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RP: ZHS [S2:E1] Summer Wars

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Well-Known Member
RP Date
Early Summer, YE 40
Zenjinkaze Fighting High School, Tsubomi, Yamatai
Early Summer, YE 40
0800 Hours

It was a pleasant day, if a bit hot. Patches of soft, fluffy clouds lazily drifting across the sky, briefly offering shade. Cicadas crying, crows cawing. A nice enough day for the start of this special class. The end of spring, the end of normal classes, but the beginning of something else. Something different. Special.

This was not the beginning, but a beginning.

A half dozen students were gathered on the grounds of Zenjinkaze, the healthy green leaves of cherry and maple trees offering more spots of shade from the warm sun. Some students had arrived early, and others were just joining the group. There had been no real organization to the gathering, no formality. Just a teacher waiting in front of the koi pond, with the main building looming further behind. A giantess, rather hard to miss, muscley body barely contained within a sharp business suit. Combined with the comparatively tiny pair of glasses she was wearing, the school principal seemed almost more out of place than when she'd been wearing nothing but scraps of fur.

"Alright kids, listen up! Welcome to Zenjinkaze!" Shayla grinned wide, adjusting the dainty little glasses with one massive paw. "Ya may recognize me from the TV, but we'll get to that later. What's important right now is getting you all settled in good and proper. Regular classes ended last week, but they said this couldn't wait, so we're openin' the campus back up extra early. So, don't go wreckin' the place, 'cause it ain't like I know how anything works here outside of the Nurse's Office!" She tilted her head back, barking a loud laugh.

"You'll get the full tour tomorrow when we start classes, and your, uh...special instructor...will be showin' up in a couple of days. F'right now, let's just get you settled in your rooms. You're all assigned to the West Dorm, and while we've got a few kids still hangin' around the South and East, you've basically got the run of the place. Gotta eat out in town tonight, but tomorrow we'll see about openin' up the cafeteria or somethin'. This is all kinda last minute, you know? S'why I'm dressed for my night job..." She chuckled. So the suit and glasses weren't what she considered proper attire for a school principal?

"Alright, alright, get movin' already. You know what direction West is, don't'cha?" The giantess shooed the group away with one meaty hand, crossing her arms and waiting under one of the nearby trees to watch and ensure they headed for the dorms as she'd indicated. She knew at least one of the students should know their way there quite well...
One of the new students of the group squinted as the morning sun hit her eyes, the hand not carrying her few possessions shot into a pocket of her new school uniform and retrieved a pair of orange-lensed aviators. There was a smooth motion as her wrist snapped outwards and the, now extended, glasses were put over her deep blue eyes to block out the blinding sun that reflected off of the surrounding buildings.

Gunnhild Grimsdottir never had been one that enjoyed glare, she doubted anybody really could like it but chances are there was at least one oddball somewhere that was into that.

That same free hand was run through the neko's shoulder-length strawberry blonde hair but the motion left it with that same partially-unkempt look it had before, she moved over to the nearest fresh-faced student and gave them a friendly elbow in the ribs. "How you doing? I'm Gunny, nice to meet ya" she introduced herself in quite an abrupt manner with a friendly, albeit crooked, smirk on her face.

No point in waiting around to meet the people you'd be learning to fight, right?
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Keiko had joined the new batch of students for the last minute assembly, she may not technically be a new student but assemblies could give her information and it was a good way to see who would be in the class this year. With regular classes done she would be bored anyway if she stayed in her room the whole time, looking around she noticed some of the other students were trying to start up conversations with each other.

Without wanting to seem like she was taking charge, Keiko moved off towards the west wing slightly apart from the geoup, behind the leaders but ahead of the stragglers. Her appearance didn't do her too much merit when trying to blend in however. With orange red skin and long sparatic green hair she was unique even among neko so the best she could do was keep her head down and hope to not get singled out too much.

