Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP: Bloody Claws Second Period - A Trip through Adversity

There was a noticable silence from some of the students when they saw Bu'lla rip his suit off, one of her perhaps surprise or just utter disbelief; the student council president couldn't help but facepalm and turned to the council's Treasurer. "Make a note to buy more suits please."

"Got it," the Treasurer said.

The Presidenet then gestured for the group to follow them. "Its a short walk from here, not far at all, so we'll just walk over there," the female Daur smiled and stuffed her hands into the pockets of her dress and started to make her way toward the exit. The area outside was windy, and the skies were darker than usual - naturally due to the storm, the high buildings did little to hide the flashes of lightning that reflected off the low cloud cover. The president pointed toward a building that was a few blocks from where the students were, "we are going there to eat, its on the top floor," she said.
Ra'chel and her escort took off, as her escort knew the way and the location. She didn't like the angry looking sky with it flashes of lightening off both the clouds and buildings and the now more pronounced rumbling thunder. She picked up her pace as she huddled down to less expose herself to the moist winds that were blowing and being channeled by the buildings.

Her escort kept pace with her as he was enjoying the freshness of the air that the wind brought with it. Blowing out the old to bring in the new. He moved in front of Ra'chel, being chivalrous in keeping majority of the wind off of her.

The few block they travelled, in reality took a few minutes, but to Ra'chel A lot longer as she followed her escort, holding onto his hand as a stronger gust of winds howled down the streets. Adding a menacing touch. A bad omens always came in three's. First was the ship. Second was losing badly to another class. She wondered what the third was going to be. Extraterrestrials swooping out of the skies to rain destruction upon them. It seamed nature was trying its best already.
The weather was geting worse that's for sure. He was glad though they could see the Building from where they were. Hopfully they would just miss the strom once inside. He would fallow the group glad that if they did get caught in the rai at least he had more clothing on the Bull'a.

Trying to fallowing the example of Ra'chel's escot he tried blocking some of the wind that was blowing from hitting the nearest girl. Likly to be Aka, due to proximity not to mention thei similar size
En Route to the Academy

Cy'jiro had quickly changed out of his combat attire and boarded a bus. He could've gotten there on foot, but he didn't want to take chances with the storm. The ride wasn't a long one however and he got off the bus and headed to the dorms for Ha'lei's class. After arriving and having a brief conversation with the teacher he made his way inside where he found Ha'lei with a planet wrapped around herself walking around.

Cy'jiro smiled seeing his sister and walked over. "Did you have fun in class today?"

Ha'lei immediatly clinged to her brother and nodded she was trying to look strong since she was around the other kits, but she just wanted to curl up.

Cy'jiro carefully lifted Ha'lei onto his back and chuckled. "We're going to go to eat at another restaurant with some friends, you wont be able to heat the thunder once we get there."

Ha'lei was happy to hear that, but she couldn't carry her blanket outside in the rain so she needed a solution. "My blanket..."

Cy'jiro paused and thought for a moment, not sure what to do at first but then he got an idea. He went and got a spare rain coat that was meant more for a Liabe than a Daur and draped it over Ha'lei like a cloak so it was secure. "Is that better?"

Ha'lei smiled widely and nodded as she clung to him. "Let's go."

Cy'jiro made his way out and back to the bus.
Bu'lla was strong, he feared no wind. He just happened to want to stick next to Kaui during the walk, too embarrassed to really say anything but enjoying the proximity. Occasionally he had to grab onto his loincloth to protect his modesty in the wing but was otherwise unaffected. Shaking his fur of any moisture that might have gotten on it when they went inside.
Upon arrival the student council president opened the door for the others. "Please head on in, get out of this weather. There is an elevator to take us to the top," Zuu'cha motioned toward an elevator located on the side of the main lobby. "Just take it up and wait for us there," she turned toward her vice president.

Yi'shi placed a hand on his hip and glanced toward the street "I'll wait out here for your fellow classmate," he said and made a motion of his hand to the president to get going.

