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Quotes Quarantine

[17:28] Amaryllis >or people will flip tables
[17:28] Amaryllis We all need to do the table flipping emoji in the shoutbox
[17:29] LapJaeger One sec
[17:29] Amaryllis (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
[17:30] DragonNova I did an open rp thing that only got as far as the first encounter, but technically yes
[17:31] MobileJaeger (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ FLIP THAT TABLE.
[17:31] MobileJaeger ┻━┻ ︵ ヽ(°□°ヽ) FLIP THIS TABLE.
[17:31] MobileJaeger ┻━┻ ︵ \(`0`)// ︵ ┻━┻ FLIP ALL THE TABLES
[17:31] MobileJaeger ಠ_ಠ Child. . .
[17:31] MobileJaeger ಠ_ಠ Put.
[17:31] MobileJaeger ಠ__ಠ The tables.
[17:31] MobileJaeger ಠ___ಠ Back.
[17:31] MobileJaeger (╮°-°)╮┳━┳
[17:31] MobileJaeger (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ NEVER
[17:31] Sham ...
[17:31] Sham I can't
[17:31] Sham My sides
[20:47] LapJaeger FTL warfare?
[20:47] LapJaeger Wait, you're a lady?
[20:47] LapJaeger 0_0
[20:47] DragonNova Uh. Yeah.
[20:47] AmiLenoir snickers.
[20:48] DragonNova It's not noteworthy enough for me to announce.
[20:48] DragonNova shrugs
[20:48] Sham Of course DN is a lady >.>
[20:48] Aendri Most of the cool kids know that DN is a lady.
[20:48] Aendri Just proves you're not a cool kid, Jaeger.
[20:48] Sham is cool, by Aendri's definition
[20:49] LapJaeger sends an Ice Queen Glare (tm) at Ami and Aendri
[20:49] DragonNova Why is my genitals a metric for that?
[20:49] AmiLenoir Because they're amazing? *Shot.*
[20:49] Aendri Because your genitals are obviously just that cool, apparently.
[20:49] Sham Ask Aendri
[20:49] DragonNova -_-'s.
[20:49] Aendri <3
Last edited:
00[22:22] <FrostJaeger> XD
[22:23] <Foxtrot> XDDD
06[22:23] * Amaryllis hands Foxtrot a Nazi luger
[22:26] <Amaryllis> fug cum on guize
[22:26] <Amaryllis> nog id off
06[22:27] * Amaryllis snorts and chuckles uncontrollably
03[22:32] * Guest4589 is now known as KampfXD
00[22:33] <FrostJaeger> XD
[22:34] <Lamb> best zelda game
03[22:34] * Amaryllis is now known as AmaryllisXD
03[22:35] * Born-On-Board is now known as XD-On-Board
[22:35] <Lamb> GBC was never the same again
03[22:35] * Foxtrot is now known as FoXDrot
03[22:35] * FrostJaeger is now known as XDJaeger
[22:35] <Lamb> LamxD
[22:35] <Lamb> shit
[22:35] <Lamb> I messed up
00[22:35] <XDJaeger> XD
03[22:35] * Lamb is now known as LXDmb
[22:36] <KampfXD> XD
[22:36] <KampfXD> XD
00[22:36] <XDJaeger> XDD
[22:36] <LXDmb> Did you guys get to the secret color dungeon yet
00[22:36] <XDJaeger> XD^XD
[22:36] <AmaryllisXD> Too bad CadetNewb isn't here. XD
00[22:37] * XDJaeger summons CadetXD
[22:37] <KampfXD> XD^XD(XD^XD)x1000000000^XD
00[22:37] <XDJaeger> ...
00[22:37] <XDJaeger> ...
00[22:37] <XDJaeger> d'oh
[22:37] <FoXDrot> x^)
[22:37] <@Doshii_Jun> ?
[22:37] <FoXDrot> X^D
[22:37] <@Doshii_Jun> What are you guys doing?
[22:37] <Aendri> Don't ask.
[22:37] <XD-On-Board> n-nothing
[22:37] <XD-On-Board> xD
[22:37] <Aendri> You know better than to ask.
00[22:37] <XDJaeger> XD
[22:37] <KampfXD> Nothing XD
[22:37] <FoXDrot> notin xD
[22:37] <LXDmb> discussing Link's Awakening's re-release on the gameboy color
[22:37] <@Doshii_Jun> Asking gives me cause.
