Yuumi smelled opportunity, and even the Lorath weren't going to sour it.
Vanderhuge and Pyros wanted Nepleslia to be left alone? She could work with that. The Lorath wanted a bigger presence on the galactic stage? They suffered enough for it, but they wanted to poke Yamatai in the eye to get there. Yuumi wanted to play honest and nice, but honesty came first, and the High Priest's proposal wasn't one she could abide, if only because the Lorath fleet — even if her numbers were low — was insufficient to stop an NMX invasion fleet, let alone strike at their territory. They had perhaps 10 warship classes, and only four of the massive Eagle-class battle carriers.
However, Yuumi knew Yamatai's fleets were becoming a liability to her nation. They were taking food supplies from the citizens in order to keep up the fight, and it was leaving her people starved.
"Ambassador Tafari is right," she said, harnessing the eyes on her as she leaned forward on the table, hands down. "The Yamatai Star Empire cannot, and will not shirk its duty to put an end to a menace it helped create. Our honor demands we fight it even to our own end, whether our neighbors hurt or help us.
"Premier Pyros' statement also rings true. Nepleslia wants to be left alone, and I agree that all nations deserve that right. If an alliance is not desired by Nepleslia, and Yamatai is unfit to lead, no purpose is served by forcing one."
She paused, letting the delegates hang for just a second. "But I cannot, in good conscience, allow you and your nation, High Priest Tomoe, take on this burden of an alliance, either. Your fleets cannot match an 11,000-strong NMX armada, especially after it extricates itself from Nepleslia's jaws and regroups."
Yuumi reclaimed the main projector and restored the map, then zoomed on Yamatai. The crater left over from the final moments of the Battle of Yamatai still was visible on the planet's surface. "My nation has lost at least 70 percent of its farming capacity, and though we are trying to make up for it, it is an effort that requires time. The Empire's citizens are doing their best to feed one another, but much of our food goes to the Star Army, to keep them strong to protect us.
"My people are starving."
She paused again. If she had hair on her ears, it would have been standing on end.
"Ambassador Tafari, Minister Schneider. Yamatai stands ready to end this war, but I'm not so foolishly proud to ignore the cries of my people. If you are willing to believe in my people's commitment to kill these bastards, we stand ready to shield you from them. I cannot ask that you send us your sons and daughters, but if you might share the bounty of your table with we who are hungry, you will have defenders the prowess of which cannot be matched by the enemy."
Vanderhuge and Pyros wanted Nepleslia to be left alone? She could work with that. The Lorath wanted a bigger presence on the galactic stage? They suffered enough for it, but they wanted to poke Yamatai in the eye to get there. Yuumi wanted to play honest and nice, but honesty came first, and the High Priest's proposal wasn't one she could abide, if only because the Lorath fleet — even if her numbers were low — was insufficient to stop an NMX invasion fleet, let alone strike at their territory. They had perhaps 10 warship classes, and only four of the massive Eagle-class battle carriers.
However, Yuumi knew Yamatai's fleets were becoming a liability to her nation. They were taking food supplies from the citizens in order to keep up the fight, and it was leaving her people starved.
"Ambassador Tafari is right," she said, harnessing the eyes on her as she leaned forward on the table, hands down. "The Yamatai Star Empire cannot, and will not shirk its duty to put an end to a menace it helped create. Our honor demands we fight it even to our own end, whether our neighbors hurt or help us.
"Premier Pyros' statement also rings true. Nepleslia wants to be left alone, and I agree that all nations deserve that right. If an alliance is not desired by Nepleslia, and Yamatai is unfit to lead, no purpose is served by forcing one."
She paused, letting the delegates hang for just a second. "But I cannot, in good conscience, allow you and your nation, High Priest Tomoe, take on this burden of an alliance, either. Your fleets cannot match an 11,000-strong NMX armada, especially after it extricates itself from Nepleslia's jaws and regroups."
Yuumi reclaimed the main projector and restored the map, then zoomed on Yamatai. The crater left over from the final moments of the Battle of Yamatai still was visible on the planet's surface. "My nation has lost at least 70 percent of its farming capacity, and though we are trying to make up for it, it is an effort that requires time. The Empire's citizens are doing their best to feed one another, but much of our food goes to the Star Army, to keep them strong to protect us.
"My people are starving."
She paused again. If she had hair on her ears, it would have been standing on end.
"Ambassador Tafari, Minister Schneider. Yamatai stands ready to end this war, but I'm not so foolishly proud to ignore the cries of my people. If you are willing to believe in my people's commitment to kill these bastards, we stand ready to shield you from them. I cannot ask that you send us your sons and daughters, but if you might share the bounty of your table with we who are hungry, you will have defenders the prowess of which cannot be matched by the enemy."