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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 4: The Hand That Feeds

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Medical Lab

"Get out," Poppy warned Thad. "My patient requires privacy. This is the second time you've barged in here interrupting us. This is a direct order, Santo Hei. You have five seconds to leave or I'm calling for security." She conspicuously placed her service pistol on a nearly rolling table covered in shiny chrome surgical tools, which let out a metallic rattle as the heft of the energy gun clunked on it. Her eyes were locked on Thad.

Mia just stared at Thad with a mix of anguish and guilt in her face. "I don't think this is working out," she blurted out. "Sorry," she added. Suddenly she snatched up Poppy's gun, and brought it up to her temple. "No respawns," she said.

"What?! NO!" Poppy screamed in horror, turning to face Mia. She had been so focused on Thad she couldn't stop Mia in time.

A deafening crack filled the air of the medical lab and then the wall was covered in chunky blood splatter. Mia's lifeless body tumbled over the edge of the patient table like a ragdoll and collapsed on the floor, her periwinkle hair stained with blood.

"Fuck! Fuck!" Poppy shouted, swooping down to cradle Mia's body. "Noooo!"
Frank was about to take his shift when he heard the gun go off in the medical wing. Keying his coms he yelled over. "Alert shots fired in medical wing Unknown shooter...possibly Thad." Frank stated knowing Thad just went down that hallway after saying that he stashed gear around the ship. Frank took off in a mad dash down the hallway. "swear to god Thad if your the shooter I'm going to-"

as frank rounded the corner he found his words stuck in his throat as he took in the sceen blood on the wall Mia's dead body on the ground with a hole in her head. the medical doctor freaking out and thad just standing there. Frank In all the crap hes seen or has done over the years seeing the bubbly Mia dead and thad just standing there. he reached up on his comms device and stated. "Mia's dead and you might want to get down her quicker before theres another body to clean up." Frank let go of his coms device before looking at thad. winding up he sent his fist at full force into the side of Thads face. he could feel the metal under the synthetic skin warp at the Hit.

"You fucking monster! you just took two people out of this world you better hope sanda or anyone else gets her in time otherwise im going to make you a bloody smear in this room!" frank yelled at the man who not two seconds ago was being all buddy buddy with him.
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Medical Lab

"Get out!" Poppy screamed at Frank. "I order you to stand guard outside the door and make sure no one else comes in here. Lock the door on the way out. Thad, you stay. Help me get her into the hemosynth tank...with luck I can keep this from being a closed casket funeral by healing her face." She waited for Frank to seal the door so it was just her and Thad alone.

Poppy was a fixer, a nurse who was always looking to soothe what hurt and heal what was broken, no matter what it took. She instantly had a plan. Once she was alone with Thad she looked into Thad's eyes dead serious and said: "The last thing she said was unclear. We couldn't understand it. Agreed?" she asked him, tugging Mia to the hemosynth tube in a fireman's carry.
Medical Lab

Thad looked towards the bloody body of Mia. He did not flinch when the gun went off that took her life. Clearly Poppy was a mess having just watched one of her friends put an end to it all. This was completely out of the blue but was not Thad's first time to witness such acts. During his time chasing the black knight he found many who ended it all. Some by hangings, others by bleeding out. After awhile, one would become numb to see such display of pure agony. Sadly Thad could not save Mia from her own inner demon.

Out of the corner of his eye he took the punch from Frank at full force. If he was not of half ID-SOL build, this would have shattered the jaw of any normal person. Still a gush of blood came out of his mouth as he stumbled a few steps away from Frank. "Ouch, that hurt you moron. I didn't do this, she ended it all on her own. Our genius Poppy thought best to put a loaded weapon near someone unstable.

Frank was then shouted out of the room on order of Poppy. For a moment this snapped Thad back into his right mind. He blinked a few times as he listened to what Poppy had just suggested. The last thing she said was not to revive her yet Poppy had other plans. Thad in the moment was conflicted, does he honor her dying wish or does he forge a new path. He thought for only a moment before he replied to Poppy. "For once I'd like to defy fate and chart a new path. All I heard was hurt, no words that made any sense. I am yours to command." Thad stepped closer and assisted Poppy to get Mia into the hemosynth tube.
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Poppy pulled Mia's uniform off and together they dumped her into the tube. Poppy immediately started life support and sent a flood of medical femtomachines to start repairing the damage. "Of all the places to shoot herself she picked the best, medically speaking," Poppy told Thad, wiping tears from her eyes. "Her body, her organs, and her cells haven't had time to die. Our technology can fix her body...but she is not going to be 'in' it, at least not yet..."

