Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Section 6 Sanctuary Day (New year's celebration YE-40)

Jack Pine

Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40 Year's End
RP Location
Obsidian City: Haven Park
The sun had fallen over the city and the beginning of a new year was drawing closer. A new era for the new nation was coming, and with a new home, and a goal before them...well this was a milestone to celebrate. A festival was arranged to take place at the city's center within the park, where food, vendors, activities, and fireworks were setup. As the sun lowered past the horizon and as the twilight came, the lights of the festival grounds lit up the night. Lanterns illuminated the area, a contrast to the technological appearance of the city that surrounded the park.

It had been almost five months since landing on this world, and built a home for themselves. It was a time to celebrate the hard work of the people, and the sacrifices of those who came before. It was announced several days before by the lords that this day would be forever Sanctuary Day to mark the completion of the city, and to remind everyone every year of the things they had accomplished. Jack sat with Mark Oaklen, both men in a lawn chair with a beer in one hand. Both had grins on their faces as they watched the festivities begin, and as people arrived.

Neera was dressed in a nice skirt and a button up shirt, a jacket tied around her waist, and sneakers on her feet. The white wolf was browsing vendor stalls, taking in all the merchandise and food stall with curious crimson eyes. She did this to occupy herself why she waited for hopefully David to arrive. The raven haired Nora also had joined her in this shortly after arriving with baby in tow, finding herself in awe of such an event, never having seen such a thing. Dressed in dark jeans a black t-shirt and a flannel button up which was left open.

Seraphina walked among the portion of the grounds setup for music performances, Ceilia by her side, enjoying the day. Both had grown infinitely closer since Kyle's passing, the dove like birb enjoying the company of her new daughter in law. The AI had much the same reaction as Nora, also having never been to a festival before, the brunette practically spinning about to take in all the sights possible. Sera sent off a message to Talih to see if she was coming to join them, something she hoped for. The Elysian had opted for jeans, and a tank top, while Ceilia wore a halter in place of a tank top as well as a skirt.

Talos waited for his sisters along with Armora who had nothing to do for the night, and so was therefore kinda dragged along. Talos wore a very similar outfit like Nora, the same he had worn for the triplets' picnic in the woods. Armora wore some very hip hugging black pants, and a wine colored bustier, which had a short black leather jacket on top of it. Both were standing by the park entrance.

"Got room for two more?", came Sarah's voice as she approached the two lords in lawn chairs. She and Mark Tazar pulled up their own chair and both took a beer from the cooler Jack had brought. "Definitely, and many more.", Oaklen commented before Jack chimed in with a "Fucking A brother."

Whisper walked around the grounds in his usual, something he regretted, but he didn't want to miss this. He spent his time browsing the vendors selling knicknacks and jewelry for gift ideas, having a few people he thought about giving one to. His visored gaze had become a familiar one around the city, and explained why those around were not too concerned by his appearance. Despite the imposing figure, he was known about for his position in the armed forces, some people even so far as to happily greet him.

While all this was going on, Lazarus only watched from the nearby roof top. He was never fond of crowds, or crowded areas with people, but he at least wanted to be able to see Nora have a good time. Something the long time killer would never admit openly to anyone, and if asked he would simply say he was only watching. Pulling a small flask from his coat, he took a sip and sighed, the feeling of confusion creeping over. Why was he here, why did he care,....what changed?
Elisys had finally got to the festival, not before taking a wrong turn here and there. She heard about the events and wanted to experience it herself. ‘I might want to get some food first, then maybe find a place to watch the fireworks. They have fireworks during the festival right?’ Elisys thought to herself. She didn’t see the others as she claimed some of the vendor food for herself, so she went back to the fringes to look for a good spot.

‘Rooftops would have a good vantage point, so that might be the best option here.’ As she looked, she noticed a man on one of the building by himself. ‘This can either end amazingly or terribly for me. Welp, never know till you try!’ Elisys, not seeing the point of going inside and asking if they have roof access, decides to use the fire exit.
* Damn Nora* a tall and muscular man in elegant white clothes thought about his neighbor while adjusting his dress in the middle of the park *Uuuh Craig you should come to the festival bla bla blaaa...* his mind mumbled, he then walked with his usual disciplined way to the Buffet and took a glass of beer.

