Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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Setting notes from Discord


Convention Veteran
This is a place where if someone sees something entrusting being said about the setting on Discord, they can post it here for posterity.


iaincarter — Yesterday at 5:26 PM
Especially if we lose the third mishhu war! :p

Mikodimus — Yesterday at 5:34 PM
That would be something

FrostJaeger — Yesterday at 5:59 PM
That would indeed be something >:3

Cowboy — Yesterday at 6:09 PM
Yeah, Yam's first loss.

demibear — Yesterday at 7:37 PM
Yam has never lost a war is what I am assuming Cowboy meant.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Yesterday at 9:13 PM
Doubt it will be this one. The war is outside the sector so unless yamatai comitted all of its fleets and they all across everywhere they went to got shrekt and then yamatai couldnt just print up 70,000 more ships I don't think they would lose unless they pulled the kind of loss like the US in veitnam where it was cutting their losses and pulling out.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Yesterday at 9:21 PM
Only way yamatai would ever really lose is if a hundred very unlikely things happened and it somehow against all odds just kept shooting itself in the foot. And all the ways it would need to do that are so extremely unlikely IC without even the OOC aspect involved. Like yamatai is never going to elect an anti-war political party to power, screw over its already autonomous admirals, defunding its fleets and legions at the same time when on a war footing, etc

Ametheliana — Yesterday at 9:42 PM
Yamatai has lost battles, though. Nataria, Hoshi no Iori, and Tami come to mind off the bat as total losses that were not recovered (except in Tami's case, but that was after the closing of the war).
They were battles that rocked them to their very core. I feel like losses like those gives our characters uncertainty about where and when they will fail. They also propel them to not let those failures happen again.
Losing the battle but winning the war still hurts the victor. And will make the loser all the more confident to try again...

Ametheliana — Yesterday at 9:45 PM
This is SARP's version of this NH-25 on Star Army Space Roleplay
Instead of legs they have tentacles lol

Wes — Yesterday at 9:50 PM
There were also battles Yamatai won, but the cost was extremely high, like Glimmergold, Third Battle of Nataria, and the Battle of Yamatai...
What we have is a situation where Yamatai is on a timer to find and get the Mishhu under control where they're at or eventually the Mishhu will be so powerful they'll steamroll Yamatai at some future point. They can't be left to keep growing so Yamatai has to fight them now.

Ametheliana — Yesterday at 9:57 PM
Rereading the admiral meeting today, Yamatai also doesn't have as much personnel as it should for wartime, A very sticky spot to be caught in even for the time being, let alone further down the line when the Mishhu feel like attacking closer to home.

Ametheliana — Yesterday at 9:59 PM
I also kind of counted Third Battle of Nataria as a loss. The Kuvexians only retreated because SAINT/ Saiga cancelled a bunch of payments and so they had to figure that out rather than keep pounding Nekovalkyrja into actual forever graves.
But just chewing the fat of history, not arguing one way or another

Cowboy — Yesterday at 10:48 PM
Sorry for the confusion. I meant to tag Iain's comment about "if we lose the third Mishhu war." That would be Yam's first loss.

Ametheliana — Yesterday at 10:56 PM
Yeah I gotchu! Maybe first time losing a whole war
But I hope you + others get my point that Yamatai has certainly lost before
It helps shapes most of my characters and their actions!

Cowboy — Yesterday at 11:01 PM
Indeed. We lost Hanakos world for years. Sanda would also call Gashmere a loss.

Sunny D — Yesterday at 11:02 PM
May I suggest fail safe Von Neumann probes as a fail safe?


Wes — Today at 6:04 AM
It's not that Yamatai can't clone up a bunch of soldiers for its military, the problem is training and building the best leaders for the Star Army. We can make lots of mooks but the Star Army's philosophy has always been quality first, then quantity.
You can pump out lots of badass Neko troops but those troops need time and experience to grow. It's one of the reasons there are no enlisted Starship Operators anymore, because the Star Army found they needed more ship captains so they kind of plugged the starship operator pipeline into that in the hopes that, after a few years, they would start hitting the right ranks and experiences to be eligible for the captains' chairs. And it's working!
An example is some of the starship operator NPCs from the early days of the Resurgence are now captaining her sister ships.
Lizalopod — Today at 10:29 AM
moving to here for these cause yamatai. about what rank would a ship science officer need to be / how long would they have needed to server? Working on 1 of 2 birbs

Wes — Today at 10:42 AM
Shoi, fresh out of college

Cowboy — Today at 10:51 AM
Here's a question. So you know the Wakaba had a bunch of Neko babies to get their crew numbers up while they were lost in space. Now that they've returned they need to go through basic and all. But what about officers and science officers? The wiki says that they need to go to the academy for 4 years. Does that mean they would be off the ship. For the next 4 years and unplayable since they'll have to be at university?

Wes — Today at 10:53 AM
They might be able to do some kind of online classes but yeah, the Star Army requires all officers to be college grads.

StrikeWyvernX02S — Today at 10:54 AM
me when i find out the guy that is responsible for flying the ship through a minefield graduated in online class
blud thought it was microsoft flight simulator 2020

Lizalopod — Today at 10:54 AM

Wes — Today at 10:59 AM
The realistic answer is none of those field younglings are officers, because they could not have got a commission.
A commission is a formal document from a head of state (the Empress) or in their name, that appoints an officer to a position in the military. Currently in the Star Army, Taisho Yui commissions officers and she and the Empress jointly commission flag officers (general officers).
e.g. No Yui, no gold stripes

Cowboy — Today at 12:36 PM
Thanks Wes. That helps me going forward. I also had a PC who had a science officer that was a Santo Hei and when the plot started but since then the SA said scientist had to be officers and I wanted to be able to give clear directions.

Mikodimus — Today at 12:46 PM
Looks at the Koun training neko captains on a real ship while attending online classes
I am just glad Alastair isn't the one flying the ship...Ali doing all the heavy lifting

HarperMadi — Today at 12:49 PM
Ali isn't a Neko, tho.