Poppy looked grim-faced yet satisfied. She wiped off her gun and put it back in her belt. "Time to clean. Let everyone know things are under control, okay?"
Zanven was in his room when the shot went off, he immediately dropped the model of the Nodachi and reached for his sidearm as he made his way to the door and outside, he was thinking of what has happened since he arrived on the ship and the one thing he could determine that it had to do with Thad. "God dammit, what the hell is it this time." He said to himself as he moved towards where he heard the shot ring out from, having already been close he arrived just after the ordeal and Frank was standing guard outside the door. He did not have his hand near his sidearm but he could tell something was drastically wrong. "Frank, what the fuck happened in there?!" Zanven demanded an answer, hearing behind him the footsteps of someone else. He did not take his attention off of Frank, "The last I saw you, you were sitting with Thad in the canteen? does this have to do with him?" He asked again as he pulled out his datapad and hurriedly swiped away the notifications and opened a line to the Medical room screens. "Poppy, this is Itto Hei Zanven Brax, do you require assistance? Is everyone safe?" He was one step from barging in.
He heard the words come from Frank and he sighed before watching the man go to the wall and lean back. "Frank, there will need to be an incident report, stay nearby and I will go see what the hell is this fucking situation even. We should keep anyone else out, I will take statements and see if anything more can be done. Consider that an order please..." He said as he kept his hand on his sidearm while entering the medical bay. Taking a breath as he was readying himself for what was to come next.

Medical Bay

Once inside he looked at the floor and then to Poppy and Thad helping Mia into the tank before he sent out a quick message to the bridge for captain Aoba, he requested orders on what to do next, he then sent the feed to the captain before setting the data pad down. "I don't know what the hell is going on here, but I have informed the captain and a feed of the room is being sent to him as we speak. Captain Aoba, I am requesting the room be locked for both the safety of the crew present and to arrive, and for the purpose of investigating this incident." Zanven said as he continued to keep a hand on his sidearm...he knew he did not have much time left before undoubtedly someone else came along. "Poppy...how are we doing? Frank has not locked the door he allowed me in, you did not answer...Can she be saved? How long was she out?" He asked as he kept an eye on Thad, just because he did not yet know what happened.
Medical Lab

"Get out!" Poppy pointed her finger at the door. "My medical lab isn't a convention center for people rubbernecking a tragedy. Mia shot herself. I'm seeing what I can do to help but it doesn't look good. Give me some space to work, and keep everyone else out of here," she growled.

The captain simply ordered, "Everyone return to your posts, I will update everyone later in a crew meeting once we talk to Poppy and Thad," Then left the bridge and went down there. He stopped at the doorway to talk with Koyama. "Did you want to handle this?" he asked her, giving her the choice. He gave Zanven a reassuring pat on the back, "Thanks," he told the pilot. He also gave Frank a nod.
Mochi was just getting started on his work again before the call came through the intercom in the Science Lab. Sounded like trouble. His flaming wings rustled in displeasure. There'd been no external alarms and the POWs were safely secured still. It must be some sort of squabble gone wrong, but if Koyama or Aoba weren't on scene, he'd have to go. Groaning a little, the Elysian let his tools clatter to the worktop. Bloody hell.

He was about to go down there, when the welcome voice of Aoba came over the same intercom. Phew. Instead, Mochi tapped his nearby PDA a few times. "Let me know if you need me." Was the message he sent to Aoba and Koyama, guessing those two would be the ones attending this issue. Until he got the call, Mochi would continue working on his projects for now.
"I am not rubbernecking Poppy, I am here because I heard a goddamn gunshot and I thought something was seriously wrong, I was in my bunk I might add, also read my damn file...I have some medical experience...I am just doing my job so that way I can try to hopefully keep heads from rolling." He said as he looked at Thad, sure there was plenty more he wanted to say, but the captain did not give any orders and he was without a doubt about to have to arrest Thad he thought, but the door opened once more and Koyama and the captain were standing there. He sighed, finally taking his eyes off of Thad as they were told to return to return to their posts. Once given a reassuring post he was seething with anger at this point. Again...he tried to help and again...he was. "Aye-Aye." He said and did not say a damn word more as he left and returned back to his quarters. Thinking if this was actually the best place for him.
Koyama had peered into the medical bay on its opening. The scent of burnt flesh, hemosynthetics, and ozone assaulted her nose even as Poppy growled a command. When the woman had demanded it, the XO hadn't moved an inch, instead leveling a stare on her. Then to Mia's body, then Thad, the puddle of blood and admittance that the Minkan woman had shot herself. At hearing the Shosa's voice, the shorter Neko looked over her shoulder at him, having just then realized she had stepped over the threshold.

