Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Bloody Claws Second Period - A Trip through Adversity

Kit'suki grimced for a second. It wasn't all that good sounding at all. He hated he had not been able to outdule the councle member but at least he held the fight until the ending alert. If only hthere had been better teamwork with some of the other members. They could have overwhemed the oppnet and many rushed the second man inside. Still right now all he knew as they needed to head to the center of town so he walked with the Class president
Ra'cel didn't like sounds of another buzzer that went off shortly after the exercise buzzer. She knew something was wrong and was soon confirmed when the announcement to gather in the center of the 'village'. She spotted the VP she had 'killed and approached him, holding out to him his personal belonging she had confiscated off his 'dead' body.

She walked next to the VP as they made their way to the gathering. She in high spirits and him also as his team had won the sortie.
Bu'lla growled from looking around for the referee to beat them up and padded over to the rest of the class, yawning boredly and working his shoulders free of any kinks from colliding with that window.

"Ten more seconds and I've have beaten three of them up. So, I hear the rest of you guys got your butts kicked apart from my section?" He asked, trying to make it sound idle but failing to completely cover the gloating.
Ra'chel couldn't help herself when she overheard Bu'lla. "I got the only confirmed 'kill' for our group." Tilting her head towards the other classman she was with. Giving Bu'lla a cheeky smile.
Bu'lla scratched an ear idly. "You are my section. Of course you did." He replied easily. "With my leadership, even non-laibe can be effective."
Ra'chel yipped her laughter as she scampered over to Bu'lla as he had a response for everything. She gave him a hug and then let him go as she moved off again to other matters
When everyone was assembled in the village's square, the referee - a Laibe who looked to be in mid to late 80's due to his graying coat of fur; looked about the assembled students. "You all did a good job, but the win today goes to the student council," he gestued to the assembled students from the council. "For the Bloody Claws class, you did a decent job considering this was your first foray in a long time, but you all need to learn to work together as a team and not scamper off alone thinking you can do better by yourself," the referee eyed those in the class whom had indeed abandoned the main part of the class - and in turn - had been taken out very quickly.

"This was only a skirmish, a practice round, there will be many more like it in the season's to come; but you all did a good job regardless of the outcome of the match," the Ref then turned toward Aka'. "Aka'ashe'na Suha'laisne," he spoke - the usage of her full name caused Aka' to stiffen. "I'll be the referee for all skirmishes and live matches that involve your class, I expect your classmates to do better in the future, if they are unwilling to work as a team then you may send them to me," the man eyed a few of those who had been taken out, but then a smile appeared on his face. "Now, as this match is over, you may return to school now, remember to review the recording of this match and learn from your mistakes because each-" he looked at Bu'lla, Ra'chel, Kit'suki, Cy'jiro, Vin'cent, and the others. "-of your made mistakes that you need to fix, this may not be a real war and just a game to be played, but that doesn't you don't learn from the mistakes you make."

Aka' sighed in relief, she was afraid that the man would grill or otherwise scold her to death - as what used to happen a few years back. The Referee stood there for awhile, looking the two groups of students over before he turned around and left, but only going so far as a holographic stand that had food on it.

"Shall I treat you all to dinner?" Zuu'cha Via'iue, the student council president, said suddenly as she approuched the group.
Kit'suki arrived for the debriefing. The ref himself didn't seem to disappointed, or at least not to the degree he though he would have. The Calss was dismissed and they were invited to dinner by the Student council president. "I'd love to join." he said hoping others would taking him up on the offer. He turned to Aka though. "Um... I'm sorry I wasn't a better swordsman or we could have had one or two more kills." he said. He knew that there was far more wrong than his own performance and that he had even had teammates that either didn't fight or didn't push any advantages they had. Still he felt he should apologize to her for his short comings as she seemed to really want to lead this class to a better place as far as these games were concerned
Bu'lla's eyes widened and he looked about nervously as he was hugged by a girl before she scampered off. Carefully he brushed his fur off a little without trying to appear too rude and then joined the rest of the class staring up at the coach.

At the mention of non-cooperative players being sent to Coach after matches, Bu'lla's eyes narrowed eyes and his ears bent back angrily, as the debrief ended he pointed at his eyes and then pointed at Coach and mouthed the words "Tonight. You." before immediately ear perking at the mention of free dinner.