Once inside Aka' shook her fur, it as a bit damp from the little bit of rain that had started to fall and she really didn't like damp fur - as it meant she'd have to take a shower when they got back to the class-housing. Aka' glanced about the lobby, it was quite tall - easily about three stories high just for it alone. "Woooooowwww...." she remarked with hands outward. "Why so tall?" she asked herself, placing a finger next to her chin in thought before shaking her head. "Doesn't matter," she trodded quickly over to the elevator and punched the button, there was a chime as it began to descend until it arrived on the floor, the door opening. "All in!" she said happily and jumped off to the side and beckoned with her hand for others to board.
Ra-chel and her escort boarded the elevator when it was their turn. With so many of them, they ended up in one of the back corners. She had stayed a lot dryer than the other due to the escorts thoughtfulness. Even though she was the one that 'killed' him in the games.

With her blocking the views of the others, he privately accessed her records and background that was on public access. Which was pretty much everything. He nodded as she was no Duar fluff ball. He kinda frowned on her brushes with the law in her hometown as she was growing up, but nothing to prevent her from being expelled from this prestigious academy and school. As he was curious why she always carried with two swords. Even though she kept them concealed and hard to get to.

Ra-chel was pressed up against him due the crowding of the elevator. She kept her expression neutral and hung onto the railing as the elevator rose up through the higher floors to the restaurant.
Kit'suki was just glad they got out of the storm before it hit it's worst. He whipped some of the water from his forehead and shook a bit trying to get collective pools off his clothing so he could be dried off faster this way. He looked about him. The place was massive. He wondered if perhaps this was one of those Skyline placed that he could see high up from. His attention only grabbed when he heard the call to get into the Elevator trying to squeeze in with the others. "So.. What kind of food dose this place serve?" he asked
The ride on the bus was quiet, at least it was supposed to be, but Ha'lei had learned a new song in class today and she felt that her brother had to hear it, so she sung the whole way. Fortunately those present on the bus were not bothered by the kit's attempts at singing, she wasn't the next hit child singer, but she was at least good enough that she sounded pleasant and that kept her from being a bother.

Once they arrived, Cy'jiro was the first to step out, and then Ha'lei hopped out onto his back and clung on. Despite his sister wanting him to run, Cy'jiro decided to take his time and just walk briskly towards the destination. On the bus trip he had used his phone to contact the others and get the location of where they were heading. Thanks to that he was able to arrive not long after the rest of the class, spotting Yi'shi by the door.

"Say hi Ha'lei" the My'leke spoke to his sister as they approached.

"Hi~" The young Daur kit spoke up in a cheery voice, her lips curled up into a smile.
Bu'lla shook off the damp on his fur violently, splattering the nearby wall. He entered the lift brushing his tail with a hand to extract moisture from it, he did not want to frizz up on a class date with the group he would one day definitely lead. Straightening his longer headstyle fur, he boarded the elevator and stood with his chest sucked in and shoulders tight to try and make room for others in the group.

He could have totally just crawled up the side of the building, he just didn't want to.

"I wonder if they have fish?" Bu'lla asked allowed, inadvertently reminding the rest of his classmates about the episode in the last restaurant they went to.
Ra'chel gave a soft yipping giggle at the reminder.

"What so funny?" Her escort asked Ra'chel in a whisper.

She softly explained what happened the last time the lass ate out together that involved fish. Soon both were laughing softly.

"You have an interesting mates, Ra'chel." He spoke to her as everyone shuffled to make room for the next person to crowd onto the elevator.
"Hello there," Yi'shi smiled and beckoned for the two to head inside, the rain was beginning to come down harder than before but the clouds did appear to be not moving very quickly, which meant that the thunder and lightning in the distance would take much longer to arrive.

In the elevator, Aka' yelped when she heard Bu'lla's statement and mentally facepalmed, it was an event she wouldn't soon forget - it apparently wasn't forgotten by the president either as Aka' saw the girls ears flatten slightly. "I don't suppose that was the time when you jumped out of the window... right?" Zuu'cha asked, eying the Kit suspicously.

Once everyone was in, the elevator doors closed and it began its trek up the shaft.
Kit'suki was not one for agreeing very often with Bulla but sea food would hit the spot right now. "If so I hope they have Sushi." he said before he began to hear sighs and groans fallowing. One of the students even mentioning someone jumping out a window. He looked around confused as the elevator started to close its doors. "Did.. something happen?" he asked. This was his first day in the class and there for had no clue what was being spoken about
Bu'lla stared boredly at the wall of the elevator, eyes turning lazily towards the student president. Red shoulders shifted into a shrug.

"I jump through a lot of windows. I don't remember there being a window that night." He replied.