"I will handle it," came her decision after a moment's thought. "If I need anything may I contact you? Or did you wish to oversee as I begin handling the situation?" by then she had an arm out to keep Delmira and possible death or injury at bay. The girl had proven volatile and hostile so far when it came to Thad. And attached to Mia.
Sanda's Cabin

Sanda sat up suddenly hand gripping the butt of her revolver. What had awakened her? She was still pretty groggy. She listened carefully to see if she heard a repeat of whatever it was that had awakened her. She heard nothing. No ship alarms, no announcements. She shook her head, probably nothing. If it was important there would be a ship wide message. She undid her shirt hung it on the top bunk. Laying back down in just her tank top and pants she rolled over and went back to sleep.
Medical Lab

"Of course," Aoba nodded to Koyama. Seeing Mia in the tank through the doorway, he furrowed his brow and narrowed his eyes. "I'll need to know what to write her family so please ascertain the relevant details for me. As captain I want to bring my crew home safely, and I know the risks but I did not expect my first death letter to be for a suicide. It also hits different as a captain than it did as a first officer. I knew, from a distance, that there was some emotional disruption among the crew but I have to admit I did not think things would escalate to this," the captain told Koyama, looking off into the distance. "I'm going to stop at Nataria to offload the POWs and get replacement crew. We can start an honor flight home from there if necessary. Keep me posted."

Zanven's Cabin

Zanven got a knock at his door and found Sakuko standing outside. "Oh, Zanven," she smiled softly. "I just noticed you were looking a little tense. Do you want to talk?" the supply specialist asked him. "Perhaps a backrub?" she added. "We flight ops have to stick together. Tell me what's on your mind," she said, grabbing a seat on his bunk next to him. Noticing the damaged model on the floor, she picked it up and inspected it closely.
Delmira stopped as Koyama held out her arm and tried to peer past the other neko. She pouted a bit when she didn't see anything so she busied herself by examining the sword she held. She didnt draw it but ran her finger over the engravings and looked at.
Zanven's bunkroom

Zanven had given up about halfway after gathering pieces of the broken Nodachi model and he sat at his bunk. He was a little less fuming at the entire situation, but all he tried to do was fit in here, he did not ask to be put on a "frat house" style of ship. Hell he did not know really what he wanted out of this, he even toyed with the notion of putting in for transfer, but with how things ended up on the last mission and needing the additional firepower...he subconsciously talked himself out of that little thing. With a sigh he turned the in tact Nodachi cockpit in his hands a few times. "There won't be a next time, I will make sure to continue doing my job and watch out for the others, but that is all." He said to himself in a quiet yet determined voice before there was a knock at his door. He looked at the mess on the floor before getting up and straightening himself up and answering the door.

At the entrance was Hachirobei Sakuko, she was also present near the medical area when he was dismissed, of course he looked tense. He came here to help, and twice now he had been involved in situations where he was left without any control and as he tried to do the right thing, he was left there looking like some sort of insubordinate dolt. He invited her in and he went over to his bunk as she sat across from him offering to listen to him talk, then a backrub. It almost made him chuckle as it further solidified the whole "frat house" mindset he had come to earlier, but then again...he wanted it. "Yeah, that...sounds nice." He said as he looked at her and gave a soft smile before taking off his shirt and stretching before laying on his bunk, he looked at her and noticed that she was looking at the mess of his model on the floor and he sighed. "I heard the shot and dropped what I was working on, I build models of ships I am interested in or am flying to get a better understanding of what I can and cannot do. However, it feels like ever since I got here...the Resurgence has a very "buddy-buddy" like feel and I just am not fitting in all that well. When I try to do good, I overshoot or I get wrapped up in some sort of issue..." He said as he just let himself talk for a moment, Sakuko mentioned that the flight operators need to stick together and he sighed. "I just want to make a difference and feel...at home. My last two assignments were...less than stellar." He said before laying his head down on his bunk and breathing slowly.
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Aoba reached the brdige again and got on the intercom. "Attention crew, this is the captain. We have just arrived in the Nataria star system and are going to do some crew exchanges and pick up the last of the three cargo ships to escort. I also have some unfortunate news: our caretaker, Mia has...commmited an act of self-harm and is seriously injured at minimum and possibly fatal. I am waiting on word from our medic Poppy and First Officer Koyama on the details of the situation so that's all I can say for now. Please keep this news strictly contained to the ship until we have a chance to officially notify her family. That is all."