Craig hated to partecipate in such type of festivities, but he knew that if he wanted to make a good impression to his employer he had to, and also not having to deal with a neighbor that would have probably started to complain about him not being part of this, surely was the best choice.

And so as he started to drink, he scanned the area with his cybereye to see if there culd be actually interesting people.
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Harmony strolled through the streets of the festival dressed as she was, and it felt somewhat odd. She wasn't much for dressing up and it had been some time since she had celebrated a new year like this. The clothing she wore was a far cry from her normal outfits designed for comfort and work. Instead today she wore what was essentially a long cape with the trailing fabric wrapped around her like a loose cloak. Yellow eyes watched out from underneath like some sort of old world mystic with the green hair spilling out of the sides of her hood. Oddly enough, she wore no shoes or socks either. She was about as close to her old traditions as she could be in the company she held.

She had seen a few other Lorath mixed amongst the people of Section Six and while they had been a refreshing taste of home, it just wasn't the same. In fact, at times she had gone out of her way to avoid them as she had a bit of fame about her when she had been recovered and that had been a bit much for her. She had never wanted the fame of simply surviving, she had wanted to be famous for a discovering she had made or a breakthrough or just been known for her solid work in her fields. But she had to live with it now...

But that was neither here nor there right now. For now, she looked around for Kessler. It was to be there first real date here for the events today and she looked forward to that! She smiled under her cloak as fingers from inside sought purchase on the cloth to pull it tighter to herself in an effort to keep the cover over herself. Clawed toenails scratched at the street below her as she looked around and kept her eyes out for the man, more and more feeling a little silly standing here dressed as she was, looking like some madwoman just come out of the woods. But wasn't that kinda what she was anyway?

But no, for now she waited for Kessler, idly playing with one of the hems of her cloak.
Clad in washed out denim jogger pants alongside his Sky Tracer boots, a ribbed biker jacket with one sleeve rolled up to his elbow and a white shirt with the neon-stained logo of some band Corporal David Maverock certainly knew how to dress like the twenty-something year old man he appeared to be, regardless of his exact species could be pinned down or not - He could have been a rare human, one of the gunhead Nepleslians, a Minkan or hell even him being an android was a possibility.

He stalked through the crowd, stepping through the spaces between people with purpose as Neera's fluffy white tail was spotted, there was a small measure of grace in such the simple act of moving through such a dense area without brushing shoulders against the other people in the slightest - silent footsteps carrying the tan-skinned man up until the white wolf suddenly felt his intense frame pressed up into her flank, his hands moving to secure a silver pendant around her neck though the thing had a few buttons on the side indicating it was more than a simple piece of jewelry.

"Apologies for being late, one of the server racks decided to... you know what? nevermind," David chuckled, deciding to skip the nerdy stuff that he doubted neither of them wanted to hear as his arms wrapped around the wolf's waist and then continue speaking.

"How are things with you two? hope you're enjoying everything so far," he asked the two women of opposite hair colours, one as dark as the eternal void and the other as white as freshly fallen snow. "Sorry, I should say you three," David added with a little two fingered salute and a warm smile towards Nora's infantile child.

A shadow joined Lazarus on the rooftop, clad in a dark tracksuit as a hooded woman with hair that was a mixture of red over blonde roots but the new arrival said nothing - simply found a place to sit and pulled a Nerimium-plated lighter out of a pocket as well as a bottle of lighter fluid that she then proceeded to begin filling the lighter with. After a moment the thing flicked to life with a small lick of flame, revealing those unique gold-green eyes that marked her as the older sister of Heather Becket, one of the pilots before it was flicked off again and then back on.

