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RP Promised Land: Espionage - Chasing Dawnlight

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Nicky watched as the group planned after the latest bit of information, her expression slightly different as if she was struggling with something inwardly and trying not to show it. For a time she kept silent and reached for a coffee, drinking it rather quickly and finishing in only a few moments. The group was still discussing what to do as well. "Aren't you all over complicating things? We can sneak our weapons in as cargo, and most of us can probably get on as casual passengers normally. It's a public train after all right? If not, we can just stowaway as cargo too. Don't we only need one or two as security for scouting." The whole time she spoke it was toned as if what she was saying was obvious to even a child.
Newhouse would interject as Nicky gave her piece. Probably looking to solve a dispute before it goes too far.

"It is accurate that this is a civilian train. You can simply buy a ticket; it's unlikely that they'll let you in to the carriage the security team is in without being a member of that security team. However you can just walk on with the dock workers. A better use of hacking would be to stop the train's automated driver." The middleman would produce a small credstick, tossing it on the stomach of her captive. On inspection it would only have enough cash for tickets to the train. This wasn't a charity. "Tickets can be bought, if needed... You won't need to smuggle weapons on board, either. This is Funky City. Every one of those dock workers will be armed."

"I would prefer it if there is at least some armed backup for the driver. That way you can provide aid at stops. Our guest didn't mention if there would be more men at each stop to halt anyone trying to leave with it, but I would put them there... Summers here will also be pursuing by air to pick up the package and extract you."
Jacob listened to all the various ideas and hints at specialties. Although he trusted Brigid the most, her skill set did not offer the best combination with Jacobs. He preferred, in this case, a partner that could lie and steal. He felt the young woman called Ayla would serve him best.

"So, I believe we can most certainly make do with everyone's ideas. I believe myself and," Jacob paused and pointed at Ayla before going on, "Ayla? Mr. Tilak, Mr. Thorn and the beautiful, albeit flamboyant, woman with the bat should board. Mr. Thorn should work on the train, Mr. Tilak should form a distraction and Ms. Red," Jacob paused again, "I am sorry, what is your name? Well, she should provide physical back up to both of them and us when the time inevitably comes.

"As for 'Squeakies' and Ms. Piper, I would suggest procuring a means of transportation and prepare for a moving engagement." Jacob was pleased so far with his base plan. To outward appearance he looked as bland and bored as usual. He monotone voice seeming to drone on to the limo filled audience.
Squeakies listened in what was being offered by Jacob. Even though he could work on his speech giving. She sipped her coffee. "Do we have a untraceable expense accounts to draw money off of? For rentals or... we procure that what we need at the 'Midnight Requisition' Depo?"
"Why do you have to rent one? Just steal one,that's what I do." She let out a giggle between her sentences, she probably had some 'good' memories of joyrides with other people's property. Either way she turned her attention to Jacob and smiled. "Nicky, but if you tell anyone when you get caught, I'm going to have to give you a spanking." She giggled once again, and despite what she said, she had a look that said she wanted him to tell, just so she had a reason.
"This was too short a notice to set up discrete untraceable accounts, we don't hand out unlimited amounts of money to... Contractors. They have a habit of putting too many things down as 'necessities to get the job done'. Funds will be deposited into your personal accounts once approved. I'll be on the line in case you need money paid out. Hopefully it won't come to you needing to spend money to make money." Newhouse seemed to hate the prospect of spending any more money than needed.

"If you can steal a car, I recommend you do that. If you must rent, then please note that the rental will be going to your personal accounts. If that car is traced it will be traced to you, and not us." Outside, the lower towers of the outer reaches of Funky City loomed. Still hours to dawn, but the early shift was bringing out those who worked at unpleasant hours. Pulling them all the way to the limo's final destination: An outer city transit hub. The limo slowed to a crawl: Outside men in bright visibility vests lurked under umbrellas, or the small eaves of the station, all waiting in line outside the metal shutters that kept out the destitute from the venerable mag-rail stations before the first daily service. A few small vendors dispensed cheap coffees or breakfast delights drenched in bacon grease or altogether too much sugar glaze. There was a small minority outside with a smile on their face, one or two of which were a team of well armed mercenaries starting to gather for their day's work around an armored car.

