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Sakura II Discussion (formerly A THOUGHT Experiment)

Not sure if I got the weapon systems information correct from scanning the wiki, let me know if the numbers I mentioned don't make sense.
Hey guys, it's everyone's favorite time of the year again, it's Plot Audit time!

We have until the 18th to get everything updated and submitted. So if you guys could be sure to update your character bio pages, I'll take care of the rest. Should be an easy round this time! Thanks
Disappearing for the weekend to LARP, so I won't be able to reply to anything until Sunday night by North American reckoning. Have fun, cause trouble; I'll be back with a sparkler.
So do I understood it right that Kaede and Sakura are to assault the enemy station, get to captain, spring her out and get teleported back to Sakura? Because if yes, that would be awesome as hell.
That does seem to be the plan.

Miyoshi is part of the crew now, so her helping out would be great
All right it is on! @Archander if @Gunsight1 is okay with this, then I think you can write that you were near the airlock with Kaede and Sakura. Helping with guard duty or something, since Miyoshi likely does not have a job in the crew yet.

Also Gunny do we have Daisy II on board?
Hey I just got my laptop back, I'll work on a post tomorrow sorry my net isn't wanting to work so, I can't do anything. Sorry for the hold up gang
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