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Round Robin

the XXXXX world war. Due to Luca's family, and possible relations to chuck norris. the other side was lead by....
...Bruce Lee, the only man capable of both controlling the almighty power of Chuck Norris and bequeaching the strange requirements of the illustrious and most unusual queen who went by the name of...
Wearing a large frilly collar that completely incapacitated her from eating on her own. The person chosen for the task of feeding was . . .
Having 2 nuclear bombs covered in colored sugar follow her everywhere and when she entered a room all inside had to say "nanu nanu" and prostrate themselves on the floor. She assisted Mr. Lee by . . .
... screaming at the top of her lungs in the language of the elders, causing ground crocodile tooth pudding to spawn in front of her. This caused...
everyone to agree that mummies sucked, and so did their lawyers. the lawyers however, did not agree and decided to press charges despite the ghost having dissapeared until...
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