Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP Reclamation Project

Horatio looked down at the current magazine bag as he heard the order, after letting out a controlled burst to the MG crew position.

"Wilco!!" He responded as he started to expand his field of search for idiots attempting to collect whatever valor tokens they had. Seeing a few possible lanes of travel that could be used, he happily started to shoot controlled bursts into them after making sure the MG crew were properly terrorized. But he was going to need to change to one of the new magazine pouches that were dumped on the ground.

"In about 3 suppression cycles, I am going to need to reload sir!"
Egwene and Horatio were doing well to keep the rebels suppressed. TONY's scans would pick up the other AT gun on the opposite end of the outpost, but it would pose little threat to the two MBTs since it was facing the other way. Rebels manning the quad AA guns would focus their efforts on trying to keep the main force from entering their captured base. The walls were just high enough to keep the anti-aircraft guns from firing directly on the advancing marines so they just aimed at the entrance where they would be coming from, but the rebels in the watchtowers opened fire, attempting to keep them away as best as they could. Several other brave souls would fire on Egwene in an attempt to knock her out of the sky.

"Copy Private, keep it up!" Lt. Thorson told Horatio as he trailed after the platoon of marines that were approaching the base.

"Sydney! Target the AA gun on the left!" Gideon barked.

"On it!" Sydney replied as he trained the cannon that had by now been reloaded by Wallace onto the designated AA gun despite being obscured by the wall. Using the tech provided, Sydney fired the cannon and the shell penetrated the wall and decimated the quad gun. At the same time, the other AA gun was eliminated by Iron Shell. This synchronous attack left holes in the wall that could be exploited by the attackers.

Within the outpost, one rebel armed with a rocket launcher fired at Hector's Bus. It was a close miss and the projectile exploded harmlessly behind it.

"That was close!" Blake shouted.

The sniper fired again and the rocketeer's head exploded from the fatal bullet. Another rebel with a rocket launcher was on the ground and was aiming at Iron Shell, but a round from Horatio struck the rebel in his left hip and the rocket went astray. Rather than fly toward Iron Shell, it streaked toward Horatio.
Egwene was less worried about the MBTs, and more worried about her. They were some three hundred millimetres of mil-spec armour to take a shot, where as Egwene had half that. But, before that, she had to pull an emergency dip to avoid the spray of AA fire. Flaps deployed and an auxiliary repulsor dropped her to near ground level. The move was enough to cause some severe whiplash from the inertia, but fortunately Egwene didn't have to worry about such things. Landing as the two AAs were taken down, Egwene would spend a moment to asset the situation.

The second thing she didn't have to worry about was tearing her muscles when the suit sudden wrenched itself into a different stance, firing repulsor blasts and M115 rounds into the projected flightpath of the rocket flying at Horatio. When you gave a lot of process over to an MI, it was expected that sometimes your suit would act quicker than you could figure out why.
#I'm keeping an eye on the other AT gun incase it moves, and will let you known if it does. Until then, I am not seeing much more to bother the Tanks#
"Roger!" Horatio responded as he kept up the pressure on the rebels. M115 rounds continued screamed down ranged towards the two positions. It was music to his ears, muffled by his aural implants to keep it from damaging his still organic ear canal. But the music must take an intermission as the last round exited towards its final destination, zinging over someone's head and bouncing off the ground.

He ducked down below the berm to release the now empty magazine pouch and replace it. After brushing the feed tray for any spent brass and placing the new ammo belt on it, he closed the top and went to bring the weapon back to bear. But instead of requiring his sight picture, he was greeted with a rocket exploding 20 meters in front of him.

Horatio ducked back down to avoid the majority of the blast and more importantly the shrapnel.

"Mother fucker!!" he yelled before raising back up and resuming his industrial metal death song on the rebels.
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"Holy hell! We nearly got fried!" the sniper yelled out to Horatio. His right arm had several cuts from the shrapnel of the exploding rocket, but it did not seem to be interfering with his marksmanship. Despite the rebels best efforts to keep out the attackers, it was clear that they were about as effective as a glass pane was at stopping a speeding train. The platoon's training was superior to those of the ragtag defenders. Marines were beginning to enter the base through the front while others were circling to the rear entrance to get the rebels boxed in. The marines that were inside the base dove to immediate cover to avoid getting cut to ribbons by the AA guns.

"Roger that ma'am!" Lt. Thorson said in response to Egwene adding, "Iron Shell and Hector's Bus shall advance!"

Advance they did. The two MBTs pressed toward the base, ever mindful of anti-tank assets. Fortune favored them though, as the rebels were too busy fighting and losing against the invading marines.

