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Series 7 Multi-role frigate.

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Because I can't upload these to the site...

1. About the Series 7 Multi-role Frigate (Wazu7, Wazu7 S, Wakizashi7, Wakizashi7 S, and Kitsune SWAC variants)
The Series 7 Variable Mission Frigate was created as a basic design that can quickly be modified for various missions from exploration and warfare to space warning and control. The hulls share several things in common, including a passive stealth system and low visibility design as well as a variable reaction mass storage system and similar internal layouts among other things. The entire interior of the ship is studded with handrails and padded surfaces designed to be used both in Zero G and 1G environments

2. History and Background
The Series 7 multi-role frigate was designed to fill out the needs of a fleet from anti-starship duties to escort, command, scouting, and the like. The ship was also designed with resources in mind. Because of the lack of resource demanding equipment the ship can be built in creation engines with minimal need for specialized equipment. The low resource approach also makes the Series 7 a ship designed for export and sale to other nations, minus the networked battle fleet modifications.

3. Dimensions and Crew Compliment
Organizations Using This Vessel: NSA
Type: Multi-role
Class: Frigate

Crew: 5
Maximum Capacity: 25
Appearance: The series 7 is a diamond shape with an elongated front and fairly small horizontally. An indention in the back contains a variable reaction mass storage system that allows for additional fuel to be stored externally and the ship's escape pods as well as an emergency escape hatch. Below the ship is an exit hatch and ramp as well as landing skis stored under the skin of the ship. The front of the ship contains a rail gun underneath two retracting panels with both front re-load capability and a retractable panel on the other side covering a reloading system. Each variant has its own distinct variations on the main shape. The Wazu type variants have a weapon pod attached to the hull on the top, off to the right of the center of the hull and hard points on either side of the ship for missile racks. The Wakizashi has four cannons, two on top, two on bottom, all inside of a casing designed for maximum stealth. The S series ships have internal drive systems while the standard ships have four protruding angular extensions, two on either side of the ship extending backwards that support two rings that contain the particle accelerators for the drive system. The Kitsune SWAC holds a large disk above it that contains various sensor systems and a paradox sensor array mounted off the center towards the right on the top of the ship. Two forward facing panels cover the atmosphere scoop on the underside of the craft.

Length: 80m
Width: 25m
Height: 6m
Decks: 2
4. Performance Statistics
Speed (STL): 0.99c
Speed (FTL): 1000c
Speed (Aerial): mach 2
Speed (Water): 200km/h

Range (Distance):
Range (Support):
Lifespan: 10 years
Refit Cycle: ~1-2 years
5. Inside the Multi-role frigate
Armory: The ship's armory contains a weapons rack capable of holding all types of man portable weapons on either side of a hallway bounded on either end by thick sliding doors with foot and handholds on either side and on the door. While one door leads into the ship the other opens into a small circular room with an adjustable rack system that can hold up to a maximum of 10 human sized objects, usually either artificial soldiers or power armors (or both).
Bridge: The ship's bridge is highly compact, containing five chairs facing a holographic projector in the center of the cylindrical room. The chairs recline back 60 degrees and are fairly minimalist, containing only a few cushioned pads and restraining belts held by a metal framework. Using a highly specialized ultrasound device the ship's computer wirelessly interface's with the crews brains and receives and uploads data so that the crew can manage the ship. Manual control of the control surfaces of the ship can be done in the pilot's seat while manual drive and weapons system controls are located on those systems themselves.
Communal Restrooms: Connected to the crew lounge is the communal restrooms designed with a series of shower stalls on one side of the room and toilet stalls on the other. In-between are two rows of sinks designed for use in 1G environments with retractable attachments designed to allow them to be used in a zero G environment.
Crew Quarters: Adjacent to the crew lounge, hidden behind folding panels, are the crew quarters. Each is very small with barely enough room for a bunk bed with straps to secure a person down (for sleep in zero G) and a closet. There are five of these rooms total arranged around the crew Lounge.
Crew Lounge: The Crew lounge is a spacey open area in-between the bridge and the crew quarters with a modular furniture system that allows it to be furnished in any way the crew desires through use of the ship's creation engine and their own Mind/Machine interface. Inset into the wall is an oven, stove, and a refrigerator to store and cook food.
Maintenance Area: Throughout the ship are various small crawlways and shafts large enough to stand in used for maintenance of parts or moving of ammunition containers between weapon areas. These areas are usually filled with exposed pipes and cords of various colors with two illuminating stripes running along the floor and the ceiling in a 1g environment.
Task Room: The ship's task room is designed as a multi-purpose area designed to fill the needs of whatever the ship's current mission is (or as extra recreational space). This is aided by the ships creation engine which can manufacture all but the most high end of scientific equipment.

