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RP: YSS Resurgence Resurgence of Yamatai - Mission 8: The Search for Wakaba

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YSS Resurgence​

Power Armor Bay​

“Hai, already there, sir!” Yayoi replied from her bay, as she worked to getting her gear and suiting up. Yayoi had gone to the Power Armor bay to check on her armor, and to adjust her loadout, when the orders came in. She wanted to be there in person and was pleased to be given a chance to do so. A chance to bring everyone home. She didn’t know what they’d find there, but there was a chance that the Wakaba could have faced Mishuu or worse.

YSS Wakaba​

Shuttle Bay​

Runa looked over her notes and ideas, seeing what would work well, and what wouldn’t work. “could that work? No.. Sorry honey, I have many dragon themed ships!” She said with a chuckle as indeed there were many dragon themed starships . “We need something fast, durable and capable of dishing out harsh discipline.. I know I’d made some notes about that, ” she told her daughter.
That’s when the General Quarters sounded. “Well.. I think we’ll need to save this for later sweetie” Runa said as both would need to go to their assigned areas.
Power Armor Bay

Zanven had been in the bay already, he had his own rack for the Keiko Power Armor, which he was at running diagnostics and after some minor repairs, he found everything was still optimal along with the techs that worked on it. He was already showered and had got a fresh suit on for entering the armor, his mind was still leading him back to Sakuko but he knew if he stopped now and let his mind wander, then he would likely be a mess. All that mattered now was the mission, after all...they brought him back, and they could do the same for her if need be.

When Trowa entered the bay and called to attention the away teams Zanven looked up and knew that it was time to move, no more waiting. He hoped they could help the Wakaba without much issue, and he put his helmet on and went through a small systems check before climbing into his power armor. His armament was basic and what he used last time he was out in the armor so when he climbed into the pod and closed it, feeling the pressure change and his heads-up display light up he was 100% in tune with the world around him. He then stepped from the rack and onto the deck as he looked around, finding Sanda near the center of the bay and he walked up before speaking. "Thanks for helping clean the mess I brought back with Sakuko. I just...I got worried so I left the armor and shuttle, and all that stuff there.'s time to secure the Wakaba right?" He asked as he turned his armor's head to look at her.
YSS Wakaba
Shuttle Bay

Crysta smiles giggling as she looks over her mother's shuttle designs and how so many looked like dragons. the tears no longer in her eyes as she looks at the many designs picking ones that would work for planet and others that most likely be space born only. Jumping some as the General Quarters sounded and looks around "Crap did they send in another raiding party to attack us again?" Saving the notes, and designs and then closing out her programs she looks at her mother and smiles giving her a big hug, and then says " I need to get back to my duty station." Then leaning in and giving her mum's cheek a quick kiss, grabbing the device they were looking at, then she leaps atop Lou who was already at her side and ready to go.

The blue and orangeish-red havoc drake leaps into the air and flaps his powerful wings carrying them both out the door and off toward...... wait she was just at her duty station. With a sigh, she turns around and the pair fly back in she looks around hoping no one had seen that as he moves off to her station making sure that the shuttle bay crew had responded and was at stations before sending an "all hand ready" command to the bridge to say the shuttle bay was good to go, and awaiting orders.
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YSS Resurgence

Aoba nodded and told Trowa, "Permission granted, you may take Pidole and Mineko along."

Power Armor Bay

Pidole arrived quickly, after leaving intructions for the ship's engineering team so they could keep rebuilding the ship's damaged sections. The red-haired Minkan moved briskly towards her Mindy 4, her stride filled with a determined sense of purpose. She, too, had a routine she went through before suiting up, which involved meticulously checking her power armor from top to bottom. She also had a number of tools and parts hanging from her armor, ready for any engineering challenges they might encounter.

Once she was suited up, she joined the rest of the away team, her face filled with a focused determination. She checked her equipment one last time, her eyes scanning over her tools and weapons. Satisfied with her preparations, she looked towards Trowa, waiting for his orders.

Mineko had been quick to follow after Trowa's departure to the power armor bay. Chasing after the Wakaba had led to one dead end after another, but having heard the voice of Captain Canterbury of the lost ship had kept her mind from speedily trying to think of the next step if this one failed. She instead focused on what she would need now that things were finally working out in their search for the Wakaba.

Yayoi was silent as she finished suiting up, and extended her hidden blades as a test, and watched as the now Power Armor enhanced weapons were shown before she retracted them.

Yoshiro checked his armor one last time and climbed in to his suit. "Time to rescue some allies!" He said as he put on his helmet. He had no friends on the Wakaba but they were fellow soldiers so rescuing them was a priority.

Trowa looked around and did a quick head count. Looked like everyone was here and geared up to go. He did a last check on his own Mindy before securing on his helmet and activating his coms. "Yamamoto to away team. As soon as the Resurgence gets into possition above the Wakaba and we get the coordinates from them we will teleport down to their position.

Sanda grabbed her rifle and was ready to go. She was excited to finally be rescuing a ship that had been lost for so long but she was also not going to let that lower her guard. Anything could still happen and it wasn't a time to get complacent.

"Roger, that. Ready to go asap." Yoshiro said as he checked his weapons and targeting systems as he readied to go to rescue his fellow soldiers.

Yayoi glanced over to Sanda, and observed her for a split second before she focused on Trowa's words. 'Copy That" she replied to his words, and stepped into place, ready to deploy.

Medical Centre

With several members of the crew departing the ship, Okimi had little to do while laying on the bed in the medbay and allowing her body the time it needed to finish healing. She decided to distract her mind from focusing endlessly on the emotional load she was still feeling after the recent conversation with her crew mates. The caretaker decided to do something a little more productive and used her ability to mentally interface with the ship to access the records available to her that referenced the YSS Wakaba.

Yuri made her checks with as few interruptions to Okimi as possible.

YSS Wakaba
Shuttle bay

"What do you care!" Ryoko shouted at Setsunu. She was still heated from the earlier argument and was not willing to listen to anyone. Especially her mother. "If it isn't about music or your precious Star Army then it doesn't exist as far as you're concerned. But it matters a lot to me!"

Runa turned as shouting started happening, and crossed her arms over her chest. "Oi! whats going on, is this another Mishuu attack?" she asked while silently pondering if Mishuu were good to eat.

Setsunu, calm and as unreadable as ever shook her head. "Ryoko..."

"Unless you're about to give me an order, I'd rather you just shut up and get out of my face. Joto Heisho." Ryoko said the last part with such sarcasum and then stormed off. Leaving her mother standing silently in the Shuttle Bay. The only emotion she betrayed was her grip on her spear tightend a moment.

She turned to her Honor Guard who were to greet their guests. They were all members of her Angels of Death. Half of them were in Power Armor and the other half were in duty uniforms. Setsunu sent the coordinates to the Res. It was the Wakaba's runway.

"Of course ignore the little ones, sizist!" Runa said under her breath as her question was ignored.

YSS Resurgence

"Away team, Resurgence bridge, sending teleportation coordinate solution," Gabriela announced, her fingers dancing over the control panel. "This should put you immediately next to the Wakaba crash site. Away team, you are clear for teleportation."

"Copy that!" Yayoi said as she immediately activated her teleportation device then boomed out of there, like something scary and naughty was chasing her. Her Mindy would reappear next on the Wakaba's landing pad.

YSS Wakaba
Dorsal Landing Pad > Shuttle Bay > Hallways > Conference Room

"Whoa.." Yayoi said as she got her first good look at it, and took note of the growing settlement.

She stepped forward with confidence as she made her way to the ship.

Yoshiro's armor blinked out existence temporarily and then appeared next to the crash site. He immediately scanned the area for targets as he moved toward the Wakaba.

Pidole looked up at the large battleship in front of her. "These were never designed to land. I wonder what's left of the ventral docking fin," she wondered aloud. "If the crew hasn't been able to recover the ship I am skeptical we can. Let's make contact with the chief engineer," she suggested.

Sanda brought her rifle up as soon as she reapeared. They were on the Wakaba's landing pad at the back of the ship. The huge shuttle bay doors were in front of them and the ships massive engines below them.

Trowa appeared and immediately identified their welcome party. He recognised Setsunu Meiosei from his wedding all those years ago.

"Oh shit, those are the Angels of Death" Yayoi said to herself as she spotted them as she made her way forward.

"Met them before, Yayoi? They seem like a strong bunch." Yoshiro said. He looked at the honor guard with a bit of envy but concentrated on his job.

Yayoi nodded "yeah, a few sometimes go to my bar, and i know them by reputation too - they are tough.. Damn! I wish i had a few of them while on Hanako's World" Yayoi said to Yoshiro.

Seeing some of the Wakaba's crew had come to greet them, Pidole gave the Wakaba personnel a respectful bow. As she came up her blue beetle did its own bow inside its little pod on her armor's shoulder.

Taking cues from the beetle near her, Mineko gave a practiced bow in her armor.

"Wasafuck!" Runa cursed as she watched the approach of new comers, new people appearing in armor.

Setsunu stepped forward. Her long green hair fell past her butt and a large ornate spear was gripped in her hands. She bowed to the Resurgence crew and said, "I am Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei. On behalf of the YSS Wakaba, I welcome you and thank you for your timely rescue." Her Neko implants identified the ID's of each of the memebers of the Away team. She particularly nodded to Yayoi, Sanda and Zanven who were all fellow Giretsu.

Yoshiro nodded to Yayoi as she explained her meeting the Angels. He was very impressed by their bearing and bowed to the person who introduced themselves.

Trowa stepped forward and returned the bow. "It is good to see you again Setsunu. I am very happy and relieved that we have been able to find you."

"Hello, I am Nito Heisho Pidole Henitot, acting chief engineer of the YSS Resurgence. May I ask about the current condition of the Wakaba? Can she move?"

Yayoi bowed to Setsunu out of respect to her.

Setsunu motioned for them to follow her inside. As she led the way she answered Pidole's questions. "The Wakaba was forced to make an emergency plantary landing a little over 6 months ago. We have been working non stop since then to make her space worthy again. As of now, we have repaired her and she is ready to fly again, except for her aether generators. They were badly damaged in the fight that forced us to land and we don't have the necessary materials to replace them. I am hopeful that the Resurgence might have some spare material on hand that we can use to finish repairing the generators."

