Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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RP: SFS Service to the Free State: Glorified Border Guards

Phase noted the contact, searching multiple sources as to the significance of the gesture. Many sources promoted that as a sign of intimacy.

Oh my, how forward! they though, eyes tilde-ing in their display.

Still, there were new faces to greet and the Type Four did not want to miss out on greetings.

"Ah, hello~" They said, greeting the newcomers with lilting tones. "How goes your works? Productive, I hope? I am disappointed none of you greeted me at the door!" they said, their larger body peering through the doorway with a wave.

On one of the shuttles that was in the process of coming and going there was a rather large box. Plastered on the side of said giant wooden box was painted "FRAGILE: CONTENTS MAY SHIFT DURING FLIGHT". The box stood by itself in the shuttles cargo bay, idle in darkness and silence no one around to load or unload it, but that was not a problem.


The low tone emitted from inside the box before a large robotic gauntlet punched it way though the box. Splinters exploded everywehre as
Regalia-Antisepticizer Beep 32-6589-8745 forced his way outside of his mode of trasportation.


The large war machine looked around, shifting its huge body around to observe its surroundings looking for anyone or anything to point it in the right direction. It hoped it wasn't late. With the whining of servos the large 6 tonne robot strode forward with a purpose out of the shuttle and into the hangar. Needless to say a large robot emerging from a shuttle unannounced is a bit to throw anyone off guard, and judging form the ammount of swearing Beep judged that he was not an expected sight. Panning its large frame around it located the closest person to it, hoping that they knew where it was supposed to go.

"Greetings." It said in a low machine voice to the obviously scared deckhand " I am Regalia-Antisepticizer Beep 32-6589-8745. I am looking for the officer in charge of the freespacer auxiliary attachment."

With a trembling hand the Deckhand pointed him towards the hallway that the rest of the freespacers had just gone down not to long before. Satisfied with his directions the large robot gave the unnamed deckhand a nod of sorts and a suprisingly gentile pat on the head before stomping off down the hallway towards the conference room.

Outside the Conference Room Door.

After carefully navigating the hallway, trying its best to avoid stepping on or through anything , Beep had found it's way to the outside of the conference door. With the careful raising of its giant robotic war gauntlet it did its best to knock without breaking the door down.
Conference Room

Halcyone remained quiet, standing where she was out of the way, but still close to the liaison. There was little for an engineer to contribute at the time, so she just listened and took mental notes on the others gathered in the room. She kept her faceplate down, obscuring her real face from view of everyone in the room. She noted the way people here were reacting to their arrival. They found them strange, maybe even frustrating, these people had little to no experience with Freespacers, it was plane to see.

She heard the knock at the door, a thunderous one, and turned, opening it, looking at the bulky freespacer on the other side. "Hello there" she said in the mechanical tone of her helmet's vocal modulator, greeting the imposing form across the threshold. "Who might you be?" she asked the one she did not yet know was named Beep.
Conference Room

Beep's hulking frame took up the door and it had to bend over to look at the relatively small person talking to it, then again most everythign was small compared to him.


The low tone sounded as it starred down at Halcyone. Doing its best to lower itself even more, Beep knelled down and attempted to look inside to see if this was the place to go.
Conference Room

"hello, Beep" Halcyone replied with a tilt if her helmeted head. "Are you here for the meeting too?" she asked as she stepped aside to allow him through. Her pink glowy eyes focusing on the hulking armored form, trying to figure out how he was put together and what he was built out if.

"I am Gearhead Halcyone three seven" she introduced herself to the fellow Freespacer.
Conference Room


The large automaton said before examining the door. Seeing that it was to big to fit inside The large robot maneuvered itself so that it could look inside and figure out what was going on. It would sit but the last time it did a crane was needed to get it up.
Alistair watched as the new hulking spacer showed up at the door. "Holy shit!" He thought. "How many of them are there?" Alistair decided to just accept it and move on.

He was looking forward to getting to practice boarding a ship with the team. Even though it would be his first boarding action, it still was a good way to see how the team interacted. He was about to grab another drink when he thought it to be a bad idea. He put his now empty glass down and started pulling up files on all the new people.

They all seemed like an interesting bunch. Alistair waited to see if they would ever get released from this meeting. He hadn't even gotten a bunk assignment yet.
Conference Room

Beep looked at the Halcyone, then at the door which was level with its vision sensor, then back to Halcyone giving what it could only pass off as a shrug. Lowering itself as far down as it could the large war machine attempted to scoot it's way inside the room. The screech of metal on metal crashed throughout the room as Beep inched his way into the room, the upper part of his chassis grinding on the metal doorframe. After what seemed like several grueling hours he was in, as well as the top half of the door which fell to the ground with a metallic clang.

