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an Experimental ship class. there will be two of the type, one with experimental Aether weapons, and one without. I have Wes' permission to use the Aether weapons. All the problems and shortcomings of the class are discussed within the article, and it has clearly stated weaknesses to counter its strengths.


Oh, and the two red links are the pages for the individual ships, which don't need to be created unless this class is approved. Thank you.

Also, civvie submission to go with this: https://stararmy.com/roleplay/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=5804
6 DR 5 weapons is a lot of damage. This ship is as powerful as SARP's best battleships. I don't see the aether shock arrays on the model. The Plumeria only has 1 array and it takes half the ship up.
The ship was intentionally designed to have more weapons than it can handle, while it can theoretically do 30 DR a turn with just its main weapons, any attempts to do so will leave the ship unpowered and unable to function, which I thought I had discussed in the 'about' section of the article.

Also, the ship uses Origin's Aetheric Beam Cannon arrays, not Aether shock arrays. These cannons are double-barreled affairs which are mounted two to a turret, so, those four barreled turrets are actually each a set of two ABC-arrays.

The purpose of this ship was, ICly, to study the limits of Aetheric weapons and generators, as well as to intentionally strain the systems in order to iron out bugs and develop strategies to recommend and allow others to more effectively use such weapons/systems in combat.
From the Serendipity page, "to test the effectiveness of Aetheric weaponry"

You say ICly ICly, to study the limits of Aetheric weapons and generators, but

Aetheric Weapons are a proven technology, and anyone who uses them finds them pretty darn effective.

And the Aetheric Beam Cannon Array was approved in YE 31, and we are at the close of YE32

So I find myself wondering what testing of Aetheric Weaponry really means here. There have been various ships and structures to carry as many if not more Aether Arrays.

And saying that the ship is going to run out of energy? (Very B5 Excaliburish)

From the wiki
meaning that one or two heavy volleys from the main cannons can leave the ship out of enough power to run for minutes at a time,

Despite the weapons being rated to fire twice a minute, any attempts to do so will only result in the ship shutting itself off

You do not provide enough details, Which makes too convenient to ignore. If you want this limitation it needs to be spelled out better. From your second entry one could construe it to say, okay you can't find the guns every thirty seconds. But nothing wrong with firing them once a minute for 30 SDR

Taking the slowest firing cycle for the Plumeria
Spread SDR 5 Once every 45 seconds

The Excalibur had it very clearly written. Firing this titanic weapon drains all the ship's power and the "Excalibur" is unable to maneuver, fire weapons or use long-range scanners for approximately one minute afterward.

And further you say this about the Main Weapons This limits the amount of targets the Serendipity can fire upon to three.

Not much of limitation when you consider it still has

OI-Z3C Space Missiles: 560, ADR 4 - No mention of where there are fired from, or how many can be fired at a time. I am presuming its not all 560 at once.
Heavy Laser turret 5, SDR 3 - No location as where they are indicated in the wiki.

For something that is supposed to be a test bed, its extremely over armed? Why does a test bed which technically would be taken from the ship yards out to a test range, run though various tests, then brought back to analyze the data need things like 24 Scimitars.

And hey, here is the solution to their problem, install bigger generators or take out some of the hundreds of missiles and the fighters and install a third generator. voila no more power problem.
what I meant by 'test the effectiveness' was to test tactics and try to find the most effective use of the weapons with what was available- it was purposely over-armed to give it the ability to find that balance between effective generator use and effective weapon use.

The reason it has so much internal storage for things such as fighters is because the class is also to be used as a mothership for other test projects, such as mecha, fighters, shuttles, and the like, with a large workshop giving them the ability to make changes out in the field without having to constantly ferry back and forth to Dawn station or the like.

As for testing the ship itself, it was designed with a lot of defensive armaments and the capability to field fighters in order to protect itself, because it was going to do field testing against actual mishhu.

I will try to be more specific about how much the ship can handle, but I was trying to make it more of an interesting read as opposed to a purely technical document- I'm a fiction author, not a technical engineer after all.

On the Heavy Laser Turrets- They are mobile and have no set place, so listing where they are would be inaccurate and superfluous at best.
I am vehemently against the stat tables because they limit creativity, and are also somewhat biased. I took great pains to make this class work the way it does- it's an experimental class with heavy drawbacks, not meant for actual production.

Also, I don't know how to use the stat tables. Never have needed them, and I refuse to learn on the grounds that they are needlessly complicated and that this is not a game based on numbers, but rather a roleplaying community based on writing ability.

This ship class is a GM tool, not a toy that normal players can get their hands on, it was made for a specific purpose, and tailored to fit that purpose, as opposed to following some arbitrary guidelines and then being forced into a role it no longer fits in.
Submission denied for failure to follow tech moderator directions
I don't understand why I should be forced to follow a set of rules I never agreed to?