[22:37] <LXDmb> ...
[22:38] <LXDmb> X D
[22:38] <AmaryllisXD> Nothing XD
[22:38] <@Doshii_Jun> Cause gives me power.
[22:38] <@Doshii_Jun> Power fuels my legs.
[22:38] <AmaryllisXD> We're just having fun XD
00[22:38] <XDJaeger> Legs give me XD
[22:38] <XD-On-Board> we're just some bros having a bro time bro XD XD XD
[22:38] <KampfXD> Springfield gives me XD
[22:38] <AmaryllisXD> Would I troll you Doshii? XD
00[22:38] <XDJaeger> Amen, brohan
00[22:38] <XDJaeger> XD
[22:38] <XD-On-Board> XD XD XD
[22:38] <@Doshii_Jun> Oh! Oh! Let me try too!
03[22:39] * Luca is now known as LXDa
00[22:39] <XDJaeger> oh lawd XD
[22:39] <AmaryllisXD> You're my fav mod. Not like I even like any others though. XD
03[22:39] * You were kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
Session Close: Fri Oct 02 22:39:12 2015

Session Start: Fri Oct 02 22:39:31 2015
Session Ident: #sarpfree
03[22:39] * Now talking in #sarpfree
03[22:39] * Topic is '"I believe in an idea, an idea that a single individual who has the right heart and the right mind that is consumed with a single purpose, that one man can win a war. Give that one man a group of soldiers with the same conviction, and you can change the world." -*-*- #sarpfree, channel of Freedom! -*-*- ww'
03[22:39] * Set by Gallant![email protected] on Fri Sep 04 16:13:10 2015
03[22:39] * LXDmb is now known as Lamb
03[22:39] * FoXDrot ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
[22:39] <@Doshii_Jun> Missed again. Rats.
03[22:39] * Kampfer is now known as NOPE
[22:39] <Lamb> oh shit
03[22:39] * NOPE is now known as NOT
06[22:39] * LXDa hides under a cardboard box
[22:39] <FoXDrot> Got me xD
03[22:39] * NOT is now known as GONNA
06[22:39] * @Doshii_Jun kick Not
03[22:39] * GONNA is now known as GET
[22:39] <@Doshii_Jun> Rats!
00[22:39] <XDJaeger> 0_0
03[22:39] * GET is now known as ME
[22:39] <@Doshii_Jun> HAHAHAHAHA
03[22:39] * ME is now known as DOSHII
03[22:39] * DOSHII was kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
00[22:40] <XDJaeger> XD
[22:40] <@Doshii_Jun> Knew he was going there.
03[22:40] * FoXDrot is now known as HAHAHHA
03[22:40] * HAHAHHA is now known as IM
03[22:40] * IM is now known as BEHIND
03[22:40] * BEHIND is now known as SEVEN
03[22:40] * SEVEN is now known as PROXIES
03[22:40] * PROXIES is now known as LEL
03[22:40] * LEL is now known as FoXDrot
[22:40] <Born-On-Board> what have I done
[22:40] <Born-On-Board> oh my god
03[22:40] * DOSHII ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
03[22:40] * XDJaeger is now known as INCLUDING
[22:40] <LXDa> you are death destroyer of worlds
03[22:40] * DOSHII is now known as Kamfur
03[22:40] * INCLUDING is now known as THIS
03[22:40] * THIS is now known as ONE
03[22:40] * You were kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
Session Close: Fri Oct 02 22:40:51 2015

Session Start: Fri Oct 02 22:41:14 2015
Session Ident: #sarpfree
03[22:41] * Now talking in #sarpfree
03[22:41] * Topic is '"I believe in an idea, an idea that a single individual who has the right heart and the right mind that is consumed with a single purpose, that one man can win a war. Give that one man a group of soldiers with the same conviction, and you can change the world." -*-*- #sarpfree, channel of Freedom! -*-*- ww'
03[22:41] * Set by Gallant![email protected] on Fri Sep 04 16:13:10 2015
[22:41] <Born-On-Board> HRNGH
03[22:41] * Born-On-Board was kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
00[22:41] <FrostXD> RUN AWAY
03[22:41] * Born-On-Board ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
03[22:41] * LXDa is now known as Luca
[22:41] <Lamb> He wasn't even doing anything yet!