Hunched over in the room beep looked around, carefully shifting so that it wouldn't hit anyone.
She stood there hissing into her helmet as the large unhealthy beast bared down on her. As he clutched her shoulder she fought the urge to stab him with a sedative. This brute would have to be taken down with other means, she thought as she figured out how much of a certain type of drug it would take to make his form change. She was just a child after all.

turning to the batman, Dom studied him for a moment before speaking. "I am, I assume you work for this man? Please I would like to have a word with you in private."
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While Beep made its entrance and settled in at one corner of the room, Cloudheart took advantage of the wheels on the bottom of her chair to kick off the table and roll around to be next to Phase, hugging the Type 4 close upon arrival. "My work is going very well, and it is my very greatest pleasure to thank you for asking, Dollmaker." She said, nuzzling Phase, "I have thoroughly researched everything about Nepleslian society in preparation for this endeavor, and I am proud of my results."

"Certainly, Doctor." Replied Elway, withdrawing his unshaken hand. "As soon as the meeting is over, we'll talk in the kitchen next door. It should be empty at this hour."

"Good gods-be-damned, son!" Commandant Black said excitedly, taking in every inch of Beep. "Why did they ever stop makin' you guys this big!? Tapdancin' Davis on a dick, you're a big boy! You look like you're built for murdering things, and I like that in a look-like, son."

At this point, Elway leaned over and whispered something into Killroyal's ear. The Commandant nodded along with the information, then stood up, addressing the room. "Well, children, it has been my direst pleasure to meet you all-- but I have other meetings to attend. I hope you will find me to be an adequate father in this most trying of times. We will assemble again at zero-four-three-zero tomorrow morning in the cargo bay. Bring your murdering faces, and be prepared for combatives drills until we can scare up a ship full of idiots to wrangle. In the mean time, bunk up in the double quarters on C Deck and pair up and stay together-- I want easy access to everybody. Don't get too unpacked, though, we're getting off this shithole first chance we get. Marines, dismissed."

The Commandant snatched up another cigar from the box and the bottle of gin before departing. As soon as he left, Elway pressed a soft hand against Domicile's arm and nodded to her before going the opposite direction and to the kitchen.

With the excitement over for the moment, Cloudheart chose this time to open her mouth, "Whoever rooms with me, I call top bunk!"
Beep was confused. The large war robot was suprised that the commander wasn't mad for breaking the door, but that wasn't important at this time.

"Beep" it toned affirmatively before shifting back towards the door, the trick was getting back out now. Suprisingly it caused little damage getting out as it plodded down the hallways in an attempt to find a bunk.. or at least a room to stay in, it didn't have much luck with bunks staying together.
The Type-Four patted Cloudheart on the head at the intimate gesture known as "hugging".

"You are a proper ambassador, then?" they asked, digital eyes blinking.

Phase took their time to leave the room - after all, a very important call came in. A business call, even! All those times taking out classifieds finally paid off, perhaps?

chat said:
<uncannyObserver> Hello.
<*~DiHiPha~*> I am please at your correspondence! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
<uncannyObserver> Are you the one that posted the ad offering drone construction services?
<*~DiHiPha~*> Yes! Yes I am! ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
<uncannyObserver> Are you able to produce drones with equipment comparable to that fielded in modern military armours?
<*~DiHiPha~*> I am able to produce drones of superior quality!✿♥‿♥✿
<*~DiHiPha~*> Making military-level weaponry is harder \( ̄□ ̄)\
<*~DiHiPha~*> But I might be able to rig something up~ ヽ( ★ω★)ノ
<uncannyObserver> Time is not pressing.
<uncannyObserver> I would be willing to wait while you preform your art comfortably.
<*~DiHiPha~*> Good! I can have an example ready by the end of the month, pending approval! ( ̄^ ̄)
<uncannyObserver> I am specifically looking for flight capable drones, preferably equipped with energy weapons so as to save on weight and ammunition costs. Secondarily it would be appreciated if a bubble-sheild system could be installed.
<*~DiHiPha~*> I recently came into posession on antigravity-enable drones!ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ
<*~DiHiPha~*> Shields are more intensive. I will work on that! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
<uncannyObserver> Is there any sort of limit on the quantity that may be acquired?
<*~DiHiPha~*> More will take more time, of course~(⌒▽⌒)
<*~DiHiPha~*> How many are you looking for?ヽ(゜Q。)ノ?
<uncannyObserver> Four would be ideal. However two would be minimally acceptable.
<uncannyObserver> I wouldn't want them to be lonely.
<*~DiHiPha~*> Lonely devices are a widespread problem amongst device owners!(@´_`@)
<uncannyObserver> It is truly a regrettable state of affairs.
<uncannyObserver> Are you pleased with the terms so far?
<*~DiHiPha~*> Payment must be discussed for future services rendered.ಠ_ರೃ
<uncannyObserver> Ofcourse.
<uncannyObserver> Would it be inconvenient for payments to be delivered long term, in smaller increments?
<*~DiHiPha~*> Not at all~ it should be completely fine! I will send you an invoice later and once you figure out increments, I will begin construction on the first drone! ~(^◇^)/
<uncannyObserver> Thank you. Your services are much appreciated.
<*~DiHiPha~*> Thank you for your custom!(^_-)≡★

