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RP: Bloody Claws Second Period - A Trip through Adversity


Insane Story Writer Foxy
Inactive Member
Twenty days (two OOC weeks) later

A bus rolled quietly down the outskirts of section 12, an area of Ne'ushae that housed several of the cities schools - along with the one that the students onboard the bus were presently apart of. It had been a number of days since the start of the school year, and the students of the Bloody Claws class - a combined class of various grades both upper and lower were on a field trip through the city.

Onboard was the entirety of the Bloody Claws class along with two instructors, one of which was a Laibe whom was their home-room instructor who looked to be in their late fifties; their fur was still a bright brown - though they did have graying along the sides of their head. The other was the history instructor, a Daur who looked to be a bit younger, perhaps in their thirties or even early forties, this Daur however had the look of a professor and the clothing to match one.

Unlike before, when the students had boarded a bus that was automated; this one was being driven by the Laibe and was passing through an area of the town that was still under construction - with a large statue being built. Their history instructor leaned on a hand rail and stared at the statue before speaking up, "As some of you probably do not know, espically our younger students whom are here; this statue represents then Admiral Guy'seee Niee'sae, one of the few Laibe who fought for the Federation during the Great War, his actions along with those of others under his command allowed our ancestors to escape that war and to rebuild society."

There were a number of other, much smaller and even completed, statues that arrayed the larger one. "We'll be stopping here, each of the statues has a bit of history that goes along with it; read each placard and learn from it," he said as the bus rolled up to the front of the park and came to a stop.

Aka' relaxed a bit, stretching her arms outwide in front of her as she stood up from her seat and then turned to the rest of the class. "Since we are a small class," she started and looked across the seats at her fellow classmates. "We won't be broken up into groups, so lets all stay together; there is still construction going on so we best stay out of the way of hte workers."
Ra'chel pulled herself from her daydream of circuit boards and the latest program she was working on. She was still worried about her missing joint family sister, Kata. This was one of the reasons why she avoided joining the Youth Corps. You fell behind on your school work or sent off on some fur-brained mission that left behind worried family members about whether you would return or not. She really didn't care about the military aspect of history. Even though her grades were very good. History was her worse subject. She'd rather use the time to design better circuit boards and programming.

She just nodded to acknowledged Aka as she stifled a yawn. Already her mind was drifting back to circuit boards and the layout of a better computer system as she gathered her pack while making sure she left nothing behind in her seat.
Vin'cent watched the outside world zoom by as he listened to the instructors, admittedly with only one ear. He knew history quite well, but his knowledge of military history went only as far as school was concerned, as well as when C'ross felt it necessary to blab about it to him. Of course he remembered the Laibe admiral as well as many of the other men and women being depicted through these statues, but he was sure that his brother could name every one of them, even those not finished, and specify their life, exploits, and awards. He was at the front of the bus, which may have compromised his half-hearted attempted to pay attention to the instructor speaking. However, when Aka' spoke, he felt it necessary to acknowledge what she was saying. "Yes, madame president. I'll try not to wonder off."

Shouldn't be too hard, he wasn't worryingly enamored by war or those who fought it like his brother. Speaking of his brother, Vin'cent hadn't heard from him for a while. His last contact with his sibling was after C'ross left. He had sent a brusque and professional message structured like a report stating he had made it to his ship, of which he didn't specify the name or location. His father had been proud, of course, when the Youth Corps boy also stated that his message didn't have to be censored at all. He had never looked like that when Vin'cent brought back awards and scholarships for his intellectual pursuits. He was proud of that as well, of course, but not quite so much as he was when C'ross was shipped off. "That's alright. A species' destroyers are remembered rather than it's benefactors. I don't hold it against him." Vin'cent looked at his seat-mate, who happened to be Ra'chel. He noticed her stifle a yawn, noticeable by muscle movements around the mouth. (Creepy, I know, but he's entirely innocent.) "Would you rather be doing something else as well?" He asked quietly.
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Ra'chel nodded, unsure how to respond. It was a mixed feelings that churned inside her. But it was obvious that she hated violence, but didn't want to come off as being weak either. "Yeah." Just as softly back to Vin'cent. "Designing circuit boards for faster processing while using superconducting metals, silicon and ceramics for protection against heat meltdown with its own integrated cooling system. Using the latest micro-technology to make the circuit board even smaller to build better and smaller computers."

It was obvious she was either trying make him lose interest in her or seeing if he had more intelligence than he looked. But then she did the same thing with carrying her swords to make her look more menacing than she was. ~~oh what charades we play to win approval or to be left alone ~~ She thought watching him.
Cy'jiro was not accompanied by Ha'lei today which was something quite rare, but she had her own classes to handle so the Bloody Claws class would have to do without their injection of unadulterated cuteness for the day. This meant Cy'jiro could relax a bit now that he didn't have to watch out to make sure she was safe. He chose to pay attention to the lecture, his grades weren't good enough that he could afford to ignore information.