03[22:41] * FoXDrot is now known as DINDU
03[22:41] * DINDU is now known as NUFFIN
[22:41] <Born-On-Board> huehuehuehueheuheueheueheueheuuhe8ehdufsdkgdslgjftrs
03[22:41] * NUFFIN is now known as POLICE
[22:41] <Aendri> Kickspree?
03[22:41] * POLICE is now known as BRUTALITY
[22:41] <Luca> I'm... gonna go in my spaceship for a bit
03[22:41] * BRUTALITY is now known as Guest12315
[22:42] <AmaryllisXD> HE'S A HUMAN BEING
03[22:42] * Luca is now known as Luca|ED
[22:42] <Aendri> Not the bannhammer yet.
[22:42] <AmaryllisXD> HE HAD A FAMILY
[22:42] <Aendri> Just the boot.
[22:42] <Kamfur> XD
[22:42] <Kamfur> XD
[22:42] <Kamfur> XD
[22:42] <Kamfur> XD
[22:42] <Aendri> So far.
03[22:42] * Kamfur is now known as HAHAHAHAHA
03[22:42] * AmaryllisXD was kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
03[22:42] * HAHAHAHAHA is now known as IM
03[22:42] * IM is now known as BACK
03[22:42] * BACK is now known as AINT
03[22:42] * AINT is now known as GONNA
03[22:42] * GONNA is now known as CATCH
03[22:42] * CATCH is now known as ME
03[22:42] * ME was kicked by Doshii_Jun (Doshii_Jun)
03[22:42] * ME ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
03[22:42] * ME is now known as Kampfur
[22:42] <Kampfur> DAMNIT
03[22:42] * AmaryllisXD ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
[22:42] <Born-On-Board> this is more slippery than my dick in a japanese love hotel
[22:42] <AmaryllisXD> Omg you monster
06[22:42] * Luca|ED chucks some Elite: Dangerous on
[22:42] <@Doshii_Jun> OK, back to work.
03[22:43] * FrostXD is now known as DAS_BOOT
03[22:43] * Kampfur is now known as DAS_XD
[22:43] <Lamb> You mean all that murder was recreational!?
03[22:43] * Guest12315 is now known as DAS_FUGGXD
[22:43] <Born-On-Board> i plead the 5th
[22:43] <GunnyMobile> What... The.... Balls.....?
00[22:43] * DAS_BOOT pleads the boot
[22:43] <AmaryllisXD> You savage. Let me be clear, make no mistake, I unequivocally believe if I had a son he would like Born-On-Board.
[22:44] <AmaryllisXD> be like*
03[22:44] * DAS_BOOT is now known as FrostJaeger
00[22:44] <FrostJaeger> OMFG
00[22:45] * FrostJaeger is posting this to the QQ
[22:45] <AmaryllisXD> I wear my XD like pride. I don't XD by choice. I can't help it. It's involuntary. But if I could choose I would. Every. Single. Day.
03[22:45] * AmaryllisXD was kicked by Doshii_Jun (Wear it on out the door then, and don't leave any on my boot.)
06[22:46] * Aendri snerks
00[22:46] * FrostJaeger lawls
03[22:46] * AmaryllisXD ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
[22:46] <Lamb> ponce
03[22:47] * DAS_XD is now known as SekritMongoose
[10:14] <Revolver> Sarptologists
[10:15] <Lam> Yamatologists or Neplesliogues?
[10:17] <Revolver> The Yamat and the Nepleslial
[10:18] <Revolver> These are the core concepts in Sarptology.
[10:19] <Lam> Is this a cult?
[10:19] <Revolver> No, of course not.
[10:19] <Revolver> Dear, sweet Lamb.
[10:19] * Fian hides the cult knives
[10:19] * Lam narrows his eyes
[10:20] <Revolver> Sarptology is a way of life, to better ones self and all of humanity.
[10:20] <Fian> And to free your Thethans
[10:20] <Lam> But I don't have any money
[10:21] <Revolver> But, you know people who have money, right?
[10:22] <Revolver> Surely ones who love and would help support you in your new way of life?
[10:22] <Lam> No
[10:22] <Lam> My family disowned me
[10:22] <Revolver> No friends or loved ones?
[10:22] <Lam> Because I joined a cult
[10:23] <Revolver> Well, we will help you, free you from whatever that terrible cult did to you, you poor, sweet Lamb.
[10:23] <Lam> ...
[10:23] <Lam> Is this a cult?
[10:24] <Revolver> No, of course not.