6. Ship Systems
Atmosphere Scoop: On the underside of the ship are two retractable panels that conceal the atmosphere scoop. When inside of a planet's atmosphere the scoop can be opened so that gases flowing across the hull enter into the ports using the ship's speed to automatically compress them. The compressed gasses are then refined for use in the ship's power systems or kept in the ship's creation engine for transformation into ammunition, spare parts, of fuel. The internals of the system consist of the funnels behind each panel and the four storage tanks behind them in addition to a series of flexible tubes built to transfer the raw materials to parts inside of the ship.
Computer System: The computer system of the Multi-role frigate is small and modular, allowing for easy upgrades over the lifetime of the ship. Standard ships come with a miniature quantum computer with a simple OS without a personality. The computer has more than sufficient power to run combat operations and basic scientific endeavors. The system located under the bridge has plug ins for an organic computer including blood purification, glucose drips, and power plugs. A long cavity running in-between decks serves as a place to store a tachyon based processor for plugging into the main computer. The computer system, along with managing the ship, also manages the crew through the latest wireless mind/machine interface. Using ultrasound the ship interfaces with the crew, providing a simple question/answer system for providing food, arranging furniture, and creating parts among other things.
Control Surfaces: The exterior of the ship is studded with various retractable control surfaces that fold down flush with the hull when not in use. When extended the small flaps and fins are used to control the ship in flight in a gas or liquid environment by rotating. The computer automatically adjusts these fins to keep the ship stable while flying as the ship's hull is not completely aerodynamic.
Creation Engine: A spherical containment tank inside the ship contains trillions of nanomachines that break apart and reassemble matter. This has various uses from refining fuel to creating spare parts. Various tubes flow into the semi-permeable membrane of the sphere to provide raw material and power while completed materials are pushed out of the side into a small storage area connected to the maintenance areas.
Escape System: All of the frigates share the same escape system. Two escape pods in the back each hold 3 people comfortably but have seats for 6 arranged in a circular pattern with harnesses for squeezing in extra people. Each pod has an access hatch on the side that when launched automatically seals and is manually opened by explosive bolts. Under a panel on the floor are compressed nutrient biscuits that provide enough calories to sustain a 180pound person for 30 days as well as 10 gallons of water and 20 water purification tablets that can sterilize a total of 1000 gallons of water. A cluster of thrusters on the underside of the cone like capsule guide the capsule toward the nearest habitable planet while an automated beacon projects the location of the capsule although the crew can manually operate the beacon and use it to send subspace radio messages. A parachute system on the top of the capsule allows for a safe (though uncomfortable) deceleration through the atmosphere. Two escape hatches are hidden on the back of the craft and another on the underside which doubles as a connection port for an integrated battle fleet system allowing the ship to share power, resources, and artificial gravity with a parent ship.
Hull: The hull of the ship is designed for maximum passive stealth in both skin coating and shape. The shape of the hull is angled to only deflect sensor waves away from the source to minimize the chance of being detected. The hull coating is designed to turn most radiation into heat or electricity which is then taken away from the hull by a cooling system. The texture of the paint is also structured in such a way as make any reflections off the coating bounce away from the source that they came from, reducing the chance of detection by single sensor networks. The coating his highly toxic and it is not recommended to be touched without proper equipment. Under the coating are bricks of reaction armor that deflect incoming projectiles to the side, feeding more of the smart metal armor underneath into the projectile to vastly increase the effective armor of the ship. 6 inches of smart metal and insulation are between the outer coatings of the hull and the interior.
Inertial Dampener: Internally 15 force field generators are installed to dampen the effects of Inertia inside of the starship by evening out acceleration so that the squishing wave effect of a normal uneven acceleration is not felt relative to the starship's center. These dampeners run off the ship's power supply and are co-ordinated by the ship's computer system. Systems relating to the Inertial Dampener are colored green.
Landing Gear: The underside of the ship contains three retractable skis with non-friction coatings in a triangle patter, one in the front and two on either side of the center of the ship toward the middle rear. Each deploys from a triangular panel and descends one meter below the lowest point on the ship. The skis then extend to a total of 8 meters long and one meter wide as the smart metal core is expanded around the non-friction material surrounding it. Systems pertaining to the landing gear are colored brown.
Launch Bay: The front of the ship splits into two panels and moves off to either side of the ship to expose a small rail gun, or a larger rail gun for the Wazu modification. All contain basic sensor probes, sensor decoys, countermeasures, and maintenance bots while the Wazu type contains larger torpedoes and missiles. The ammunition racks can be loaded from either the front, a loading port on the underside, or by hatches inside the ship with ammunition stored in the maintenance area or armory. An additional launch bay is hidden in the back of the craft to jettison flares, mines, chaff, and sensor decoys.
Life Support: The ship's life support uses small Ion engine panels installed around the ship to circulate an artificial breeze using the creation engine as the heart of this ventilation system. The creation engine absorbs the air around it and purifies it before letting it out while waste water and the like is also purified at this location. Important life support tubes and pipes are colored blue.
Power Systems: The ship contains six power reactors. Two zero point energy power plants, three fusion power plants, and a single point reaction type anti-matter power plant. Each is located on either side of the center bottom deck of the ship toward the back. The fusion power plants can run off both stored fuel and helium, hydrogen, and ect harvested from an atmosphere. Power systems and cords are colored Bright yellow.
Propulsion: The two rings suspended by the pylons in the back of the ship contain particle accelerators which accelerate particles to near the speed of light before jettisoning them from confinement to provide thrust with minimal emission, making the ship's trail hard to detect. The rings rotate 360 degrees to provide maneuverability to the ship. Propulsion systems are colored red.
Propulsion (S type ships): The S type ships do away with the OMG particle drives and replace them with a set of tachyon recoil drives which throw tachyons out the front of the ship and use the recoil to propel the ship forward. With smaller, less efficient, drives to provide directional control. Because the drives are internal the protrusions of the OMG particle drives can be eliminated, further increasing stealth.
Sensors: The sensor system incorporated into the dorsal surface of the craft contains a pallet of optical, thermal, radar, sonar, gravitational, subspace/hyperspace, and magnetic field sensors along with a small Paradox sensor located on the bottom of the craft with the focusing fork antenna built inside of the hull.
Sensors(SWAC): the SWAC has a second set of sensors located in a pod above the craft and a larger paradox array below the hull. The second set of sensors have a longer range than the standard set and the offset nature allows them better resolution when paired with the original set.
Shields: The ship carries minimal shielding. A kinetic energy barrier provides protection against small weaponry and the reinforced forward barrier provides protection against small particles during FTL flight. The field is set to generate a constant field regardless of interaction so that the same amount of energy is sapped from each attack instead of having the shields fail. While this makes the ship virtually immune to smaller weapons it provides little to no protection against larger anti-ship weapons. A sensor inhibitor generator built into the hull provides active stealth capabilities in two ways. A Heisinburg compensator disrupts entanglement effects, preventing the ship's detection by entanglement based sensors and anti-wave generators actively neutralize radar, sonar, and subspace sensors. Aside from countering active sensors the subspace distortion generators provide complete anti-gravity for the ship so that it does not register on passive gravity sensors.