Yoshiro followed Setsunu to the ship as he continued scanning for Mishhu. "How long have you been here?" He asked Setsunu. To have survived this long was impressive.

Yayoi stepped forward to follow her and listened as Setsuna explained what happened and what they'd been doing. As she passed Runa, she heard her swearing once again as her ID was recognized by the teeny tiny Neko. The fact that she was riding a Drake caught her attention along side another mini neko who was riding another Drake.

It reminded her of a group of Mini Nekos who rode those drakes, but deeming them not a threat, she paid no attention to them.

"Fuck, thats Yayoi, fucking Yayoi, who survived Hanako's World" Runa said in a harsh whisper to Crysta as the armored Neko's ID came up.

Setsunu's grip brielfly tighted on her spear then answered Yoshiro. "We went missing 15 months ago. Since then we have fought against NMX Dreadnoughts, Battleships, Cruisers, Pirates and three boarding attempts." There was no bragging in her voice, just stating the facts.

"Whoa." He said. That was all he could get out. He was absolutely speechless when he heard that. If he wasn't a fan of these people beforehand, he definitely was now. "That is most impressive. You would have to be strong to last as long as you have and have fought as much as you did." He said after a few moments of awed silence.

"I see..." Pidole said, thoughtfully rubbing her chin. She knew the generators were mostly composed of Zesuaium, the creation of which was one of Yamatai's closely-guarded secrets and not something most starships were even capable of. Perhaps they could find or fabricate some alternate power source or somehow transplant the Resurgence's aether generator into the Wakaba. Unless they could find one...

"Hey, Pidole, think the Mindy's Aether Power will work?' Yayoi asked her as the question came to her.mind.

"No, but I have an idea. You may or may not like it," Pidole told Yayoi.

Setsunu smiled. "We are willing to entertain any idea at this point."

"We steal a replacement. From the Mishhuvurthyar," Pidole said. "Their ships have large aether reactors that are largely compatible with our systems."

"Thats.." Yayoi said but was speechless enough that she couldnt finish her words.

Sanda, who had remained quiet so far burst out laughing. "You must be out of your mind little red! Where in the world are we going to find a Mishhu ship out..."

"The idea is completly plausible." Setsunu cut in, nodding to Pidole.

"Hochimagosh!" Runa said out loud as she heard Pidole's idea as she came floating beside Setsunu, while lounging forward on Exyrus.

"They'll find us," Pidole said. "All we have to do is give them the right bait, right? We've seen how hellbent they are on fighting us even when there's nothing to gain for them. In theory, it's possible I could build an array of teleporters that we could place on an aether generator during a boarding action, and teleport the generator directly to the Wakaba."

"The Mishhu commander who has been leading the fights against us is an unusually capable commander who has taken great delight in slowly toying with us. It would not be difficult to get his attention." Setsunu stated.

"It's going to be a hell of a fight, but one I relish. I suggest that we prepare traps and kill zones to lure them into." Yoshiro said with a smile on his face that promised violence. "I am willing to do what it takes to save this ship and crew!"

"Let's take the plan to the Captain," Mineko said. She knew it sounded risky, but there were more than twelve hundred people stranded on the Wakaba. Each of their lives meant the risk was worth the reward.

Yayoi was silent as she heard of Pidole's plan. it was risky, brilliant, but risky. Still, Yayoi was interested in participating, if anything to gain some exercise.

Pidole nodded to Mineko, then stared at the Wakaba in thought.

"Both Captains will need to approve of the plan." Setsunu said as they entered the shuttle bay. The massive bay was surprisingly lacking in shuttles and fighter craft that a Sharie-Class Battleship would normally have. There was also an abundance of battle damage.

Runa and Exyrus followed beside Setsunu. "Sorry, Crysta and i hadn't quite been able to make a proper shuttle, kinda got distracted" She said to Setsunu in case she was bothered by the lack of a new shuttle.

The dark skinned Angel of Death nodded to Runa. "We still have two working shuttles. That will suffice for now."

"We recently lost all of our shuttles in battle as well," Pidole explained.

Yayoi nodded her head as she remembered how a Mishhu decided to take a shuttle and joy ride it into their shuttle bay.

Setsunu led them through the hanger bay and into the Wakaba's halls. A short walk and she led them to a conference room where some refreshments had been prepared. Captain Thomas Canterbury was there waiting for them.

"Welcome to the Wakaba." He said with a large smile on his face.

Trowa removed his helmet as he entered the room and after a brief salute, purely for formality, embraced his long lost cousin. "Damn good to see you Thomas."

"Likewise Trowa." Thomas held his cousin at arm's length and looked him over. "I think there's some more grey in your hair than last time I saw you. And do my cybernetics detect a promotion? Shosa now is it? You're about to catch up to me."

Trowa smile broadened. "Actually... Sir. I'm afraid I must inform you that you are out of uniform. You were posthumerly promoted to Taisa."

Thomas's face went blank for a moment before he laughed out loud and hugged his cousin again.

Yoshiro followed the Angel of Death and entered the conference room. He bowed to the Captain of the ship. He was happy that he got to see his old XO happy. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Captain Canterbury." He said and bowed to him again in respect.

Thomas turned his attention to Yoshiro and shook the man's hand. He then proceeded to shake the hand of every Away team member.

Pidole watched the two and gave a curtsey as Thomas shook her hand. She hoped her idea would help him and his crew get back into space.

Yayoi silently saluted the Captain as she saw him, and observed the interaction between Thomas and Trowa. "Damn! A Taisa?! Good job!" Runa said ignoring the glance from Yayoi that was certainly stern. She'd gotten the same look and a lecture before about how formal she acted.

After introductions, Setsunu shared with Thomas Pidole's idea. Thomas grew silent for a moment as he ran things over in his head. A predatory gleam coming into his eyes. "Now that is a plan I can get behind. It would be fitting to take the fight to those squid bastards for a change."

"Oohh, sounds like he likes it," Runa said mostly to herself as she smirked with glee, as she listened to him

"I will begin preparations right away, sir," Pidole said. She headed to Wakaba's engineering to set up to the destination space where the aether generator would arrive. Meanwhile she also sent an update to captain Aoba.

Yoshiro decided to patrol the ship and make sure that no Mishhu was infiltrating the ship. "If you will excuse me captain. Shosa, if you need me I'll be making sure no Mishhu are infiltrating the ship.

Runa flew after Pidole, mostly because as Technician, her daughter would be there, and as a mother she wanted to see her again. Yayoi watched Pidole and the Mini Neko drake rider leave. "The small one, whats her name?' she asked to either Setsunu, or Thomas to answer. "She's a bit.." she stopped herself as she tried to think of the polite terms, since she didn't want to alienate any of the Wakaba members.

Yayoi thought Runa was undisciplined, and disrespectful for someone of her rank to be speaking so forwardly. She noticed that Runa was just a Nito Hei.

YSS Resurgence Bridge

"Did she say a heist?" Koyama asked as she gave Aoba a look of momentary disbelief.

Aoba made a 'not bad' facial expression and rubbed his chin. "It sounds like just the sort of mission only the Resurgence crew could pull off," he said with a hint of a smile at the corners of his mouth. "We'll give it a try."

Koyama tilted her head a little to one side as her eyes closed ever so slightly. "I have been party to many odd missions in my career. But I have never been part of grand theft generator. Especially from our mortal enemies." Her tone was thoughtful despite the very real chance of violence. "I do believe I share your enthusiasm, sir." The faint sound of knuckles being popped accompanied the latter comment.

YSS Wakaba

Shoi Kohosei Shima Hoshiko continued to man her station on the Bridge. Although she was highly curious as to the nature and identity of their visitors, protocol dictated that it was her duty to finish out her Bridge shift until her relief arrived. Having expected no further excitement, the trainee officer was therefore immensely surprised when the Wakaba's sensor package flashed a priority update to her console. Her fingers flew across her controls as she accessed the sensor feed and established the cause of the Wakaba's focus upon its content.

Hoshiko's console showed one signature, at the very edge of the system.

Hoshiko swallowed, once, before putting her sudden apprehension to the side and allowed her training to dictate her actions, immediately opening a communication channel. "Captain Canterbury, this is the Bridge. Sensors are registering an unknown signature at the edge of the system. A single, massive signature."

Two more blips appeared on Hoshiko's screen. These two began moving into system.

Hoshiko resisted the urge to swear to herself. "Apologies, Captain, make that three unknowns, that is three unknown contacts now in-system and heading our way."

Aoba's came through the away team's channel. "Away team, this is Resurgence, teleport back to the ship and prepare for battle."

Hoshiko's and the Resurgence sensors would finally get a clear read. The large target was a NMX Dreadnought. The other two were Cruisers.

= = =

OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Ame, Yoshiro Tanaka, iaincarter, Soban
Poking her head up from her console as she hears the yelling and blinks "um what in the world?" then seeing who it was she blinks some, she can relate a little to how Ryoko felt something like this ship, and now the planet was all she knew. Disconnecting her mini spine she hovered over to Runa and asks softly " Mum what's going on?" Hearing her Mum ask something but it was not heard or responded to she blinks some, then giggles softly a little at her mother's swearing, before she meeps as her drake Lou comes up under her. With a sigh she pets her drake and smiles "Silly Lou I'm fine I can fly just fine!" the drake snorts some and whines a little, Crysta smiles moving to hug into his neck some, and then follows them out into the dorsal landing pad.

At the sudden appearance of the mindys the red panel uninformed mini-neko, Crysta had to fight her drake from charging into battle. "no, NO! SETTLE DOWN LOU!" she talks softer "Friendly.... friendly see." She points over at the one that bowed and smiles some, then jumps a little as her mother curses and giggles again. Then as Setsunu steps forward and then says her little speech she blinks "Wait no way someone found us??" Looking over to her mother " er what does that mean? Do you think they have the zes.. er stuff that we need to fix the reactors?" she asks quickly.

Then as they started to shuffle past them she blinks as Runa suddenly cursed and told her about the armored neko that survived Hanako world, "wait you're talking about the planet seized by the er.." tilts her head some" Kuvexians?"