Absolutely unrepentant. In fact, it was like Bu'lla didn't understand anything was wrong with such antics.
Ra'chel softly laughed as she leaned up against her escort/date for the meal. "Long story short. It happened at another restaurant, but much closer to the ground and involved 'choosing' your meal from an under the floor aquarium." Ra'chel responded to Kit'suki question. "He left before getting a bite from it after successfully sending it to the kitchen via airmail."
Cy'jirp gave a nod to Yi'shi as they stepped in. "Sorry that it took so long, had to go back to the academy to get her." He sat Ha'lei down so that her coat could be taken to be hung up.

The youn Daur though did not let go of the My'leke with more than one hand at a time though so it make taking the coat a bit difficult but with some work it came off, Ha'lei quickly reattaching herself to Cy'jiro after.

The pair made their way over to the rest, following Yi'shi, the My'leke giving everyone a respectful nod. Ha'lei however looked excited, like she was at an amusement part, at least that was until she saw Bu'lla. At that point she puffed up her cheeks and stuck her chest out trying to look tough.
Bu'lla stared boredly out of the elevator once more, having lost interest in the conversation, since it was about none of his deeds worth recording. Even as Cy'jiro and Ha'lei stepped in to took him a few seconds to loll his head back around and see what the young daur was doing.

He immediately retaliated by puffing his own cheeks out and stood on his toes to give himself a few extra inches of height with which to lean over at the small daur. Looking like a beansprout to everyone else with his arms tucked against his sides and forced to lean around a few other people to hover over Ha'lei as much as he could.
"I... see.." Kit'suki said as the mention of the short version involving Bu'lla jumping out a window. It must have been somthing easier understood if he was there. But anyways given how high they were he was sure Bu'lla would not do the same thing again.

Soon Cy'jiro returned and with his little sister intow. She had seemed so excited until suddenly she puffed and Bu'lla and Bu'lla oddly tried to one up it for some reason. "Hey Cy'jiro," He said to the My'leke. "Why don;t you two come over here? There are a few open seat by me." he said. It would get them at least some what away from Bu'lla.
Ra'chel smiled at the interplay between Bu'lla and Ha'lei as she sat next to the one that escorted her here and being chivalrous. She relaxed back in her seat turning her attention to the Duar when he spoke. "What are your plans once you get settled?"

Ra'chel looked thoughtful, "I really don't know..." Her attention was drawn to the news of a special event taking back in her home town that was showing on the vids over in the bar area. She wished she could be over there as it showed some strange bipedal furless beings interacting with the Supreme Ruler of the Neshatens. "Excuse me!"

Excited as she jumped up and rushed to the bar to get a closer look at the news vid being displayed. "Bartender! Turn that up!" Pointing to the vid she had her attention focused on. She climbed up on the barstool and leaned against the bar. Ignoring the Older Duars and others of the mixed Neshaten races.
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The Restruant was a rather spacious one, which seemed rather commonplace for the Neshaten. There were tables that ringed around what looked like a dance floor - some people were actually dancing this very minute to a pleasant song being song by a young girl and her band that were up on a stage. The window's that allowed people to see out had been darkened to filter out the bright flashes of lightning that were occuring off in the distance, the windows were also rather sound-proof so no one would be able to hear any thunder if, or when, the storm got closer. It was, however, starting to rain - as droplets of water gently pelted the windows.

Aka' was about to take a seat with the others when she heard Ra'chel speak up and rush over to a bar - a place that none of them were really allowed to go to, at least she wasn't.

The Bartender looked at the Kit for a moment before looking toward the Vid. "Ahhh," he said and turned up the volume.

"This is a monumentous occasion. It had been rumored that there was other people out there, but until a few days ago, we didn't know whether this was true or not. Now, however, as this recording shows, that was indeed true. Our queen, Vas'Sumera, is seen here greeting a group of indivisuals from an empire called 'Yamatai'. We don't have much footage of what occured after the initial greeting, only that a duel between our leader, and the commander of the Yamataian Vessel, took place. Once we get ahold of that footage, we'll air it. For now, there is talk of what this now means for our people." the announce spoke both in a curious, but also, rather cautious tone.

Aka' watched and listened, leaning back in her chair. The only part of the footage that was obvious was the Queen and the aliens that she greeted, it wasn't easy to make out anyone else.

"Hey!" A Daur shouted. "There's Hu'kishe! Damn he's lucky to be there!" the daur said as they recognized one of the many Neshaten's shown in the video.