The Lawyer yanked the bag off the head of her captive, the man had a neatly cut head of chestnut brown hair, and green eyes. One blackened from the introduction of Newhouse's heel. Duct tape held his mouth shut. "If you're to take samples from his face, do it now. We'll be pulling in to the connected landing pad, from there you will unload and make your way into the station."
Jacob nodded to Nicky when she gave her name. "A pleasure, and most certainly do so if I happen to slip up." It was hard to know what he was thinking or meaning, his face as impassive as it was. He concurred, "Yes, I meant more 'procuring' a means of transportation."

Jacob got down close to the tied up security guard. He seemed to be looking at the man as if he were examining a diamond. He turned his head left and right, even lifted his chin. He grasped the duct tape over his mouth and tore it away rather harshly. He spoke very softly, "Listen, I don't want to hurt you, honest. Just repeat after me and when your done, this whole thing will be behind you ok? You can do that for me. Say, 'I am here for the things. Just give me a moment. Where can we get paid.' See, not so difficult."

As he waited for the man to speak back he started entering the mans features into his Pico-Jelly control device. He placed the jelly to his face and almost immediately it began to take on the appearance of the man. It would not be exact but awfully close. Due to the limited amount of jelly at the moment Jacob had to make the man's hair shorter. Depending on if Ayla actually decided to join him and Nicky he waited before donning the security uniform.
Brigid didn't like the way this was headed, although this mission was short notice. Most of her missions involved more long-term espionage and assassination than securing a package. She would prefer knowing her target ahead of time. Obtaining a vehicle isn't something she had any experience with. "I could assist in stealing a car, I suppose. You decide what sort of vehicle we need. I'll convince the owner we need it more, squeaky." She said as she turned to face the former tank driver.

Looking directly at her for the first time, the Doctor noticed she had a misshapen nose. "I could fix that for you." She pointed towards her nose. "Did that happen in combat? Whoever treated it needs a serious beating."
Alistair pulled out his data jockey and scrolled through his list of Trojans, Viruses and Malware. He picked out his favorites and ready them for use.

He then turned to Ayla. "Miss Ayla, want to tag along? I could use your help. Snagging a guard's keycard, datapad, the like. Plus a nice distraction while I hack into their systems would be greatly appreciated." He looked to her and gave a half smile. "Sorry about earlier. I wasn't paying attention. Still half asleep." He said tucking his datajockey into his pocket and hiding his pistol.
Finally the car stopped. It had been a good amount of time, but it was a comfortable vehicle. Doors opened to give a fresh gust of air bringing the smell of rain, and Summers stepped out to unload the various passengers' equipment neatly by the car for them. The connected landing pad was a small-ish circular platform on top of the mag-rail station, just one floor above the grav-bus station. A small covered parking bay, with an equally small lounge that remained locked for the time being. No aircraft had come just yet.

Inside, the subdued guard seemed strangely compliant, each request given was quickly followed up. Jacob found his voice to be a smooth tenor, that was quite easily emulated, and with a successful copy in place Newhouse's burly driver was soon forcing him out of the car and back around to the now empty trunk.

"Two last things." the Middleman added, standing before the team as they (presumably) got ready and armed up.

Jacob would find a suit of Styrling Muur armor with an electronic ID card attached to its breastplate, and a Vz. 1 Shotgun being dropped at his feet, "You are Thomas Collins. You have worked for Crimson Assurances for eight months now, but you have not worked with this team before so don't worry too much about personal history."

Newhouse would then move on to Brigid, handing her a small case with an electronic lock on it, "The client has foreseen the possible need for this, but due to confidentiality it will remain locked until opened remotely. I'm assured that you will be the one who knows best to use it."

It would seem that Brigid at least was here for a very specific reason... But with those two things handed over, there was only a sharp 'GLKK' noise added to the scene; Summers fastening something in between a garrote and a cable tie around the neck of the captive, before forcing him into the trunk and slamming it with a 'thunk'.

"The elevator to the station is over there." Newhouse gestured vaguely to the south, "Try not to garner too much attention, but if things go south we can extract you by air."
Ayla stepped out of the limo and pulled her silenced Zen .45 out the holster that hung on her side, making a sure a round was chambered before finally flipping the safety on. The job seemed simple: Steal the very important item "that should be obvious" off a high-speed train. Main issues would be getting on the train and getting off it, the man in the trunk proved security wouldn't be much of an issue for right now. She holstered her pistol before turning back to the others.