Hearing them talk about the power generator and how they were not able to get them working again She was about to speak out loud but the one that introduced herself as Pidole started to talk about stealing a Mishhuvurthyar aether reactor, and then nods " yes yes that would do it, but we would need to make sure there was room for it to fit and then have to well basically plug the reactor into the place where the Wakaba's used to be. The one that is there now was cracked badly and a lot of the Zesuaium is missing something vital to prevent a blowout, or a cascade failure, and BOOM! " Crysta moves her hands and arms wide as she said boom! Her mother's implanted memories serve her well as she nods some and thinks hard about what will be needed to be done.

Crysta is suddenly lost in her thoughts as she tries to think of the issues that would happen if they manage to get the Mishhuvurthyar aether reactor and bring it back. what she would need to do, as with the rest of the tech crews. Crysta knew the shape of the inside as she was in there looking around after planetfall and after the reactor was safe for her to venture inside without her getting harmed.

They moved onward from the shuttle bay as Lou follows Crysta still in deep thought till they got to the Conference room, and then she shook herself away from her deep thoughts and then giggles at her mothers' reactions and then blinks some as they go on to agree to do the mission as she smiles and moves off with her Mother and Pidole toward Wakaba's engineering to help as best that she was able too.
NMXS Takannaaluk

The Lord Mishhuvurthyar sat in his command chair and surveyed the system. Things were certainly getting interesting. The Wakaba had beyond doubt shaken things up for him these last few years. From it's first appearance in the debris field to repelling his attacks. Then they had the cheek to actually damage his great ship. He had been quite mad about that. If it hadn't had been for the fact that it took his ship so long to repair he might have done something rash. And one think that Lord Tharlshurkarl pried himself in was the ability to think and not be rash like others of his kind. One thing he had learned, nay perfected, was the ability to be patent and keep a cool head.

It was the main reason the Wakaba had survived so long. He had patience. That and the Wakaba's unwavering spirit. Always fighting, always defying the odds. He had savored every moment of the hunt. But alas, the hunt might finally be coming to an end. He had allowed the Wakaba to remain, mostly, unmolested ever since it defeated Commander Nushithhulu and his 5 Cruisers. For the last 6 months he had allowed his pray time to recover, but had kept a close watch on them.

Then things had become interesting again. One of his fellow Warlords several sectors away had attacked a Star Army ship. Next thing he knew, a huge fleet had come and was engaging them in a massive fight. Now another SA ship was here making contact with his prey? Pity. He had so enjoyed this hunt but did it really have to end now?

Master Overseer Cydu Yge, a pale skinned Nekovalkyrja with black hair cut in a hime style, had just summited a most interesting plan. The Wakaba had been on the verge of defeat many times but had always managed to come out victorious. Cydu Yge suggested, and to everyone's surprise Warrior, a tall true Neko with dark blue hair that was buzzed on one side and long tied into a braid on the other, had agreed. The Wakaba had excellent leadership that kept her crew focused and fighting. But it was suggested that if they lost their Captain, then the rest of the ship would crumble. Warrior had also suggested that the one know as Lady of Death, Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei, would also greatly affect moral.

So Takannaaluk, the Huntress, had came to the system just as the Resurgence had arrived. It's goal was to of course attack with overwhelming force. The Lord's forces were always ready for a fight, plus it was an excellent chance for the scientists and techs to test their new toys. But an élite strike team, led by Warrior herself would attempt to capture, alive, Captain Canterbury. And if they were able to capture or kill the so called Lady of Death at the same time, so much the better.

But this other Star Army ship gave the Lord Mishhuvurthyar pause. How might this ship affect the battle? The Lord was not so cocky to underestimated the impact one ship could make. After what seemed like forever, the Lord touched a switch on his command consul, "Master Overseer, continue your attack as planned. After the Cruisers deploy their fighter, bombers and attack shuttles, they are to focus their attacks on that other Ship." "As you command my Lord." Came Cydu Yge's voice. The Lord Mishhuvurthyar sat back in his chair and brought up the feeds from his different ships. This would be most interesting.

YSS Wakaba, Briefing room

Thomas acknowledged the bridge and had a volumetric display brought up in the Briefing room. He studied the set up silently. An NMX Dreadnaught and two Cruisers. His eyes narrowed as the ID of the large ship came up. There old foe. Seeing that ship again Thomas took out his pipe and began to pack it. Most likely causing some confused looks among the Resurgence away team who hadn't seen him smoking on his ship. He remained silent ignoring everything until he had lit his pipe and had blown out a cloud of smoke through his nose.

"It would seem the Resurgence presents here has not gone unnoticed. Nor has the opportunity for the Wakaba to acquire itself a new Aether Generator." Another puff of smoke. "The Cruisers are too small for us to consider. That leaves the big boy. The only problem is, there is little to no data on those Vubrakshurrothhurl-class Dreadnaughts. The Mishhu rarely fielded them. This one has been a thorn in our side since we first disappeared. We've gone back and forth. Last time we met, eight or nine months ago, I hit it with a Ke-Z3 Series Ransā Anti-Capital/Super-Capital Torpedo. Didn't stick around to enjoy the fireworks. Looks like it wasn't the kill I thought it was."

The display showed the two Cruisers heading towards the planet with all speed. Thomas nodded. It was what he expected. The big ship liked to watch. That gave them a chance. But the idea of teleporting aboard a behemoth like that Dreadnaught and stealing its aether generators was absolute madness. There would be unnumbered foes to fight and not just mindless slaves, but the elite of the elites and other horrors. One step at a time. They couldn't afford to send a strike team when two Cruisers were heading for them.

Thomas opened a channel to the Resurgence. "Captain Aoba. Captain Canterbury. Looks like we've got us quite a fight shaping up. I'm sure those Cruisers are loaded with dropships, maybe even bombers. Besides the Wakaba, we have a town a few miles south of the ship. They've got some defenses, but their vulnerable until they get to the ship. I'd hate to completely abandon the town as we've been stockpiling food there but if we must we must. I say we take their punch on the chin. Repel their attack, keep my crew safe then we can think about that Dreadnaught. I'm all for trying to steal an NMX reactor, but that particular ship makes me cautious. It's Captain is not your typical Mishhu Commander. Worse comes to worse, you get your crew out of here and come back for us later. You've found us once you can do it again."

The display showed the Cruisers already beginning to launch their fighters and bombers. Those would be devastating against the crew on its way from the town back to the ship. Damn it he wished he could send a couple of fighters against them. He glanced over at the Resurgence away team. One of them was tagged as a pilot. An idea suddenly came to him. "You!" He pointed at Zanven. "You're a pilot? Good. I've got 3 Hayabusa II Starfighters. Take one and see about taking out those bombers." Thomas then sent a message to Runa. "Runa! I've got a pilot from the Res heading your way. Show him where the pilot ready room is and get him a flight suit. Then you and whoever else you can find who is certified to fly and get them airborne. We've got incoming."


Ryoko was still annoyed with their 'rescue', but had perked up with the news that Mishhu had appeared in the system. That at least meant a fight and something she could take her frustration out on. Hotaru was more apprehensive. They were both very skilled fighters, inheriting their mothers skill and fighting style. But where Ryoko longed for combat, Hotaru tried to avoid it whenever possible. But Hotaru couldn't worry about that at the moment. She had a job to do.

They had gone along with the chief engineer from the Resurgence, Pidole. Crysta was also with them. They knew Crysta, she was cool. They had effectively 'grown up' together. Their task, collect as many teleporters as they could. They hadn't been privy to the meeting that had gone on before, but they had been given orders. Ryoko showed Pidole where the Wakaba's main Aether generators sat. It was strangely quiet there. Normally one needed hearing protection to be in this part of the ship. Pidole could see for herself where the missing material needed to go for the generators to work safely.

"So you think you can fix them?" Ryoko asked, a little attitude in her tone, but genuinely curious. Hotaru said, "Orders say we need all the ships teleporters. I'll go collect them while you figure out things on this end."
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YSS Wakaba, Briefing room

After having been told to exit his power armor the pilot had been helping with flight paths and working with the pilots of the Wakaba to potentially get the ship back up and going and ready to exfil. Of course he was aware of the challenges posed by both opposing forces within the sector and immediate vicinity...and the lack of tech needed to get this big fucker back Empire territory. He was in the briefing room with a few others when the calls came out and the crew was assembled for whatever was about to happen. With news of the Mits cruisers heading towards their location the pilot was ready to suit up once again and get his hands on some of these fucking bug bastards...However, it seemed as though there was a change of plans as Thomas pointed him out, and calling on him as a pilot he informed the Minkan reviver that there were three Hayabusa II fighters...which the pilot already knew about, and now he was being told to get in one and help repel the enemy forces.

Zanven gave a snarky grin as he put the datapad down and popped a few tight joints as he was finally given the green light to do some actual work. "Aye, Aye...I am on the way!" Zanven said as he made a beeline out of the briefing room and to the Runa and the flight preps needed to get the screaming bastard in the air.

Hangar-Pilot ready room

Zanven was not out of breath from running, but from a sudden rise in his adrenaline, he was eager to get out and give the bastards that not only hurt his crew, kept his fellow men and women from returning home, but also the fuckers that HURT HIS WOMAN! This was a primal urge....the urge to get retribution...the time for payback. It was like an upbeat rock song was playing in the background of his head as he arrived and was shown to a ready room. Stripping as he walked into the room he was grabbing pieces of a flight suit and was putting them on as if it was second nature. The suit of course...was to the pilot as Zanven was suited up and holding a helmet in less than two minutes. He made sure he was limber and feeling good as his heart was beating fast. His vitals of course could now be monitored as he looked to Runa. "Well, looks like it is time to give these bastards a run for their money. Where is the fighters, and is there anyone else coming with?" He asked as he was holstering his sidearm and finishing miniscule checks.
The town of Wakaba

Calandri was in the town that they had built on the planet, one of the few teachers there for the new generations her route of expertise with the sciences as she smiled happily to her class. That is when her four ears perked up and her eyes widened, alarms at this time, something serious was happening and she knew she had to get the students to safety, that was the main duty for her now. She stood up and headed to the door "wait for my signal students and then stay with me." She didn't know what was happening and saw the other teachers going off with their students, giving them the signals she walked off with her students, now she heard what the situation and grunted, they were headed back to the ship, that was both good and bad with the situation.