As big sis provided overwatch from the shadows, little sis was busy buying herself a beer - wearing a pair of rather short shorts, a white t-shirt she'd gotten online recently and a green vest with spikes on one shoulder, finishing it all off with some heavy boots from her flight suit and then a black flat cap over her platinum blonde hair. Heather was pretty much a by the book example of a Nepleslian woman, only thing missing was her having any SOL in her genes but that was excused due to all the other factors - though she didn't have the faintest idea wher~

Oh, there he was.

"Hey! Whisp!" the pilot called out with one arm waving to catch his attention, though compared to a lot of the other people here her average height made the girl seem somewhat shorter.

A Jane clone strolled up to the entrance, her hair having been re-bleached a few hours ago to remove any of the black roots in preparation for the massively social event, though as odd as it may seem the sheer concentration of people actually set her mind at ease - the fact there were most likely going to be a swarm of other Jane clones around meant that with her current hair she'd stick out a lot less.

Talos and Armora though would be able to see it was Jacky, the way she walked with her chin tipped down slightly and the purse held across the woman's front with both hands - she'd tried extra hard with a little help to pick something she was comfortable with that hopefully wouldn't stick out too much while still looking nice, heels of almost the exact same colour as Amora's top along with plain black leggings and a black, pleated skirt that worked in conjunction with a tucked, white, long-sleeve blouse to make her already slim waist in comparison to her top and bottom sections seem moreso - though according to Neera that was just a pleasant byproduct of her body being built the way it was.

To finish it up there was a thin black tie and a tiny bit of dark eyeliner, which was only visible on the one exposed eye. Jacky approached her siblings with a weak yet genuine smile to greet them, "Hi Tal, Armora... sorry if I kept you both waiting," the clone apologised, holding onto the black purse for dear life.
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As the festival slowly took off outside, Haisely Goenkof leaned back in her chair and sighed. She'd lost track of the last time she actually left her new apartment room although her appearance didn't look like someone who hadn't left in over a month, while she may not leave or even sleep that often the pink haired girl enjoyed her personal cleanliness. The girl stood up and walked across her pillow covered floor to the window, turning off her blackout setting she winced slightly from the sudden lights from the outside, "A festival huh." She said softly to herself while looking out over the park where everyone seemed to be gathering. Haisely thought she recalled some days ago that someone had sent her a memo about the event, and how it was all about the founding of this new home.

However this wasn't her home, well she didn't really have a home and to the young online star it was just one of many places she'd drifted into. "Hopefully it won't be too loud." The girl finished while switching the blackout windows back on and turning on her soundproofing just to be sure, returning to her chair she returned her headset to her ears.
Between the crash, the search for her wife, the labs still to be run, and the Osman University laboratory complex, there had been a good little while when Rose hadn't worked harder in her life. Even with a collar, she had been a frantic whirlwind of progress and management and with endless help from the man she considered her brother in law (Despite the genetics disagreeing), Harmony, and Spark, had even managed to take care of her children, watching with a careful eye as they started figuring out the latches to their carriers and started crawling off. She knew they were clse to being able to walk, and with things finally beginning to settle down, she had let herself slip into a relaxed pace, spawning short lived AI to help handle her duties.

Now, she simply sat on the grass, within earshot of her wife as the girls moved around her, and Michael was tucked safely in her arms. Looking out over the bay and orange jungle, the seawater phosphoring in the fading light, she whispered a single word learned in her time with the Gunja. "Home."
Aztec couldn’t help the grin on his face, then again, it wasn’t often he was able to use his skills for non violent means. Sure, the fireworks themselves came from off planet, but when Lord Pine approached him to set up the actual display, he couldn’t say no. It’d taken a few days of planning, but now, they were wired and ready to go.
He ducked under the partitioned off area, making his way back toward the festival, aimlessly moving through the crowd, mainly just enjoying the sounds and sights.
As Craig scanned around he identified the shape of Talos right outside the crowd * Here is one of those * ( regarding interesting people he was looking for) he thought, and then, making his own way in the middle of the mass of people gathered for the festival, he succesfully reached Talos.
"Good evening Major, glad to see you here" Said the mercenary with his always serious tone while offering a hand for an handshake.
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A freshly-trained and recently cloned light infantry soldier arrived at the festival during sunset, clad within a pair of pure black, skintight jeggings which hugged her vast hips like a second skin. In order to protect herself from the chill of the night, she wore a black jacket over a long-sleeved crop top. Her hair was done up in her voluminous and wavy style, but she had opted to adorn it with a single white flower that she had came across during on her way to the event. Without a second thought, the newly-generated soldier had decided to place it in her hair with a bobby pin that she had in her purse.