"Don't worry about whether I can get on the train or not, I already have a plan for that. For right now I want to make sure I understand how this will play out, pipe in anytime you want to add to append or correct something. So far, I know Sir Lack-of-Attention wants me to tag along with him so I can grab some occasional item for him. I can easily get myself a way onto the train and Shifty-Face can easily stroll on with that uniform and contractor's union complexion. I'm assuming Two-Tone will have a way to get on the train. We get on the train and steal the loot." She looked over at Squeakies and Brigid "I'm assuming the ironically named Squeakies and Miss Daddy Issues are going to handle the transportation. If things go down, they could pull up next to the train and jump on board. If things stay quite, we could hop off at the next stop and hitch a ride with the two."

She rubbed her hands together. "Am I missing anything?"
Nicky stepped out of the vehicle with the others and moved to the trunk, she has a decent amount of 'supplies' to check. Opening the duffel bag that she had brought she looked inside. A Snapshot PDW, a 9 inch CQBS-A2 with the stock removed, and a few grenades, 2 stun, 2 movement restriction grenades and as a bonus a fragmentation grenade that she got off the black market. She of course had more grenades and ammunition at her house, but despite how much she wanted to bring it all she knew she'd just blow up the whole train if she brought everything and since she needed the money this time she decided against it. Putting the bag over her shoulder, she gave the bat a twirl and then smiled. "I can get on the train no problem. I can draw some attention as well if you need the guards to move away from the cargo."
"Hope the package isn't to big." Squeakies spoke. "Just drop me off several blocks from here. I'll find me a good sized truck to use." She kept herself from view the outside of the Limo. She wasn't dressed to casually and would bring undue attention to the group if she tagged along or left the limo wearing her uniform.
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Daman found himself nodding in agreement at the suggestion that he be present on the train. He could have been on the getaway team as well, This was an odd mission for him because it was hard to say how effective he would actually be before they were actually on the train hurtling towards their deadline.

"If its too big there's the option of uncoupling us from the rest of the train to buy us more time." Daman suggested with a little shrug. "Oh, and we should probably exchange contact information. I have a temporary contact code on my communications unit for situations like this. With multiple teams working together we need to stay in touch." The horned male suggested this while offering up his number to whoever was willing to take it. He double checked the contents of his weapon and the various half moon ammo clips that he had prepped for this mission. he didn't want to make a mistake about what he would be firing in the case of an emergency.
Jacob hefted on the security uniform, shifting this way and that to get comfortable with the weight and range of movement. When Ayla finished the run down he spoke up in the former guard's voice and accent, "First off, please do not refer to Ms. Piper in such a way, second, an excellent run down of events. Mr. Tilak you can pair with Ms. Nicky. When the time comes for a distraction I believe the two of you are best suited to work something out." He also gave Daman his communicator number.

Jacob was finally finished and he was quite happy with his result. He had wished had some extra pico-jelly to fully copy the hair but the success of this job would help. His plan was simple, gain access to the train, locate the item, send the signal and assist the heist from behind enemy lines. He felt everyone else had the tougher job. "I am set and will head out to meet my security detail. If anyone needs me Mr. Tilak and Ms. Piper know how to get a hold of me," he said as he strolled away toward the cluster of security guards.
The Nepleslian nodded in response to the instructions she was given, taking the curious case cautiously. She realized her current outfit wasn't exactly useful in this. That meant she probably needed to change into something more appropriate. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she turned to Ayla. "Guess you like nicknames. I will ignore that comment although when I patch you up later I might forget to numb the area first." She said sweetly as she climbed out of the limo with the case in tow.

Brigid got her suitcase out of the back and set it down on the ground. She unzipped it and put the case down for a moment. A chrome egg was noticeable in the center on top of her clothes. After digging around in the clothing, she produced a white T-shirt, black sports bra, white panties, khaki cargo pants, dark brown belt, white socks and brown boots. She pulled off her heels and tossed them in the suitcase. Then she proceeded to strip right there on the side of the road, revealing black lace underwear which she also removed. She placed her dress and underwear in the suitcase and put on the clothes she had picked out. The clothes were tight but not enough to restrict her movement.

