the getting us aboard quietly. I can hack the train's passenger list to get us all aboard. Once that is done, if I can plug into the train, I should be able to decouple cars, stop the train, send it off a cliff..." He said rolling his hands as if to say. "Etc."
Ayla stared at Allistair for a moment, keeping her hand raised to him before slowly clenching it tightly and putting back to her side. She decided to turn her attention back to the group at large, relaxing her posture. "I can steal things from the guards pretty well. Keycards, wallets, their own guns. Hell, I'll get you their thumbs if needed."
Daman Raised an eyebrow at Ms. Pipers comment about his anatomy. Not doubting that the woman meant her comment in a purely scientific way. "I daresay I look forward to making your acquaintance as well Doctor." He tapped the odd little plates of exoskeleton on his knuckles until he noticed his fidgeting and forced himself to stop. How many more people were they going to cram into this vehicle? He was starting to grow impatient. He wasn't pleased when one of the group shouted near his ear, nor was he interested in the little contests of power or intimidation that seemed to swirl whenever someone new climbed in. This payout had better be huge if he had to split it with this many operatives.

His pale lips pressed together thoughtfully as he considered their options and what he brought to the table. He couldn't hack the system or make himself look like a Nepleslian guard. He wasn't willing to be dead weight. He had to say something. "It isn't abnormal for me to use the train at this hour... So anyone reviewing the footage from tonight is not going to find my presence peculiar even if I do tend to stick out more than this lovely fellow here. I could cause a distraction or draw attention away from the package's defense."

"I'm also available for any negotiation, hostage or otherwise if we want to avoid escalating this venture into violence. I could also knock out the guards using chemical rounds in my HHG if we go for a more direct approach. "
Completely ignoring Nicky's comment Brigid sat quietly and listened to the others talk. The woman's demeanor had unsettled her subconsciously and she was unsure why. The rest of the team seemed very professional. "My specialty is seduction, so I'm afraid my usefulness may be limited without a specific target. I can possibly disable some of the security guards without alerting anyone. If Jacob goes in as a guard, I can pull off worker. We've had success as a team before." Brigid added, joining the brainstorming session.
"Also, do try not to get shot. I can't bring much with me if I'm playing the role of a worker bee, so I may not have the tools to stabilize you."

So far Alistair's plan to get them on the train sounded pretty good. Get them on board as passengers and Jacob as a guard, identify and isolate the guy with the goods, remove the package and escape in Squeaky's vehicle. "Do we know how big this security team is, by any chance?"
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