To say the least, she thought it made her look quite charming.

Although it was awkward to arrive at a social event with no company of her own, the short-statured clone knew that if she failed to put herself out there, that she would never have any friends and would be doomed to a solitary existence. Fortunately, 000021 was not exactly scared of social situations, but she was anxious and excited. The only issue that she anticipated having was in introducing herself with a serial number, which she knew would be slightly awkward. Her heterochromatic eyes darted back and forth as she scanned the growing crowd in the park for interesting individuals to talk to. Within a few moments, her sharp eyes latched onto a number of animal-like individuals, including a massive palomono horse and a white wolf girl who seemed to be surrounded by close friends and acquaintances, including a young looking single mother.

With only a deep intake of breath, 000021 opted to approach a statuesque white-winged woman (@Jack Pine) and her brunette companion, since the pair seemed more platonic than romantic according to her own assessment.

"Here to enjoy the music, yes?" 000021 spoke in a cheerful tone as her gaze locked onto the Elysian's bright blue eyes, before shifting to the equally blue eyes of her companion. "Do you know who's playing tonight? I hope that the noise from the fireworks doesn't interrupt the concert. I heard that there's going to be dance music and EDM! Do any of you know how to dance? I love dancing, but I mostly do it alone. Wanna do it together tonight? I've taught myself some moves and I could show you guys some!" The anxious biosynthetic soldier spoke quickly and in an extremely excited voice as a flurry of questions left her lips.

"Sorry, my name is S6-SS-000021. What are your names?" She finished with a wide and awkward-looking grin across her features, while hoping that she hadn't been too forward in her introduction...
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Lazarus gave a glance towards the girl, finding it odd that someone else was up here, much less willing to stick around the same rooftop as him. She looked focused and ready for business, not unlike himself. "Usually people don't so boldly flirt with danger. So who are you watching out for from up here?", He asked jokingly.

He nearly jumped as yet another woman popped out of the damned wood work, "What is this, a rooftop pile in? Lazarus, but what are you doing up here?"

"Oh hello mister Maverock, we're doing good, just browsing the stalls. Though it seems you beat us to gifts, as we were looking at a few possible ones.", Nora said cheerfully, her crimson eyes glancing over the jewelry for a moment as she greeted the Gesherin. The baby cooed cutely as if to remind everyone of the infant present, "And Mia is enjoying herself as well. Hmm, I was hoping to see Mulder, or Maximus to see how they were enjoying the festivities, but I haven't seen either."

Neera was a little surprised at his sudden presence, "Boy you really need to stop doing that, I'm already jumpy as is.....Hmm, what's this? It has buttons on the side." She queried as she examined the piece now held in her petite fingers.

Talos gave a warm smile as Armora gave a wave of a greeting with Jacky's approach. "Hey sis, I hope you'll have fun tonight, honestly gotta admit I'm excited.", the male of the triplets said as he gave her a gentle hug, "Looking good by the way, even Armora got dressed up, though as you can tell mom had a hand in it. Personally I think she might have chosen a bit much."

"Greetings sister, I believe I have indeed dressed for the occasion.", Armora said in her own neutral way. She had somewhat been idly watching for Lynn, or even Aztec she realized.

As Craig approached and greeted Talos, the clone would shake his hand. "Ah you must be Mulder, nice to finally meet you. Come to have some fun tonight?", Talos replied politely.

Armora had watched Talos hug Jacky, but found the act perplexing. The clone realized it must be a social action, one to display.....was is love, or familial fondness? She could not quite remember everything told so far, but seeing as how she was trying to develop social functions, Armora imitated the act by giving Jacky a hug as well. "I believe I have performed a hug correctly yes?"