Mikodimus — Today at 12:49 PM

HarperMadi — Today at 12:49 PM
She probably captained a freighter as long as he did, tho. Mad AF she went needs of the army.

Mikodimus — Today at 12:50 PM
I plan to cover details for her being a captain shortly

HarperMadi — Today at 1:36 PM
Bet! Keep in mind, Ali's about to be a second year SAAMMS student captain candidate. She still has to serve time as an XO, which is like third year shenannigans.

Wes — Today at 1:46 PM
I thought she was in a plot ship

HarperMadi — Today at 1:49 PM
She is. She attends remotely and between missions. Or is that not a thing?
Cause if it's not, I can do the drop out for missions shenannigans and backdate it.

Wes — Today at 1:51 PM
Remote classes are not offered at the Star Army Academy, it's modeled after the US Naval Academy

FrostJaeger — Today at 1:52 PM
Aren’t correspondence courses a thing?
or is that only for Kyoto War College

Wes — Today at 1:52 PM
Not for the Star Army Academy

FrostJaeger — Today at 1:52 PM
ah, kk

HarperMadi — Today at 1:53 PM
Aah. Yeah, probably deferred attendance due to mission needs, or straight dropped out after her first year and ran candidacy as correspondence courses through another school.

Wes — Today at 1:53 PM
KWC has correspondence

HarperMadi — Today at 1:54 PM
I'll write a backdated transfer/dropout request if you want to write the actual order. I think it would have been right before she made Taii.

Wes — Today at 1:55 PM
Star Army Academy is mainly for fresh faced 21yos who know a senator to sit in classes for 4 years of super challenging courses and become top officers. Think the West Point of the SAOY
Also it is a med school
Ketsurui Academy is the big Star Army engineer tech school.
Kyoto War College is like the big officer trainer hub
Enlisted becoming officers tend to pass through it.

HarperMadi — Today at 1:58 PM
Fair enough. I'm doing the request for school transfer rn.

Mikodimus — Today at 2:00 PM
Belmont Academy of Excellence soon
Where one learns nothing but your still excellent at it.

Cowboy — Today at 2:03 PM
That's very good to know Wes. Which schools focus on what things. Very helpful to know.

Wes — Today at 2:03 PM
I should make some more sometime.

HarperMadi — Today at 2:11 PM
Yeah, I was told she would be best placed at SAAMMS, so oofta. No biggie. Her orders request just dropped. I know Alastair won't be happy with her. Nor will Akino. (Koun's current XO)

Wes — Today at 2:14 PM
I think there are some misconceptions about the schools, and hope to clear them up
I need to do a better job writing them I guess.
I have outlined multiple times in multiple threads (using information directly from the wiki) how the various officer commissioning paths in the Star Army work, so I’m surprised people still go off of their headcanons because the information is both on the wiki (on a centralized list at the top of the SATA article) and has been presented directly to the confused parties here on the forum.

Again for posterity:
  • SAAMMS: A military service academy modeled after real life equivalents like the USNA and West Point. Very prestigious. The students are young people who must be dedicated enough to attend in person under strict regulation to maintain the institution’s elite nature. Has a medical side, similarly prestigious, that is attended in-person.
  • Ketsurui Academy: Its like SAAMMS for engineers.
  • Kyoto War College: Originally a command college (like the real life Naval War College) that provided officers at least ranked Chusa with masters-level courses in advanced military theories. At some point began offering correspondence college courses to enlisted soldiers to level them up to officer. The “mustang school.” Also has produced some rare fresh officers Wesley Crusher/field midshipman style.
  • Mayamae Officer School: The direct commissioning program. Officer candidate school. College graduates go here to enter the Star Army as a Shoi.
I have outlined multiple times in multiple threads (using information directly from the wiki) how the various officer commissioning paths in the Star Army work, so I’m surprised people still go off of their headcanons because the information is both on the wiki (on a centralized list at the top of the SATA article) and has been presented directly to the confused parties here on the forum.
To be fair, I wouldn’t expect most folks to spend hours digging through forum threads for something as minor as where their character attended officer college - for want of a better term - and the list you mentioned isn’t what I’d call the most descriptive, no offense meant towards the article’s author. Perhaps the list could be expanded with the descriptions you put in your post?
More OOC notes beyond a link to the wiki article might help with that. People SHOULD be reading on the real world equivalent when supplied it, but some people still need a bit more guiding on how their characters should act/what training they attended consisted of.
Rizzo — Today at 7:13 PM
Can anyone tell me how big this wing pack is?
And what is it shooting? It describes a flickering purple beam. Is that a laser?
Aether is pinkish white
Maybe a phased energy pulse?

iaincarter — Today at 7:17 PM
drone is armed with a rapid-fire projected energy cannon

Rizzo — Today at 7:18 PM
Yeah... What IS that?

raz — Today at 7:18 PM
Space lazers

iaincarter — Today at 7:19 PM

raz — Today at 7:19 PM
I've always imagined it to be incompatible with the M2-4's Turbo Aether Plasma wings because they're both a type of wing pack but it's up to the GM thus far. Sunny D most recently used the equipment in a Kaiyo mission: RP: YSS Kaiyō - Mission 28: Akuma
I do not think Ame held the character to "no TAP drives" but it doesn't make sense to me based on where hardpoints are that both could fit.

Rizzo — Today at 7:22 PM
I agree. The many wings would seem to collide. Then again the wings fold down. Maybe that's what she did?

Rizzo — Today at 7:24 PM
I guess a really big NSP is a good answer.

iaincarter — Today at 7:24 PM
Based on the stat blocks, that seems to track

Rizzo — Today at 7:25 PM
Ooh. It has an approval page. Might have more info
Fred made it so I'm sure it's been thought through

raz — Today at 7:28 PM
It's obviously a little more powerful than an NSP. Probably tier 5.