As far as Egwene could see, the crew manning the other AT gun had abandoned it in favor of trying to help their comrades fend off the assault. Amidst the fighting, a gunner of one of the AA guns noticed in time the main gun of Hector's Bus aimed directly at her. She was able to leap off as the cannon fired, destroying the anti-air gun in a blazing fireball. Her landing was not exactly smooth though, and she seemed to have broken her right leg when she struggled to stand.

Back with Horatio, Lt. Thorson said to him, "Good work Private. Looks like our boys have those rebels on the ropes. Let's move up and give them a hand shall we?"

With a grin, Lt. Thorson marched toward the outpost.
Egwene would dispatch of the crippled rebel with a Repulsor blast, blowing their head up from the force, and then launching into the air with a short burst of speed. The other AT Gun had been abandoned, which meant it was free real estate for a woman like her, who could take it and blow a hole in the Outpost wall on the opposite side of the point of ingress the Marines were coming from. Hopefully, the loud and explosive distraction would pull people towards her, and leave the Marines with less opposition to deal with as a result.

Her ammo was low, one more spray and she'd need to reload, but that was fine, she'd set them to target any hostile that moved on the other side of the outpost while she secured the AT gun and prepared for a crude and obnoxious flanking manoeuvre.
"That we almost did, but it wasn't the bullet with our names on it. I'll be pissed otherwise it was from a group of morons." Horatio responded to the sniper in between his bursts of rounds going downrange. He watched his fellow marines assault the position while creating an artificial lull to attract some idiot into thinking the coast is clear. When the marines were fully safe from the two positions, he stopped firing and shifted his view to the side of the location. He was looking for targets to put down when the LT returned.

"Aye aye sir!" Horatio said, taking the opportunity to reload his weapon and then put away the magazine pouches.
Despite the rebels' best efforts to keep their dream of a new future alive, it was clear that they were fighting a losing battle. The last AA turret was eliminated via a marine cooking a frag grenade and hurling it up at the emplacement, the detonation taking out the static defense and its ragged occupant along with it. Bullets flew across the field, and two marines were unfortunate enough to get cut down, but more pieces of vengeful lead were finding their marks with the traitors. Marines continued to fill the outpost until eventually Hector's Bus and Iron Shell had gained entry. Several angry rebels fired on Egwene, but they too met their end from the heated barrels of the Nepleslian forces.

The few remaining rebels that were still standing dropped their guns and threw their hands up in surrender while several others fled into the main building. Sounds of gunfire died down and many Nepleslians focused their guns on the building while a few others including Lt. Thorson surrounded the rebels that gave up. Lt. Thorson stepped up to the trio and asked in a stern voice, "Where's your leader Axe?"

One of the rebels, a man with white skin, shabby clothing and ragged hair that had heavy dandruff in it said, "He's...he's in the building over there."

He gestured to the main building and Lt. Thorson said, "For a man who claims to be so strong he sure likes to cower away from the spotlight."

"Hey, I've seen him cut people's tongues out before!" the man exclaimed, trying, but failing to be intimidating.

"Does he nail their hands to poles and brand symbols on their stomachs too?" Lt. Thorson inquired.

The man said nothing and hung his head down in clear of the punishment that awaited him once he was in captivity. Lt. Thorson turned to the friendly forces present and said, "Egwene, Carver, Milton, Pollen, Mosby, on me!"

When the selected names were in front of Lt. Thorson, he would point to the designated building and order, "I want you five to go in and locate and secure Xavier Curtis. Expect fierce fighting since some of these misguided souls did run in there."
Power Armour was fun, Egwene decided. She'd think about a new version later, but right now she was getting shot at and shooting back. Not that the getting shot at was much of a problem for her with the AT guns down. Eventually, the enemy were dead or surrendered, except for one group in a building she had been called to breach.

#Him cutting out tongues doesn't really mean he also doesn't cower from the spot light. THe two aren't mutually exclusive, after all# Egwene commented. Then, there was the breach at hand to deal with the boss and secure total victory.

#I suggest I take myself to insert from above. Hit them from an unexpected angle while you four breach conventionally, trap them between multiple angles to split their focus#
Horatio was expecting a bit more of a fight from the rebels, but they turned out to be a disappointment. Deadly, but still a disappointment. He held his tongue while the Lieutenant conducted in minor interrogation and just laughed at the man's response of cutting out tongues. When he was named to head out to confront their leader, Horatio just spits on the ground in the direction of the captives. He figured words would be wasted on them.

He moved with the rest of the impromptu fire team and stopped when the Lieutenant issued his orders. "Wise move, use that power armor's maneuverability to our advantage. Good hunting." Horatio said before looking at the others, weapon at the low ready and a nod. "Ready to get this fool when ya'll are."