Particle Whip (Wakizashi only -4): Using a particle accelerator the weapon accelerates a stream of particles to very near light speed to give each particle projected an energy level like an OMG particle. The high speed particles upon impacting a target tend to cause a very small localized area of quark/gluon plasma allowing it to cut through almost any material made up of matter and even melt YMA cloth with sustained fire. The particle whip is housed in a fast rotating turret shaped for maximum stealth and allowing for the firing system to be retracted inside of the hull with an independent optical imaging camera cluster and radar system On automatic the gun turrets seek out small objects, missiles, mines, and even other particle beams and use their own energy release to disrupt/destroy incoming threats. The beam is then further aimed as it leaves the turret by a ribbon of smart metals that use the Coandă effect to guide the stream toward the target. This makes up the main defense of the ship.
Location: Two on top, two on bottom
Primary Purpose: Close In Support Fire
Secondary Purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: Moderate
Range: 5 AU before beam dissipates beyond usefulness.
Rate of Fire: Continuous
Payload: 30minutes of continuous fire

Mid Range Particle Whip (Wazu - 1): The mid range particle whip operates in the same way as the standard particle whip on the Wakizashi class with two exceptions. The casing of the weapon is extended slightly to make room for a wormhole generator which has a range of 8au. Using the wormhole generator the weapon's range is effectively extended and a mid range threat can be delivered almost instantly to any location within the 8AU of the wormhole's range. The weapon's power output has also been doubled but using the space for the lower turret on the Wakizashi for additional power and accelerators, channeling a second beam directly beside the path of the first.
Location: Top, right of ship.
Primary Purpose: Mid-range fire support
Secondary Purpose: Close in support fire
Damage: moderate-heavy
Range: 10au.
Rate of Fire: Continuous
Payload: 45 minutes of continuous fire

Rail Cannon (All - 1): The ship's rail-cannons are all virtually the same, sharing the same targeting servos and most of the internal components. The entire launch assembly articulates for aiming and the Wazu type carries larger capacitors and coils, slowing its target acquisition slightly in exchange for more power. Rail cannon design has improved little over the years and relies mainly on powerful magnetic fields to fire a projectile.
Location: Front of ship
Primary Purpose: probe launch
Secondary Purpose: Anti-starship
Damage: none-moderate
Range: Virtually unlimited in a frictionless enviroment.
Rate of Fire: 3000rpm
Payload: 15 rounds

Missile Rack(Wazu - 2): The Wazu type ships have detachable panels on its side vertices. Each conceal attachment points for various types of missile racks that allow the ship to carry additional missiles externally.
Location: side of ship
Primary Purpose: anti-starship
Secondary Purpose: depends on payload
Damage: depends on payload
Range: depends on payload
Rate of Fire: all missiles can be released simultaneously.
Payload: depends on rack type.
7. Vehicle Compliment
10 human sized power armors maximum.
=Ultrasonic Mind-Machine Interface:

How, pray tell? Sound could not gleam the kind of information about the brain that you need from any sort of range. Sound is deflected or just plain blocked by things as simple as temperature changes, never mind what clothing or hair could do. Further, the brain transmits signals through electrical impulses, which would not be detectable by ultrasound. Nor could the ultrasound induce these kinds of impulses. End of story.

=Atmosphere Scoop:

For some things (breathable air, hydrogen fuel, and maybe food) this could work, but not for metals. Almost all metals (lithium and beryllium being the exception) are heavier than the vast majority of gases and would therefore sink, even in particulate form, so it would not be a viable method to gather building materials, except for the few items listed above.

=Organic Computer:

Why is this here? A realistic quantum computer (as opposed to the very theoretical potential of the type) of the size that would be found on a starship would be the pants of a organic computer massively larger.


-First things first, circles are bad[ for stealth. Very, very bad. This is because any incident beam on the ring is always normal to its surface on one point at the minimum. This means the part of the l/radar beam will be bounced back to the receiver perfectly.