Its not like she was antisocial or disliked others, but she preferred to stay quiet and just follow along rather than stand out too much, unlucky for her she looked so strange. It would be different being the only second year among the group but she'd figure it out soon enough.
"Cool, i've gotta go meet all the others but I'll catch you later" Gunnhild said to the neko she had just exchanged names with, giving a little click of her fingers and a point as she faded into the masses once more. She wasn't quite sure if they were going where they needed to be but as long as she stayed with the swarm of cat-girls then she assumed they were at least sort of on the right track.

Gunny began looking through the crowd for who to meet and greet next when something caught her eye, it was less the green hair - she'd seen a whole rainbow's worth of hair colours in her short life - no it was more the green hair against the red skin that caught her attention.

So she pushed through the group a bit until the aviator-toting neko was in front of the chosen victim, at which point she spun around on her heels and began walking backwards. "Damn, somebody really hit the random colour button on you a few times huh?" She spoke at the stranger, that smirk curling the side of her mouth once more as a friendly hand was extended.

"I like it."
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Keiko looked at the girl in front of her with a slightly shocked expression, it was surprising enough that someone had suddenly come up to her but being complimented on her strange colours was not something that happened every day. "O-oh thanks, I like yours too." She responded softly not faltering in her walking speed or direction wondering how much conversation this girl wanted from her.

"I'm Keiko Surino, some people also call me Tomato for obvious reasons." The neko responded assuming the other girl would be asking about her name next or at least at some point in the conversation and decided to save her the trouble of asking.
Gunnhild span on her heel once more until she was even with the 'Tomato' and matched her walking speed, the slightly flustered state of the other neko made her snicker slightly. "Cheers, my name is Gunnhild Grimsdottir by the way but that's a mouthful so you can just call me Gunny - also I like guns so go figure, Hah," Gunny's words were rather loud and boisterous as she spoke, almost as if there was some joke she had just figured out.

"Anyway this is quite the place huh? tranquil and all that, well at least until we start punching each other - say do you know anything about the room arrangements? I feel like I might've missed something..." the strawberry-blonde neko added on, the verbal barrage was rather sudden and trailed off at the end without warning as she tried to remember if she had read something about it or not.
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Gunnhild, interesting name and she couldn't even imagine how that last name was spelt with the sound of it being spoken the only thing she knew thanks to just hearing it. It also seemed like this strange girl liked to talk an awful lot which Keiko smiled inwardly at, just another way the universe challenged her.

"Yes it is quite nice to walk around in, and I think you may be in for a big surprise if you came here to just punch people, the martial arts are a lot more complex than that..." The red skinned neko trailed off, she didn't often talk in long lines or for very long unless it was something she was interested in and already she was preparing to ramble on about the martial arts before the new students had even gotten to their dorms.

"Oh the dorms, I believe we all stay in the main west wing dorms with 2 to a room I think, all of your belongings should already be in your room and I think there's an allocation sheet at the entrance that says who is where." She wasn't actively trying to conceal the fact she wasn't a new student but the way she spoke naturally made it seem like she was part of their group, oh well it wasn't like she needed to keep it a secret but showing off was the last thing Keiko wanted to do especially on day 1 so perhaps it would be better not to advertise the fact.
"Well I could start pretending I know the ins and outs of all this but I'm here to learn that, besides when I say 'punch' people tend to know what that means," Gunny retorted with before she hefted the duffle bag in her hand that the neko had insisted she would be the only one to carry, there were personal defects and then there were personal defects.

"Shit, looks like somebody did their homework before they came here - I guess the opportunity presented to me might've been a bit blinding... I was pretty speedy to accept it but nonetheless it's an honour, guess I'll find out who I'm bunked with soon enough hey Toma? mind if I call you Toma? I think Toma fits nicely but it's up to you really," Gunny took a moment to scoot closer and stick her arm out infront of her and Toma as if she was displaying some kind of floating text.