Medical Lab

Thad had a million things going through his mind while he watched Poppy work on Mia. His girlfriend, possible bride before they could even really go on a date was dead. A cruel fate, just as it started to be cut short by the burden of life. He was going his best not to blame Poppy, who left a weapon near the unstable Mia.

Poppy went to Thad and whispered in his ear, "Just checked and baby is hanging on," she told him, giving him a soft slap on the back.

Thad turned and looked at her, a cold look on his face. "I wish I could be more happy. We both know using Mia as a husk for the baby is walking on some thin ice." He reached up and rubbed his hand through his hair. "We have to set this right, can't we just rebuild her mind. Like taking a data drive and loading it with a backup?"

"I think it's possible," Poppy nodded, she leaned in and whispered to him again. "I'm going to try. But if we do there's every chance she'll try to terminate herself or her and your future child. Do you think we should maybe stall while it grows?" she asked, not really liking that idea but at least putting it out there as a possibility.

"I do not think it would matter, be it one day or years that would be possible. All we can do is chart a new path." He looked down then back up and towards Poppy. "Plus I hope you have learned not to leave a loaded weapon near anyone in the med bay." A slim grim crossed his face.

Koyama had her arms crossed, eyeing the scene playing out before her inquietude. "I see no defensive wounds on either of you. Or did she merely walk into the Medical Bay, draw her weapon and do so of her own accord? I heard what was mentioned. But I feel details are missing," finally speaking up while Poppy attempted to whisper with a Nekovalkyrja around. Her voice held a grim quality to it even as her countenance held a blank look it.

Her gaze then shifted from Thad to Poppy, and back and forth. She drank in the details as much as her enhanced vision could take of the scene. There was the blood, the smell, look on their faces and to the tray she saw the disturbance of the implements.

Thad looked towards Koyama. "Yup, pretty much...took us both by surprise how fast everything went down." His gaze then looked to Poppy, giving a wink towards her.

"She was stressed about the baby. She grabbed my weapon while I was distracted," Poppy told Koyama. "There was not a fight or anything, it was it suicide. I don't think she was in a normal mental state at the time, I think she was emotionally compromised. The pregnancy situation was weighing on her mind heavily and she was torn over becoming a mom or terminating the pregnancy and having to live with that. I guess she couldn't. There was nothing I could do to stop her in time."

Delmira perked up at the news. "Wait what the fuck happened?" she asked trying to push past Koyama to get into the med bay the catgirl looking suddenly worried.

"Unless you are injured could you leave?" Poppy asked Delmira. Delmira could see she was literally mopping brains and blood off her wall as she talked to the First Officer.

"I say we let her in, it is not like she can do anymore harm than has already been done." Thad pointed towards the fact she was in a sealed tank.

Koyama, "And now I know there is more," she warned, looking to Thad stonily before Poppy began her explanation. "Your weapon was here?" she asked, pointing toward the disturbed tray, eyes already trailing to where she had suspected Mia had fallen given the circumstances. She then looked up and over at Thad again.

When Delmira spoke up, the XO looked at the other Neko with a warning look. Then back, "If so, why was your service weapon free of its holster? For what purpose?" her brows were drawing together as she began to form her own opinion of the matter but was offering up the chance to continue.

"I will not deny I had seen her in some distress over the passing days and am quite as alarmed as the Shosa."

Thad quickly jerked his head to look straight at Koyama, a very angry look on his face. "If your trying to imply she helped, I will slap you through a wall. She pulled it because I walked into the room, since someone on this ship gave the crew this bright idea I was dangerous. Welp, see how well that is working out. Got anymore bright ideas from command on how to unfuck this mess?"