She paused for a moment as she looked around at everyone in her class and smiled calmly, knowing that if she was worried or scared, it would be reflected, even if everyone was freaking around them, having the teacher be calm will help some. it was going to take them awhile to get over to the ship, time they might not have depending what the alarms where for. She still hadn't got full information, just little pieces of information, what she could gather was there was a rescue, which was good, or an attack on them again. She felt the hair on the back of her neck raise up with some of the rumours She turns to her students and looks at them talking to each other and looking around "okay, if I tell you to run, you all will run towards the Wakaba and don't stop for anyone until you get there, even if I don't follow you, I need you all to promise that." After She got the nods and yes miss from the students, she went to grab weapons for herself and to see if they had pistol for the students, as a just in case they needed them, could give them a of reassurance if they might need it.

Calandri had moved the class to the groups that were around getting ready to head towards the ship, she did think about splitting them up to help protect the groups, but decided against it, yes she was confident in their ability but wasn't confident in their mettle or will, she hadn't seem them in an actual fight yet so didn't know if they would freeze up and endangers others. That was something she didn't like the idea of, her mind falling back to her home planet as her mind goes to that, before a student snapped her out of it and she tighten her grip on her weapons and mumbled "not again, never again." She looked up at the students and smiled "you all stay close to me, we will be safe."
YSS Wakaba, Engineering

Lou with Crysta riding his back landed nearby Pidole as she looked at the Wakaba's Aether generator was sitting and then asks "Do we need to remove this Aether Generator so it can be replaced with the other one? Or will we need to use parts from it to fix this one? " Crysta gets off her havoc drake and then looks to the Generator and then back to Pidole as she waits for the response.

Looking over toward Hotaru as she says "They should be in lockers 34, and 35 I think there might be more but I can not remember where they were stowed or if they got placed back from the last time we used them as it was in a battle.." The mini Neko blinks tilting her head some as she tries to remember while looking at both Pidole and Ryoko's direction.
Runa couldn’t hide the smile as she watches her brilliant daughter show her technician skills. She had to admit, she felt proud of her daughter, but also saddened that she’d been stuck as a member of the Star Army. Unlike her daughter, Runa hadn't gotten off her Havoc drake, and watched as Crysta showed her knowledge and her questions. "We can replace parts to fix it, but my daughter is the real technician in the family. The thing is pretty big, but not as big as the sizists or the ID-SOL." Runa said while finishing her last statements with a small smile on her face to show how she was just kidding.

Scramble Scramble Scramble!
After she said her piece about her daughter, she got an alert from her other son, or rather the captain she kinda secretly adopted. Thomas ordered her to take a pilot from the Resurgence and get him to the ready room, and also get him dressed in a flight uniform. “Hai! Got it, ” she said, and gave her daughter a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before Exyrus flew her out of there, like she had been holding onto a missile.

She’d felt excited to get in a fighter again, especially after the modifications to make it work for her. “Oi, you Zan? Come on, move your ass!” She said in an undisciplined tone of voice as she rode her drake and led the way to the pilots ready room. “get your butt in one of those uniforms” she pointed it out, and moved to the Mini-Neko section. Here she began changing into her pilots uniform.
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YSS Resurgence

There was a rush of activity on the Resurgence as the crew prepared for battle again. The Resurgence, still with hull damage and internal damage, rushed away from the stifling gravity well of the planet and towards the Mishhuvurthyar enemy. As this happened, Pidole, Norita, Azumi, Tomoko, and Taro met in the fabrication bay carrying teleporter units liberated from the YSS Wakaba, and began carefully performing surgery on them. As the ship jolted from the initial exchange of fire, the engineering team assembled the teleporter units into a set of linked teleporation nodes that were built into salvaged FARS drones using 3D-printed armatures. Essentially, they had made a set of floating teleporters that could follow the away team around and attach to a ship-size aether generator and then teleport in sync to move it wherever they needed it--in this case, the Wakaba's engine room.

As the battle began, Aoba came over the ship's network and intercom. "This is the Captain. Condition one, all hands to battlestations. Away team, prepare for boarding."

Armor Bay

Yayoi finished suiting up and checking to make everything was ready to go. "Alright boys and girls, lets make some calamari,' she said as she tried out a little trash talking, though unsure how to feel about it.

Pidole and the engineers poured into the armor bay with the modified teleporter drones in tow. "Here are the instructions," she told the team, "The drones will follow you to the enemy ship when your board it. You have to protect them while they charge again. When we reach the engineering section we'll need to cut connections to the main generator while the drones surround it. If we can hold the engineering section until the drones sync and charge, they'll deliver the generator to the Wakaba. I'll join you and oversee the work but I'll need protection while I set everything up. Afterwards, I'll teleport with the drones and generator to the Wakaba and install the generator. Any technical questions?"

Yayoi was silent as she listened to the briefing, and nodded silently. As a question didnt occur to her, she didnt ask one. The briefing and plan seemed simple enough, and she glanced to the teleporters that her HUD was telling her was modified.

Sanda brought her rifle up and shook her head. She was ready to go. She did say. "Should we each pair with one of the techs to make sure they are safe?"

"The other technicians will stay behind to repair the Resurgence," Pidole told Sanda. "We need every hand we can get on repairs. If I die, I have assigned Caihong to be in her Mindy armor ready to replace me."

"Nothing is going to happen to you little red. Any help coming from the Wakaba?" Sanda asked.

"They've currently got their hands full. But I'm sure once we get them their generator they'll be up and ready to help us." Trowa responded.

Yayoi nodded her head in agreement. She hadnt quite seen the state of the Wakaba, but she knew once they had power they would be willing to join the battle.


"Two cruisers, focus fire on the one on the right. We want to break through the shields so the team can teleport aboard."

"Sir, the YSS Renaissance is here and is joining the battle!" Gabriela grinned.

"Excellent, coordinate fire with captain Benna."

"We have a large amount of enemy battle pods approaching, sir..." Kalena advised.

"Renaissance to Resurgence, I have your infantry reinforcement team aboard and I'm sending them over to assist. Good luck out there Captain Aoba and happy hunting."

From her position on the bridge, the intelligence analyst poured over the personnel files from Captain Benna. Mineko hadn't been on the ship long when Benna had been promoted to Captain the Resurgence's sister ship, but she felt a sense of pride for the woman nonetheless.

Captain Aoba watched the tactical display. "Gabriela, try to evade that dreadnaught as best you can and keep hitting the cruiser. It's too strong to take it on directly. We'll have to wait for the armor team to deliver the generator to the Wakaba. A Sharie-class will be able to pull it off."

"Aye aye," Gabriela said, her hands on the ship's controls. The Fuji didn't pack the punch of a battleship but it was very nimble.

Koyama's expression turned sour as her SPINE fed data directly to her. "They've been busy, did the Mishhuvurhtyar even have Dreadnought-class vessels in the First and Second war?" she asked no one in particular. She'd heard of the fearsome reputation of the SMX's 'Flagship' vessels, and even some of the NMX held a reputation worthy of note.

The first officer tried to catch the analyst's attention, instead opting for a simplistic message through the interface. 'Catch as much information as you can on those ships. I've no doubt Taisho Yui will desire as much as we can forward to her.'

From her console, Mineko nodded in the XO's direction. "Already on it." The analyst had been routing the armor team's HUD to parse through what they saw. She was prepared for the torrent of information and the task of dwindling it down to a steady stream that she could put into a report. The amount of work would be susbtantial, but was something the SAINT analyst revelled in.

Medical Center

Okimi sighed as the Captain's order to battlestations sounded. It would have been nice to have had enough time to fully recover from the previous excitement, but alas such was not to be. The caretaker let out a grunt as she swung her aching body out of bed and forced herself to her feet, only to be forced to grab the side of the bed as the room suddenly tilted on her. "Okay, not the greatest idea I've had...." she muttered to herself as she waited for the sudden disorientation to pass.

Yuri gasped as she saw Okimi trying to get out of bed. "whoa whoa whoa!" She said as she ran to her friend and cousin's roommate. "Okimi-chan! your body isnt ready yet!' yuri said as she tried to help her back into bed. "Don't worry there's time yet!!" She added finally.

Okimi could have tried to fight her friend's attempt to get her back into bed, but the caretaker really didn't have it in her and collapsed onto the bed with an 'ooph'. She also failed to stop the groan that followed as her body protested even the small amount of movement she had put it through. Honestly, who knew that exposing yourself to a hard vacuum would take such a severe toll on your body? Ignoring her own rhetorical question, Okimi gratefully accepted Yuri's help at getting her settled once more. "Thanks Yuri-chan. I think I did a dumb-dumb."

Yuri couldnt help but be forced to nod her head in agreement. Indeed, Okimi had done a bad move in moving too early. But she wasnt going to hold it against her.

YSS Wakaba

As the two Fuji ships focused their fire on the Cruisers and prepared to steal a generator, the Wakaba was busy fighting off the drop pods that were attacking the downed ship. Most of the Wakaba crew had made it back to the ship but a handful were still trickling in from the nearby village.

YSS Wakaba - Bridge

Shoi Kohosei Shima Hoshiko signed off from her console and stood as one of the Wakaba's Starship Operators who had just arrived on the Bridge moved to the communications station she had been working at. Hoshiko saluted the senior officer and stepped aside, taking up a place at the side of the Bridge. Technically, having now been relieved, she should leave the Bridge, but she couldn't deny a certain eagerness to witness her first combat from the Bridge. She was especially interested in observing how more seasoned crewmembers handled themselves under the stress of combat.

Thomas arrived on the bridge, his pipe still clenched between his teeth. "Status report?" He ordered.

Seeing as the newly arrived officers were still streaming in and taking stock of the situation, Hoshiko decided that she was probably in the best position to answer the Captain. She was fairly certain it was against protocol, but the situation seemingly warranted her taking the initiative. Hoshiko stepped forward and saluted the Captain.