After changing, she zipped the suitcase up and turned it over, popping a hidden compartment open and sliding out a
WickedArms TA-13 Medical Kit, pistol belt with a leg holster and four mag pouches, two extra mags and a Na-W/P-08 Heavy Automatic Sidearm with a silencer. As soon as she closed the compartment she slung the medkit over her shoulder, put on the belt and holstered her weapon, slipping the mags into the pouches. Putting her suitcase back in the trunk, she turned to Squeakies. "You ready honey? You drive, I'll shoot if necessary." She said as she approached her, grabbing the case she had been provided on her way. Her appearance had changed from courtesan to soldier in the blink of an eye.
Squeakies tagged along and nodded and pointed off away from the train platform and took off heading back the way they came. She was looking over the various cargo haulers she choose from. Finding one the proper size that would fit the rest of the team and the package.

She found the perfect vehicle to requisition. First she carefully broke into the rig and then hotwired it. "Hop in."

Once Brigid in the truck with her and moving. She drove a few blocks away and found another rig like hers. She stopped long enough to switch out license plates on the rigs. She enjoyed the simple exercise of acquiring vehicles. Now it came to getting into position. She drove with practiced ease of one used to driving large and or oversized vehicles.
As the crew started to file out and down to ground level, they were met with a few odd looks from the arranged groups ready to board the train. The more heavily armed got a few looks from the high-vis clad dock workers arranged before the still closed train station; by no means limited to the crew who had been hired for this mission. The Crimson Assurance security squad arranged by the armored transport were getting the worst looks of them all.

The armed security crew was given a wide berth by the workers, who as Nepleslian dock workers were to the man visibly armed with a variety of small arms. Those not visibly armed were almost certainly bearing something concealed, a quick listen to a handful of conversations would yield some sort of complaints about trade unions, or shipping company bosses. Either way the presence of armed men had put a lot of these people on edge somehow...

Squeakies' heist of a cargo hauling truck was rather successful, no one really caring what went on in the surrounding blocks. It was apparent that the various parts and raw materials were being brought in to the train station through many more trucks like this. An open loading bay towards the rear of the train station being the only open entrance at this time: The front entrance was still shut up heavily with metallic shutters.

A large holo-display out front switched between advertisements for a local strip club, and the departure time for the first service of the early morning, the glowing numbers hovering over a gun check locker where anyone going aboard would need to place their weapons. It seemed that if the crew wished to smuggle themselves, or anything else on board they would need to get it into cargo.

Jacob was met with a 'mornings' from bleary eyed, unwitting co-workers. At this time of morning it seemed that the group he was to infiltrate was a bit too tired to give him too close a scrutiny at this time: The majority of them were armed with shotguns or assault rifles of varying types and manufacture, the only truly common thing about them being that they wore the same black armor with a red badge as the rest of them. Notably, inside the armored car the apparent leader of this group; a hulking ID-SOL sat tapping away at a datajockey, checking some sort of details. In total there were fifteen men.

"As soon as the shutters open, we relieve the first escort team." The huge man rumbled, his voice alone giving the impression that there was some sort of imminent volcanic eruption. Apparently he'd been waiting for his last man to issue orders. "I want three of you on each end of the car. Anyone not in uniform? You shoot 'em. Keep to those orders until we do the handoff at the Quais."

Whatever it was, the package was likely already aboard.
Alistair exited the car and adjusted this trench coat. He scowled and walked quickly, looking like he just got finished with a shift at the base and was ready for some well deserved leave. As he passed a stand, he bought more coffee and began to drink as he walked inside.

He walked into the building and moved to purchase a ticket. As he waited he sighed in annoyance as he checked something on his datajockey. He checked the info on his military ID, and he was happy to see his handiwork. The ID showed that he was still in active status and he should be able to get a ticket easier. He walked up to the kiosk, passing the attendant his ID and cash to pay for the ticket.
Nicky kept her weapons in the duffel bag, not wanting to draw attention to herself. However the gun locker posed a problem, she needed to get her stuff on without storing it away. After a quick glance around she casually walked off, acting as if nothing bothered her and walked over towards where the cargo was being loaded on. She found a young man loading and gave him a smile, walking directly to him. "I need a little help...see there are some...intimate items in my bag, but I'd rather not have it go through one of those X-rays and everyone see." She gestured to her bag, still smiling, but looking nervous and flustered now. "I'll pay the luggage cost and everything, and here's a tip too." She pulled a wad of bills from her cleavage and handed it to the man, 200 DA in total.
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