Rizzo — Today at 7:30 PM
Yeah, that's what I was thinking. They're not very big from what I'm seeing. I thought they would be big but they appear to override the mounting PA's base speed
So I guess they have powerful engines
Pushes speed to .4
It give the impression that these wings inspired the M2-4 wings

raz — Today at 7:39 PM
I mean theoretically, they could simply convert to tier 7 for the heavy mode (because the auto conversion is already there) because each drone is bigger than an NSB. It has like 4 drone rifles. I think it technically slows you down, too, when the weapons are detached.

Rizzo — Today at 7:43 PM
If the Aether pulse cannon is doing T7 in heavy mode this pack would be the equivalent of having of them AND no mention of a range limitation. It would make the APC irrelevant
Not to mention the drones appear to not shoot aether, are probably the same size as the APC but also have propulsion systems. T6 heavy would make the most sense to me AND there are 4 of them. That's technically T7 equivalent

raz — Today at 7:46 PM
I know he is busy, but maybe @Sunny D can give you an idea of what he thought the wing pack would do when he sought it out for his loadout.

Rizzo — Today at 7:47 PM
Do you know what timezone Fred is in? I'd hate to wake him up.
I'd like to know what he was making when he submitted the Sylph.

raz — Today at 7:49 PM
FYI volume of fire doesn't combine to make bigger tiers. If you shot a billion NSPs they wouldn't add up, as Wes suggested in the NSB update thread. Like an automatic gun that does "negligible" damage on the scale isn't going to eventually reach a higher tier's worth of damage against a target that outlcasses it.

Rizzo — Today at 7:51 PM
True, but if a T5 shield can take 2 T5 shots the current concept would kill that medium PA outright in 1 salvo
A T9 would do the same plus a crater

raz — Today at 7:52 PM
Maybe, if that's what the GM wants. But DRv3 did away with any sort of hitpoints system. As I'm sure Fred can confirm, v3 was created as a guideline for GMs to generally describe damage rather than a hard-and-fast system that has directly calculable outcomes.

Rizzo — Today at 7:54 PM
True to an extent. Revisiting the example, the first 2 shots would pop the shield, the next 2 would each deal "potentially lethal" damage. Naturally, the GM would consider armor resistances and where the shot landed, but if that doesn't work... that's full auto
The rain will not be nice

raz — Today at 8:00 PM
Version 3, often called “SADRv3” or just “v3”, was proposed to fix the scaling problem between power armor and mecha (among other issues), and introduced an HP-less solution that would work better with a roleplayed narrative and reduce the tabletop-style number crunching.
Version 3 looks at this from the standpoint of a weapon's purpose. Players will see many weapons listing their purpose in the SARPwiki, going from light anti-personnel to heavy anti-capital ship.
The system's base assumption is that a light anti-starship weapon is meant to shoot down “light starships.” There's also a matter of scale: if a player shoots the same weapon at something smaller than a starship, it'll likely be far more ruinous. Against a larger starship, it'll likely do much less significant damage.
The current system essentially and by design lets you know if something gets overwhelmed and destroyed in one shot. Outside of that, it only really strives to inform players and GMs what non-incapacitating damage may look like. So a target can potentially take equal or below damage on the "Attacks" scale indefinitely because immediate lethality only starts at "1 above 'quite' lethal."

iaincarter — Today at 8:01 PM
Ah, yon olde anime staple of scratching the paintwork and leaving blast marks across armour panels

raz — Today at 8:01 PM
Also from the article:
"If the gap becomes too wide in disfavor of the weapon, it won't do much of anything; too wide, and the weapon will cause overkill."
All it does is tell the GM about overkill or what non-lethal damage looks like, essentially.
This is also important:
Keep that in mind as you read this article. Be it weapons, protective means or various vehicles, each article usually has a wealth of information to offer. SADRv3 is meant to add scale and perspective to those articles, but it does not demand — that is up to the narrative between Game Masters and the players in their care.

Rizzo — Today at 8:04 PM
Are you saying the ABSR cannot kill medium PA?

raz — Today at 8:08 PM
Let's see. At "rapid pulse" an ASBR is "equal" tier 4 so "potentially lethal." So there is no narrative guarantee that a single shot nor any accumulation of shots will achieve a kill. With "beam" mode it is 1 above "quite lethal," which tells me that the shot would likely cause death eventually if left untreated. "Saber" mode is 2 above and "highly destructive," so thus will maim its target and be lethal if left untreated. An ASBR never achieves 3 above, "assuredly lethal," nor 4 above "total annihilation." So of course it can kill a medium PA, but it isn't guaranteed to one-shot a medium PA (though it can if the GM wants that).
As the article says, the DR informs "scale and perspective" of damage.

Rizzo — Today at 8:12 PM
I see what you mean then. You're saying they die, GM permitting.

raz — Today at 8:13 PM
Yes. But the GM can also fairly reason that they don't die at all and are lucky enough to escape any damage at equal tier calculation or below. It's only "potentially" lethal, after all.

Rizzo — Today at 8:15 PM
Of course, that makes sense. I was talking strictly from a mechanical aspect

raz — Today at 8:16 PM
Especially because there are no hit points. A target is either damaged to a varying degree or it dies. DRv3, as quoted above, simply seeks to provide perspective. There's no mechanicial interaction or "RPG crunch." Though GMs can take it that far if they wish, and players in their plots participate on that consent.

Ametheliana — Today at 8:19 PM
Also, the lethality is to the equipment and not necessarily the wearer. So if it's potentially lethal the mindy could be out of commission, but the person inside is okay for now.

raz — Today at 8:20 PM
I've never thought about it like that but it's kind of true. A ship getting shot with something that puts it out of action doesn't necessarily mean the crew dies. They can run to the escape pods.

Rizzo — Today at 8:20 PM
That's how tanks are still relevent. Penned the armor but missed the crew

raz — Today at 8:21 PM
Unless we've eliminated spalling entirely, I feel like the crew usually dies. Just based on real world examples.

Rizzo — Today at 8:21 PM
I think The Expanse shows how you can survives rounds penning a ship too

Rizzo — Today at 8:21 PM
How likely is the crew to wear PA?

raz — Today at 8:22 PM
Yeah those are railguns, which is cool. Tho idk if it's accurate or just sci-fi magic.

raz — Today at 8:22 PM
Vehicle Operators wear the Star Army Field Uniform, Type 31.
But I mean. If there's room inside.