-Not everything works like radio waves when it comes to bouncing off of things. Keep that in mind. Along that train of thought, only one thing can be on the uppermost surface of the ship, so choose wisely when deciding what material makes up that upper layer, since different detection methods probably operate differently and would therefore require different methods to block it.

-Particle propulsion is the antithesis of stealth. To use it, never mind at the massive impulse values your ship posses, requires a a incredible[ strong electromagnetic field, which can't really be blocked. This means that whenever your ship is under thrust it will be sooooo easy to see. This is just a FYI, TY for using a drive like this instead of some ZPF wackiness.

-This is a last thing here, and doesn't really need much (or any) discussion because I doubt it will change. Contrary to what Sci-Fi likes to say, stealth is not really a option in space. This is primarily due to heat, which is constantly being produced by the ships systems and its crew and must be vented into space. Since a starship does not have a planet or sea to absorb (and thus hide) this emission this makes a ship stand out like a beacon. Heck, the Space Shuttles maneuvering thrusters can be seen from the asteroid belt. A ion drive producing a mere 1/1000 of a g could be seen from 1 Au off. (this is with current tech, btw; never mind how much better they probably are in SARP).

Your ship purposely absorbs all incident heat, which also means it could be detected as a occlusion artifact (either directly or due to the wave-form caused by the light going around the ship) by a sufficiently advanced and distributed detection system (mind you, it would have to be very sensitive and very large, but it is still a weakness).

=PARADOX Sensor:

No. Simply no. That is not how probability waves work.

Yes, it is true that all matter posses a "probability waveâ€
My question is, why does the ship have five powerplants?

I'm wondering when someone tries to make some hairbrained tech using the Dirac Sea. <_<

EDIT: The Coandă effect works on liquids. Particals are too random to maintain under said effect.

And why the HELL is the secondary cannon atlest three times more powerful then the real one. That's not how main and secondary cannons work Uso.
Vesper said:
=Ultrasonic Mind-Machine Interface:

How, pray tell? Sound could not gleam the kind of information about the brain that you need from any sort of range. Sound is deflected or just plain blocked by things as simple as temperature changes, never mind what clothing or hair could do. Further, the brain transmits signals through electrical impulses, which would not be detectable by ultrasound. Nor could the ultrasound induce these kinds of impulses. End of story.
Ultrasound can be used to determine the brain's structure. An extremely advanced ultrasound system could theoretically detect individual neurons. Information is stored in the brain through the arrangement of neurons. Therefore, an extremely advanced ultrasound system combined with a program to translate neuron arrangement into information can read a mind.

=Atmosphere Scoop:

For some things (breathable air, hydrogen fuel, and maybe food) this could work, but not for metals. Almost all metals (lithium and beryllium being the exception) are heavier than the vast majority of gases and would therefore sink, even in particulate form, so it would not be a viable method to gather building materials, except for the few items listed above.

=Antiwave Generator:

As I believe I said somewhere on this board before, antiphotons do not annihilate themselves when contacting normal photons the way matter and anti-matter do (what the heck would they even produce in that chain of events anyway? Another photon?). An antiphoton is just a time-reversed photon. That is, it is a photon traveling backwards in time.
Ah, but if an antiphoton is released the instant a photon comes into contact with the ship, the sensor would detect an object at a distance of zero and probably ignore it.

Firstly, you did not even comment on that fact that the massive amount of factors would prevent the system from ever getting the detail it would need to do anything on the level of a neural synapse.

Secondly, just for shits a giggles, let us assume it could get that detail, knowing where the synapses are connected doesn't help you know what they are thinking, that is a unique series of electrical impulses that would not be picked up by the ultrasound receiver. Lastly, I highly doubt you could hope for the kind of precision and accuracy needed to noodle around safely with individual neurons without disturbing those around it. In any case, you would be changing how they thought, not what they knew at the moment. Just because somewhere a few neurons where noodled with to make a byte of information does not mean the user will access and make use of that new byte.

=Scoop thingy:

I don't think you understand how much power that would require. It would be insane. Horribly, horribly insanely massive. And no, the nanobots would not be able to force them together, as they could not carry or apply the needed force.


I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here. Are you saying an antiphoton is released when the original one hits the sheathed ship? Firstly this means every millimeter of the outer hull is covered by emitters, should you want the accuracy you are talking about here. This would actually mean you couldn't even put receivers on the hull, never mind weapons and other goodies, since they would interfere with the emitters. So the system wouldn't work on that front. Further, the original photon still exists as a unique entity from the antiphoton, even if they where traveling through space along the same vector with nearly the same location (note you couldn't have the same location, not considering Heisenberg because the computer has processing time that is, however tiny, greater than 0) they would still be picked up by the sensor and its controller would still be able to build up a image of the ship.
Vesper said:

Firstly, you did not even comment on that fact that the massive amount of factors would prevent the system from ever getting the detail it would need to do anything on the level of a neural synapse.