"Sir, as of 30 seconds ago, both NMX cruisers were still on approach. The YSS Resurgence engaged the cruisers and has been joined by a second Fuji-Class ship identified as the YSS Renaissance. The NMX Dreadnought appears to be proceeding in-system at a slower pace, likely acting as a command-and-control element." With her report, and knowledge of the situation, delivered, she stepped back once more.

Thomas nodded. "Very good. Let's repel these squids and see if we can't send them some backup."

YSS Wakaba - Engineering

Crysta moved here and there using her hover ability as she moved helping to remove the in piece, pieces of the Wakaba aether generator that they had been putting together over the past 6 month. It was soon cleared away and they started to set up the teleport devices as Crysta readyed to rush in and get the Generater hooked back up and ready to power the Wakaba.

Ryoko stood back and examined the set up. It looked good, but a lot of this was just theory to her. Hotaru was trying to get a few more teleporters as back up but she was taking forever.

Crysta moved over to look over the setup as she looks around in the room. Floating backwards and up higher to gain a more wider view, Lou moving to fly up underneath her and force her to ride him once more after a certain time. Crysta sighs and leans in to Lou saying "Lou, please you need to stop that." And slips off looking down again. "I think that we need to move them out just a little more. Not much more though, then we should have room for the Generator!" Then slips back onto Lou and they fly down to help move the devices outward a little more.

YSS Wakaba - Fighter Bay

Runa dropped into her Mini-Neko modified pod and took control over one of the Hayabusa fighters. "ohh yeah, hear that roar!" She said with a grin as she prepared the fighter for lift off. "you know i gotta say, biggies have got to be in a disgusting place on that ship heh" she said to herself again.

YSS Wakaba - Hangar Bay

Hotaru was searching the Hanger Bay for some teleporters when there was a flash of light of something Teleporting in. She gasped. Those weren't Mindies. Those were Ravagers! And Mishhu!

"Contact!" Hotaru yelled into her comms. "Enemy Contact in the Hanger Bay!" There were dozens of them. Hotaru grabbed her spear as a Ravager came at her. The Hanger bay suddenly was a battle zone.

Setsunu appeared in the Hanger Bay in a flash of light. One of the enemy PAs saw her and raised its rifle to blast her. Setsunu’s spear spun and sliced the weapon in half. Before the PA could react, she had moved in and hacked off an arm followed by a leg. Before the PA could even begin to fall Setsunu drove the blade so deep into its chest that it poked out the other side. As she ripped the blade out, allowing the PA to finally fall to the ground, the Lady of Death lopped off the head of the suit before doing a flourish with her spear and searching for her next target.

Before Setsunu could move, a blade swung at her. She was just able to block it before a storm of more came flying at her. Setsunu blocked, parried, and countered every attack. Her long green hair flew out behind her like a cape. She had not had time to tie it into a braid like she normally did. And there wouldn’t be an opportunity either. She knew exactly who she was fighting. They had dueled a few times over the past two years. It was the one simply referred to as Warrior.

After an intense few minutes of fighting the two warriors, without word or signal, paused and stared at one another in a fighting stance. The fight in the hanger was still raging but for them, time had stopped. Finally, Warrior raised her arms and removed her helmet. Her blue hair fell out and flopped to one side, the other side of her head was shaved. Her scarred face smiled, revealing canines that had been filed into fangs.

“So, you are Joto Heisho Setsunu Meiosei, the Lady of Death.” Warrior said.

Setsunu spun her spear around into a different stance. “And you are the Demoness. The one simply known as Warrior.” Setsunu shook her head. “Although I think traitor is a better title for you.”

Warrior snarled and launched herself at Setsunu and the two were fighting again, so fast that it was hard to keep track of their swings.

YSS Resurgence - Armor Bay

In the armor bay the comms systems lit up and the voice of the intelligence analyst came in to the ready crewmen.

"The shields on the first Mishhuvurthyar cruiser are downed," Mineko said from the bridge to the armor bay. "All set for boarding, armor teams."

"That's our cue!" Sanda said as she closed her eyes. She had been doing a lot of teleporting of late and it was starting to give her a headache.

"Think happy thoughts." Koyama's voice sounded in Sanda's helmet.

Yayoi stepped forward towards where she was set to teleport her armor from the Resurgence.

Mishhuvurthyar Ship - Interior

With a flash of light, the Resurgence away team arrived in the fleshy cargo hold of the Mishhuvurthyar ship. The walls were covered in trashbag-size bulges of flesh and nets of sinew that looked like pink pulled pork barbeque, strange insects scattered across floor wet with a 2-inch deep layer of slime. The interior was dimly lit. Ahead, a sphincter-like doorway led to the ship's artery-like corridor system, which was lined with human-sized pods, some with rotted skeletons still in them.

Yayoi grimaced when she arrived in the new environment. soo.. this is what our predecessors and sempais saw.. honestly, this is disgusting. She thought as she looked around, then waited for the drones to do their thing.

Pidole held up a handheld scanner and pointed the green laser of her NSP towards the passageway ahead. "Aether readings are coming from that direction. Let's push for engineering before they can get their response organized," she suggested.

"Copy that" Yayoi said in reply as she heads to where the Aether readings were pointing them.

"I've got the point." Sanda said. She had her rifle held up and a boarding shield as well.

"I've got your six." Trowa informed, also carrying a boarding shield.

As they made their way into the ship, brushing against strands of muck hanging from the top of the passage, they were pestered by an incessant buzzing sound that could only be heard in their minds. That's when they saw the first Mishhuvurthyar up ahead, a nightmarish mass of tentacles with a bony shell on top, with eyes and teeth and suction cups all over. It looked at them and narrowed its many eyes in total hate.

Sanda opened fire as soon as she saw the abomination. Firing at a high rate of fire with pinpoint accuacy thanks to her cybernetics.

The Mishhuvurthyar rushed towards them, charging into Sanda's fire and closing the distance fast. Its bleeding mass slammed into her body, pressing its weight onto her and sending her stumbling. "I'LL TEAR YOU APART." its voice boomed as it literally tried that, yanking at her legs while keeping her torso pinned. She felt a terrible pain in her hip joint.

"With what?" Sanda snapped back. She activated the Aether Bayonet at the end of her rifle and sliced at the tentacles.

Yayoi targeted the beast with her Aetheric pulse cannon and fired, upon its unusual hide. She made the attempt to rescue Sanda from more attacks of the creature.

"Back to the pits that spawned you, you misrable pile of excrement!" Yayoi snarled and hoped that she defeated it.

An explosion of gore and flesh came as the aether ripped into the Mishhuvurthyar, and it eventually ceased and flopped down, only to completely convert into a transparent liquid and fall into the puddles of the ship's floor. That's when the squad of Ripper power armors leapt out and started shooting aether back at them.

"There's a larger room up ahead," Pidole said. "If we can get to that, Bidole says there's a person-sized access tunnel in it that can get us to engineering. They haven't reacted to her presence yet. Also it has containers we can use for cover."

Trowa helped Sanda to her feet. She shook her head a moment then activated her suits speakers. "I'm a Yamatai Ranger! And one Yamatai Ranger is better than any two Mishhu!" She taunted the Rippers as she began firing again.

"Away team, Resurgence, please hurry, this cruiser packs a punch," Kalena's voice came over the squad channel.

"Copy that" Yayoi said as she moved forward further into the ship and the room before them, trying got to get distracted by the environment.

YSS Wakaba - Hangar Bay

“A traitor. That is all you are.” Setsunu said in between swings.

“You know nothing of me!” Warrior snarled.

“I know a Nataria-born Neko when I see one.” Setsunu responded calmly. She was trying to get Warrior angry so that she might make a mistake. “When did you turn? After the First Battle for Nataria?”

Warrior howled and her attacks became more vicious. “The Star Army never cared about me! I was a tool that they used! When I was no longer useful to them, I was cast aside like a broken blade!”

Calandri appeared in the Hanger bay. Wielding two blades and two rifles, she screamed obscenities in her own language as she fired and sliced left and right.

Setsunu Meiosei was hands down the fiercest and most skilled fighter on the Wakaba. No one would dispute that. She and Warrior seemed to be evenly matched. Neither could gain the upper hand over the other. Both had sustained damage at this point. Setsunu wasn’t wearing any Power Armor, but her Type 33A body had all kinds of prototype gadgets and upgrades. For one, her skeleton was reinforced with Yamataium. It practically made her body as tough as a Power Armor. Although even that didn’t prevent her from receiving some bad cuts on her body, including a particularly bad cut across her beautiful face.

Warrior was not without damage either. Her Power armor was reading severe damage to several major systems but it didn’t seem to slow her down too much, save she was beginning to favor her left side.

Calandri hacked and stabbed and shot everything. Her blood was up now. All the pent up anger at those slavers, that had come to her home world and destroyed everything she loved, came up and overflowed out of her. She had been very happy on this new planet - teaching the young had reminded her of home. A Reaver came at her and knocked her down. But she was quickly back on her feet and headbutted the Reaver so hard that it’s helmet cracked.

There was another point where the two broke off and stared at one another, seemingly to try and catch their breath. The fight was intense all around them. It seemed to be a stalemate.

It was at this point that something caught Setsunu’s eye. Hotaru was fighting alone against a Mishhu. She was fighting bravely but she was being pushed back against a bulkhead. The Mishuu had her trapped. As Setsunu watched another of those tenacled horrors was sneaking up on her and Setsunu could see that her daughter was not aware of it.

A look crossed Setsunu’s face. It was a look that had never crossed her face before in her entire life. It was fear. She, Setsunu Meiosei, who was known as the Lady of Death because she killed without fear was suddenly very afraid. Afraid for her daughter.

Warrior caught the look and followed Setsunu’s gaze. She immediately picked up on the connection. The young Neko was wielding a spear with the exact same style as Setsunu had. Setsunu did a micro teleport leaving Warrior smiling. So, she had found the great Lady of Death’s weakness.

Suddenly there was a gout of fire that engulfed the Mishhu that was flanking Hotaru followed by a war woop as a Havoc drake swooped past the Mishhu, On its back was a Mini Neko with her pistol out set to tier 2 as Crysta opens fire on the Mishhu that Lou just flamed. Then taking up a mini Aether lance she charges at the Mishhu once more as Lou spits out another gout of fire and this time tries to slice into the head. " THIS IS FOR MY MOTHER AND FATHER!!!" The mini-neko screamed out.