"Another customer satisfied~" they sighed, running a command for their shuttle to come by. For the sake of humoring the admirdant, Phase decided they'd bunk with the others for the night - but not waste the time faking sleep and instead continue creating things. But in order for that to be possible, they'd need parts from her shuttle. . . which they left back on the other ship.

Having a split consciousness is truly a blessing in these times.
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"Good, thats over." Alistair thought as he grabbed another drink. He was so ready to settle in. He waited for everyone to start making there way to the bunks. He watched as everyone went their seperate ways. He took one last swig of rum and got up.

"So guys," he said, directing his attention to Eir and Eli "who wants to bunk with me?" He asked with a smile.
Halcyone left the meeting room and looked about. She did not know where she was supposed to be going to find a bunk. She shrugged and followed the others. After the long trip and the meeting she was ready for a some sleep, she just hoped they had comfortable beds in this place.
Linda had finished a sizable portion of her bottle of liqueur and looked around the room now that Killroyal was gone. "It looks like the team has gotten rather interesting." She stood up, adjusting her glasses and then taking another swig from the bottle. "I need my space so I'd rather not room with anyone." She spoke flatly as she began to walk out of the room.

She noticed Halcyone looking around and motioned her to follow "The cabins are this way." She then began to walk, deciding that one the way she might as well send in that request for Killroyal's history.
Halcyone turned to follow Linda, "Oh, thank you very much" she said as she clomped along next to the woman.

She opened the face plate on her helmet, it slid back to cover some of her glowing fiber optic "hair" and showed that there was indeed a biological form inside the sleek and armored encounter suit.

"Do you know if these rooms have facilities for me to recharge my encounter suit's power cells and life support systems?"
Linda turned back to look at Halcyone and thought a moment. "Hmm if your suit's power cells can be connected to conventional outlets then yes there should be plenty of places. If it needs something a bit more hefty though you might want to take it to the Power armor bay."
It was obvious to people who knew Eir that she was starting to have misgivings about the whole operation. She might be a grunt, but she was more than capable of basic math, and now the ‘Spacers now outnumbered the Marines – and they were the ones that were supposed to be trained. At least the Commandant seemed to be happy with the size of the most recent spacer. She could only hope that at least the large hulking one knew how to protect itself to even out the playing field a bit.

Once more it was quickly becoming a lemons-to-lemonade scenario. Though it could have been worse; they were not being shot at at the moment and their new commanding officer seemed perfectly happy in his new position – though it was hard for Eir to think about just how deep in the barrel of Marines the Commandant had been scraping before being reassigned. Then Killroyal left the room, and Eir stood up and took one of the cigars and pocketed it. It was an old cliché, but she doubted she would have too many times in the future to seize a good quality cigar for an ambiguous celebration in the future. She might as well do it now.

She looked back to Alistair as he asked the question and shrugged in response. “It doesn’t sound like we will be here long regardless, so I would not take the time to get too comfy with our bunk assignments. We may even want to split up and get to know our new squad mates a bit better before we hit the field.” She took a moment to look over the ‘Spacers that where left. She scratched the back of her head and spoke again. “I need to head off to the quartermaster’s office to pick up a few things.” She began walking away from the desk from which she had picked up the cigar. “Just bunk like you want to; I will take whichever one is empty when I get back.” Her first few steps took her past Alistair and she gave him a quick pat on the shoulder. She wasn’t quite sure what had happened during the meeting, but something about it seemed to have taken the wind out of his sails.