[10:24] <Revolver> Sarptology is a way of life, to better ones self and all of humanity.
[10:24] <FrostJaeger> Totes.
[10:26] <Lam> Is this...?
[10:26] <Lam> Like
[10:26] <Lam> A cult?
[10:26] <Revolver> No, of course not.
[10:26] <Revolver> Sarptology is a way of life, to better ones self and all of humanity.
[10:26] <FrostJaeger> Eloquently stated, Brother Revolver.
[10:26] <Lam> That sounds cool.
[10:26] <Lam> Kind of like a cult.
[10:29] <Revolver> As I said before, there exists the Yamat, which is the holy presence that flows through all of us, inspires us, makes us love and care and appreciate the beauty in all things.
[10:30] <Revolver> And the Nepleslial, which is our baser desires, our earthly needs and wants.
[10:30] <Revolver> In life, it's important to find the balance of these things, and live fuller, more fulfilling lives.
[10:31] <Revolver> This is the basis of Sarptology.
[10:31] <Lam> Revolver, I'll just take some pamphlets for now
[10:31] <Revolver> The only pamphlet you need is here.
[10:32] * Revolver touches Lamb's chest, near the heart.
[10:33] <Lam> Is this a cult?
[10:33] <FrostJaeger> No, of course not.
[10:34] <FrostJaeger> Sarptology is a way of life, to better ones self and all of humanity.
[10:34] * Revolver nods sagely.
[10:36] <Lam> But I'm already a member on SARP!
[10:36] <Revolver> SARP!? Sounds like a cult!
language warning, don't read if your eyes bleed when exposed to profanity

[15:45] * Kampfker ([email protected]) has joined #sarpfree
[15:45] <Kampfker> Hello
[15:45] <KampferKin> Hello
[15:46] <Born-On-Board> what is this fresh autistic hell
[15:46] <MobileJaeger> OH FUCK
[15:46] <Kampfker> Hello best friend
[15:46] <KampferKin> Hello to you best friend
[15:46] <MobileJaeger> HE'S MULTIPLYING
[15:46] * Kampfker rubs BoB's shoulder
[15:47] <MobileJaeger> DOSHII
[15:47] * KampferKin rubs BoB's other shoulder
[15:47] <MobileJaeger> SAVE USSSSSSSS
[15:47] * KampferKin ([email protected]) Quit (Quit: Leaving)
[15:47] * Born-On-Board racks his shotgun
[15:47] <Born-On-Board> It's you next, kampfer
[15:47] <MobileJaeger> Oh thank god
[15:48] <Born-On-Board> don't make me do this
[15:48] <MobileJaeger> The nightmare's finally over
[15:49] * MobileJaeger is now known as PhoneJaeger
[15:49] * Kampfker stands there
[15:50] <Born-On-Board> It didn't have to end like this
[15:50] * Kampfker watches BoB talk in slow motion - his cripplying psychosis only letting him hear BoB's words as a series of honks
[15:50] <Kampfker>
[15:50] <Born-On-Board> In another place, another time, kampfer, we could have been more than
[15:50] <Born-On-Board> whatever we are now
[15:50] <Born-On-Board> but dog
[15:50] <Born-On-Board> you're too autistic
[15:51] <PhoneJaeger> lel
[15:51] <Born-On-Board> you won't be joining us for the instrumentality
[15:51] <Born-On-Board> I'm
[15:51] <Born-On-Board> sorry kampfer
[15:51] * Kampfker just starts peeing
[15:51] <PhoneJaeger> Tism Trio -> Tism Twosome?
[15:52] * Born-On-Board aims the shotgun, a tear in his eye, and pulls the trigger on that urinating nigga
[15:52] * Kampfker explodes in blood, the red liquid forming a huge goddamn XD on the wall
[15:54] * Born-On-Board throws the gun down, suddenly disgusted with himself and his actions. He looks to the sky, and sees Itkatsu descend from the heavens. He closes his eyes, and as Itkatsu's hand meets his cheek, he explodes into a puddle of memes
<Kampfker> I'm just the man who wanted to save the world.
<Born_On_Board> look around you kampfer
<Born_On_Board> it's
<Born_On_Board> it's just memes and piss
<Born_On_Board> there's nothing worth saving
<Eistheid> Albino rabbit den?
<Kampfker> Sure there is
<Kampfker> There is value in the world that you make out of it that you feel is derived from others who derive you own self actualization.