When Aka stood up to speak to everyone he simply listened and nodded. "Since the statues aren't finish I suppose they don't have any commemorative items available?" He stretched while still on his seat and then stood up ready to go look at the monuments as he tried to recall what he already knew about each figure he could distinguish.
"Hrm, subject testing researcher, interesting. Add to personal file." Vin'cent's eyes lit up as he recognized the game Ra'chel was playing with him. "Ah, that does sound very effective, any company wishing to hire you will have found quite a boon." He smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry, I only have a general knowledge of such matters." Oh, forget him, he's just being modest. "My specialty is more psychological and medical rather than mechanical." The smile evolved from apologetic to energetic, as the Ui'ishen began to become animated in his submission to the conversation. "For example, I can tell that due to our unfamiliarity with each other, you're following the tried-and-proven social tactic in which you determine whether or not we have enough in common that you would be willing to associate yourself with me. Oh, but that's obvious. Very well, another example then. Your lack of attachment to many members of the Bloody Claws class would suggest that you've lost people important to you. Likely caused by the attack on the ship you were using to come here, perhaps? It would explain your obvious discomfort with the very sight of the thing. Or perhaps even before that?" The humble writer would like to point out that Vin'cent isn't trying to rub Ra'chel's nose in his intellect, but more rather to meet her standard of intelligence so that they can be friends. He's got a funny way of making friends, I know. But he obviously doesn't know better, judging from the happy look on his face, ears pointing up and forward, and the fluffed up tip of his tail.
Rachel expression froze as he mentioned the ship and her loss of someone close to her. Was she that easily read? But then he did present himself with an intelligence that lacked in most of her age range. She recovered quickly, relaxing her stance and posture to show she had accepted him on his own merits and chosen field of expertise. She looked down as she spoke, her voice carrying as far as him.

"Lost both parents and a Joint Father, then my Joint Sister who never came back from one of her Youth Corp Outtings, several months ago. Then on the way here the Passenger liner gotten attacked by Raiders." She played with the straps of her bright pink pack. "I ..huh... kinda lost it for a few moments."

She looked up at him, "now you know my sad tale." She looked at him apologetic. "I'm sorry for unloading on you like this. But I got enrolled in this school." She smiled once more, perking up. "I'm Ra'chel Bush'tail of the Bush'tail Dojo of Swords."
Vin'cent suddenly looked far more his age when Ra'chel told her story. His face showed more worry and his eyes shined from the tears starting to build up. "Oh! I- I'm sorry, I didn't mean to- Uh, I didn't mean to make you feel bad! Please don't cry..." That request was immediately followed by a sniffle before the little guy pulled himself together. "Got'tis don't cry, Vin'cent." C'ross's condescending voice echoed through the kit's memories. He wiped his eyes quickly and showed off a twitching but sympathetic smile. "I'm really sorry about your losses. I didn't mean to make you feel bad." His face showed surprise at the name of the Dojo. "Really? My father trained there after he graduated into the Officer Corps. He says that the master of the Dojo taught him some moves that saved his life!" His face became slightly more morose immediately after the statement. "He said he wanted to repay the supposed debt. That would explain why he gets so serious when he trains." Vin'cent suddenly realized he was rambling. "Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be talking about this sort of thing if it discomforts you. Um, have you ever practiced in your family's Dojo?"
She shrugged off Vin'cent's apology. "It happened and I gotta deal with the after effects. I definitely will not fly again! I'll walk next time if I have to!" With fierce determination. "If we're meant to fly. We'd been given wings!"

"Me and Kata were taught the way of the swords when we was growing up. We could access it anytime after the classes were done for the day to practice if we chose to." Ra'chel spoke softly. "And of course when we had sword classes. Daddy snuck me in with the rest of the Youth Corp Youths."
"Ah, my father tried to teach me some sword techniques, but I must confess that I am rather... Sub-par in the application of those techniques." Vin'cent rubbed the back of his head with a sheepish expression on his face. "I can defend myself from the common rogue in the gutter with a pocket knife, of course, but anything more than that? Well, I hope you can dispatch them for me. Else wise, I fear I would be in clear and present danger." No illusions there. Poor guy can't fight very well. He's all brain, no brawn, you understand. "Maybe one day you could help me out with that? I feel that sometimes my father would like to do more, but he respected my wishes on the subject of my pursuits." He shrugged. "Ah well. So, what do you think of the school and class so far?"
Bu'lla exited the bus normally. Through the door. He yawned widely at the display of statues, not that he didn't appreciate a good hero of the superior race, but coffee would be nice too. As he absent-mindedly chewed the air and read a placard with one ear cocked. He glanced over at the two talking.

