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RP: Bloody Claws Second Period - A Trip through Adversity

Cy'jiro watched the tactics used in the engagement rather intently, wanting to absorb everything he could. When there was a break in the action for a moment after the friendly fire he turned his attention to Aka'. "We will be participating in Aa'sha'fame correct? Will we be doing vehicular combat as well or just infantry?"
Kaui was exceptionally focused on the match... that was until she heard Bu'lla which caused her to pause... look up... pause again... look back down and then turn to look at Bu'lla with an almost blank expression which as what he said registered in her mind... slowly turned into a nervous look. "What?" Her ears perk a bit before she eye'd away. "Well..." She actually seemed to be considering this, which was odd, considering how she consistently acted towards Bu'lla and his escapades. She decided to grow a pair rather quickly and shrugs. "Yeah sure, why not." She played it off cooly.
Vin'cent wasn't particularly focused on the match himself, so Bull'a's offer surprised him enough to look to the side with a confused expression. "Well that was... Straight-forward. If you want I cou-." The noble had been about to ask Bull'a if he would like a paraphrased versions of the courting lessons he received as a kit, but was completely flabbergasted by Kaui's acceptance of the proposal. Needless to say, he was speechless. "B- wh- how?" He stammered with even more of a perplexed look on his face. He shook his head and adopted a more serious looking one at the mention of the school-group's participation in this event. "I vehemently refuse to take part in this... Game. In any shape or form."
Bu'lla blinked in reply, clearly not getting the answer he expected. Then an ear twitched and he stepped stepped towards her once more, clearly ready to see this to the end.

"Quiet down, nerd." Bu'lla growled dismissively at Vin'cent. Otherwise ignoring the smaller Laibe.

Bu'lla slowly turned to Kaui and gently took her ebony paw in two his his red, holding it tenderly up between them. His deep blue eyes stared intently into her rich gold ones. Slowly, ponderously moving towards her.


It was filled with such teenage awkwardness to make anyone watching cringe and look away out of guilt.
Kaui's ears shift back in nervousness when Bu'lla grabbed her paw and held onto it with his hands. Her golden eyes looking at the sign of affection for a moment before looking back into his blue eyes and watched, almost breathlessly, the Ebony Laibe had many things running through her mind... Why am I doing this... Am I about to have my first romantic experience?! Am I making the right choice... Well he is kinda hot.... is he going to want to date after making out? Does he even like me like that? I mean I've been a pain in the ass.... But he's so hot though... She wound up biting her lip lightly as her tail begins to shift left and right. "...Bu'lla..~" Was all she managed to say with so much mental work going on.
Bu'lla's red paws slowly placed Kaui's black against his own chest as he moved closer to her at what to everyone else would be a glacial pace. Eyes staring intently into each others, perhaps even sparkling. The scene was set right out there in public for the two blooming lovebirds and their awkward teenage fumbling.


What had started as a game had very quickly turned into battle of wills into a battle of willpower.
Ra'chel watched Bulla and Kaui discretely as they was more entertaining than the battle being displayed. She sighed softly a she sat there. She stood up and grabbed her pack off the ground and wandered off, looking at the other displays that caught her interest.
Kit'suki was in a hurry. This was supposed to be his first day in the new class he had been moved to, but due to a mixup he only just found out that they were on a trip. He got out of the car and hurried trying to find the group in question that he was supposed to join. He already had all the paperwork he was supposed to turn in for this transfer. He spotted a group about his age hurrying over to them. E-Excuse me!" he called out slightly out of breath from running around all over. "I-I'm looking for.." He paused to red the name on the sheet he had been given. "Suha'laisne, Aka'ashena" he said. He hoped he had found the right group.
Aka' tapped her chin at Cy'jiro's question and then looked at him with a rather mischevious smile. "You'll find out," she turned back toward the display, leaning up against it even more with one of her legs bent upward toward her back, she was about to relax when her ears flickered slightly at the sound of her name. It wasn't exactly normal for someone to use her full-name, and usually when they did it meant she was in trouble, which is why a cold shiver ran down her back - causing her to look around for the source of the name calling.

"Someone call me?" she asked herself, pushed off the rails, and clasped her hands behind her back as she walked around to see whom had called her.


