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RP [RJFV Tuat'la] Brave new Dawn


Deleted member 6093

RP Date
YE 44.5
RP Location
Deep Space
The RJFV Tuat'la. Ah, what a wonderful ship. WIth the hum of it's fusion reactors, some may consider it primitive, others, a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Nonetheless, all was quiet onboard the ship, as people went about their daily routines. The new transfers from the Yamatai-Random Alien Exchange Programme had just arrived, and it seemed everything was in due order. As people began settling down for a quiet night's shift, the soft thrum of the ship in the background, it was safe to say life was good.

Then the Captain's voice came over the comms, a familiar dual-tone emanating through the halls and various maintenance hatches. As the crew of the ship waited for the incoming announcement, the Senior Commander said, "Hello crew, It is with great pleasure that I will say that First contact with the Yamatai Star Empire has been a resounding success. In order to facilitate cooperation between our various peoples, we've decided to host individuals on the vessel from the Star Army of Yamatai. For those of you K'ai, Tsulrati, and other races from all across the CIN, I want you to understand that while they may not be familiar with us, It is important that we welcome them with open minds. For those Yamataian crew, Nekovalkrija, Androids, the lot, I hope you will find your stay welcoming. I ask you all to keep in mind that it is our responsibility to keep this ship operational. Given that this is a joint-staffed crew, I will be noting that while there may be differences, disagreements, and squabbles, I expect you all to follow the chain of command. It's important that we keep ourselves safe through teamwork and cooperation."

"Captain Jatala, Out."

With that, another dual-tone, before the ship returned to normal operations once more.

Our squad meets in the mess hall, finally ready to get to know eachother.
RJFV Tuat'la
Cargo Bay One

"Alright, next victim!" Dusali's voice rang out in heavily accented Trade, waving the Yamataian exchange officer along further down the line.

Her team had set up shop in the cargo bay, doing a form of medical rodeo for the incoming exchange officers. Simple questions, such as species, allergies, native language, cultural accommodations, et cetera. A portable scanning device ran over the next person in line, double checking their general health and wellness as she verified their species and age. She didn't find any health concerns in the physiological data, which was a pleasant plus. She had noted how overspecialized Yamatai's medical systems were. Who hadn't, avter all, but the general good health of their soldiers spoke volumes about their capability.

"No nanite injection," the soldier asked, raising an eyebrow at the scanning wand.

"None needed. Here, if you look at this screen, you'll see it's just a basic browning motion and passive MRI of your body, using the ship's magnetic field. Kinda grainy and not really clear, but lets us know what's going on for the most part. Besides, your superiors sent us physiological norms for your species. Like I can see that implant in your liver. Looks like you had some pancreatic issues about four years ago. Really nice surgical work. Looks like the remains of a temporary insulin pump."

"It was cheaper than a new body.," the minkan shrugged. "Nice hardware, though. Weird, but nice."

"Oh, this? This is kinda basic. Everyone has one of these, where we're from. This is carried on ambulances and such. Anyway, you're good to go down the line. Next table and you'll be asked about religious and comfort preferences. We'll try to set you up with a room that lets you be comfortable, okay?"