Rizzo — Today at 8:25 PM
The tank La Pro is bringing was modded to accept them in Mindys but its going to be described as very cramped

raz — Today at 8:26 PM
That's cool. I think the page really only states what the standard is, not what some super esoteric non-Rikugun tank division mission is doing.

Rizzo — Today at 8:28 PM
It's meant to get them to their objective. It might go nuclear at the enemy gate

Sunny D — Today at 8:45 PM
Boost acceleration, speed and manoeuvrability when Drones are attached to hard points.
Drones could independently target, switch fire to give continuous fire on a target while the other drones recharged, or concentrate fire.
Drones could also fire in pulse mode or beam mode
If you read the wiki a certain way you could also argue it would boost CFS. It was designed for a previous generation Mindy which didn't have CFS. Personally I think it's fine without it.
That what you wanted?

raz — Today at 8:51 PM
That's cool, thanks. Rizzo is thinking about the damage and revising it. I was just wondering what you, as a user, thought on that front. Was the stated Tier 7/8 relevant to you at all? Like to the point you'd not have chosen it in favor of something else?

Sunny D — Today at 8:57 PM
At the end of the day its GM's choice how effective it is.
7 in independent mode, 8 if you're concentrating fire maybe?

Rizzo — Today at 8:57 PM
8 is a tank's primary cannon

Sunny D — Today at 8:59 PM
Ather Carbines are Tier 7
Those are hand held weaponry
well, in power armor

Rizzo — Today at 9:00 PM
lol. Looks like an over tier
Oh wait. That's on a mini mech

raz — Today at 9:01 PM
Size has no impact on a weapon's power, that's just on defense. I just wanted to know if someone who chose the sylph pack as equipment recently thought that the stated damage was relevant when they picked it. Just because people will go for certain weapons based on their capabilities.

Rizzo — Today at 9:02 PM
Size does matter. You're wrong, and let's not get into it here

Sunny D — Today at 9:02 PM
the issue is escalation of threat. There are people like me who see stat blocks and weaknesses as puzzles to be solved, and then you have GMs who need to keep the threats threatening.

Rizzo — Today at 9:03 PM
It's about scale

Sunny D — Today at 9:03 PM
We are natural enemies

Rizzo — Today at 9:04 PM
HOW can you pack the power of a tank's main weapon into a lunchbox? It's called a bomb at that point. not a gun

raz — Today at 9:04 PM
The size of a weapon does not dictate its power. The only place size is mentioned on the article is specifically when it comes to the mass of something for its defensive rating. And Fred even came into this chat and said that small weapons often hurt bigger things.

Rizzo — Today at 9:04 PM
A good point. Players vs. GM

Rizzo — Today at 9:16 PM
Found it. Andrew stated that he would not permit my T8 Cordoba to be approved along with a T12 weapon. The highest he permitted was a T10. I was told elsewhere that the highest we should go is 1 tier above our scale
NTSE has standards for it somewhere

raz — Today at 9:25 PM
He said it's the maximum he is willing to accept. Each article is taken in a void, and isn't relevant for the next article unless the specific reviewer wants to use it as a relevant example. Particularly, nerfing really old things becuase new things are less powerful is kind of strange. But I don't really have a horse in this race; that's why I asked Sunny for what they envisioned the Wing Pack as when they chose it for RP usage. Basically the only dude who has any insight on it at the moment.

Rizzo — Today at 9:30 PM
Again. NOT A NERF. Just matching the new lable to the existing item

raz — Today at 9:33 PM
If something's power level is drastically lowered after years then it's a nerf, even if the conversion was automatically applied and then left to stand for too long. People read what's there (the wiki is canon, remember?) and then choose their loadout based on that. Again, I don't care where this weapon lands personally but ya can't say it's not a nerf to the people who did use it.

Rizzo — Today at 9:39 PM
Actually, I can, and I'm going to.
I'm going to be doing a presentation on DRv3 in a couple weeks. It's never been a nerf. We are applying the correct damage labels based on CURRENT DR standards. Not based on 10 second intervals. PER SHOT, not 10 seconds. 1 shot, not 100.

Yuuki — Today at 9:42 PM
that significantly buffs the Taihō mass driver when it's a rapid fire model, ehehe
or the minimissile pods ooo
oh man
i sort of just like, handwaved it ngl
for the mass driver
i wasn't even thinking like that hehehe
ultra high rate rapid fire tier 2 pdw

raz — Today at 9:43 PM
The Black Spiral Positron Rifle is auto converted to Tier 8/9. Which literally matches what the textual description says. Based. Based I tell you.
boasting enough power to easily shear through durandium plating and being capable of breaching even the powerful forearm shielding of the Ke-M2-2D "Mindy II" Power Armor or larger vessels

Yuuki — Today at 9:45 PM
the really excellent urs in that are from the wiki article quote so they're not really valid targets D:

raz — Today at 9:45 PM

Rizzo — Today at 9:46 PM
That sounds like Tier 6

raz — Today at 9:47 PM
Based on that text, the rifle should be 4 or 5 above on the scale, guaranteeing "total annihilation" to a Tier 4 power armor and capable of hurting ships. And it's not the size of a tank cannon. That's why I trust the auto conversions, because they always line up with established RP.

Soban — Today at 9:47 PM
yhea I wouldn't put it more than one or two above a mindy or the "or larger" completely swallows the mindy bit.

Rizzo — Today at 9:47 PM
Fred doesn't trust the auto conversions!
Why would you?

Soban — Today at 9:48 PM
remember on tier is potentially leathal
getting hit by an on tier is something that could and perhaps should kill you

Sunny D — Today at 9:49 PM
At the end of the day, its all up to the GM

raz — Today at 9:49 PM
I'm just not a fan of nerfing Yamatai's oldest tech. Go ahead and make your new tech bad, that's fine, but I can go seek out RP or wiki text that entirely justifies every auto conversion.