* Kampfker speaks off camera to a BoB sitting in a chair in a darkened room under a light
<Kampfker> You can be happy if you make the world happy, BoB
<Born_On_Board> no
* Kampfker said, as the piano version of "Cruel Angel's Thesis" slowly played
<Born_On_Board> no I said we wouldn't do the evangelion memes anymore
<Born_On_Board> I promised
<Born_On_Board> I promised to everyone
* Kampfker is now known as Foxtrot
<Foxtrot> But BoB everhuen huents you to bhue hueppy
* Foxtrot is now known as Kampfker
<Born_On_Board> was that the best you could do jesus
<Kampfker> You can meme again BoB
<Born_On_Board> I'm afraid kampfer
<Born_On_Board> what if my memes
<Born_On_Board> what if they let everyone down
* Kampfker is now known as Lamb
<Lamb> Then you pick yourself and everyone else up and try again
* Lamb baaaaa
* Lamb is now known as Kampfker
<Kampfker> It's true, BoB.
<Born_On_Board> I
<Born_On_Board> I choose
<Born_On_Board> I choose to meme!
<Born_On_Board> I can meme again!
<Born_On_Board> I don't want everything to return to nothing
<Born_On_Board> because then
<Born_On_Board> nothing will be dank
<Born_On_Board> and a world without dank memes is no world at all
* Kampfker stands there, his erect penis jumping around to his furious clapping at BoB
<Kampfker> Congratulations!
<Sham> ...
<Born_On_Board> and it's all thanks to
the ukrainian army band and choir

it just keeps tumbling down
[20:22] Fianobananaphone Anyway
[20:23] Fianobananaphone Like, eliminate vehicle class and have it overlap with pa on one half and starship on the other
[20:24] CadetNewb There's probably no need for that - they all pretty much go off the same pool of 'points' anyways.
[20:24] CadetNewb The class names are just there for convenience.
[20:24] Fianobananaphone k
[20:25] CadetNewb I'm thinking that the difference between a Class 10 Power Armor and a Class 11 Vehicle is about the same as the difference between a Class 8 and Class 9 Power Armor.
[20:26] CadetNewb Sort of like naming different steps and sections of a stairway different things.
[20:29] Sham Is it a Stairway to Heaven?
[20:30] CadetNewb Or hell.
[20:30] CadetNewb You can't really tell Sham.
[20:30] Sham Hmmmm
[20:30] Sham I don't know if I want to gamble that
[20:32] Fianobananaphone Cant tell what is up or down in space
[20:32] CadetNewb Even between Class 15 and 16, it's basically a step up; a Class 15 can basically be a ship in everything but name and perhaps size, with just too little armor to be formally considered a 'ship'.
[20:32] CadetNewb But it would still be very close to.
[20:33] CadetNewb The gate is down.
[20:34] Fianobananaphone You think youre going up to the bridge and then when you open the airlick you find some nerd with a largescreen TV, bed and 10 gaming consoles
[20:34] Fianobananaphone Thats when you realize this ship has a basement
[20:34] CadetNewb I hope it's a Neko Nerd. I like the idea of one with large glasses and rumpled, geeky clothing.
[20:36] CadetNewb Like. One that's retired from the SAoY, and after not having to always wear a uniform, realized she has no fashion sense. Or mainstream hobbies.
[20:37] Fianobananaphone But is still on an SAoY ship?
[20:37] Jond Government contracting.
[20:37] CadetNewb Who knows?
[20:37] CadetNewb Maybe she just likes being on ships too, so she works on ships.
[20:38] Fianobananaphone Or maybe indie
[20:38] Fianobananaphone "Who the hell was that?"
[20:38] Fianobananaphone "Dont you talk shit about her, she pays half the rent of the ship"
[20:40] Fianobananaphone But almost nobody in the crew list knows about it since she never leaves the place
[20:42] CadetNewb
[20:43] CadetNewb <Hikiko-Neko> *eats nothing but MREs and never leaves her room, raking in huge piles of cash from her gaming live streams and such*
[20:44] Fianobananaphone Lives on a spaceship so her stalkers cant find her
[20:44] CadetNewb lawl, yesssssss
[20:44] Centurion Perfect
[20:45] CadetNewb <Hiki-Neko> *finishes reading a doujin of her being found on her ship and being gangbanged* "This is why I never leave my room."
[20:45] Jond >Finishes it
[20:45] Jond A dedicated nerd. She didn't stop even when she realized what it was.
