Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

OOC Resurgence of Yamatai (YSS Resurgence)

I'll get something out later on in the day. 9 a.m to 6 a.m, zonked. Also, THANKS FOR BUCKSHOTTING MY GURL THERE WES. GEEZ.
She is a Neko, she'll be alright :)

Poppy: "Here's some Ibuprofin.Take a knee and drink water, soldier." (not really lol)
JP tomorrow night? 8:30pm-10pm eastern?
Might be able to swing something. I work tomorrow, but, I might get home around then depending on how busy we are. If not, I still have my phone and laptop I bring with me when I'm off the floor resting.
I'd love to have another Tuesday night JP! 8:30pm-10pm eastern is my available time slot.
Feedback time! You can post here or PM me if you want to respond privately.

1. Are you enjoying the Resurgence of Yamatai RP? What do you love about it?
2. Got any suggestions for me as a GM?
3. What are places you want the ship to visit next?
4. What scenarios would you like your character to be in?
5. Are you interested in regular JP nights every 2 weeks? (or other schedule?)
1. Very much so. Probably my favorite plot I'm in right now because it is the most regular plot but also because of the great cast.
2. Keep up the good work.
3. Just about anywhere is cool with me as long as there is clear direction in what we're suppose to be doing.
4. I'd be kind of interested in seeing what is day to day life like aboard ship. Eating meals, sleeping, training and working out. Stuff like that. We have these great in-depth articles about what is aboard ships and how crew are suppose to act and what not but I don't think I've seen of RPing about it.
5. Yes.
1. Yes, I love that it is somewhat laid back. We get to have fun and let our characters be themselves in a less than super serious situation which is refreshing.
2. You're good bro.
3. Someplace with lots of hot gi- well, we have an entire sector with stuff still unexplored. Opportunity abounds!
4. I'd like some social RP. And just a dash of combat. But mostly get to know the crew.
5. My schedule is up in the air most days. However, I do bring my laptop with me to work. So I can pop on when I am off the floor etc etc.
1. yes, I love being able to roleplay a character I had enjoyed rping in Hanako Shall resist.

2. nope

3. As I said a while ago, I would love it if they came to visit Draco Eridanus

4. things are ok at the moment

5. I do like jping, but I felt our last was quite a bit fast-paced which forced me to try and write quicker but I would be fine with doing jps so far any time for the foreseeable future.
1. Mostly, I like my character and I've kinda lost the thread of the current mission but I'm planning to pick back up when we go to the next one.
2. Not really
3. At some point we'll reach Essia. But also the other minor species' homeworlds like the Phods and Kodians.
4. Cheilith is trying to figure out her individuality,
5. Yes
  1. So far I have enjoyed the plot. Been fun to see this take a few different turns.
  2. None at the moment but shall share if I think of something.
  3. Nothing comes to mind though going to different worlds not normally visited would be fun
  4. Take your pick, there is not a scenario Thad wouldn't fit in. Whats that, need to fight sharks naked in space during a super nova, come on Thad, time to shine.
  5. I'd be down for more JPs. My schedule tends to be flexible during the week.
Thanks for your responses! I've started a "chill on the ship" thread to join.

I've also got two new artworks today of NPC crew members:


2021 Poppy Pink sketches by Lily Marlene commissioned by Wes (original).webp
Came up with an idea for Thad scenario. Something that involves him getting emotionally attached. Does not to be on a romantic level, just having a bigger stack is another that if something was to happen would cause a strong reaction.
RESURGENCE players we will attempt a 90-minute JP tomorrow night (Tuesday) at the usual time, 8:30pm-10pm EST