Soban — Today at 9:49 PM
an on tier weapon is something that is designed with the express purpose of killing that tier of thing

Rizzo — Today at 9:52 PM
Per shot
That's the part Raz isn't grasping

raz — Today at 9:53 PM
I already explained all of that above, quite succinctly and giving references from the article.

Rizzo — Today at 9:53 PM
Yeah, but no
And that's old tech. The new Mindy is a lot tougher than the 2D
It's doing T9 in 10 seconds? That's T6 per shot
Heck, T4 shears through durandium

raz — Today at 9:56 PM
The prose on the Positron Rifle describes each shot, not a time period.

Soban — Today at 9:56 PM
DRv3 is per attack, which varies between weapons

Rizzo — Today at 9:56 PM
Would you endorse a T15 Mindy pistol?

Soban — Today at 9:56 PM
when you make an attack with a weapon what is it designed to destroy?

Ametheliana — Today at 9:58 PM
"an infantryman can carry an anti-mecha bazooka to take down tanks, and strike craft can equip anti-starship torpedoes to take down bigger prey."

raz — Today at 9:58 PM
I just don't think these arguments are well informed. Each and every time I've said something about the DRv3 system the information has been confirmed, as I participated in the lengthy discussion to approve it so know facets of it that I do not even agree with. That's all.

raz — Today at 9:59 PM
I mean, sure. But there's no thread about it. The topic was presented here as a question by Rizzo.

Rizzo — Today at 10:00 PM
Theres an easy answer... Because they don't support your arguement

raz — Today at 10:00 PM
But more to the point: There's already a lengthy thread on DRv3 from when it was approved. With Fred's designer commentary.

raz — Today at 10:01 PM
I mean, Fred's come in and simply confirmed what I said. So think whatever you want.
Nameless — Today at 2:58 AM
So Aether is from a different dimension that's purely energy. Has anyone ever explored that dimension or has there been an aethervore/aetherphage creature/species introduced before?

Ametheliana — Today at 3:11 AM
"It should be noted that the mysterious entities referred to as the Dark Ones (who created the Mishhuvurthyar as we known them today) appeared around the same time Yamatai started using aether, and that they have demanded that nations stop or reduce aether usage, indicating they have some sort of direct interest in the aether or are from the aetherverse."
Umbrals or dark ones are progenitors of Mishhuvurthyar
When you come across an especially thoughtful or intelligent Mishhuvurthyar in my RP, they were likely raised close to an umbral or a grey
As for exploring that universe, imagining the vessel required and effort behind creating such is interesting

demibear — Today at 3:15 AM
Who made the Umbral?

Ametheliana — Today at 3:16 AM
Who made the Avatar? Or the Elves?

Nameless — Today at 3:16 AM
Clearly the god of the universe, only known as "Wes"

raz — Today at 3:16 AM
Demibear may have been asking OOCly.
I think they first appeared in Wes RP but were also used by Fred.

Ametheliana — Today at 3:17 AM
LMAO well Nameless answered but Fred developed them quite a bit
So you both did

demibear — Today at 3:20 AM
I wasn't around that era of SARP, so trying to figure who made/helped developed what is a bit of a task since Wes didn't make everything (just a lot that has endured). Doesn't help that I try to follow a line of thought/progression for something and then there is a abrupt wall of nothingness.

Ametheliana — Today at 3:21 AM
"Original Mishhuvurthyar were creations of PNUgen (the NH-19) but the Mishhu weren't an original idea; they were based off an alien creature that PNUgen kept captive in order to study and emulate its capabilities. That was an Umbral. Eventually, this alien 'progenitor' broke free of captivity, and it intended to do the same for its unwanted offsprings as well, but the NH-19 were singularily loyal. They didn't have the will to resist - despite thier ability to think, programming shackled even their very will. So, the progenitor gave them the ability to resist. Using powerful psionic powers, it altered them so that they could be moved to feel outraged at how they were treated and then be capable of hatefully lash out and strike out on their own."

demibear — Today at 3:22 AM
Deep lore goodness.

Ametheliana — Today at 3:22 AM
Interesting that the discussion about loyalty the other week kind of circles back around.
Mishhu as an NH creation were loyal so were given the gift to resist and resist they did, to the point where war against Yamatai is written in their psionic DNA.
Removing that innate inability in the NH meant that same problem couldn't happen again.

Nameless — Today at 3:26 AM
Okay, second lore question, I've read that the root empire that started all the other empires in the sector was the black claw empire. How plausible is it that they've tried accessing Aether before but as a blacksite project that didn't get fully off the ground before the uprisings? (Some ideas are cooking in my head and I want to gauge the viability of it)

Ametheliana — Today at 3:28 AM
I think it is, but that's just a hanako shrug emoji from me. You would have to double check with Wes.

Nameless — Today at 3:30 AM
Okay I'll ask him about it sometime

demibear — Today at 3:33 AM
Black Claw are kind of off limits. I pitched an idea to Wes once in the past of hinting at what some other species/group of humans from the rebellion might have done (as the unofficial pre-YE history hints at), nothing that couldn't be removed later with "Oh that's just a completely different group of humans". The shrug pretty much summed the response to the idea, lol.
But never hurts to ask. Always lose if you don't take the shot.

Nameless — Today at 3:37 AM
Makes sense. But talking of history, there's definitely so much to take into account... Might be better to start with a different foundation then, sounds a lot less daunting xD

Ametheliana — Today at 3:42 AM
Whether you're looking to start a plot or just solo RP, starting from a place that interests you will always be a strong one to set from and the aether realm is not lacking in points of interest to pull from.

demibear — Today at 3:42 AM

Nameless — Today at 3:45 AM
Might drop an interest check eventually

Yuuki — Today at 6:09 AM
Kuroko has the stones to backtalk Katsuko because of that

Wes — Today at 9:16 AM
I called them The Dark Ones, and Fred made them the Umbral.