She left the ward room, being careful to not congest the pathway as she headed towards the quartermaster’s. She was quiet and a little contemplative during her walk. Their situation being what it was, it might have been easy to forget that they were still staring down the ‘Spacer fleet, yet the space jockeys and technicians were running around, doing whatever checks or menial tasks they had been given to keep them from snapping from the pressure. Thankfully, these where all Navy issues, and your average dirt stomping Marine like Eir had free run of the more civilian aspects of the ship. It did not take her long after she had hit the quartermaster’s office to get what she had shown up for: a second data jockey. She leaned up against one of the ship’s bulkheads as she unpacked the device. Familiar with it as she was, it only took her a short amount of time before she was able to start the download she wanted for it. She did a double take at the raw size of the file. It seemed she would have a lot of reading ahead of her.
Nodding Dom followed Elway as he lead her to a place to speak. "Thank you for taking some time to speak with me."

Elway nodded over his shoulder to her as he swept open a pair of double-doors leading into the kitchen. The Ulfbhert was a large ship, an Orca-class carrier-- but the Officer's Kitchen was small and intimate compared the the massive steel-countered galley a deck below. Sweeping counters worked their way like a snake around the four corners of the room, with a floating workspace in the middle. Elway approached this middle workspace where he'd laid his duffel bag earlier and began removing a few of his effects. "I'll be trying to make myself available to the team as much as possible to free up the Commandant for tactical decisions and international concerns. If Cloudheart is your counselor," He suggested, "You can consider me to be your coach."

"Well Then you would be exactly who I need to speak to. I need to have the medical records for everyone who will be working with the rest of the Freespacers. It is vital that I have this information to make sure there is no health risk to my kind. There are reasons that we wear the suits we do." She didn't mention she also wore her so that no one would realize how young she really was. That just wouldn't do. Nor did she say the real reasons for the medical files were to find out the proper dosing for the Commandant.

"This would be quite handy, I can either take electronic copies or hard copies if that would be easier."

"I'll send the relevant data to your datapad." Elway replied, running a hand over the length of his mohawk.

"This of coarse includes the commandant, if he is going to continue touching people." Dom spoke almost sounding grossed out by the mere idea of it.

"Curious notation. Why wouldn't it?" Elway asked, narrowing his eyes.

"I do not know, cause you might try to keep certain things classified."

Elway frowned a little, the creases around his mouth catching in a scar. He took in a quick breath, then stopped, on the cusp of saying something.

"We arn't of your kind, so I understand you trying to keep things like that, but medically things can't" She nodded as if she had just spoke words of the great programmers.

"I noticed, as I examined you all, that Miss Cloudheart does not wear a suit like you and your companion." Said Elway, changing the subject. "Is she perhaps bold? Are we in danger of being irradiated by her? Forgive my curiosity, but my job is to safeguard the Commandant's person-- just as yours is to safeguard your compatriots."

Dom reached up holding her hand in front of Elway, Carefully she opened the glove and took it off. Wiggling her fingers in front of his face. "The Radiation is minimal, less then you would get for a medical scanner." She grinned behind her helmeted mask and booped him on the nose before returning her hand to her glove.

"And is she in any danger, not wearing a suit like you?" Elway went on, wrinkling his nose like a rabbit.

"I am not sure, I haven't looked at her medical records yet, I have just arrived. But once I do I am sure I will make her take the proper precautions." Most of the words Dom were using she only have a little idea of what they meant. what were these proper precautions... Possible daily enemas and a paper medical mask. Who knew. Dr. Domicile worked in mysterious ways... Even to herself.

"Well, I am not a handler of classified information." Elway finally concluded, still frowning a bit, "But I will give you what I have. Is there something else I can help you with, Doctor?"

"Yes... I need a private Med bay for the Freespacers aboard. A place I can set up that they can feel comfortable to come in and get help." She nodded as if she was agreeing with her own statement.

"Hmm..." The Sergeant tilted his head a little bit in thought, stroking his chin, "We weren't expecting to stay here on the Ulfbhert for long. Would you be satisfied to make house calls during general quarters for the time being?"

"That would be acceptable for now." She flopped her hand over as if it was the lesser of a crappy situation.

"Very well. I recommend corralling your fellows and trying to convince them to stay clustered together for quicker attention."

"Will do." She turned to the floating FARS unit, and giggled, "Sweety please take me to my cabin, then find this kind man and get the data we discussed." She giggled and again before waving to Elway and following Sweety.