"Oh well. Guess who's going to get the best grades for this homework, then." He thought to himself as he committed enough of the placard to memory to pass without having to dwell on it any longer than necessary.
Ra'chel looked Vin'cent over with a careful eye, "Probaly you need a lighter sword." Then she grew thoughtful as she walked with Vin'cent. Not bothering with reading the placards for each statue, rather skimming over them. "I find the school set up quite unique. Most classes were all pretty much the same age as I was in my previous school."

She was enjoying the fresh air and the gentle breeze more than paying attention to the Instructor. What she seen on the placards was something she could easily read in the history books.
Aka'ashe'na walked off and stretched her arms as she peered up at the night sky, the stars above them sparkled and made her smile with delight; if her people had been a daylight walking species they'd be unable to see his beauty. "So pretty..." the young girl muttered and then looked at her classmates, before clasping her hands behind her back and walking up to one of the placards. This particular placard was about a My'leke, she peered at the placard.

"Yuu'she Vuina'se, the first My'leke to fall in the Great War, was responsible for holding off two hundred enemy soldiers and allowed for the evacuation of several thousand people from their home city of Guy'asyeh."

The girls attention was taken when she heard a sound and looked up, glancing toward what appeared to be a large holographic display located several feet from the main one. "Hey, lets check that out!" she shouted to her classmates, a few of which began to make their way toward the display.
"Do you think that's it? Well, I suppose I'll try to find something along those lines when I get the chance." Vin'cent responded to the suggestion. It was a good idea to be sure. But grades first, new sword later. He looked over at Aka' as she read off a placard about a My'leke who gave his life to hold off two hundred enemy soldiers to cover the escape of the inhabitants of a city. "Despite the blatant exaggerations, I can see why one might admire people like these." He conceded as the class president approached some sort of holographic display. "That looks interesting. Let's take a look." He suggested to Ra'chel as the young noble walked towards the display, stopping a fair distance to observe the crowd's reactions. He crossed his arms as he waited for the display to come to life.
Aka' got as close as she could to the display, a ring of guard-rails stopped her though from getting right up to it. A holographic picture appeared in the center of the display showing a sword with an arrow straight through. This image rotated slowly around before it faded away to show a large green field, it was a rather recognizable one known as the Hi'haca Plains that was located ten kilometers from the Kingdom's capital.

Bolded, and underlined, text flashed across the screen: Battle of Quy'ee - Skirmish.

"Ooooh! Aa'sha'fame!" someone in the crowd shouted.

Aka''s eyes glittered as she watched, there were two teams that were being shown - each one had a name of a school that they were presenting, with one being from a primary school while the other from an academy. Each side had an assortment of tanks, although there was a distinct lack of any infantry.

More people began to gather, including some who had just been outside of the memorial or walking across the street - hurried across to see the action that was about to unfold.
Cicero was in the middle of reading a plaque of a statue when he heard Aa'sha'fame being shouted and decided to go check it out. When he got there he stood at the back of the crowed and watched.
Cy'jiro had read over the placard about Yuu'she Vuina'se, as a My'leke himself it was something he committed to memory the last thing he wanted to do was to get My'leke history wrong after all. Granted history was prone to exaggeration, but that didn't matter much, what mattered was the information that was claimed to be true, whether it was or wasn't.

The holographic image was much more interesting to him however and he followed his class over, taking a look. It turned out it was an Aa'sha'fame match, so it was definently worth watching, as his class would likely participate in some. "Hmm there's no this a non infantry match?"
~~Kata would love to see this~~ Ra'chel thought as she recognized both of the names of the two battling schools. One was her school mates being honored to perform the historical battle and the Academy where Kata had attended and set up a big howl when she wasn't picked to participate. She could recite, at least Kata point of view, how the battle should've turned out. But each side had a role to play. If it was a Free for All Competition, letting appointed commanders use their own tactics, the battle would've turned out much differently with the Academy literally wiping out the School's team. Even the holographic terrain was wrong. But then you wouldn't see the each sides tanks maneuvering due to the actual terrain and vegetation.

She softly rattled off each of the types of tanks and their stats from memory do to Kata's interest in all military equipment she could fly, drive, hover, or float.
"I suppose I should've seen this coming." Vin'cent thought with an agitated expression on his face. He hated this crap, having propaganda shoved down his throat in the hopes that he'd give the government or the Navy something useful out of the foolish patriotism that costed them their holdings in the first place. He understood the need for an armed force to defend a nation, but it was quite ridiculous to involve the youth of said nation in the machinations of warfare. He heard Ra'chel whispering tid-bits of information about the tanks. He looked at her from the corner of his eyes. "My brother used to do that. He didn't sound excited, but then he's always trying to pull some 'stoic veteran' nonsense, so I calculate he was rather happy to recite such things out loud." The young boy sounded like he was reading out of a textbook more so than fondly reminiscing over memories like that might have sounded, if Vin'cent was a bit more like C'ross than he was a pacifist.

"I wonder if that warmonger would've liked it here."
Vin'cent glanced at Bu'lla. "I wonder how they would get along?" That would've been a sight to see.