Fred — Today at 7:41 PM
Up to my knowledge, the first Dark Ones appeared in the Y.S.S. Ongaku plot.
My incentive for creating the Umbral.
I didn't want to completely void Wes'conception of "the Dark Ones" if the result was not of acceptable quality.
Dark Ones as nomenclature was to me what they were referenced to by humankind.
Umbral was a more amongst-the-Mishhu appellation.
Recently, in the Black Knights plot, I unveiled that they call themselves the R'Lin'Phal (essentially: "People like us")
I did think "Dark Ones" was a simplistic term. I wanted a single word that was a little more striking.
We had a flowchart back then of the various forms Mishhuvurthyar could adopt... and after asking about them, one main branch of that tree was clearly tied to a single creature (the NH-19/Mishhuvurthar) while the other was clearly able to adopt far more shapes/configurations, subdivide and combine. That hinted at a wholly different kind of being and that's what I tried to flesh out.
Lore given by Melisson through the Miharu and Black Knights plot affirm that they come from overly cloudly planet that's very warm and humid due to a greenhouse effect. They are essentially amphibian psionic ambush predators that began in their smallest bug size (which they call the "Leasts") which learned to conquer/combined with other competing Leasts to become bigger, stronger, and smarter as they combined. With a life cycle going from Least, Lesser, non-adjective normal, Greater and Elder. They are a hive mind, but they do build ego and a cover-persona they they project to others, especially when it comes to debate or accomplishing goals.
Their mode of life is very competitive, but as they grow bigger and smarter, they kind of cut the bullshit and aim for what is essential and pushes their actual goals. I compared this to Nietches' Will-to-Power, which they call "Vaaker Talkaup".
Commissar Farzi — Today at 11:31 AM
Hey, dumb question for our resident veterans: have you ever been told to mop the grass till it's clean or some other dumb task because someone fucked up?

HarperMadi — Today at 12:22 PM

Yuuki — Today at 12:44 PM
sweep, mop, strip wax from floor, sweep, mop, wax floor, sweep, mop, strip wax from floor, sweep mop, wax the floor, sweep mop

Megabirb — Today at 12:54 PM
I feel like that would be terrible for the floor
At least if it's wood flooring

Yuuki — Today at 1:22 PM
always tile
tile tile and more tile

aitoseigi — Today at 1:25 PM
Strip and wax, for when you need busy work but don't want the mess of painting the wall for the nth time

Sosina — Today at 1:28 PM
I believe it's called Getting smoked... or getting a "beating" basically dumb pointless task to do as punishment, usually as a result of someone else mucking up big time (or even small time... just enough to get a higher ups ire)

Yuuki — Today at 1:35 PM
getting smoked is having to do exercise until you're exhausted
sweeping the motor pool line for the seventy fifth time that week type stuff, i don't think I ever heard it have an actual name for it
as a concept
issue out every single weapon in the armory, clean them all, check every single weapon back into the armory, issue out every single weapon in the armory, clean them all...
that was another one
every check in is an inspection
every check out and in is paperwork

Foeliner — Today at 1:38 PM
From what I know, isn't getting smoked more of an Army/Marine thing? The Army vets I know have mentioned it, but neither of the active-duty Air Force guys I know have.
(Of course, they're both mechanics, not 11B, so that might also have something to do with it.)

Yuuki — Today at 1:39 PM
11B is Army infantry code

Foeliner — Today at 1:39 PM
Yeah but it's the only grunt code I know so take it or leave it :V

Yuuki — Today at 1:40 PM
the AF doesn't have grunts at all

Foeliner — Today at 1:40 PM
What would even be the closest equivalent, security forces?

Yuuki — Today at 1:40 PM
also note Yuuki's Army knowledge is almost 20 years old at most recent and Yuuki spent her whole time in a Fort Bragg Airborne and Special Operations bubble

Yuuki — Today at 1:40 PM
nah those are MPs
they're actual police

Foeliner — Today at 1:40 PM
Oh, huh

Yuuki — Today at 1:40 PM
grunts don't have a day job except mowing grass and sweeping the motor pool
like infantry, artillery, cavalry
bcause their actual job is dangerous and expensive
special operations is given the budget so they do their jobs as training all the time, but are also deployed actually doing their jobs way more
anything remotely grunty in the air force is probably actually special operations
like pararescue and stuff

Foeliner — Today at 1:42 PM
PJs are more ninjas than grunts though

Yuuki — Today at 1:42 PM
not having grunts is almost their whole deal

Foeliner — Today at 1:42 PM
oh good lord, Discord's having a stroke on my end

Yuuki — Today at 1:43 PM
PRs are kinda like an SF medic in the army without all the actual SF stuff like teaching it to locals and dealing with livestock and stuff
a lot of them go to army schools like RIP
as much as the army special operations in me doesn't like to admit it, special operations what they are if you can call them anything

Yuuki — Today at 1:44 PM
but to me special operations is like... setting up loudspeakers and radio stations and photoshopping anti-opium flyers and having tea with village elders dressed as locals
but that's just how spec ops is
basically marketing/advertising/sales for me lol

Foeliner — Today at 1:45 PM
huh, I always figured that was psyops (if there's even a difference)
something something, hearts and minds

Yuuki — Today at 1:45 PM
that's what I am talking about and PSYOPs are special operations
the army has a special operations force specifically called "Special Forces" and that gets conflated
There are more or less three special operations roles in the US Army
Special Forces
Civil Affairs
Psychological Operations
the marines have (I think, this is after my time info)
Force Recon
Civil Affairs
Psychological Operations
Air force has at least

Combat Controllers
navy has some people who like to talk about what they did even though they aren't supposed to, and their main skill is being really good swimmers or something like that

Yuuki — Today at 1:48 PM
there's also Combat Applications Group/Operational Detachment Delta/whatever they are calling it now it changes a lot, but that's TECHNICALLY Special Forces

Foeliner — Today at 1:49 PM
Oh, CA is classified as special operations? I had no idea

Yuuki — Today at 1:49 PM
all go to same school
JFK Special Warfare Center
lived across the street from it for years, lol

Foeliner — Today at 1:49 PM
I'm learning so much today

Yuuki — Today at 1:50 PM
basically the main thing I did was Provinical Reconstruction in Afghanistan which means "Make them like us instead of Iran"

Foeliner — Today at 1:51 PM
is Delta different from SF? I never totally understood the division between them and the Green Berets
discord please stop dying I'm begging you

Foeliner — Today at 1:52 PM
Ah, like the "building schools and roads" sort of stuff, or?

