Maggie, not fully fluent in Trade or even comprehending completely every single nuance of it stared with a dopey smile and her unsettling eyes trying to make out at least every third word the man was saying after the first string seemed just utter and complete jibberish.
His eyes, however, tracked them up and down and Maggie could at least understand that.
"Oh, this coat? No, it's not a sex thing. Yes, fashion either though it is rather stunning we know. It hides our equipment if you understand our meaning. It's made from some creature called a Del-saurian or about the like." Maggie patted her large bionic thighs and the radio rifle underneath. While her clearly mechanical legs weren't hidden the rifle underneath made the same flat, hard thud underneath that their thighs would making the point moot.
"The leotard is a sex thing though." They admitted the black bodysuit underneath leaving noting to the imagination on Maggies feminine yet still androgynous frame as it hugged around the neck, shoulders, and all the way down and around the groin which was nothing more than a durrandium plate that conformed to the shape of Maggies curves but with the bodysuit underneath was clearly armor and not where the biological-part of the foreign cyborg ended.
Only half paying attention Maggie was also spying the data. First looking
up towards the top of the building as if trying to picture what might be on the roof, Maggie then trailed down to look below ground level and began trying to form a picture from their limited knowledge of Nepleslian technology as to where they might put the extra capacitors or equipment to-
"Milyy Milyy, posmotrite na etogo ID-SOLa s yego bol'shimi sil'nymi rukami!~"
"Oh?" Maggie's head tilted to appraise Charming Callie and the big man. Not understanding the words they made out
ID-SOL and immediately got their interest peaked.
"Is this a SOL?" Maggie Cooed, suddenly
very interested in the before 4/10 at best who approached them. Maggie had heard a lot about the SOL and had seen a few but not yet encountered one personally. They knew they could get very big and some other things but more importantly that everything was
proportional on their massive bodies and it made Maggie wonder just how there were so many of them in this place if the average consenting woman was at most Maggies proportions give or take seven bust sizes with whatever was in the water in this sector that made the Bust-Waist-Hip proportions so off (not that they were complaining).
Already running some scandalous maths in that regard and coming to the conclusion the men (and more importantly women) of this sector were considerably more hardy and resilient than their intel had immediately surmised it made them consider that perhaps it was not the logistical strain and mass of bodies that shattered the Emperors mighty forces in this sector but perhaps other factors had contributed.
Nodding along to whatever Charming Callie was going on about in the strange tongue speech Maggie added the occasional affirming hum or grunt of acknowledgement as to whatever was being arranged.