Science Lab
A humanitarian task was a fresh perspective on the role of the Star Army after so many years of warfare. Even if it was mostly for the benefit of their own soldiers who may have been stranded, along with any civilians, this was altruistic work and was definitely fitting for one of their first missions. Arry was busying away, opening up interfaces with whatever comms network was left on the target planet. "
Good idea. Let me know if we can get some sort of handshake back from whatever systems are down there." Takashi took his leave shortly after without a word, which made Seinosuke's eyebrow raise in curiosity - what was more important than being at your station? Surely he had a good reason to go, but the officer have to ask about it later.
When Euikoshi returned and scattered the data slates onto one of the work surfaces, Mochi joined her on the opposite side of the counter, waving over whoever wasn't busy at a console. "
Hmm. No Fuji probes? I'll have to write back to SARA and see if they'd be interested in putting a bounty out on one." The Elysian muttered quietly, as to not disrupt the flow of the conversation.
There had been at least a couple of Fuji-class shipped in operation for a while, perhaps their science capabilities in that sense had never been pushed to their boundaries during that time. He knew from being aboard that the capability for a rollbar sensor drone was at least
mentioned in the technical specs. As the most senior scientist aboard and with a greater rank then previously, perhaps Mochi could convince his more senior colleages to let him explore the extent of the ship's abilities in his area. Regardless, they had more pressing things to be occupied with right now. News of a drone that could be perfect for this mission. Excellent - as to be expected from the veritable arsenal of the Star Army's equipment.
Excellent work, Euikoshi-hei. Very perceptive and resourceful." The veteran nodded decisively, offering a satisfied smile. She'd made a good first impression with that discovery. Seinosuke tapped the side of his pad a few times in thought. Perhaps his sister could tempt the Star Army to invest in some Eye-class ships - those things would have blinked here in record time and scanned as much as they wanted in a flash. A spark of inspiration crossed his mind as the soldier brought up the information for Hanako's World. There we go. Private companies had invested into the planet's infrastructure. Useful information.
It looked like there was supposed to be a large spaceport in orbit, but it was doubtful such a thing survived the Kuvexian Invasion. However, it looked like
Emrys had established a satellite network there at some point. No doubt at least a few satellites would have survived. "
Arry! See if you can get a hold of access to Emrys sats. We might have a few of those circling the planet if we're lucky."
Not only that, Hanako's World was a resettlement planet for the UOC. That meant
KiS-2408es which could sustain life for over a century.
H Bunkers and
backup centres too.
Flipping out his PDA, Seinosuke composed a couple of messages before sending them.
To: Captain, Executive Officer
CC: Science Personnel
Science reports that we are attempting to establish contact with any remaining communications infrastructure on the planet. Additionally we will be launching the 5
VCMAD-A drones aboard when able, with intent to survey the ground. We may require shuttle launching to get into position to deploy the drones into atmosphere - if
these could be prepped and piloted?
H Bunkers are reported to be on planet as well as backup centres which should be priority targets if we have the maps on record. Furthermore, the old Escape Pods may
have provided a haven from the conflict, if we have reports on their inital landing locations from the UOC days.
To: Chief Engineer
CC: Executive Officer, Science Personnel
Science plans to launch our VCMAD-A drones and may require assistance refitting them with their lifeform tracking modules. We have only 5 for the planet, however. If
Engineering has any fabrication equipment to make more, that would be excellent.