Yuuki — Today at 1:53 PM
yah,digging wells, etc
spoiler-not-spoiler local boss man pocketed money, contractors pocketed money, etc etc. so everything cost a lot and went slow and wasn't necessarily very good
the main thing i did was hang out with the people from the state dept or agriculture dept or whatever and babysit them while they did their thing
and be relied on to know enough Dari to order mujahadeen and workers around and tell crowds to stay back

Foeliner — Today at 1:59 PM
for some reason, the first thing my mind went to was "isn't this just the peace corps with some extra steps", lol

Yuuki — Today at 2:05 PM
they are off on their own but they have sf tab and green beret
but they have their own unit area and stuff in a different part of bragg way out this backroad
the main goal of SF is training local forces and leading or supporting them on their missions
the main goal of delta is waxing dudes
like the main point of SEAL is underwater demolitions
but the main point of SEAL Team 6 is waxing dudes

Foeliner — Today at 2:09 PM
nod nod

Yuuki — Today at 2:10 PM
from what i understand delta basically just spends all day at the range with their unlimited ammo budget until their fingers have blisters
and when they go somewhere, they come right back
"Regular" sf usually stays deployed a long time because they build rapport with the locals etc
constant short direct action missions vs long complex people-centric missions
SF are basically combat teachers
so they have to be gone long enough to train and lead the people
delta is go here, kill this dude, go to this other place, kill this other dude
but they're technically part of special forces

Wes — Today at 2:24 PM
Also the Army does stuff without anyone messing up, like raking the dirt, painting rocks

Yuuki — Today at 2:30 PM
if they didn't people in combat arms jobs would just be spending 7 months out of the year hanging out in their barracks playing playstation
see there's no janitors or handymen or groundskeepers in the Army
that's all rotating duties, especially your combat arms ones

Commissar Farzi — Today at 3:12 PM
Damn-just sounds like an exercise in frustration.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:29 PM
at least a good 75% of our active duty military is between the ages of 19-25. Still young, still full of hormones and only barely restrained by indoctrinated training and the big stick of seinor NCOs and junior officers who are too few in number to ride herd on them.

So you have essentially a bunch of young men with too much energy and not enough outlets for that energy so you need to keep them busy otherwise they will get in trouble. And due to their age that trouble almost always includes bad decisions with no afterthought, alcohol, young male instincts, competitive drive, and sometimes all of the above.

So you keep them on task whenver and however you can. Most of the armed forces have MOS that keep them busy all day due to the fact our military is centered around 24/7 logistics even in peacetime to keep it running.

But there are some honest to god just straight 11-contract MOS who dont have any skills beyond being unleashed on anyone who touches our boats and until then you have either the choice of risking throwing them at the motor pool and hoping @HarperMadi and her ilk dont hide the bodies or to some other task, or you chore them doing whatever the company needs from mowing lawns and sweeping parking lots to general labor or just drilling in an open field before one of them gets the idea to go wrap a dodge charger around a telephone pole or jump off the barracks roof onto a folding table.

Yuuki — Today at 3:33 PM
I remember giving my first safety briefing
also that table match was epic

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:34 PM
Its why most officers are so spiteful when they reach at least captain because they've spent at least 10+ years dealing with like 200+ out of control marines and their daily challenge goals to get arrested, maimed, lost 500-miles from post somehow within the span of 7 hours, etc.
You get to go from wrangling them to finally being seperated from that job only for some LT to show up at your office five times a week with some incident report.

HarperMadi — Today at 3:35 PM
Why the fuck did you summon me? You wanna go to Mexico?

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:35 PM
Must have been someone else.

Yuuki — Today at 3:35 PM
why they don't let combat arms with no day jobs be on motor pool office or garage duty

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:35 PM
The navy is better about it. At least in fleet.
Your life is more regimented and you have less ability to get in trouble until you make port.
Then the marines get in more trouble than the seamen do because it gets overshadowed. Tho when you fuck up on a shift there is very little slack to the rope they drag you behind the ship with due to the stakes being that much higher.

HarperMadi — Today at 3:35 PM
lols in motorpool crucifixions being called "sent to Mexico

Yuuki — Today at 3:36 PM

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:36 PM
Also theres very little acess to alcohol on a ship.

Yuuki — Today at 3:36 PM
sailor why are you hoarding potatoes

HarperMadi — Today at 3:37 PM
Madi: Vodka.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:39 PM
Ship security is like omni prescient about most issues due to how insular a ships community is. Hell one of them is going to show up just cause you're feeling down in a full tactical vest, m4a1, and jawbreaker gloves just to pass by your hatch like 6 times in the same hour.
Whereas base cops or MPs are usually 15-20 minutes away instead of just a deck bellow.
Tho that also does differ...
Smaller vessels have their own security is why. Whereas larger vessels like carriers have MAs due to the fact bigger ship and thousands of sailors require more than a couple sailors breaking up fraternization attempts.

Yuuki — Today at 3:45 PM
from what people who had seen what the rest of the army was like told me, bragg's level of crazy was more like a marine base than an army base

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 3:46 PM
But to circle back to Farzis original topic; Imagine you have sever hundred barely 2-year old, horni, exciteable, young neko on a ship and the absolute mayhem they must cause every time they stop at port for leave.
Half the crew or locals pregnant, trying to sneak port boys/girls onto the ship, local police waiting outside the ship while a tired officer has to calm them down about what one of the girls did, property damage in the thousands of KS, at least 5 neko are AWOL, one is trying to smuggle half a motorcycle piece by piece onto the ship, and at least ten of them are locked up for fighting.

Wes — Today at 3:52 PM
We should make a thread about antics bored Nekovalkyrja get into.