A red blur zipped its way through the crowd and Bu'lla appeared confidently standing in front of the student council president with his arms crossed. "I would love a free dinner!" he declared loudly.
Cy'jiro gathered around with everyone else and listened to the referee's words. He was not going to disagree with the ref either, he knew he was right in this, he'd actually be more surprised if he could find something he did well after reviewing the tapes. However the mention of this being a reoccurring thing made him realize, eventually Ha'lei would see him perform in battle, and he was not okay with her seeing him act so pathetically, he would have to shape up.

He was quickly pulled out of his thoughts when the mention of dinner was made "I have to go make dinner for my little sister, she can't cook yet, and she gets really rash when she's hungry."
Ra'chel took things in stride. It was the same with any new group that teamwork was always non existence. Those that did show some teamwork, naturally gravitated towards those that they thought would work well together in a thrown together situation.

She nodded her acceptance as the Council VIP who she had killed came up to her. "Excuse me, Miss. Can I be your escort for the dinner?"

Ra'chel gave the Student Council VIP a soft smile, "I'd love to. Let me get cleaned up first." She then scampered off to get cleaned up once dismissed.
"Excelent, we'll take ya to our favorite restruant. You might like it," Zuu'cha winked at those who were going to join them, when she Cy'jiro the council president folded her arms over her chest in thought. "Why not have her join us?"

Aka' shook her head and then flashed a quick smile at Kit'suki. "Eheh... it was a bit of a stretch for us to beat the council anyway. But maybe in the future we can ask for a rematch, and kick some booty," she gave her fellow classmate a thumbs up.
"I don't need a rematch. I 'killed' one of them." Ra'chel called over her shoulder at Aka. "Unless.." Looking pointedly at her escort for dinner with the Student Council as she headed for the lockers. Still feeling good from her successes.
Kit'suki smiled. He was Glad Aka hadn't seemed to have taken this too hard. Still he could take somthing from this. He was on a team now. And while his own medical studies were important he was egar to improve his swordsmanship and his marksmanshi as well. He egarly fallowed along with the group to get the dinner offered by the Student Councle member and perhaps he could talk with and get to know his team better outside of Aka who had really been the only person he had spoken to thus far. He was a bit worried though about Bull'a For now though he could try getting along with the others at the least
Cy'jiro was a bit surprised at Zee'cha's words. "I wouldn't mind bringing her myself, but she's only five will that be okay with you?" He wasn't confident that Ha'lei could behave herself in a way that wouldn't offend them, after all she barely stayed in line when it was fellow classmates, those in a position like the council might not be as accepting, Cy'jiro feared. "She's a really nice kid but a little loud."
Zee'cha thought for a moment. "Ahh I see, her being loud shouldn't be too much of an issue, but if you feel her behavior could be a problem then I can understand," the councilmen said and crained his head to see what the others were doing. There was a distant 'boom' and a holographic display appeared showing that a storm had ventured over the city, a large electrical storm at that, which was starting to dump large amounts of rain on the western portion of the city - a good thirty minute or so drive from where they were at right now. The display also showed that the space elevator was shut down, as a preventive measure in the event anything happened.
Ra'chel rejoined the rest of the group and her escort to the Councilmembers diner. She jumped startled at the distant boom of thunder. she looked around with her ears wilted a little in embarrassment. She waited for the others to finish getting ready.
Kit'suki was ready to go with everyone one else. A nice Dinner with his new teameates would be perfect. He looking dorward to discussing the sport with them. He wished to the see the team become much stronger, more skilled, including himself in that matter.

A boom from far off and the appearance of a storm warning made his ears droop a bit. He hoped this would not harm the plans of the teams to eat together.
"Excellent." Bu'lla said, reaching to his shoulder and digging his claws into the tight bodysuit he was wearing.

For a second it looked like he was trying to dislocate his own shoulder, when suddenly the material ripped and split open, Bu'lla pulling off the rest of the suit in a single pull. Glorious red fur sprung up to proper fluffiness. Fortunately for everyone, he had the quintessential laibe loincloth on underneath, keeping everything PG-13.

"I am now ready for dinner." He said simply, looking up at the weather forecast and then down with disinterest.
Cy'jiro nodded with a smile when he was told he could bring Ha'lei, she liked meeting new people and since the student council didn't mind it was all good. The sound of thunder in the distance made things a bit more pressing however, Ha'lei was always unnerved by thunder, and being in a new place all by herself would probably make her cry if there was a storm going on. "I will go get her then, before the storm gets to her class." He gave a nod to the others and started to walk off to go pick up his sister.