The Mishhu was completely taken aback by the sudden flame thrower and ferrocity of the attack by the tiny Neko. But the Mishhu recovered and began swatting at the anoying little Neko.

Lou with Crysta on his back dodged the swatting tentacles of the Mishhu, as she kept up her attacks, First a gout of fire toward it's main eyes, then dash inwards to slice at the head of the Mishhu trying to hit a vital spot. Already taking the second Mishuu off Hotaru's flank as she was glad that she had come to the sound of the fighting.

Mishhuvurthyar Ship - Interior

As the team surged forward towards the engineering section of the ship, the conflict grew more intense. Every step they took towards their objective was a battle, their determination and skill tested against the ferocious defense of the Mishhuvurthyar. But they pushed onward, guided by their mission and the knowledge that their success could turn the tide of the battle in favor of the Star Army of Yamatai.

Meanwhile, on the bridge of the Resurgence, Captain Aoba continued to oversee the battle. "Keep the pressure on them. Our teams are still aboard, we need to keep them distracted and buy them as much time as we can."

Kalena nodded, unleashing another volley of aether blasts towards the cruiser, the ship shuddering as they returned fire. The sight of the Resurgence, battered but unyielding, became a beacon of hope amidst the chaos, their resolve an inspiration for the away team in their perilous mission.

As the team moved deeper into the Mishhuvurthyar ship, they had to fight every step of the way. The corridors were filled with enemies and traps, making their progress slow. However, with their combined firepower and determination, they were starting to make headway. Their ultimate goal, the enemy ship's engine room, was getting closer with each step.

"Get moving towards the access tunnel!" Pidole urged, "I'll help cover the rear with the drones!"

The Mishhuvurthyar counter-attack came swift and relentless. The small squad of Ripper power armors launched into action with an almost unholy vigour. Their forms seemed to meld seamlessly with the flesh of the ship, obscuring them momentarily before they lunged out from the grotesque mass of living architecture. As the Rippers moved, their forms fluctuated, armored plating hardening in response to the team's retaliatory fire.

Sanda stabbed another Ripper and then shot it for good measure before running forward towards the access tunnel Pidole indicated.

Trowa hung back with Pidole, adding his drones to hers. "Lets not dilly-dally now Little Red. Keep moving."

"Roger that!" Pidole said, eager to follow the path Bidole had scouted for them. "We're almost there."

Their aether cannons crackled with electric intensity as they targeted the away team. Each fired shot was a vibrant, sizzling arc of energy that lit up the grotesque, dim interior of the Mishhuvurthyar ship with a fierce, terrifying beauty. The sharp smell of ozone filled the air, mixing with the humid, fetid aroma of the ship's innards.The drone of the ship and the mental hum of the Mishhuvurthyar assailants seemed to rise to a fever pitch as the battle commenced.

When the aether shots hit, they exploded with a brutal force, temporarily illuminating the pulsating, fleshy walls with stark, bluish-white light. The impacts sent showers of caustic sparks in all directions, illuminating the Ripper armors. The team's protective MINDY armor was the only barrier against the onslaught, its layers of heavy Zesuaium plating and advanced hemosynthetic materials absorbing and dispersing the kinetic energy of the impacts while deflecting the residual aether radiation.

Simultaneously, the Mishhuvurthyar melee attackers rushed forward. Their forms were as grotesque as they were lethal. Muscular tentacles tipped with razor-sharp talons and teeth lunged towards the away team. Each movement was accompanied by a chorus of maddening hisses and roars that resonated both audibly and mentally. Despite the intense assault, the team had the advantage of superior training, discipline, and technological prowess to counter the horrifying onslaught.

As the team spilled into the larger room and the tunnel to engineering came into sight, Pidole rushed over to it and began making her way up to the engineering space through the snot-like goo that drained through it. "I hate organic ships," she complained to no one in particular.

Sanda was unfazed by the Mishhu terror tactics. She had run many simulations agaist them and knew how best to fight against the horrors. She also had countered with some terror attacks of her own by screaming obscenities at them in every language she knew. Taunting them as she hacked away at them with bayonet and rifle.

Yayoi simply smirked at the tactics but remained unbothered. She'd shoot either way.

As Pidole emerged into the ship's main engineering space she found Cassie standing over the corpse of the Mishhuvurthyar chief engineer. "I'll hold them until the rest of the team gets here."

The red-haired technician immediately got to work, pulling out a cutting torch and disconnecting the generator as her makeshift drones encircled it in an organized shape. As the power was disrupted, the ship's interior was plunged into near-total darkness, lit only by the flashes of gunfire. "Trowa, Sanda, I think it's actually gonna work!" Pidole yelled. "You ready to book it out of here?" she asked as Bidole returned to her travel pod on Pidole's shoulder.

"If I never set foot inside a Mishhu ship again it'll be too soon." Trowa said.

"You old man! I will haunt their dreams for years to come after this!" Sanda yelling one last obsenity.

"I'm ready to get out," Yayoi said as she prepared to teleport.

With a brilliant flash, the team reappeared into the Wakaba's engineering bay. As Pidole got to work, she gave the team her thanks, "Thanks for protecting me. Boy is this dreadnaught about to get a surprise," she said as the power readouts of the Wakaba began to rise.

Ryoko jumped back as the Resurgence away team suddenly appeared. "What the hell!?"

= = =

OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Cowboy, Ame, iaincarter, Soresu, Damaske
YSS Wakaba Engineering Section

Hiroshiko had been too busy elsewhere in the ship. Ever since she as tasked to be acting Chief Engineer, she had been extremely more hands on monitoring the other's work and checking things were done right. Ever since she had given birth months ago and the voice in her head had gone silent after her "incident", she had nothing really going for herself once the kiddo was all grown up besides her work. She was quite certain the other technicians had horrible nicknames for her, but she didn't care.

When she heard her radiation detector on her belt blaring when the team teleported the aether generator and saw a bright flash coming from the enterance of main engineering, she quickly grabbed it and analyzed what type of radiation it was. Once the detector quickly stopped, grabbed per pistol and rushed into main engineering. The pistol was pointed to the ground when her jaw just dropped to the ground as she looked at the foreign looking aether generator.



Runa launched with a roar as her modified Hayabusa fighter shot out of the Wakaba. “Konichiwa, future calamari!” Runa said on an open channel as a sort of challenge to the Mishuu. The tiny Neko felt a great deal of excitement that some might seem to be too much for someone so small. She immediately fired torpedo to grab some attention so that it helped the infiltration team’s mission. “Come out come out where ever you are, I won‘t play rough…tooo much hehe,” Runa said in a giggle as she set her sights on the fighters sent to attack her. “Aw, how nice a welcoming party for us, ” she commented to herself.


Seeing as its mistress had replaced him with a better mount, Exyrus decided to rejoin Crysta and Lou. It liked Lou afterall, Lou had the best games as far as the drake was concerned. It was proven correct when Exyrus had arrived and found its second mistress attacking one of the creatures his mistress disliked the face off, but desired to eat after cooking it.
Exyrus immediately charged forth and flew under Crysta and Lou as it unleashed its own fire breath in an attack on the Mishuu and to further Crysta and Lou’s attack.

YSS Wakaba​

Yayoi glanced around the interior of a much more comfortable ship, than the previous disgusting sight of the one before. She glanced to Ryoko, but said nothing before she looked down just in case they hadn't ported above a poor soul.

Runa’s quite bland little remark made him chuckle as he was already ready to go, so when he was spurred to get to the ship and get going he jumped up and down for a moment to limber up before taking off towards the modified Hyabusa II. The cockpit was already open for him and he was soon strapping in as he went through his preflight checks. His heads-up display came to life with biometrics, his two other wingmen; Runa and another pilot already making his way out with the callsign of Rhino. “Must be a bit hard-headed…no matter, it's time to give forth maximum effort.” He said as the preflight was quickly done, weapons screens activated and everything was starting to fire up as Runa and Rhino were already in the air and heading towards the battlefield. “Alright, time to cook some squid!” He said enthusiastically as the light gleamed off of his helmet the cockpit was fully closed by the time he was taking off.

Soon he was in space as his radar came to life, Runa and Rhino waited for him as the minkan pilot came in and put them in a simple V fighting formation, and then it started as the wriggly bastard's ship was already in view…the number of their launched forces was…daunting, but the thing was that… at this moment…Zanven felt at home. The chaos of the battlefield was something he had not had a lot of time in, he had helped escort, had mini dog fights, and done recon for Yamatai, but now…now he was actually putting his skills to use and a sinister smile crept on his face. “Rhino target the bunched-up bombers when they get a little closer, Runa, give cover fire as long as you are able, the plan is to really just fucking hit them where it hurts. They wanna send some fucking appetizers to a dinner party…it would be rude for us to not eat them all up right?” He said sarcastically as he pushed the throttle up on his engine the blue light pulsed behind him as he started to fly faster, his targeting computer was lighting up over 50 targets, some fighters, some bombers as he took a few deep breaths…then the aether fire started.

It was go time…

He spun and looped as he drilled three fighters right out of the starting position, a torpedo zoomed past him from Rhino and struck a bomber, causing a spectacular display of fireworks as Zanven’s ship creaked and rocked from the concussive force. The battlefield had become a mess and he has in his element. He became hyper-focused as his pupils dilated, he locked on to a bomber and peppered it a few times before flipping off the side, rolling downwards as he caught 2 behind Rhino and took them out without missing a beat. His cannons were screaming as the near-constant state of battle kept the traces of fire streaking by the stars and debris in the space around them. Runa was no slouch either as he watched her lay waste to her own targets…”Looks like you are having a good time, I bet you though, I can take out at least ten of these fucking bombers…Rhino already took two, and I have one. How many do you have?” He teased as he rounded some debris, sharply skimming some scorched metal as he launched a torpedo at close quarters before dropping his speed to fall as the anti-ship ballistic ignited the sky as a bomber smashed into another one in confusion as another volatile reaction took out 4 more fighters.