Soban — Today at 3:52 PM
7th Fleet NJP review board, lol

Wes — Today at 3:54 PM
Also that reminds of the time Cherry took a lewd photo of her coworker, and then printed his "johnson" closeups as ten thousand stickers and placed them everywhere in the Eucharis such as behind access panels, under consoles, below floor plates, between starship armor sections, and so on, and they're still being found to this day. It's rumored this is why Hanako keeps the Eucharis as her personal ship instead of having it be in the Star Army museum because it's not visitor safe.

raz — Today at 3:56 PM
Yeah, I feel like most Neko "antics" are more in that jokey vein than wanton destruction of the local community.
They're still women, albeit genetically engineered gynoids. Not hormonal 18 year old men.
Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:16 PM
I think it would prob be about the same vein.
Sure you're born with certain thoughts and indoctrinated in training but you are still young and cooped up in billet or ship most of your time with limited actual personal freedom.
Stepping off a ship into a port call and getting some hypoethetical distance from your immediet superiors and your duties allows a certain lax in the daily overbearing military life of doing everything as ordered, at attention, and on duty.
They are still young and lacking in life experience and adventures outside of those few months after birth and the limited times they can get time away from NCOs. They arent mindless unfeeling machines after all and no amount of indoctrination really stops them from cutting loose in the same way any army has in history~
Hell, there are prob entire industries of scalpers just kept up on buisness by selling little knickknacks and mementos to young neko on leave finally at port and able to spend some of their pay on things that arent provided to them~
Foeliner — Today at 4:19 PM
this immediately made me think about the Taliban body pillows

Wes — Today at 4:20 PM
I like the idea of character inventories full of mementos lol. I should have a character like the guy in Saving Private Ryan who collects dirt from the different countries he's in.
But from different worlds.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:21 PM
Look, young miss! A rare luck totem you can only find here on Fujiko! One of only seven. You seem like quite the hero miss I bet you've fought hard; You've got pleanty of pluck but how about LUCK! I shouldnt do this but just for you only 22KS

Wes — Today at 4:22 PM
This makes me think of Captain Picard's Risian Hor'gahn.

raz — Today at 4:22 PM
I don't really think Neko "cut loose in the same way any army has in history." They're not like bumpkins. They're techno sci-fi Yamataians.

Foeliner — Today at 4:22 PM
(some guy, before he went off to Afghanistan, bought ten of some spicy Sans body pillows from one of the vendors at a con I frequent and hid them around his base)
(no one else ever found them and he never took them out when the US pulled out)
(so now the Taliban has them)
Foeliner — Today at 4:23 PM
apparently they posted a picture of said bodypillows to some social media decrying the degeneracy of the West
so the Taliban, in fact, at some point, owned ten body pillows of Sans Undertale with his dick out

Soban — Today at 4:24 PM
I'm not sure it's a bumpkin thing so much as a 'person who has been other places' thing.

Foeliner — Today at 4:24 PM
reality can be stranger than fiction

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:24 PM
They are space viking anime women, Infaliable and with the same emotions as anyone else. And every military has done the same in history. The only exception is the R-word and pillaging and killing of locals when doing it has cut down dramatically since the 1900s.
Its not a bad thing. They are human with their emotions and not emotionless. They have wants and dreams and desires like everyone else

Wes — Today at 4:25 PM
Hanako herself collected NMX hats and stuff and opened a little museum of them.

Soban — Today at 4:25 PM
To me it's much more interesting to see how basic human drives express themselves in a different setting than to act like the basic human drives don't exist for some people.
raz — Today at 4:25 PM
Just the idea that Neko are going to come back to their ship pregnant and sneak in bedwarmers seems very off-base for established culture, and is more based in your experiences than any RP that has ever happened.
Soban — Today at 4:27 PM
I don't know about pregnant (as Nekos can turn that on or off at will) but sneaking in bedwarmers seems like something any horny might do.
Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:27 PM
Ive yet to come back pregnant~
Also culture is not a gestalt hivemind. It dictates the people as a whole in their ideals. Yamatai is benevolant and cares for its people but it doesnt mean a neko wont go into town for a drink and punch you in the mouth for bad mouthing her crew.
Each neko can swear, get arrested, and make bad descisions. It doesnt make yamatai less of an idealistic utopia for its troops to be human in their thinking.

raz — Today at 4:29 PM
I just think your take on it seems more like a headcanon than based in the fictionally dictated ideals. No need to try and convince me, you can agree to disagree I guess.

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:30 PM
I know everyone hates the in real life comparisons but it is the thousands of years of examples each and every one of us has as a basis to draw examples from because it happened.
Everything from star trek to the brothers karamazov are based off this. And its why the neko are cute little elf-eared anime girls with a senate and empress and not genderless mushrooms with a hive mind and no concept of what cheese is~
Yuuki — Today at 4:44 PM
that and because Emperor-then-Professor Uesu liked cute little elf-eared anime girls

Charmaylarg Dufrain — Today at 4:46 PM
I mean I think its all one thing we could agree we would all do; Make trillions of daughters and fill our empire with them.
Mine would be Moth girls tho. Cause cute and fluffy and soft but also holy shit terrifying at the same time.

raz — Today at 4:50 PM
Right. He created Neko to be beautiful. I think they have less in common with 18 year old men than has been stated. That doesn't remove their personality, but I do not think the real life paralell to young military men is there very strongly based on both IC history and actual RP.
I feel like Uesu considers his creations to be art, even with some imperfections. And it's pretty clear how he thinks they should behave.
But with the increasing Minkan presence and gender diversity in the Star Army itself, there is probably more overlap. I just find it odd and unbelievable to think that Neko act like 18-25 year old men.

Megabirb — Today at 5:32 PM
Maybe not in thier entirety. But sneaking motorcycle parts etc. aboard, bar room fun I could see

Mikodimus — Today at 5:46 PM
Reads about neko coming back pregnant...Welp Thad...ya just checked that one off on my list. In my defense, it wasn't planned :huhu:
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