On holographic display, things seemed to have become chaotic once more, as tanks fired upon one another in a series of rapid engagements; some even played at 'jousting', rushing toward one another and firing - only to either miss or make a grazing shot across the armour of the opposing tanks. Duar'wyn had lost a good amount of its light tanks, but not before disabling a few of Yuki'tee's medium's in the process, both sides were now down to just their command tank and a handful of surviving lights and mediums, Daur'wyn still had another tank though that hadn't yet appeared on the battlefield but then again so had Yukitee which had two of their tanks hiding out; and for all three, none of were being shown on the displays.
Kit'suki stopped only for a moment to look at the firing of tanks going back and forth. He wondered what it was like to be in one of those types of games. He then turned his attention around as it seemed he had found the person he was sent to report to. "U-Um that would be me." he said a bit nervous being in a new class like this. "I'm Limr'vaid Kit'suki." he said trying to be as polite as he could introducing himself. " was told to inform you that I'm joining the class. I'm pleased to meet you Shu'sha ." he said having been informed at least to his knowlage that she was the head of the class.
Cy'jiro paused at Aka' for a moment then watched the display once more, her response reminded him of his mother's when he would ask if there was something for dinner that he did not exactly enjoy. So he figured it was likely that they would be engaging in combat like such. While this was a bit in his favor since his body was not well trained like a member of the youth corps it meant he needed to learn how such warfare was handled.

When he noticed Aka' speak up and walk away, the powder blue My'leke glanced over, watching as the class representative was speaking to what looked like a new student, and a Daur at that. While Cy was not the kind to hate without reason, but Laibe had a tendency to, the ones already in class were reasonable at least, but he wasn't sure about any new ones so he much preferred to see a Daur joining the class.
Aka' smiled at Kit'suki. "Pleased to meet ya," she bowed curteously to the Kit before she heard the sound of some people grumbling and disappointed, Aka'a turned to find that the display had gone out, the holographic images were silent and there was nothing there anymore except for a vacant area. "Aww," the Kit sighed and placed a hand on her hip; a technician was quick to come over to check the system, and then looked up at the crowd.

"Not on our end, must be a problem on their's," he announced but still went to check all of the connections.

Aka' sighed once more, her arms slumping down over her chest and her head hung low. "I guess we'll have to wait until later to see the ending, darn to, I wanted to watch and see who won!" the girl complained and then looked back at Kit'suki with a cat-like smile.
Kit'suki smiled. "I'm glad to be part of the class..." He wanted to continue the conversation further perhpas know the class better, but there was a groan and he could see the game's brodcast failed to keep going much to disappointment of everyone. Aka' herself seeming one of those most disappointed but also oddly energetic about the sport it's self.

"So.. you into sports then?" he asked her, his ears up and forward. "What kind of match were they having? I love watching reenactments of old battles." he said.
Ra'chel moved between the displays. She hoped the Duar'wyn side had won. At least it would put the Youth Corp Hotheads in their place. She glanced over at the main display and noticed it was silent and off. She moved back to the group she was with.
Kaui kept the game going, she leaned forward to get closer to the male as her eyes watched his. She was intent on seeing this through, she wanted to see if he had the balls to kiss her or if he was just a pansy like every other male she met. However, soon her attention was drawn to another, the new guy who appeared. She blinked as her ears twitched and in the middle of moving forward, she turned her head to look towards Kit'suki, and study him real quick.
Bu'lla wasn't one to step back from a battle of wills and kept oncoming, far far too slowly for everyone around them probably. But as the new kit made his entrance, Bu'lla's head also turned to the new arrival.

With a soft "donk" sound the sides of the two laibe heads collided cutely, causing Bu'lla to blink in one eye and his ears to fold down.
"I do! Any sport really!" Aka' smiled. "But I enjoy this one more, its more unpredictable." She stared at the display once more, sighed, and stretched her arms out wide and let looose a light yawn before clasping her hands behind her neck.

"Alright!" the classes homeroom teacher suddenly shoutted, causing Aka' to jump due to not expecting it. "Please return to the bus," the teacher said, their eyes moving between the Bloody Claws students.
When the displays cut out Cy'jiro's attention was free to wander and see what had been going on around him. The kiss that had stopped because of the new student as well as other's returning to the group. Disappointingly the class was being told to return to the bus as well, there was still plenty they could learn, but the class' attention was starting to wander. Before heading back his natural instinct was to look around for Ha'lei but she was not there, and there was a moment where panic could be seen on his face, but he soon realized he had not brought her along and let out a sigh of relief as he started to walk. "I guess I'll just have to look things up on my own..."
Ra'chel was glad to return to the bus, which probably meant a return to the house. She took her usual seat near the front and settled back in the seat. She pulled out her electronic notepad and began to take notes on what she remembered seeing and reading.
I prefer this one a well. It's the best in terms of training as well. At least in a in the field kind of way.." he said. He gave her a smile . "Hope they fix the reception soon. We might get to see the replays or something." he said. Sadly no such luck for them. There was a call for them to get on the bus. "Darn I just got here." he said with a sigh. "Oh well maybe next time. " he said. They began to get on the bus one at a time. "Mind if I sit next to you Aka?" he asked as she was the only one he had spoke to so far and since they both seemed to enjoy the same sport he was figured they would have something to talk about
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