Secondly, just for shits a giggles, let us assume it could get that detail, knowing where the synapses are connected doesn't help you know what they are thinking, that is a unique series of electrical impulses that would not be picked up by the ultrasound receiver. Lastly, I highly doubt you could hope for the kind of precision and accuracy needed to noodle around safely with individual neurons without disturbing those around it. In any case, you would be changing how they thought, not what they knew at the moment. Just because somewhere a few neurons where noodled with to make a byte of information does not mean the user will access and make use of that new byte.
No, you will not be able to know what they are thinking as they think it. However, the hippocampus will temporarily have some kind of "T seconds ago, I told the computer to do X" in it, which wouldn't have been there when it was scanned a couple seconds earlier. And I agree that it wouldn't be able to add information (unless the crew had an implant designed to add it), that's why I only argued for reading the mind.

=Scoop thingy:

I don't think you understand how much power that would require. It would be insane. Horribly, horribly insanely massive. And no, the nanobots would not be able to force them together, as they could not carry or apply the needed force.
Just about every ship said:
Matter Collection System: The MCS allows the ship to collect hydrogen molecules as it travels through space, which can be used to provide fuel or converted into higher elements for use in the HSCS. The MCS units can be shielded in combat with cover plates.
and yet, it's been in the RP much longer than either of us


I'm not sure I understand what you are saying here. Are you saying an antiphoton is released when the original one hits the sheathed ship? Firstly this means every millimeter of the outer hull is covered by emitters, should you want the accuracy you are talking about here. This would actually mean you couldn't even put receivers on the hull, never mind weapons and other goodies, since they would interfere with the emitters. So the system wouldn't work on that front. Further, the original photon still exists as a unique entity from the antiphoton, even if they were traveling through space along the same vector with nearly the same location (note you couldn't have the same location, not considering Heisenberg because the computer has processing time that is, however tiny, greater than 0) they would still be picked up by the sensor and its controller would still be able to build up a image of the ship.
Perhaps the device creates a field around the ship that converts a photon into an antiphoton as it's deflected.
Ultrasound thing: Sony already has a patent for a device that works along these lines so I don't think mine is that far fetched especially with the tech level involved on this site.

Scoop: fusion... that would release energy... again not to much of a stretch here.

Anti-photon: I don't believe I said anything about anti-photons.

Organic Computer:

of the size that would be found on a starship would be the pants of a organic computer massively larger

... I don't think the computer wears pants.

Stealth: There are only two circles on the ship both of which can be rotated. When providing thrust forward the rings would be flat with the circular surface facing horizontally which actually ends up masking the ring behind the pylons fairly well. In any case a ship that would want to bounce a wave directly off the circle and back at itself would have to happen to be in the exact right position relative to the ring to accomplish this. Like all stealth ships the passive stealth is fairly good against single array sensors but when it comes down to a multi-receiver sensor system the dead zones can be observed however that really isn't that big of a drawback for this ship as long as it doesn't engage a spread out fleet.

The sensor absorbent material is what is on the top of the ship.

Particle Propulsion: This is why the ship uses the OMG particles to move itself. Normally thrust is achieved by accelerating something out the back of the ship. In this case instead of accelerating a large mass out the back like a rocket the ship accelerates a small mass very close to the speed of light (along the lines of 99.9999999 blah blah, BS number here) so that only a few particles are needed to propel the ship. This isn't the most stealthy drive system around but that is why the S type ships use the Tachyon recoil drive. Because a tachyon moves faster than light and such you would have to be in its path to detect it and as such the tachyon recoil drives would only be detected when a ship is mocing directly at another ship.

stealth is not really a option in space

All I have to say to this is no. In fact I'll go as far as to say very no. In fact if you get a chance read tactical space support by dream pod 9. It is a heavy gear supplement book yes but it has some cool insights into space combat and likens it to submarine warfare. The tech level isn't as high however.

-Paradox: Simply because I have to address this, the idea is already being used on KFY ships so I believe it has become cannon tech for SA.

=Hiesinburg compensator: designed with RDD in mind :p
Gravity and subspace: I don't believe I ever said these ships have artificial gravity unless docked with a mother ship or on a planet. As for subspace and anti-gravity both are staples of sci-fi and it is theorized that anti-gravity does exist in the universe in the form of both dark matter and anti-matter though because no one has ever created a large enough amount of anti-matter to see which way it would fall that remains theory.

Redundancy is a ship's best friend. The space shuttle has more than one electricity generator and the enterprise ah la star trek had 13 fusion generators in addition to the anti-matter ones.

The coanda effect would work on a stream of particles however.

The ‘secondary cannon' or whatever is for a different ship type. I decided to list 5 different ship types under the same template because I wanted to play around with the idea of a standard template type ship.

Jatsu: Ultrasound emitters paired with a high enough resolution receiver could technically build an accurate picture of the brain that would allow for two way communication between the computer.

And for the love of crap where did this anti-photon thing come from?

Your ship purposely absorbs all incident heat, which also means it could be detected as a occlusion artifact (either directly or due to the wave-form caused by the light going around the ship) by a sufficiently advanced and distributed detection system (mind you, it would have to be very sensitive and very large, but it is still a weakness).

yes, that is true. [/quote]
Uso, those reactors are ment exclusivly for the ship's Impulse engines.

They're only used as a secondary powersource when the Main singular m/am core's discarded and the reserve batteries are drained. Which takes a long time.

Ultrasound thing: Sony already has a patent for a device that works along these lines so I don't think mine is that far fetched especially with the tech level involved on this site.

Sourse and link NOW damnit.