It was as he was re-engaging he heard Runa’s voice as she called out how many ships she was downing as it seemed she took the teasing a bit better than he had thought. With a chuckle, he quieted down and engaged with a grouped-up bunch of fighters as the three Wakaba/ Resurgence fighter pilots showed what their training was good for. As he dipped left, peppering a few fighters his shield was lit up with fire as he too was hit. He winced as he looked at his shield percentage, but he was still doing well overall as he just moved some power to the shields and primed two torpedoes as Rhino shot his third. He came in over the comms, sounding a bit more robot than…well flesh. He informed the two of them that they were moving slowly and by the time he was done, the pair would have nothing left to pick up but the cruisers. Zanven gave his eyes a roll before he found a small contingent of two bombers and a ten-fighter escort. He took a deep breath and targeted the grouping before launching just ahead of them, leading the shot as he did not want to give them any room to escape. He then watched as the missiles screamed forward, five of the squid fuckers splintered off and Zanven was quick to push his fighter towards the dogfight, he was able to mess with the synchronized effort to take out his missiles, but Zanven took it a step further and peppered the bomber heavily, and as the bomber went to take precautionary measures Zanven turned and shot the missiles as they were within 2 meters of the grouping. The resulting explosion was absolutely stunning as the battlefield even grew quiet for a moment. The bombers were absolutely destroyed as some mistakes were made and at least one launched its own torpedo into the battlefield behind it in a rather hilarious movement that would play well to a song that paints things black…

As the blazing aether heated the area Zanven had to back off as the battlefield was becoming more and more sparse as the squids were trying to regroup. The fact that three pilots using minimal munitions were decimating the force was a rather maddening experience. Rhino, however, was soon taken by surprise as Zanven heard a scream and as he looked to his radar he saw that a small contingent had overtaken and encircled Rhino, the ship was in dire need of assistance. “I’M COMING! Rhino, hold out…” He called to the man, Runa was stealthed and performing her own run against the bastards, Zanven did not want anyone to die on his watch…but just as any good soldier would, Rhino then chimed in over the comms as a self-destruct signal was activated. “NO! This was a good way to die, I am going to take these fuckers with me. Don’t let them win, and please tel….” There was no way to finish as the bastard exploded, activating his weapons systems his last torpedo blinked and aether blazed like a sun as a large explosion of an overloaded reactor took out six more fighters…the loss was major to the minkan pilot as he grits his teeth. Runa did not miss a step as she took out two bombers and three more fighters as she launched her own torpedoes. When she chimed in telling him to shape his ass up, the three of them took on enough of a battle that they would be seen as heroes, and after all…even earth is not the end for Yamatai soldiers. Zanven knew this too well, and as he was peppered once again, he flew towards the debris as his radar showed 10 fighters left and two bombers. The fighters had split to 3 each flying towards him and Runa, 4 fighters, and the two remaining bombers were heading to the planet.

Zanven got to his comms, “Fly at me, get ready to spiral, and let's pull a “thread the needle” maneuver. Trust me on this, I trust you…” He said as he spun around, heading for the trajectory to ram Runa’s ship. The pilot was of course raising her eyebrow, but she understood what he was thinking. The two of them would begin to spiral slowly, tightening up as they got closer, meters passing per second and as he was within 10 meters of her. “FIRE!” He called out as he tightened up his spin, the pair spiraled like blazing drills and the fighters that were behind them were all destroyed and torn to shreds. The pair pulled away at the last moment as the sudden g’s made Zanven nearly vomit as the maneuver was…fucking dumb to do, but it worked. That was when Runa called out and pointed to the bombers as they had to get there quickly, they spent enough time with the others that they were drastically off course. The pair of pilots turned and set their sights on the bombers, the fighter escorts caught on quickly and as the dogfight ensued Zanven had one torpedo left, but just as the missile left his sight he watched as the bomber was able to dodge and enter orbit as the fighter escort took out his torpedo. “I’m out of torpedos…you are up Runa…take 'em out I will take care of the fighters.” He said as he moved to engage the ones that were after her. He was able to pepper one, clipping another, and outright shredding the third as the fourth was able to move out of the way with enough room to get behind Zanven. With the three left, Zanven became even more focused as he passed by the damaged fighter, his wing hit the clipped bastard and sent it spiraling off into the vast space. He throttled down and turned sharply, pulling the nose up he throttled up as the ship flipped as if it were some sort of sleek arrowhead. He fired his turrets once again and destroyed the two damaged fighters as he began to speed through orbit and catch up with Runa, even with the last bastard on his ass. The tension was high, and he did not notice that Runa was trying to hail him, leading him on a new flight path, he was too into the moment as he white-knuckled the controls. He did not want to die, but he had to get revenge for those that were taken under his command…he wanted to kill this last fucking squid with his own hands if he could…but a ship would work just as well.

Just as he was about to perform another stop/spin maneuver he felt the heat at the back of his ship…the damage he had taken had started a short and the computer flickered for a moment. “Fuck…” He called out, but instead of blowing up a moment later…there was another explosion as Runa blazed by and hailed him. “That would be the end of the bet you solo bastard.” He heard in his ears as he blinked surprised, his computers finally came back and his heart was beating in his throat. With a smile he leaned back in his seat…sweat was pouring off of him as if he had been running a marathon for DAYS. “Looks like…I owe you a fucking drink and dinner. Thanks for that damn save.” He said as he sighed and turned to make his way back towards the hangar.

As they began to make their descent he switched his comms over to hail the Wakaba, “Solo to Wakaba…we lost Rhino but we took out the squids…We need further orders as we are on our return…Runa is safe, she saved my ass even, we are low on munitions and my ship is damaged but we are sitting pretty.” He said as he hated giving reports…he hated talking when the adrenaline was still pouring through him. They approached as the fighting at the Wakaba was still in full swing, they could of course provide overwatch but he needed to make some sort of connection to whatever ground forces that they had down there. “Runa stay close, we will form a perimeter until orders are given, if you see any siege weapons or any batteries…fuck 'em up.” He said as he throttled down and began to scan and hover over the battlefield, not sticking to one place for long.

(This was so fun to write...sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes with Runa...however, I hope this helped with the narrative)
YSS Wakaba - Hangar Bay
Calandri was lost to the world around at this point, her muscles burned, her guns were almost just clubs and there didn't seem to be an end to the enemies. She could hear the others around her and knew they were still going and fighting. She had blood on her horns, blood on armour and blood matted in her fur as she panted hard and gripped the weapons tighter. She looked unhinged and her voice was raspy as she spoke a dialect that would soon be dead to the world "Jia Luy avila" (to your last breath). She stood up right her matted hair in her face, as she fired the last few bullets in her guns.

After the weapons click dry and she sees that they weren't futile in thinning the enemies, she let out a primal scream, that caused some of the Mishhuvurthyar to take pause that were around her. She wasn't a normal being they were used to and it seemed more animal, screaming, yelling and shouting in a language that was completely alien. To them this being would of been horror movie gold, she was massive, had too much blood for their own good dripping from them. Calandri was a demon now, nothing else matter excepted the killing of the Mishhuvurthyar around her.

She threw her two rifles, they were better as a shock tactic against the opponents armour anyway, it worked for a brief that as they swatted it away and Calandri was up on fast, head dipped to give them a taste of her horns, she was a little off her target though, be it fatigue or just a misplay on her head, only one horn connect. There was a scream from the person as put her weight into it. Calandri grunted in pain as a sharp pain appeared in her back. "that that you disgusting creature!" yelled one of the Mishhuvurthyar that was now behind Calandri, this caused her to whip around and glare at them as the person she impaled slid of and went across the floor as Calandri smiled, her eyes still wild and her body standing tall. She slowly made her way towards them as she spoke, this time in Trade since she thought this was going to be fun "Once there was a young princess that wanted to be her own person." She moved past the person on the floor and stomped hard on them as she didn't stop looking at the Mishhuvurthyar that attacked her "her whole world got destroyed, but she carried on, survivng anyway she could." As she walked the Mishhuvurthyar shot at her, but now the adrenaline and just acceptance of what was going to happen has kicked in and she hardly reacted to the shots that connected.

"And now, that princess has given everything to a new homeland, and worked from the bottom to get to happiness against." She glared at the Mishhuvurthyar as she suddenly charged into them and slid her blades into them "And now, the princess will pass one, but will do so, protecting the ones she cares about." She dug the blades in deeper as she grunted and looked at the others in the room "I will bring you all down with me!" She looked like a berserker or demon now, nothing about her kind demeanour to her friends were there as she picked up the weapons from the poor "now who is first?" She smirked as her body stood tall, even with the wounds with a shout of "Jia Luy avila." She charged into the others, she was doing this till she dropped dead and no one was stopping her.
YSS Wakaba Hanger Bay

Hotaru was thrown against the bulkhead with such force that she dropped her spear. Blood trickled from her mouth and her vision was blurry. She struggled franticly against the tentacles that held her firmly. She was beginning to panic. There was no way out. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and the tentacles dropped her to the floor. The Mishhu holding her cried out and staggered back, holding up its severed tentacles. Setsunu did not give it time to figure out what had happened. Her spear spun around and continued to hack away at the monster. Body parts began falling around her before she leaped into the air and cleaved the head in two straight down the middle.

Without missing a step, Setsunu spun around threw her spear like a javelin at the second Mishuu Crysta had been tangling with. The spear impaled the Mishuu through the head and pinned it to the bulkhead. It began screaming and thrashing around in pain. Setsunu knelt down beside Hotaru and checked on her. She was ok. A little beat up, but ok.

Hotaru opened her eyes which finally found focus. All she saw was her mother’s face. Beat up, with a nasty cut across it, but it was her mother. She smiled. She knew she was safe. Her mom stood and helped Hotaru to her feet. She was about to speak when she saw the blade. “Mom!

Setsunu spun around, pushing Hotaru away. Warrior’s sword plunged into her chest. Setsunu could hear her daughter screaming but it was quickly becoming muffled. Setsunu reached for her straight silver blade, but it felt so heavy. She gritted her teeth and plunged the blade into the Warrior’s side. Had her strength not been failing her, it would have been a kill. As it was, Warrior’s armor absorbed most of the attack.

Warrior leaned forward and spoke in Setsunu’s ear. “You are the finest warrior I have ever fought. I vow to you; I will see that no harm comes to your daughter. She will come with me and become my ward.”