Whisper stopped his line of thought as he looked over a rather nice looking necklace that had a small ship made of some sort of local crystal that had a luminescent quality. The faint glow had caught his attention as he was walking by, and had been quick to shell over the cash. As he heard Heather's voice, he quickly stowed the new purchase in a side pouch. He'd find an appropriate time to give it to her later. "Hey Heather, sorry I should have been waiting by the entrance, but the lord asked that I walk about to see how things were going."

Harmony would find him seemingly appearing out of nowhere, one second people are walking by in front of a post that sat alone and too thin to hide a full grown man, and the next as they pass he's leaning against it. There was clearly no way for him to have walked up to the post without her seeing, making it clear he was being his sneaky old self. The brown haired man, gave her a smile from his spot as blue eyes regarded her fondly. He was wearing a fur lined leather jacket and a pair of black cargo pants over some sort of armored suit. "Hey beautiful, hope I'm not late.", Kessler said before strolling over to give her a hug, "Let's have fun tonight, you and I."

The pair were slightly caught off guard by the sudden energetic intro and bombardment of questions, but both returned kind smiles. "Oh uh, I am not entirely sure, but yes that does sound fun...however my girlfriend will be arriving soon and I promised her the first dance. I'm Seraphina Cerulius by the way, I'm a scientist in AR&D.", Sera answered giving a sympathetic smile that she couldn't join her as it all seemed in good fun.

"I'm Ceilia Dee-Cerulius, and I would love to. Yes I believe both of those are going to be featured. Though I only know of two artists that are going on stage tonight out of 8 I think. A Betty Arturius, and Yuki Yamamoto, both having performed for our events before. I think you like them 21, if you don't mind me calling you that.", Ceilia chimed in giving a smile as she offered a hand.

Jack looked about to see if he could spot Haisley, but unsurprisingly did not. ["David, can you please grab, or at the least message miss Groenkof, there is a matter I would like to speak with her about........Take Neera with you if you want. It will only take a brief part of your time, so don't worry the night is still young. That is all."], he sent to the Gesherin over Geist neural relay.

Sarah had a smile come to her face as she looked over at the little ones running around, and Michael nestled in her wife's arms. It was a sight that brought a happy tear to her eye, which was quickly wiped away as she couldn't let the others see it and think her some wuss. The beer in her hand was left in the chair as she got up, before strolling over to Rose. The feisty brunette would feel her press into her from behind as he arms wrapped around her, a hand reaching around to brush a stray hair on her infant son's head. "It may have been one bumpy hell of a ride, but this is a good start. Family, happy babies soon to be running around, and the love of my life in my arms. All is right with the world, and it feels like home.", Sarah said with a kiss to Rose's cheek.
Craig smirked " Indeed, i'm not a man who someone carries around for festivities but a "bird" told me to so here i am. ", at the end of the phrase the elegant tall man took brief taste of the beer.
He was truly well dressed, wearing an open long withe coat, black vest with golden buttons half covering a white shirt which at the collar had a small black papillon, maybe an old fashion style but the person wearing it made it work really well.

Infact Craig even if he always have been a man of few words, serious and disciplined, he still was undoubtly well sorted in terms of physical and facial features.

While drinking the alcohol he briefly glanced with his cybereye the two young women next to Talos.
"Major may i have the pleasure to know the name of these ladies?" The mercenary politely asked after ending his small tasteing and clearing his black moustaches from the foam with a simple movement of the hand.
"Oh! Mother and daughter? How sweet and absolutely adorable!" 000021 exclaimed with a girlish glee. "And you both have absolutely beautiful names as well! I hope I can decide on a name for myself that is equally beautiful, but I'm so indecisive, ya' know? If you guys can help me with name ideas, I'd really appreciate that! But for now, 21 is perfectly fine. I don't mind if you abbreviate the whole serial number thing, since I'm not really that attached to it." The clone soldier finished speaking and turned to acknowledge Seraphina with a wave, then placed her hand in the palm of Ceilia's. "If you do want to dance sometime, later, let me know! Bye Seraphina!" 000021 added in parting to the blonde Elysian, before she focused her attention solely on the brunette in front of her.