"Toma, massive nerd and a pretty cool gal - has a nice ring to it no?"
"Of course, my apologies." Keiko spoke in response to the first statement nodding her head, she had to remind herself that many of these students wouldn't have her kind of experience or relationship with the arts yet and she bit her lip in annoyance that she'd been careless. The neko noticed the duffel bag and wondered why she hadn't just gotten it put in her room with the rest of her personal gear when they were transferred here earlier, probably a question for another time.

The neko grinned slightly, feeling guilty for knowing all this. "Well that's understandable, it is a rare opportunity for be offered a position." Keiko replied simply, confirming what Gunnhild had said, hearing her come up with a nickname of her nickname amused her though, it was far less formal than her actual name but didn't carry the basic mockery of her original nickname. She actually liked it quite a lot.

"Oh, Toma huh? It's probably best to use my actual name around the faculty for obvious reasons, but I don't min-" The red neko was cut off as the bouncy neko beside her threw her arms out and spoke her line which seemed to be a line describing, Keiko herself. Although she thought it was strange to make a description of someone you only just met Keiko couldn't help but smile at the comment. "It's certainly something, and not something I've heard before either."
"Ah so she does smile, that's a relief - here I was thinking you were some kind of emotionless void, a polite one but yeah" Gunnhild said with a wink from behind her amber lenses, so far Toma seemed to be the coolest person she had met. Sure she was only the second but that didn't detract from the coolness one bit.

"We'll see how the dice are rolled but it'd be neat to bunk with you, you seem like a fairly level headed person and honestly I need a few of those around to keep me in line" The strawberry-blonde neko paused for a second before her eyes widened and she added a few words. "I'm not some nutcase or anything like that, I just have a bit of a tendency to get uhhh... hm, feisty I guess is the right word?"

Gunny pondered that for a second, cradling her chin between a thumb and forefinger.
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Keiko didn't say anything about the smile comment but in the spirit of the mood flashed her a quick glare to spite her, it had been a while since she'd met anyone like her and she actually felt a little more laid back than usual. Sure her old group of three had been fun to hang around but they were all so similar they rarely had interactions like this.

"Yes I suppose being in a room with you would be quite a learning experience." She replied, although she knew it wasn't likely she would have a room partner to start with given her second year status she didn't want to be the one to crush the girls hopes. That and they may have decided to change things up so no point making her sad when there was still the possibility. "And I can't imagine why they call you feisty, if anything you're more of-"

The red neko paused, she would have to be careful she didn't speak without thinking if she wanted to hold onto this strange new friendship. "you're more of the adventurous type that is." Keiko finished, glancing over at Gunnhild to see her reaction.
"No I think feisty is the right word, I appreciate the kind words and all that but chances are you'll probably see what I mean - hopefully not but... yeeeeaahhh..." Gunnhild spoke, giving a smile to try and keep the mood light as she ran a hand through her hair again. "Anyway you know my schtick, my niche, my bread and butter but enough about me - two sides to each friendship and all that so what's your whole thing?" she said in reference to the comment about liking guns earlier, she absentmindedly left out the part about those guns being mostly revolvers but now she was curious.

Toma seemed to be quite a patient and reserved person so with her limited knowledge Gunny was thinking she'd be into staves or something like that, she'd happily be proven wrong however.
"M-my thing?" Keiko almost stammered, it wasn't something she had given any thought to aside from the fact she was here to learn. "I, I'm not really sure. I came here to further my knowledge and learn more techniques and skills, I guess I like reading and watching things too." The neko said thoughtfully, choosing not to mention what she usually watched was anime and that what she usually read was reports from the various conflicts involving Yamatai that detailed the actions of the war heroes she idolised.

"I guess I'm just plain and boring really."
"Dude come on, I would hardly call that boring - I love movies! action ones mostly so if you're boring then I'm boring, and I've never been called boring!" Gunnhild answered in quite a rousing and energetic voice along with a light elbow to the ribs, the question had been more about what kind of stick Toma used to hit people but it was no big deal - she'd find out soon enough.

