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the AGP (Anti-Goverment Protesters) swung right behind them and went to war with them in their own way. Peaceful sitting down and pouting till the Government left.
But the government only left to release yet another of their devious plans, Rabid carnivorous squirrels on the AGPs. This was a rather successful tactic until. . .
the emperor penguin who predicted the large scale war between the Mishu-Squirrels and the samurai otter and penguins, the beginning of this war brought about the formation of the universal PETA who then....
Suddenly, Luca came in flying on a paper plane. He began shooting Flaming fists of doom and mini-Luca Missiles at just about everyone he could see while avoiding fire coming his way. However...
he forgot that his paper plane was made of a highly flammable mix of paper and gasoline. After his first shot the plane caught on fire and went down in a trail of smoke.
This increased global warming around the universe and so every government ever thought of came and taxed said Luca for pollution. He responded by . . .
Doing the only Luca-style thing and pulled out thousands of guns from his butt and proceeded to wipeout everyone that tried to fine/tax/kill/rob him. naturally the government responded with an angry.....