"I noticed that your name is hyphenated, by the way." 000021 began in a notably softer tone as she stared up into Ceilia's bright blue irises while simultaneously admiring the taller woman's beautiful and youthful features. "Are you ummm...married by chance?" She asked in a curious, if slightly coquettish tone.
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Talos acted casual, but his eyes narrowed ever slightly, "These are my sisters Jacky, and Armora. I know they're both stunning tonight, but try to behave bud." he said the handshake a little firmer. He always did this, going big brother at even the most obscure sign that someone wanted to mess with his family, and he was being extra careful after what happened to Armora. "By the way, I must say you performed well on the field a while back, and those reinforcements were the push we needed."

Armora watched the interaction and actually gave a slight sigh, something that should turn heads as it was different from her usual robotic nature. She placed a petite hand on her brother's shoulder, "I can adequately protect my person, now that i'm aware of past errors." she said quietly. Turning to Craig, she offered a hand, "Hello, as my brother has indicated, I am Armora." she added a tad shyly.

"Dee was my late husband's last name, Sera is my mother in law. My maiden name was Ryzka, so no I'm not. But what about you 21, I haven't seen you around before, and I know I would have definitely remembered someone as striking in looks as you. I want to know more about you.", Ceilia said with a warm smile as she answered, but tried to steer towards a cheerier topic. The clone who's hand she now held was a spectrum of beautiful colors, and her figure was one that almost made the AI jealous. She was absolutely charming in the energy she radiated, and beautiful in how she carried herself. Work had been a good distraction, but she felt spending time with someone else was better, and she felt honored this woman had chosen her to offer the position of dance partner. Ceilia actually felt excited, almost longing for the music to start.
Harmony jumped a little as she was snuck up on and spun around to face the voice with wide eyes. The spin did a little to her cloak outfit and let it flare up just enough to show off tanned bare thighs. A smile struck across her face as she spotted Kessler though and the Lorath girl jumped at him. Arms snaked out from under the cloak through two slits to let the girl throw them around his neck just before she planted a kiss on his cheek.

"Kess! I was wondering where you had gotten off to! You shouldn't make a lady wait you know!" She explained to him as she hung on his neck for a moment or two before she let go. She landed silently, a slight bend to her knees as she did before she looked around from under her hood.

"This is amazing! Is this you all's new years celebration?" She asked with a smile plastered across her face. Her nose tested the air around them as if she were looking for food.

Craig frowned on hearing the words of Talos, he didn't expected such a direct action in responde to his politeness " Understood Major " said looking directly in to the eyes of the man.
He then turned to Armora and just posed his hands one over and one under her one, the manners towards females where different in Khorsovarolor and even after decades away from his homeplanet he still had fixed in his mind those approach styles.
" A pleasure to meet you. I'm Craig Mulder, mercenary under direct service of Lord Jack Pine, I..." he took a brief direct look again to Talos before returning the attention to the young woman "... had the fortune to fight side by side with your brother, and I truly hope to have the opportunity to fight again in the battlefield alongside him, he is a great warrior undoubtly" said with his serious tone while gently retracting the hands from Armora's one.
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"Oh, my apologies!" 000021 replied, sensing that she had transgressed on a topic that was sensitive to Ceilia. "I'm sorry for your loss, and I won't broach the subject again." She added, before taking a step closer to Ceilia as a convincingly bewitched grin crossed over her features in response to Ceilia's complement. "I'm just so glad that I didn't creep you out when I approached you, ya' know? Or're not creeped out by me, are you, right?" 000021 asked, before letting a playful string of giggles escape from her lips upon seeing the sweet glint in Ceilia's bright blue eyes.

"But anyways, since you asked, I'll talk about myself for a bit. I could go on all day, since I know everything about her, so let me know when you want me to stop~" 000021 cleared her throat before continuing on. "For starters, I'm an enlisted infantrywoman in the army and a biosynthetic created in the Pine-Oaklen lab. I just graduated from basic training about a week ago, and..." 00021 leaned in close to Ceilia, and took a deep intake of air.