Interesting, however keep in mind that Sony has patented a wholly theoretical device of unknown accuracy, and as Richard Mihran said in that article, questionable long term safety. Also keep in mind that this system does not read the mind, it only can transmit information to it.


It is true that they are technically exothermic up to Fe-56 (after which you will have to make things through the very endothermic neutron bombardment) the temperatures and pressures required begin to rise to levels that would not be viable. It becomes seriously questionable if forces needed to generate the densities and temperatures could even be created artificially (since they may be beyond what any substance can create, i.e. superconductors, or withstand), much less on a tiny frigate. It would be wholly out of the question that nanobot could attempt to produce a heavier element and survive (it wouldn't even be able to carry enough energy to do it in the first place).

Here is a short rundown on the temperatures and pressures needed to produce heavier elements through fusion:

>Carbon fusion, producing the following:
Mg-24; Na-23; Ne-20; O-16 --> 600 million K and a density above 200 million Kg/m^3

>Neon fusion, producing the following:
O-16; Mg-24; --> 1.2 billion K and density above 4 billion Kg/m^3

>Oxygen fusion, producing the following:
S-32; S-31; P-31; Si-28; Mg-24 --> 1.5 billion K; density >=10 billion Kg/m^3

>Silicon fusion, producing:
Ni-56; Co-56; Fe-56 --> 2.7 billion K; density >= 30 billion Kg/m^3

Artificial fusion reactors cannot achieve the densities for the fusion, so they compensate with a much higher temperature (on the order of several magnitudes). Also note that most of these fusion reactions release either high energy neutrons or gamma rays, which would very quickly destroy and nanomachines in the chamber.


That is what I assumed you meant by the device that cancels radio waves. If, however, you meant radio waves in 180* phase of the incoming beam, this would not reduce the reaction time to 0 so the stealth vessels outgoing photon would still be behind the reflected one and would therefore not cancel it.


No, you are right that they do not. That would be a typo there. What I meant was
...of the size that would be found on a starship would beat the pants off a organic computer massively larger
I do believe.


Let's take a look at the equation that tells you how far you can see something in space using today's technology:

(from Atomic Rocket, btw, very good info site on this kind of thing)
Even trying to "run silent" like a submarine won't work. The life support for your crew emits enough heat to be detected at an exceedingly long range. The ship will stand out like a beacon against the three Kelvin background.

According to Dr. John Schilling, the maximum range a thrusting ship can be detected with current technology is:

Rd = ( 17.8E6 * sqrt( Ms*As*Isp*(1-Nd)*(1-Ns) ) ) * (sqrt(0.04 * π))

Rd = maximum detection range (kilometers)
Ms = bogey spacecraft mass (tons)
As = bogey spacecraft acceleration (G)
Isp = bogey drive specific impulse (seconds)
Nd = bogey drive efficiency (0.0 to 1.0)
Ns = bogey "stealth efficiency", i.e. fraction of waste energy which can be magically shielded from enemy detectors. (0.0 to 1.0)
π = 3.141593...

This assumes about one hour for a full sky scan. Current chemical rockets have Nd of roughly 0.95. Ion drives get about 0.50, and steady-state plasma thrusters 0.65 or so - both can in principle be pushed to 0.90 with some difficulty, but not much beyond that. For realistic rockets, Ns = 0.0.

There really isn't any way to hide your waste energy from your opponents, short of science fiction. The good folk on the went through all the arguments.

The maximum range a ship running silent can be detected with current technology is:

Rd = 13.4 * sqrt(A) * T2
Rd = detection range (km)
A = spacecraft projected area (m2 )
T = surface temperature (Kelvin, room temperature is about 285-290 K)

If the ship is a convex shape, its projected area will be roughly one quarter of its surface area.

Example: A Russian Oscar submarine is a cylinder 154 meters long and has a beam of 18 meters, which would be a good ballpark estimate of the size of an interplanetary warship. If it was nose on to you the surface area would be 250 square meters. If it was broadside the surface area would be approximately 2770. So on average the projected area would be 1510 square meters ([250 + 2770] / 2).

If the Oscar's crew was shivering at the freezing point, the maximum detection range of the frigid submarine would be 13.4 * sqrt(1510) * 2732 = 38,800,000 kilometers, about one hundred times the distance between the Earth and the Moon, or about 129 light-seconds. If the crew had a more comfortable room temperature, the Oscar could be seen from even farther away.

To keep the lifesystem in the spacecraft at levels where the crew can live, you probably want it above 273 K (where water freezes), and preferably at 285-290 K (room temperature). Glancing at the above equation it is evident that the lower the spacecraft's temperature, the harder it is to detect. "Aha!" you say, "why not refrigerate the ship and radiate the heat from the side facing away from the enemy?"

Ken Burnside explains why not. To actively refrigerate, you need power. So you have to fire up the nuclear reactor. Suddenly you have a hot spot on your ship that is about 800 K, minimum, so you now have even more waste heat to dump.

Antimatter does not repel normal matter, it only has opposite charge.


Yes, redundancy is a good thing, but antimatter seems rather ponderous and dangerous for a secondary power system.

Slightly off-topic, but the Enterprise-E does have 24 fusion reactors, but these need to supply power to a 650m long starship with a crew of 855 and propel a ship weighing in at 3.2 million tons. Also, I do not believe that can adequately power the ships tactical systems (weapons and shields). Rather different situation, neh?


