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Round Robin

Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

The BUMF (Beureau of unsolved mathematical Figures) Parachuted in and was about to kill Billy when...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

KISS made an amazing explosive entrance blowing everyone else away. That included everyone but...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

The BUNES (Bureau of Un-Necessary Explosive Sites) came parachuting in near where the BUMF agents were. Then...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

the AGP (Anti-Goverment Protesters) swung right behind them and went to war with them in their own way. Peaceful sitting down and pouting till the Government left.
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

But the government only left to release yet another of their devious plans, Rabid carnivorous squirrels on the AGPs. This was a rather successful tactic until. . .
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

the AGP gave the squirrels better dental and a two month vacation, at which point the squirrels switched sides and...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

Which led to squirrels across the nation being classified as "National Securtiry threats" which caused.......
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

the squirrels to invent micro-ftl technology and blast off to the other side of the galaxy, where they...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

With their brand new tentacle legs oozed into the nearest ocean and ate acorn shaped barnacles for the rest of their natural lives, until . . .
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

The peguins marched to war, allied with the sea otters all in accordence with the prophecy of....
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

the emperor penguin who predicted the large scale war between the Mishu-Squirrels and the samurai otter and penguins, the beginning of this war brought about the formation of the universal PETA who then....
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

killed a thousand thousand puppies in a single year while claiming to be protecting all animals
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

Suddenly, Luca came in flying on a paper plane. He began shooting Flaming fists of doom and mini-Luca Missiles at just about everyone he could see while avoiding fire coming his way. However...
Re: Official Star Army Round Robin

he forgot that his paper plane was made of a highly flammable mix of paper and gasoline. After his first shot the plane caught on fire and went down in a trail of smoke.
This increased global warming around the universe and so every government ever thought of came and taxed said Luca for pollution. He responded by . . .
Doing the only Luca-style thing and pulled out thousands of guns from his butt and proceeded to wipeout everyone that tried to fine/tax/kill/rob him. naturally the government responded with an angry.....
Swarm of hybrid Samurai Mishu-Otters which raped and killed Luca, unfortanatly this also caused...
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