The stat tables DO limit creativity, forcing everyone to have the same values for things, telling them how they can and cannot do things rather than allowing them to think for themselves. If you can give me a Good reason, and I mean good, to follow the stat tables, or why Nashoba wanted me to use them, then maybe I will try, but arbitrary rules that make things more confusing are something I will not follow, as it destroys creativity, which is what Roleplaying is all about.
I tried using the stat table thing. It doesn't really work, though, because it doesn't take into account such things as power generation, engine type, the shape of a craft, it's internal layout, etc.

In response to Nashoba, the Serendipity is about 28 points, I guess? It's not exactly clearly explained what the points are and why they are the way they are. As I said before, the stats template is difficult to use and does not have any real basis in the construction of a ship.
The stat tables is a tool to help people make more reasonable starships, and in this case GMs can clearly see that this ship has way too much stuff for its mass. I think it is kinda clear that the tech mods were thinking that, and the stat tables give them a way to quantify and standardize how much stuff is reasonable for any given ship.

There is even a walkthrough on the wiki for how to use the stat tables which clearly lays out how to use them.

Though what I’m really wondering is why you’re against the stat tables. It clearly isn’t any of the reasons you’ve brought forth about problems with the tables because as you’ve stated you ‘refuse to learn ‘ them.

As for the ship:

It has 20sp, so it uses the 20sp part of the table.

STL Speed is .25c which translates to 2.5 points,

CDD is 15,000c which is 2.5 points,

Hyperdrive is 0.7 ly/min which is 4.5 points,

Shields are 20, threshold 4 which is about 7 points (You aren’t supposed to have a higher threshold than 1/10 your ship’s shields. An easy to follow table is on the stat table pages which this ship ignores)

Weapons are a total of 45 SDR for 6.5 points.

And considering this carries as many shuttles, starfighters, power armors, and missiles as a carrier it is going to be between 8 and 9 points on utility alone not counting the extra utility you might need to bring for things like all this test equipment.

So the ship comes out to about 31 points. Origin has been around for less than 2 years (this is YE 32, it was created in YE 30) so it is considered a new faction. It gets 0.8x the ship’s total stat points for a total of 16.

So the ship clearly has an excessive amount of stuff on it for its size and would need to be much more massive (see: 40 sp) to accommodate all of the gear.
Sense the stat tables are based on the ship design team's experience.

Sense the design team is only Aerin Tatst of origin they would use Origin's level of experience with ship design. Sense no one from KFY is helping them design this they don't have access to KFY's level of experience in designing starships. Remember the age bonus doesn't just represent tech but also the skill and experience of how to put together a starship efficiently.
I think it's stupid that my ship isn't allowed to have its large hangar bay despite the fact that i've done all the math and I can fit all those things in there quite reasonably. I actually decreased the space from what it could have been and increased the size of the compartments surrounding the hangar to make it smaller.

And, what kind of carrier are you talking about? this has nowhere near the capacity of a carrier. Yes, it has somewhat greater capacity than other ships in its size class, but, the reason for this is because I actually use geometry when making my ship interiors rather than arbitrarily butting things in where they look good regardless of their size as some are wont to do. Everything placed in the ship (aside from the main weapons) is logically and easily supported by the ship's size, dimensions, and outputs.

The fact that I cannot use logical things such as Geometry to size how many things I can put in my ship is completely absurd.

Also, Doshii is correct, Origin is allied with Yamatai and considered a Yamataian corporation.

The weapons SDR count also does not work with the stat table simply because the ship cannot support the number of weapons placed on it- something I have done on purpose. Also, adding together ADR weapons to get SDR damage should not count either, so your count for weapons is incorrect.

The Shield has a higher threshold than usual because it is utilizing a special, experimental shielding system, which was pre-approved.
The stat tables do the math for you so all you have to do is a quick look up.

Basically there is so much stuff, you'd need a bigger hull to hold it all. Sense you have so much mass you need more powerful engines to push it at the same speed. Basically shape is irrelevant because in space it is all about mass.

And this ship has way to much mass for its SP. Doing the math it has almost exactly twice as much stuff as it should reasonably be able to carry.
How does having a Mostly hollow hull make the ship have too much mass?

The ship has 31 points of 'mass' in simplified table terms. It should at least be using the 30sp portion of the stat table which means a corresponding drop in speeds.

Remember size and mass are two separate things.
Considering this was put in "Rejected" status by Uso, and there's still discussion going on about it, I'm putting this back into the NTSE.

I'd like Nashoba to go over Kai's explanations and grant more guidance. That's not to say this ship can, or even should, be approved, but let's try to salvage this, not reject it less than two pages into discussion.
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