[20:45] CadetNewb Yup.
[20:46] Sham
[20:46] CadetNewb She's the kind of person that would watch "2 Neko, 1 Cup" to analyze it, and with a straight face.
[20:47] CadetNewb Like, she'd be like, "Neko, Queen of the Nerds"
[20:47] |<-- Jond has left gaia.sorcery.net (Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client)
[20:47] Fianobananaphone Her reaction video has a couple of billion views because of the pokerface
[20:47] CadetNewb YUS.
[20:47] CadetNewb I gotta make a character like this someday.
[20:48] -->| Jond ([email protected]) has joined #SARPFree
[20:49] Fianobananaphone Its like a few years ago she walked into a bar full of downtrodden captains
[20:49] Fianobananaphone And she offers one a deal
[20:49] CadetNewb This is what you missed Jond;
[20:49] CadetNewb [20:47] Fianobananaphone Her reaction video has a couple of billion views because of the pokerface
[20:49] CadetNewb [20:47] CadetNewb YUS.
[20:49] CadetNewb [20:47] CadetNewb I gotta make a character like this someday.
[20:49] Fianobananaphone She buys you the ship, she gets one half deck for herself and you cant stay at any one place for more than three days
[20:50] CadetNewb I can totally see that happening.
[20:50] |<-- Li has left gaia.sorcery.net (Quit: The worst day of your life is only twenty-four hours long. - Bruce Ikard)
[20:53] Fianobananaphone QQ this

She's out there guys. Somewhere. Streaming.

And rolling in dosh.
[19:18] Luca|Lappy spends an evening minding the dog.
[19:26] <Ariegphone> Or is the dog minding you?
[19:31] <Fians> xfiles.mp3
We never realized it, but SARP is actually just a renactment of Avatar:The Last Airbender. In Space. You won't believe it!

It's all coming together...

02:53 FrostJaeger The Last Airbender
02:53 Sham Francia when
02:53 FrostJaeger brilliant animated series
02:53 FrostJaeger horribly botched by Shyamalan
02:54 Sham Didn't even watch the movie
02:54 FrostJaeger (when he attempted to compress an entire season into a single movie)
02:54 FrostJaeger same here
02:54 Sham Movie couldn't do the animation justice
02:54 Sham Did you know Yamatai is the Fire Nation?
02:55 Sham They want to spread their prosperity and shit but only manage to make everyone terrified of them
02:55 Sham Ketsuri Pancake clan needs a Zuko
02:56 FrostJaeger XD
02:56 Sham After being overly dramatic for 2 seasons
02:56 Sham Not but seriousy
02:56 Sham Seriously*
02:56 Sham Yamatai is the Fire Nation
02:56 FrostJaeger mhm
02:56 Sham 1 to 1
02:57 FrostJaeger Freespacers are the airbenders, ofc
02:57 Sham Free Spacers be dem Air Nomads
02:57 Sham Nepleslia be da Earth Kingdom
02:57 FrostJaeger Lor's the Water Tribe?
02:57 Sham Are they rooted in tradition super hardcore?
02:57 Sham And worship their moon?
02:57 Sham Oh wait
02:57 FrostJaeger dayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuum
02:57 Sham as3.amazonaws.com_mibbit_gfx_smilies_yel08.png
02:58 Sham They loved their moon so much they brought it down for a hug
02:58 Sham Top Kek.
02:58 FrostJaeger Yes.
02:59 Fian I thought I read sometime yesterday that it was Fred who was ultimately responsible for the moondrop or something?
02:59 Sham Fian, Lor is the Water Tribe
03:00 Sham Wait
03:00 Sham OMG
03:00 FrostJaeger especially when you consider that it would make Wes Ozai XD
03:00 Sham Yamatai dropped the moon
03:00 FrostJaeger wait
03:00 FrostJaeger so
03:01 FrostJaeger someone needs to make a Freespacer char
03:01 Sham This is unreal
03:01 Sham So
03:01 Sham Nepleslia is going to die from the inside
03:01 FrostJaeger then travel across the lands with two Lorath and a Neppie
03:02 FrostJaeger all while being chased by Neko Zuko
03:02 Sham Then all the factions will attack Yamatai and fail
03:02 FrostJaeger Yep
03:02 FrostJaeger holy shit
03:02 FrostJaeger this
03:02 FrostJaeger this all makes sense
03:02 Sham Or, the last Free Spacer
03:02 Sham WAIT
03:03 FrostJaeger The Last Freespacer
03:03 Sham Guys
03:03 Doshii_Jun facepalms.