"It was out for security purposes as I thought someone could try to stop...the procedure. I alway keep my weapon handy as a force of habit. I had no reason to suspect she would do what she did, though," Poppy explained.

Delmira looked at Koyama then to Poppy and Thad. "Mia isnt the one that carried a grenade pin in her pocket, you're a stupid motherfucker Thad." The short Neko said and stormed off down the hall looking equal parts angry and sad.

Koyama looked on impassively at Thad, "And I would have you on the ground the moment you tried. Locked in your room, and a court-martial waiting for you." she warned, "I am trying to get to the bottom of this mess and the questions I ask are not pleasant I know." but after hearing him she continued to hold his gaze as if daring him to try.

"But thank you for telling me that much, Maximus-hei." still looking at him, her arms remaining folded.

"As for the situation itself, the health of the child comes first and foremost. Do you agree?"

"As you wish, ma'am," Poppy nodded.

"I would say it is a little more complicated than that. Do we really wish to bring life into this world without a mother? I'd like to think we can dig a little deeper and have a better overall solution." Thad let out a sigh and relaxed his face as he looked to each person.

"I am not saying the child should go without a mother. I am asking if the baby should be prioritized for now." Koyama stated, eyes still on him. "If she can be revived, you realize what I may have to ask? Or do? The position we are all now in is tenuous."

"What do you mean?" Poppy asked Koyama.

Thad reached up and rubbed his head. "I'd think you'd do the right thing and help the poor girl out. From what I can tell, everyone was trying to play the hero and just ended up confusing the poor girl with choices."

"When I bring her back from backups let's try a more delicate approach," Poppy suggested. "But Thad, are you actually going to commit to her?"

"That implies I wasn't committed to her to start with. She is a friend, one I met when I first joined this party called Star Army. Yet I can not just wake up and be all, yup, lets act like we know each other and get married. At least a freaking date would have been nice, just had missions getting in the way of anything normal." He reached up and rubbed his chin. "Crew seemed to act like love falls out of the sky. The only thing falling from the sky is enemies trying to kill you, love is something you build. One block at a time."

Koyama sighed and continued her unbroken stare. "Depending on how recent her backup is, I may require a workup," she warned. "For her safety as well as the child. It sounds harsh, cruel even. I cannot, not do something like this."

"Heck, might as well go the full mile and just chain her to a stove and call it a day. Can you even hear what you just suggested. What if this split second decision was just that, all the time before it not be tainted. At least unless we start the taint ourselves."

[Training room A]

Yayoi watched as the training dummy fell to the floor, before she became distracted by the announcement. "Shit" she cursed before she continued as there wasn't much she could do.

Cassie headed into the training room in her workout gear. "Hey Yayoi," she waved. "Crazy day," she said.

Yayoi turned as her Neko ears picked up on someone entering the training room. She nodded her head” yup the craziest, I take it you heard the announcement? ” She asked of the other woman as the training dummy reset itself. Behind her were the results of its bearing on a volumetric.

"We've lost too many people to the enemy to be losing good people to suicide," Cassie nodded to Yayoi. "It really makes me feel sick to even think about. Mia always seemed like someone who was having a lot of fun in life."

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement with Cassie’s first statement. It was true; they did lose too many people. “Depression is an enemy that’s difficult to eliminate,” she said, remembering a saying someone said to her once. “Agreed, I admit I don’t know Mia that well as you, but so far as I have seen, she seemed in good spirits.” She also remembered seeing it happen while stuck in Hanako’s World.

"I have a trauma about all the people around me dying and it really brought it back to me," Cassie said. "I'm not trying to make this about me, though. I am just saying it hurts and I don't want to go back to that place. I don't want to lose my crewmates."

Yayoi frowned as she listened and before she could even think or stop herself, her base instinct made her body move to her, to hug and comfort her close as a friend should. “I know the feeling, ” she said before she realized she was hugging someone.

Cassie hugged Yayoi back. "Thanks, Yayoi. You're one of the people I think understands me the most because you've been through some really bad times yourself. You know what it's like to be part of a group behind enemy lines getting picked off by a heartless enemy and knowing the Star Army can't help you and that helplessness you feel not being able to save everyone."