"I like to dance with pretty girls~" She finished, before grabbing Ceilia by the hips and spinning around her statuesque form. "So...What about you? 000021 asked the tall brunette as she returned to Ceilia's front and took the pilot's hands. "Are you in the military as well?"

Jacky returned the hugs given by each sibling though 'Mora's uninvited hug was a pleasant surprise as the taller Jane clone was about to return their compliments with a light blush on her cheeks when a new challenger approached - causing Jacky to whip her head around before pinging off to each of her siblings mentally.

"You both look wonderful too, and... yes, 'Mora, that was a good hug - thank you."

She hung to the back during the ensuing conversation, the reddening only becoming more prevalent on Jacky's cheeks as she was further complimented and then subsequently protected by Tal - she appreciated that more than words could possibly elucidate. Despite not quite knowing how this well-dressed man could tell Armora apart from the rest it did feel nice that for once she wasn't being singled out - though Jacky did inch forward a bit to rest a reassuring hand on the other Jane's hip before speaking, regardless of how much Armora told everyone it wouldn't happen again it had happened once and that was bad enough.

"...and I am Jacky~ It's nice to meet you outside of a gunfight, Mister Mulder," the words were as meek as ever though not quite as worried, mostly due to the fact her hair had been touched up to better hide her more unique pigmentation but Jacky did seem a little less anxious than usual.


"And usually people don't want to hold a conversation with me," Ashley spoke rather bluntly as she flicked the lighter on once more, highlighting the roman numerals scarred across one cheek and hints of more damaged flesh around her neck before this woman, whose voice seemed almost devoid of all emotion, cast her gaze back over towards the crowd and flicked the flame away.

"I'm making sure none of the horny bastards around here try to mess with my sister."


"Well I'm sure one or both will be around here shortly, and I'm glad everyone seems to be enjoying themselves," David spoke back to Nora before giving Neera an apologetic squeeze with his arms and then moving around to stand beside her with a warm smile, indicating toward the recently given item as he explained what it was.

"Given your love for Yamataian entertainment I thought why not get something to store that which also looked nice? so it's a media player that'll look even better around your pretty little neck," the Geshrin finished explaining as a message popped up on his Geist, it was scanned and then read before David compiled a message of his own and sent it back.

"No worries, I'll do what I can, Sir."

A simple message would have been too easily ignored by the pink-haired recluse so instead the surprisingly tech-savvy recon specialist opened up a terminal on his Geist's interface and began hunting. A few basic queries including a tracert command and he followed back Haisley's most recent fast food order to her system - of course the girl had changed her IP yet again since his last virtual prod, she wasn't dumb but the weaker point seemed to be back at the aforementioned store so that was his in rather than spending time brute forcing her system, credit where credit was due she did have a good setup.

"Delivery Status: Guess who? Lord-Director-Admiral-Commander Pine requests your physical presence, and I'd suggest not skipping this time," the notification on every one of the Nepleslian catgirl's many monitors read, if she tried to just hide it then another would appear to take its place - granted this wasn't quite the same level of work David had been doing in his SAINT days but it was a nice little exercise of his implant, the full process taking only a few seconds to complete itself.


"Oh pfffttt don't worry your armoured noggin about it, I found some other Nepleslians to talk crap to so it wasn't all bad," Heather mused after having closed the distance between them, taking a decent gulp from the beer in one hand before offering Whisper a warm smile and an elbow in the side. "Everything is fine with you I hope then, hm?" the blonde woman queried him.
The Den

When her screen was taken over quite rudely Haisely let out a sigh of frustration, she already knew who it was but decided there was no harm in trying to make it go away, rolling her eyes when more messages reappeared in their place. Taking time to actually read it she wondered why he was choosing now of all times to summon her, and why he didn't do it himself. For a moment the young Goenkof considered just switching off her system and going to bed, god knows she needed it, surely it couldn't be that serious.

Deciding to humour her least favourite person she just shot him back another message, "Why"