03:03 Sham SARP is literally Avatar
03:03 Doshii_Jun You're ridiculous.
03:03 Sham Doshii
03:03 Sham You can't deny this is actually plausible
03:04 Doshii_Jun Don't make me kick you for stupidity.
03:04 Sham Yamatai is the Fire Nation
03:04 FrostJaeger D:
03:04 FoxtrotZZZ That's okay
03:04 Sham They killed all the Freespacers
03:04 FoxtrotZZZ old people don't really understand TV shows
03:04 FrostJaeger XD
03:04 FoxtrotZZZ like once you're past 40 or something they become alien to you
03:04 Sham And are spreading their 'way of life' and 'prosperity' to the other nations
03:04 Sham But they aren't doing it right, they're just making everyone scared
03:05 Sham They killed the Moon (Spirit)
03:05 FrostJaeger Thing is, though......who'd be Nyamatai Iroh?
03:05 FrostJaeger WAIT
03:05 FrostJaeger YUKARI
03:05 FrostJaeger PROBLEM SOLVED XD
03:06 Sham ... I'd say Yummi but okay
03:06 Sham Yuumi
03:06 FrostJaeger or Yuumi
03:06 Sham Yummi, XD
03:06 FrostJaeger XD
03:06 Sham Yuumi is the only sane one
03:06 FrostJaeger In fact, yeah
03:06 Sham WE NEED A ZUKO
03:06 FrostJaeger YES
03:07 Sham To realize Yamatai's falsehoods and join up with the other nations to end Yui's delusional reign
03:07 FrostJaeger Someone totally needs to make a plot based on TLA
03:07 Sham Frost
03:07 Sham It's the whole site
03:07 FrostJaeger and see how long it takes everyone else to catch on
03:07 Sham We're already through the first season, sort of
03:08 Sham Freespacer Genocide, Moon Drop
03:08 FrostJaeger ah
03:08 FrostJaeger true
03:08 Sham Nepleslia is next
03:08 Luca|Phone2 Uso Tatsuki is Combustion Woman
03:08 Sham BA SING SE!
03:08 Kampfker >Nepleslia is next
03:08 Sham KAMPFER
03:08 Kampfker >Implying we're not abandoning all the planets and attacking unprotected civilian areas of an aggressor
03:09 Sham Watching out for Hanako who is Azula as3.amazonaws.com_mibbit_gfx_smilies_yel40.png
03:09 FrostJaeger ROFLMFAO
03:09 FrostJaeger wait
03:09 FrostJaeger hold up
03:09 Sham She will sneak into your democracy and break it by taking control of the IPG
03:09 FrostJaeger Hanako's already been to Nepleslia
03:09 Sham Oh no
03:09 Sham She might have control already
03:10 FrostJaeger panic.jpg
03:10 Luca|Phone2 Who gets to be Azula's two minions, Mai and Ty-lee?
03:10 Sham Or, in SARP's case, the Aether Eclipse
03:10 FrostJaeger XD
03:10 FrostJaeger What would the comet be, though?
03:10 FrostJaeger XD
03:10 *** `Osaka joined #sarpfree
03:11 FrostJaeger Mai and Ty-lee? hmmmmmmmmm...
03:11 Sham Someone close to Hanako
03:11 Sham Hmmmm
03:11 Sham Kotori?
03:11 Sham doesn't know the Fire Nat- I mean, Yamatai
03:11 FrostJaeger same
03:11 *** `Osaka is now known as Guest62459
03:12 FrostJaeger (despite having numerous chars in it XD)
03:12 Sham We need to tell all of SARP
03:12 Sham We must study TLA closely
03:12 Sham The inevitable is coming.
03:13 Sham Doshii_Jun
03:13 Sham Yuumi needs to prepare SARP's Zuko
03:14 Doshii_Jun is not engaging in this.
03:14 Sham Doshii must be in prison
03:14 Sham Just like Iroh in season 3
03:14 Sham He'll break out about halfway through the season. We have to hold out.
03:16 Doshii_Jun glares. At both of you.
03:16 Sham Just like Iroh behind the bars
03:16 *** Sham was kicked by Doshii_Jun (The camps with you.)
03:16 !!! You have been kicked from #sarpfree