Yayoi was glad that her instincts were right. She listened as Cassie spoke and nodded as the Ranger could see that Cassie knew what it was like. “Yeah, it was nuts there, the Kuvies had control over the spaceports, and even the tanks so we couldn’t heal wounds or back them up with new bodies. We couldn’t communicate with Yamatai because the systems weren't strong enough, and only the Kuvies and the bugs had control over it. When I was contacted that day I almost didn’t believe it, mostly because recently by then they were able to gain control of a radio and were taunting us. a few of us chose to respond with jokes of our own to let them know they didn’t get us. “ She said told Cassie.

"I'm really glad you made it and that you're here," Cassie told Yayoi. "I think you're a great person to work with and you have the type of real experience that you just can't replicate even with all the memory building algorithms they use making Nekovalkyrja," she smiled, feeling more comfortable. "Basically I like you and think you're awesome. I'm sorry for being such a complainer but I at least I have nothing bad to say about you."

Yayoi blushed as Cassie complimented her which pleased the Ranger to no end. She was right in that she had the experience that couldn’t be replicated by the tech they had at their disposal. She knew that such a thing would be great since that could potentially strengthen the army. At least as far as endurance was concerned. She was pleased to see her smile, and also pleased to hear she liked her causing her to smile. “I like you too Cassie, and I feel the same way you're awesome, and it's alright to be a complainer. The universe needs complainers as much as it needs soldiers like me.

[Sanda's location]

Sanda opened her eyes as the captain's voice came over the ship's intercom. She groaned as she rolled over and tried to pull her pillow over her head. "Callate. Sólo déjame dormir." Sanda muttered. She sat up completely in bed, all sleep forgotten when she heard the rest of Aoba's announcement. "¡Dios mío! ¿Qué diablos?" She sat bolt upright in her bunk and banged her head on the top bunk. "¡Ay! De todos los tontos!" Sanda swore rubbing her head as she rolled out of bed and quickly dressed.

Frank would arrive shortly to Sanda when his/her shift was up and knock on her door.

Sanda was holstering her weapon as she headed for the door. She almost ran into Frank as she came out of the room. She was a little startled that he seemed to be just standing outside her door. Most likely just a coincidence. "Sterling-Hei." She said. "Is there something you wanted?"

"First I now know why your so stressed, second I picked the wrong time to cover your shift but I'm afraid if I didn't we would have 2 crew-mates dead....Mia killed herself due to Thad." Frank took a breath "and I knocked the shit out of him for it."

Sanda just raised an eyebrow at Frank's first comment. Why I'm so stressed... she was confused by that statement. Frank's second statement was even more confusing. "Wait? What? From the beginning please."

Frank took a breath and explained "well Mia ran off down towards medical after another fight/argument with Thad, this lead to me hearing a gunshot i rush down there and there's a dead Mia brains coating a wall a pistol that was Poppy's and a thad who by this point I hauled off and decked thinking he shot her...But no Mia killed herself from the stress Thad put on her." Frank would lean against the wall. "Again from the bullshit from just one shift I understand how mine and Thad's shenanigans can cause you to want to strangle either of us."

Sanda frowned as she tried to piece together what Frank had just told her. There seemed to be some missing pieces to the story but she wasn't sure. What she was sure of was that things had gotten a lot more crazy than she had ever believed they could be. She was tempted to just turn around, go back into her room and just lock the door. But no, she had a job to do.

Looking up at Frank, Sanda said, "The XO will get to the bottom of exactly what went down and who, if anyone, was responsible." She was trying to sound diplomatic. In reality it was most likely Thaddious' fault, but she didn't want to get Frank, or herself for that matter, more riled up. "For now, the captain wants to transfer our prisoners before we head to the final stop. You can give me a hand with that."

Frank nodded. "Yeah i just need to talk to make one more stop and Ill meet you at the holding area." Frank said before heading off to find Del to give her the same news.

Delmira walked down the hall heading towards Frank and Sanda. The short Neko looked angry and sad at the same time.

"Hold it Sterling-Hei! I need help transferring these prisoners!" Sanda called after him. She saw Del and motioned her over as well. "Hello Del." By the distressed look on the short girl's face Sanda guessed that she knew what had happened. Sanda decided that it would probably be a good idea not to mention what had happened. "Come on girl. I need help transporting the prisoners."

