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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

The JP for tomorrow night Tuesday 11/23 is cancelled due to the Thanksgiving holidays (I'm going to be hanging out with my family).

Please post in the threads instead.
@Zanven Brax Hey, I need you to re-write your character's physical description so it's super clear and easy to understand. It needs to be so clear that a Russian artist using a translator site can understand it (hint hint). So if you have a hairstyle, link to a reference pic, if you have a skin/eye/hair color, give the hex code. Okay?
Just so you guys know, next week I'm going to be traveling out of the country to visit my wife's family over Christmas. I for sure will miss next weeks JP and I'm unsure how much time I'll have for SP either. I'll be back home at the start of the year.
What's next?

- You guys want to do some training in the vacuum of space? Let's not forget all our characters are astronauts, which is rad.
- Want to visit Halna and/or Nassau? They're in our area. Maybe even Sood Zadra (longer trip but still)?
Some people call me a space cowboy…

I couldn’t resist. I am up for whatever. I’ve never been in conflict on this site ever. Also I needs to upload my brain still…yikes!
Alright y'all! Mori is approved! I'd love to jump in on this thread with him, if y'all will have me!

He's currently at a point where the ship (and those still alive on Genevit Racer) are nearing the last of their supplies. Their attempts to find the Janik Flotilla have resulted in nil, and those on board are getting extremely anxious. There's been no inside or outside contact, and for a while the Genevit Racer has been the only one to continue venturing. And that's to their detriment, mind you. Poor choices were made.

As it stands, the ship is in open space, floating along and only using fuel to stay out of a planet's gravitational pull. Unfortunately, the pilot who safely lands and docks the ship has since died from malnourishment. The Captain, who is also dead, was the only other able to land the ship. So they're floating along until a merciful carrier finds them, or until they all die...

...Whichever comes first.
Best wishes for a full recovery, for real. That infection sounds serious/scary. Glad you got it treated instead of just sitting there hoping it would go away.
For now we're trying antibiotics. But I've been experiencing numbness in my left leg. Which means it will most likely need to be drained.
Shuttle 3 has not docked with the Resurgence, it is about to join shuttle 2 at the ship that needs help.

@Zanven Brax
Apologies for falling off the map, everyone. My grandfather has been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer so I'm helping the family (especially my dad) cope with the news and everything else that comes with it.
That's awful. I'm so sorry for you Ethereal. I hope he's not suffering much, that sounds awful.
Thanks Wes - we've arranged to go down to see him and my grandma on Boxing Day to keep his spirits up. It's going to be hard though, he's a lot meeker and less present than he used to be because of all the meds. We think he has a few months left so hopefully things will settle into some sort of norm and I can get back to posting before he passes. Hope that explains my absence, anyways.
Sorry I've been inactive. Spent Christmas in Mexico and just got back to the States to days ago just in time for a work conference. Won't be back home till the new year and then not till late. After that however I should be back to a normal schedule.