The guide armatures would have to touch the beam for this effect to occur, and that would be very bad for the armatures and your ship. The resulting back blast of released energy would, if anything, further through the beam out of focus. Also, the particle beam is traveling far, far to fast for the Coanda effect to do anything meaningful.
Theoretical ... this is sci-fi... feel free to do the math.
Ultrasound today is only harmful in the long term if preformed by an unskilled tech. Combine futuristic resolution, sensor, imaging systems with a computer that can perform the task perfectly each time.

Blah blah blah... cold fusion via whatever combined with the high temperature output of say an anti-matter reactor or whatever. I really don't feel like explaining how sci-fi and fusion are related because it is generally accepted as pheasable as a power source. A cold fusion generator is even in production by the air force and a low tech technology really shouldn't have to be explained. If ya'll really want me to go into it I'll hit it tomorrow.

Again, there is no anti-photon.

Anti-radar wave:
The French are already rumored to have a device like this in production on their latest jet fighter. The whole theory about how you can't have perfect reaction time and as such can't cancel out a radar wave is of course total bull. Within the span of one or two wavelengths it is more than possible to determine and anticipate what the radar wave will look like and what changes the Doppler effect will have on it and as such it can be canceled out effectively. Combined with the paradox system or Tachyon based computer you could literally have perfect or even better than perfect reaction time.

And? That isn't really a technical point, or even a reason why the ship should be approved/disapproved so I won't bother addressing it.

There are plenty of things I can think of that are wrong with that quote you gave. Things like insulation, counter sensor systems and extreme ranges. Most importantly this is taking into account that we have an hour to scan and are trying to detect a Russian nuclear submarine with rocket boosters flying through outer space...
... last I checked no one flys Russian submarines...

Due to the small amounts of anti-gravity that has been produced there hasn't been experimental proof of anti-matters anti-gravity effects.

24, not 13, oh well that was an obscure reference that I didn't really bother checking when it was the general idea of having them that mattered. Fusion power plants are more than adequate to power the ship's weapons, shields, and whatnots even without any help from the ship's anti-matter reactor. Any episode where the anti-matter core gets ejected is proof of that.

I'm not to worried about the armatures melting off mainly because more can be made on the spot to replace them. Defracting the beam at short ranges also really isn't a problem for a weapon system for use as a close in defense system. Back blast isn't really a problem with this as it is unrealalistic to think that the Coanda effect would be strong enough to pull the beam 180 degrees. At most a 10-15 degree deference in trajectory would likely.

That attitude is, in my opinion, the cause of the current situation, wherein scouts can raze planets and carry shields with an output 580 times greater than our Sun. Just because it is Sci-Fi does not give you a free check to make whatever you damn well please.


Oh, please do link me to that, I would like to read it. I do not remember anyone developing cold fusion. To my knowledge it has mostly been abandoned by the scientific community because it has not proven reliably testable (a very few people found a increase in energy, but this was not duplicated), and therefore has not been remotely proven to be real.

There is a significant difference between hydrogen or helium fusion and fusing heavy elements, as you can see by those numbers that I put up in my last post. Because one exists does not instantly make the other possible.

=Phase-opposite Anti-Radar:

Again, please do provide this link. Your exhibiting the tech here, so the burden of proof falls on you, Uso.


No, it is not. I was just commenting that there is no reason to have what is likely a much more vulnerable organic computer when other, superior methods are available.


The use of the sub was just an example of a starship-sized ship in space. And, as was said near the end of that quote, insulation is only going to help so much, as the heat will still need to be vented. Also remember that this is with current technology; using the assumption that SARP technology in the area would be massively more accurate they would be able to spot a ship under thrust from the Kuiper belt. The big killer here, Uso, is that you A) have to vent heat and B) you are traveling in space where room temperature is 297 degrees hotter than the ambient temperature, which makes you stand out quite well.


Yet again, let's see a link here. I have never seen any evidence that antimatter repels normal matter.

1) A particle and antiparticle have the same mass (as far as we can tell). So they all attract gravitationally just like real matter (no antigravity with antimatter, sorry!) ... 143027.htm

Also, Antimatter is NOT antigravity ... istat.html

Is it even theoretically possible for antimatter to fall up?
Answer: According to GR, antimatter falls down.
If you believe that General Relativity is the exact true theory of gravity, then there is only one possible conclusion - by the equivalence principle, antiparticles must fall down with the same acceleration as normal matter. ... atter.html

Here is what so-called "antigravityâ€
So if I find that something is reasonable, provide a link to the theoretical part of it, then justify it by comparing it to real world technology and take into account how improved resolution from technology hundreds/thousands of years more advanced would make the technology both easy to use and reliable it shouldn't be allowed in the RP. As far as tech level goes there really is nothing wrong with it in the RP the only problem is that most people aren't good at role-playing in a technological setting. I would mention names but that is frowned upon.

=Fusion: ... 09.18.html
The point is cold fusion isn't really needed. If energy is going to be spent to create heavier elements so be it.
Doesn't quite say air force on the side but instead says Los Alamos which is close enough... time to go hunting through my popular mechanics mags.