"Say, I have a personal question but are you vat-born too?" the strawberry-blonde neko asked, knowing that a yes was very likely but also knowing that a no was more than possible. It may have been a hasty conclusion but considering Toma's colouration, Gunny assumed the answer would be yes.
"Yes, I am vat born. YE 38, almost two years ago I believe, I have't really kept track too much." Keiko responded softly, she didn't really think there was much difference between being vat born and created within another neko considering the method used in each was very similar. Apart from the aging process as far as she knew, but somehow she doubted that's what is was about.

"I assume from that question you are as well?"
"Mhm, one of the last batches of 39" Gunny responded with, of course she didn't hold any kind of discrimination between the two methods of creation and there was no reason she should - it was all just small talk to pass the time and a way to get to know Toma a little better. The strawberry-blonde neko was getting a little bored of all this walking though, why walk when you can fly.

Gunny lifted her legs up, sat her bag on her lap and leaned back slightly with her hands behind her head, almost looking like she was sitting on some invisible seat as she casually floated next to Toma. "So how are you feeling about all this? giddy? excited? what's going through your head? I'm pretty excited to be honest."
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By now the small group of Neko had reached the western side of the grounds. On either side of the cobblestone path stood a building. The slimmer one seemed to be their assigned classroom, while the wider, somewhat squat building on the other side contained their dorms. Three bedrooms on the first floor and three on the second, two beds in each, with shared showers and bathrooms on each floor.

Since this non-traditional education emphasized socialization and camaraderie, most students would be sharing rooms, even though the West dorm currently had enough empty rooms for everyone to take one for themselves. Keiko already had her own assigned room to herself, actually...but, since her new friend was carrying all of her belongings, it would be easy enough to simply invite her in to claim the free bed, if things went that way.
Kekio watched as Gunnhild floated up into the air in an almost comical pose, she wasn't surprised of course since all neko possessed the ability but the choice of pose and manner in which she did it was interesting. She considered the question, how did she feel about it? She'd already been through the basic program one herself so it wasn't a completely new experience. The first time she arrived here her eyes had been full of wonder much like these new students, she'd been eager to learn as much as she could and had dreamed of becoming a master of combat much like her heroes.

"Hmm, I suppose I am a little excited about the whole thing, building skills and getting better so I can be a useful tool for the Star Army." Keiko paused as they reached the dorms and looked around for any room assignment info only noticing she had her old room. Looking sheepishly over at her new friend, the tomato neko knew she'd end up with her own room but still felt a little guilty.

"Oh, it seems the rooms were decided already, I had all my things moved to whichever room I was assigned to so would you like some help to move your things in?"
"Ah damn, I guess we're not in the same room," Gunnhild spoke, her expression was a little downtrodden as the strawberry-blonde neko's shoulders dropped in disappointment. This wasn't the end of the world but she had to admit, it would have been an awesome coincidence if they were assigned to the same room.

"Nah i'll be alright, I wouldn't want to keep you from getting settled in and all that," Gunny said with a small shrug and a smile.
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Keiko saw how the news was affecting Gunnhild which only further increased her guilt, while it wasn't really her fault that the arrangements had been made this way and she barely knew this girl it didn't seem fair for her to feel sad like this one her first day. "Well, I'm sure we can always ask about room transfers after everyone is settled, I think it would be fun to have a room-mate..." She said as reassuringly as she could putting a hand hesitantly on the other girls shoulder.

"Well I don't mind helping out, and I don't have much and it's all pretty much moved in. I got some done before regular classes ended too so I have some time I would normally just spend studying or reading." Keiko offered, the idea to get her excited friend moved into her room had crossed her mind but the new experience made her nervous, so she would give it a bit more time and maybe a couple days to see.
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