Frank stopped moving and eventually walked with Del and Sanda to go take care of the prisoners. "Sorry you had to see what happened Del, I didn't think Thad would cause that." he said leaving it at that as he continued walking

"Sterling-Hei! We are not going to spread rumors! That's bad form. We don't know exactly what happened. That's why the XO is conducting an investigation." Sanda cut in. She hated rumors and didn't want Franks spreading any. She also thought it was very insensitive of him to just blurt out something like that.

Frank sighed "Right sorry, I just thought it would be wise to tell her what I knew since her and Mia were close. I'll try to have better Tact in the future."

"Just keep you mouth shut about it both of you." Delmira said and wiped her eyes with her hands. "We have a job to do and I want to do it before going back to my bunk."

Sanda gave Frank a hard look but didn't say anything else. She agreed with Del. "Prisoners are on Deck 4. I take it you both have your sidearms?"

"We have sidearms?"

- - - -

OOC: JP by Wes, Ajax, Charaa,Soresu, Cowboy, Miko, ShadowWalker,Zanven
Sanda stopped walking and turned to face Frank. "This really isn't time for jokes, Frank." Sanda used his first name because she was just tired of it all at the moment. "Do you have your side arm or not?"

"Sorry, I was trying to lighten the mood." Frank stated pulling his sidearm from his shoulder holster.

"This isn't a time for jokes. Let's just do our jobs. Quickly, efficiently and silently." Sanda said, trying not to raise her voice or bite off someone's head. Despite the short rest, hardly more than a nap really, she didn't have the energy to put up with silliness right now.
"All i got is the sword checked in my sidearm as per procedure after the mission." Delmira said and gestured to the sword hanging from her belt.
YSS Resurgence Shuttle Bay

It wasn't long ago that she remembered the recruitment drive for Giretsu she had been tasked with. Suzuki Akira got more volunteers than she really expected, but not as much at Rikugun Command were hoping for to generate the numbers they wanted without manufacturing of more Nekos. But that was an issue that was way above her pay grade. All Akira wanted to do was figure out if the Star Army really wanted or needed her anymore. The Private Security industry seemed to be growing within the Empire after all.

She was surprised when she got orders to take command and train the infantry section of the YSS Resurgence. She had been expecting to be forgotten about again once she had fully reported to her training command at Fort Hikari. But here she was, duffel bags over her shoulders waiting for the transfer shuttle to open its doors to allow her to embark onto the ship. She thought about her last Naval Infantry assignment and quickly shuddered when she relived the battle. It was a very short assignment...

When the doors finally opened, she stepped off and immediately made a connection with the ship's AI to request a download of the ship's layout. As she waited for the download to complete, she exited the shuttle bay and looked around to figure where the ship's XO would likely be at the moment.
YSS Resurgence, Science Lab

Taii Iemochi muttered to himself as he toyed with whatever mix of science and engineering he was working on today. On the Resurgence, the two tended to blend together. It sort of made sense that SARA was expanded recently to exploit that relationship. A light buzzing could be heard nearby, from Mochi's PDA. Glancing over, his emerald eyes spotted it was a boarding notification. A new officer? How interesting.

A message from the ship's AI popped up shortly after - mentioning that the Captain was busy with something on the Bridge and that Koyama was similarly indisposed in 'investigations'. Weird. Well, given their absence it looked like he was the only one who could really properly greet a new Taii. If they had a SEA, it may have been entrusted to them, but that conversation had yet to be had between Mochi and Koyama.

Sighing, the Elysian turned his wedding ring around in a full rotation on his finger, then did the same thing with his old ship's ring on the other hand. He was more confident nowadays than his first aboard the Kaiyo, but it was still a little nervous meeting unexpected guests. He hadn't been told about this new transfer, which one might imagine given they would be direct colleageues.

Forgetting to remove his labcoat, Mochi pocketed the gizmo in one of the sides and made his way down to the shuttle bay. It looked like there might be a few others disembarking, but the fiery winged Science Officer spotted the same rank insignia to himself on the cuffs of one of them. She just exited in his direction, causing Mochi to wave politely and speak up. "Hello! Welcome aboard the Resurgence."

He smiled warmly, raising his right hand for a shake, showing his stripes beside it. A bow or salute wouldn't work in this situation, so this was the most obvious choice. "I'm Iemochi Seinosuke-taii, Chief Science Officer."
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