=Anti-Radar: ß anti-noise, not the same thing but relevant

Woops, bad example. In any case I'm still sticking with subspace distortion for anti-gravity. Almost every ship in this RP has something to that effect and subspace distortion has become somewhat cannon with every sci-fi environment. In this case by bending space/time to create a bubble of what is essentially negative space an anti-gravity field can be generated.

Of course the problem here is you are making assumptions then trying to use them in logical leaps that don't quite work.
With the high tech setting of the SARP you don't technically ever have to vent waste heat if you want to change the heat into something cooler such as matter which is a function the creation engine could technically provide but failing that the waste heat doesn't have to be vented all the time which means that the ship won't always be venting heat which of course means that the skin of the ship could be close to the temperature of the ambient environment (Especially if the ship is sunward of the detecting sensor).

Again, no real big problem there. Essentially you have a high energy cloud moving in the general direction of whatever small thing you want to vaporize. For long range shots the armature can be pulled back into the ship or just left to disintegrate, it doesn't really matter.
Vesper said:
Interesting, however keep in mind that Sony has patented a wholly theoretical device of unknown accuracy said:
Although it has not been experimentally confirmed, existing theory predicts that antimatter behaves the same to gravity as does normal matter.
So...if a device is theoretical with no test type designed, it's too unrealistic for the RP. If a scientific property is theoretical with absolutely no experimental confirmation, it should be treated as scientific fact. Is that what you're trying to say?

There really isn't any way to hide your waste energy from your opponents, short of science fiction.
There's the flaw in your argument against heat-based stealth...all you have to do is vent the heat into hyperspace.
Ok, I have just one point to argue, and thats the Ultrasound. As a person VERY interested in the medical fields, I feel I should say something on this, and please, I am not sorry for what I am about to say. If I get banned, oh well. I have for to long kept back my biting need to tell Uso his idea is wrong.

Here is the simple fact about the idea. You know how people say that the human brain is far more advanced then any computer? Thats true. The simple fact that you are going to use the idea that the ultrasound will infiltrate or whatever into a person's synapse reactions, is completely unuseable. You know 1) how many different points in the brain where there a synapse responses, and not only that, but 2) how many times that same synapse is used to come to the SAME EXACT CONCLUSION? about 1/100,000,000. There are just far to many reaction points to actually pinpoint a useable response point.

Now, onto the idea of actually getting the data, and not only that, but REARANGING THE THOUGHTS OR I have never heard of something so god damn stupid in my life. When a person thinks, all thoughts go in one direction. That includes that synapse reactions. When you try to rearrange a mind...that reverses the synapse reactions. What this does, is fry the brain. It will either cause serious mentail disabilities, serious mental disorders, or just completely turn them into a vegetable, and thats if they are lucky. If not, they are dead simply from the effect of reversing the synapse reactions. It would be like trying to run a electrical current backwards through a appliance, or for a more destructive example. Try turning a race car around, and send it the wrong way in the middle of the dayton 500....yea. That kind of chaos. What you are suggesting is nothing short of playing god with a person's mind. No way not even in the SARP time would this be possible. It would still be experimental in the SARP period. No more stupid ideas got me?

Look, the ship entry includes a computer system that would link up with the mind of the operators. Since I've seen Miles, Yosef and even Bonichi attempt this with their cybernetic whatever-they-have and connect with the MEGAMI computers, I don't see why such a big deal would be made of it.

Ultrasound this, ultrasound that... people! This is a science fiction setting years and years ahead of whatever tech or convention we have now. It might not seem possible... but hyperspace travel isn't anymore feasible. This is make-believe tech, yes, but any reasoning behind it should not be called 'stupid'. That's way too harsh given the circumstances.

We could get bogged down in this argument forever, so, on to constructive criticism.

Uso, your ultrasound system can work the way you say - if you say it works that way. You merely have to put your foot down in this case... many people criticising here are just being picky.

Alternatively, you could always listen to some of their feedback and alter your system somewhat. Perhaps go for something like magnetic resonance - or you could take advantage of the cybernetics the Neplesians are so fond of and make officers have an interface that could connect with the ship's computer system - a small trip to the medbay and voila! All set to interact with the computer.

Personally, I'd go for a device made to register thought impulses and relay them to the ship's computer. I can just imagine Nepleslian officers attaching to the backing of their collar such a device, which would be very similar to the same system the Kylie power armor's helmet would use to be operated by it's pilot. It would handily solve the problem and it's already approved tech too! XD
I felt like coming in earlier, but I didn't think I had enough to say, because I don't have anything to say about the tech at all. I can point to Kotori's post, as I agree with most of that. What I wanted to say in the first place was:

Kids, calling someone stupid is not going to get them to listen to you. Grow up.
Uso, your ultrasound system can work the way you say - if you say it works that way. You merely have to put your foot down in this case... many people criticising here are just being picky.

They're being picky because he's using Ultra sounds WRONG!

A sound wave, nomatter how powerful or precice, can't read an electrical pulse.

It'd be akin to you trying to read a lazer printed document with your fingers. (No offense to those with visual impariments.)
Kotori said:
Uso, your ultrasound system can work the way you say - if you say it works that way. You merely have to put your foot down in this case... many people criticising here are just being picky.

If I said that bashing two rocks together makes a super computer, and said it over and over again. That does not make it any more true.

If Uso wants to present the ultrasound technology so baddly, how about presenting it as a completely seperate post and seeing if it gets approved?
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