Setsunu tried to fight, but she could feel her body shutting down as it tried to repair the damage. There was nothing she could do. Warrior drew her blade out and Setsunu fell to the ground. Hotaru had tears running down her face as she tried to fight back, but Warrior was too strong. She held Hotaru tight and teleported back to the Dreadnaught, Takannaaluk.

When Warrior teleported away the mood changed dramatically in the Hanger. The Mishhu suddenly began falling back. Those that had teleportation ability did so. The rest began falling back although some elected to stay and fight to the death, which they promptly were.

One of the Angels of Death, who had been fighting in the Hanger looked around at the destruction. It had been a hard fight but not near as bad as the fight for the Hanger a year ago. That had been… She suddenly saw Setsunu laying on the floor. “Heisho? Heisho! Angel 4 to Bridge! Joto Heisho Meisoei is down!

Wakaba Engineering

Ryoko assisted in hooking up the stolen Aether generators into place. She still couldn’t believe that the Resurgence had done it. As she double checked her the connection Ryoko suddenly got an image from Hotaru. It was their mother, with a sword run through her. Ryoko asked for clarification, but before Hotaru could respond she vanished. Ryoko could no longer communicate with her. That could only mean her sister was dead, or out of range. The feisty Red head dropped her tools and went sprinting out of Engineering towards the Hanger Bay.

Wakaba Bridge

Thomas laughed out loud. They had done it. Somehow, against all odds, they had done it. The Resurgence had actually stolen a Mishhu Aether Generator! They were installing it at this very moment! And those pilots. Zanven and Runa had defied expectations and had absolutely decimated the enemy fighters.

Damn fine piloting. Both of you.” A glance at his displays showed that the invasion force was also beginning to fall back. They had done it. Oh there was still that Dreadnaught to deal. But once the Wakaba was back in space they’d shake things up. “The enemy is falling back, I don’t know what the state of the Hanger bay is. Once they get things cleared up land and rearm. We’ll need you to run cover for us as we get underway.

Thomas reached for the comms to congratulate Captain Aoba when an urgent message came through. “Angel 4 to Bridge. Angel 1 is down! Repeat Angel 1 is down!” Thomas stood frozen. “Sets.” He turned to and began to run towards the doors but stopped. At this stage, they needed him here on the bridge. He cursed as he stormed back to his station. “How long till the generators are online?” He demanded.

Engineering says it’ll take 30 minutes to an hour Captain.” Inaho advised.

Thomas growled with frustration. He glanced at his displays. “Is everyone accounted for?

Unknown at this time. We’re trying to get a head count. It might take awhile to get an accurate count. We don’t yet know how many were killed or wounded.” Inaho said. She was right of course. An accurate head count could take days as the dead and wounded were found. This is where the Captain had to make the tough calls.

As soon as the engines are ready, we take off. Inform our Rikugun that they are to remain here. Chui Maxwell is to secure supplies and any of our crew that might get left. We will send relief as soon as we return to Yam space. Now get me the Resurgence.” Thomas ordered.

Wakaba Hanger Bay

Ryoko came flying into the Hanger Bay at full speed. She quickly saw her mother’s body. The medics were tending to her. “Out of my way!” Ryoko yelled as she pushed aside the medic. Setsunu looked dead. “She’s alive, just barely.” The medic said. “We need to get her to the Med bay and operate right away.

Ryoko shook her head. She looked at the placement of the entrance wound and exit wound. She pulled a scanner from her belt and ran it over her mom’s chest. “Mom is a Type 33A. She’s got all kinds of upgrades. She has an Aether generator build into her chest. It’s been damaged. Her body is designed to counter a possible failure to the generator to keep her from dying of radiation poisoning. That generator must be fixed before you can operate.

Ryoko voice was authoritative, but shaky. Seeing her mother laying there, looking almost dead. Especially after the things she had said after their last meeting. She rubbed her eyes and took a breath. “I need some tools and some very small hands. This has to be fixed fast or she’ll… she will…” Glancing up she saw Crysta. “Crysta! Get over here!
Wakaba Engineering

Since everyone was ignoring her, she decided to finally walk backwards and pretend she didn't see what was going on. She was sure people above her pay grade knew about it and it was best for to get stepping.

Seeing the power output rapidly increasing, she decided to rush to check if the improv seals of the aether plasma used to fuel the engines remained sound. Most should be good, but there was one that seemed stubborn to remain broken.

YSS Wakaba hanger bay

Crysta kept fighting dodging the tentacles of the Mishuu, when there was a sudden blast of fire from her mums drake Crysta smiled some and kept up her attack. Seeing that the fire was not doing much more than burning the surface of the Mishuu she frowned and stabbed at its head with her lance, It was digging deep wounds into it, however, it was so small that it was not outright killing it.

hearing something behind her as Hotaru was thrown into the bulkhead, and the spear she held dropping she looks back and gasps! Seeing Hotaru in trouble she wanted to go help, But doing so would ... thawap!!!! in the middle of her thoughts, a Tentical hits Lou and knocks Crysta off. Growling deeply she flies to attack the Mishuu spotting Setsunu's teleport nearby and attacking the Mishuu that was attacking Hotaru. Then moments later the one that she had been fine, now get pinned to the bulkhead. Spinning around she spots the one called Warrior moving forward toward Setsunu and Hotaru, "LOOK OUT!" she yells and starts to fly over toward the enemy, Lou and Exyrus turn and flew as fast as they could over toward the three.

Unable to do much as Crysta was forced to watch as Setsuna was stabbed in the chest and weakly counter-attacked, " NOOOOO! " She screams taking up her lance and flying as fast and hard as she can lance before her aimed at the one attacking Setsuna and Hotaru. Hearing the words from the warrior she growled and said. "Not if I have anything to say about it!" Then as she pulled the sword from Setsuna and headed to grab Hotaru she screamed " YOU LET HER GO NOW!" And seconds after the two vanished Crysta zoomed past where the enemy was standing. "no!!! no!! NOOOOOOO!" Crysta dropped her lance after she missed her attack and fell to the ground. Lou and Exyrus came over to her body as she whimpers laying there in a heap where she fell. "NO! NO!, I was unable to help Hotaru!!! and and....." she blinks holding back tears.

Hearing her name she did not know how long she had been laying there blinking remembering about Setsuna, she bolts upright looking around Spotting Ryoko looking at her "What? . . . . What yea!" she flew over toward her and then looks down at Setsuna. Ryoko can clearly see the mini-neko had been crying the two lines on her dirty face gave that away. "Is Setsuna going to be ok??" Moving to land near the wound as she blinks some... "Oh shit! The generator!!" Recognizing that Setsuna was an advanced 33A frame and that the wound was closer to the location of the Aether generator.
YSS Wakaba - Hangar Bay

Calandri stumbled as she tried to attack someone as they teleported away, she righted herself quickly and panted. The main force had disappeared and she was alone in the Hanger, actually not alone she could hear the voices of crewmember not enemies but her vision wasn't the best at the moment, everything was fading or duplicating and she couldn't focus on anything, she noticed a broken horn on the floor, or three, was it her horn, of course not, she only had two, so it wasn't hers. She tried to walk and one leg buckled under her own weight, she growled at herself as the adrenaline slowly dissipated leaving only the pain.

He hobbled over to where she heard people, her eyes barely being able to focus or stay open, one of her lower arms hung limp at her side, swaying with her movement, her other was hugged around her stomach failing to hold back blood from her multiple wounds. She had burn marks across her fur, leaving sore red skin, other places the fur matted with dried blood, where her skin was visible now and not burned it looked ghostly white. She was in a bad shape, she looked like a walking corpse at this point.

She used her hearing to find the group and finally collapsed her body not responding to her brain anymore as she tried her best to communicate with the others, she opened her mouth and nothing but a rasp came out. She was weak, she thought back to what her family would think about seeing her this way, the warrior princess, asking for help. She shook her hear as she groaned, it wasn't weakness to ask for help when you need it, especially when you were a team "please.... after you have saved them.... can you help me?"
Wakaba Hanger

Medic Valdia Masao looked around while Ryoko worked on her mom. She saw Calandri lying on the ground and hurried over to help her. "Well Calandri, you look like you've been through the ringer... Again." Valdia had worked on Calandri several time now and had become familiar with the alien's biology over the last 2 years. Valdia had had lots of opportunities to work on Calandri. The tall four armed warrior was often in the middle of a fight against the Wakaba's enemies and when she fought she gave her all.

Valdia quickly determined which wounds were the most serious and bandaged them up. She gave Calandri a shot that would dull the pain yet make her more alert. "Looks like we might be getting out of here soon. Word is that ship that found us, the Resurgence. They stole a Aether Generator off one of the Mishhu ships. I had no idea the tech was combatable but it seems so. Anyway, they're supposedly hooking it up now so we should be leaving soon. That means you are going to need to be on your feet. I can't see the squids letting us go just like that."

Meanwhile, Ryoko and Crysta and another medic worked on Setsunu. Ryoko seemed to know what she was doing. Her mother had explained in detail how her body worked at a young age to her daughters. Both of which had a fascination with Cybernetics and gadgets. In fact when they were just 4 months old, technically adults by Neko standards, the girls had put their heads together and designed and built a cybernetic leg replacement for their father.

All that to say, Ryoko knew what she was doing. Although she would have preferred to have Hotaru around to help. But she couldn't reach her sister. She tried not to think to much on that. The idea that she had also lost her sister would be too much for her and she had to focus on saving her mother. She had a fine set of tools she was using to work. Still, she couldn't reach the exact spot where the damage was. That was why she needed Crysta's tiny hands. She directed the tiny Neko where to go. "A little more to the left. There. Now seal that crack with... No no! The other one! That's it. Now we have to reconnect the lines." It was very delicate stressful work but finally Ryoko and Crysta finished.

Ryoko sat back, completely exhausted. Tears ran down her face but she didn't make a sound. The medics were taking over now working on her mother. She was still in bad shape, but at least Ryoko had fixed the aether generator in her mother's chest. Ryoko got up and retrieved her mother's spear and lay it next to her. That was when she noticed Hotaur's spear. She picked it up questioningly. "Where is Hotaur?"
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