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Art Shameless Art Gallery Show off Thread. (Aka, SAGSOT!!!)

SAGSOT sounds like some kind of eldrith monster (Sagg'Sot)!

Anyway, this is for those who might be interested in seeing some of the art I draw!

Since I like drawing bugs so much, I thought Furaffinity would be a good choice (plus I have friends there):
My only mistake was forgetting that the only art Furries tend to like is inflation fetish porn. Oh, well!

If you take a look, you can probably get a good idea of my more common themes from my artwork involving Lissie, the little wasp. She's a cute, cartoon character floundering in a desolate, decrepit world of financial and environmental collapse, where all other species of insect have died off, leaving her as the sole remaining bug on the planet.
Please give me feedback, tell me what you like and what you don't like, etc! I really enjoy seeing more than just an up-vote in response to my submissions.
Rather than make a separate thread, I'll add onto this one. I've been playing around a bit with Doga, assembling some little space craft. So far, it's been fun.

My 'magnetic tracer frigate':ad.facdn.net_art_waspgirl_1449665386_1449665386.waspgirl_mtfiso.webp
The general gist of it is that the cannon attached to the command bridge fires a tracer projectile which sticks to an enemy craft, allowing the main cannon to attract a powerful blast of energy towards the anchor.

And a simple missile strikecraft (corvette):at.facdn.net_18461858_400_1449665713.webp

If you check out the scraps folder in my art gallery, there are other views of those two craft available.
Here's some more Doga doodling. This is the modern successor to the I'ee patrol craft. I call it the Cog.
IeeCog1.webp IeeCog2.webp IeeCog3.webp IeeCog4.webp
Unlike its predecessor, the prong at the front is purely decorative, and it uses turret-based weapons rather than fixed broadsides.
Can I ask how I might make the bump-mapping look a bit better in Doga? I'm not sure I like how it looks on the Cog. I want there to be a clear difference in hull quality between old and new I'ee craft; with the older ships having a darker, brown-orange hull that looks kind of dirty, and the newer ships having a brilliant, shining gold-orange colour scheme.
I'm not sure how Arieg does it, but generally I have a very hard time bump-mapping anything in Doga. It has some sliders you can play around with when you select the material but that seems to be about it. I've found the easiest way of making a hull look dirty is to go in and paint on some grime yourself in photoship/gimp/whathaveyou.
I thought up another idea for a craft last night, and DoGA'd it up tonight while listening to some Electroswing.
IeeDragoon.webp IeeDragoon2.webp IeeDragoon3.webp IeeDragoon4.webp
It's called the Dragoon: A corvette-sized vessel which, as its name suggests, is designed to scoot off around the side of the enemy, stop and fire, then re-position again. It's sole armament is the big ass cannon one side of the ship; not sure what it should be yet, save that it's long ranged. The aesthetic I was going for was a lop-sided craft that looked as if it had gone back to the drawing board far too many times, and then the funding ran dry and they had to scoot what they had off to the factory; hence the engine cobbled onto the starboard side in an effort to balance out the other two.
I'm really enjoying designing starships now, it would seem, because here's another one! It's what I imagine would be the sole successful fighter-sized craft designed by the I'ee.
I'eeBomber1.webp I'eeBomber2.webp I'eeBomber3.webp I'eeBomber4.webp
It's a bomber, and one only the craziest and best pilots would even consider using in combat. Rather than using a more conventional form of bombing weaponry, it instead has a second particle core in between the engine and cock-pit sections of the craft. The two small prongs protruding from the bottom of this core are designed to vent the deadly particles down onto the enemy as the bomber passes over. This consequently necessitates an uncomfortably close pass over an enemy craft, to the point where it has to skim the surface of the hull.
Due to the dangers involved and the few pilots among the I'ee crazy and good enough to fly the bomber, it'd be a specialist craft flown into battle in a carrier vessel; designed to swarm a larger craft and tear it to shreds with the most exotic particles known to man.
Here's another DoGA ship design for the I'ee. It's a small gunship; a strike craft that's large enough to be easy to handle while also necessitating a comfortably large crew for the affectionate, lil' bugs.
I'eeGunship1.webp I'eeGunship2.webp I'eeGunship3.webp I'eeGunship4.webp
The ring-shaped outer structure houses both the primary armaments and their ammunition, with a pair of turrets guarding the ship's rear. As to what those weapons should be, I'm not too sure as of yet. I've yet to think of a projected energy weapon that would suit the I'ee. Aether technology is unknown to them, plasma would likely be too unwieldy and complicated and lasers would require a precision that would be hard for them to master. Their particle core technology could be repurposed for weapons, but the particles themselves are too unwieldy and unpredictable to project without a metal implement to 'guide' them.

Thus, the particle technology could instead be used in the form of bombs: drop a small particle core and let its containment fail, and the particles scatter in all directions, eating everything in their path. I also thought of a form of capital ship weapon involving their particle cores which would suit the I'ee's unorthodox preference for smashing and cutting compared to more sensible methodology. You know how the particle engines use a long, metal rod or prong to project the particles outwards; both to avoid damage to the ship but also to improve thrust.
I was thinking that could be used in a 'particle harpoon' weapon: specialised cannons which fire massive, barbed metal rods designed to embed themselves in the hull. The harpoons would either be attached to the parent vessel by long, metal threads which would guide the deadly particles down to the hapless vessel, or more realistically, the harpoons themselves would possess a particle core attached.

I like the tether idea more, even if its impractical. It fits the whole insectoid theme for a ship to anchor itself to another and pump it full of deadly particles like a reverse mosquito.
I did some more DoGA today, for those of you who are interested. This time it wasn't space wasp related; not directly, at least. After I designed the Kss'thi cannon; a weapon based heavily off abandoned alien tech, for the I'ee, I've been interested in exploring the architecture and technology used by the progenitor race's old enemy.

And so, here is an alien drone gunship:
AlienGunship.webp AlienGunship2.webp AlienGunship3.webp AlienGunship4.webp

The central 'wheel' enclosed in the ring structure is the ship's power source; imagine it constantly spinning at high speeds when in operation. Compared to the I'ee's bulky gunship, this drone would be about a third of its size and nearly ten times as powerful. Its four main weapons, as well as the two turret mounts at the back, are all particle cannons like the Kss'thi, albeit on a much smaller scale.

The I'ee use warm, metallic colours on their ships like copper and gold, with black as an occasional secondary colour (their older ships replace the gold and copper colours with a drab brown instead). Their interior lighting is a warm, dim orange, contrasted by the bright, sunflower yellow of their engines.
In comparison, the nameless alien race uses a pretty light-blue metal with bright red-orange, glowing high lights and a much brighter orange for their engines. Where the I'ee's ships are bulky, unwieldy and as graceful as a drunken hippo, the aliens' are slender, elongated and fragile in appearance, with lots of fin-like armour plating.

I don't intend upon introducing them into roleplay directly, since their purpose is to serve a role within the I'ee's past, but I will definitely have a few of their motives show up in some of the I'ee's less proprietary technologies like the Kss'thi cannon. It's fun to try something new as well!
Just another ship design. It's an old I'ee design, but not as old as the patrol craft. It's meant to be a utility vessel, with the starboard and port sections of the vessel designed to accomodate modules to perform various tasks. In this case, the starboard side has a rather grubby looking science capsule attached to it, while the port side has a crude hangar bay to service smaller craft.
It's about the same size as the Dragoon corvette from earlier, except much wider. For further comparison, the hangar at the port end can house two I'ee gunships within it.

This one has also been modified further with a modest, little set of guns and enhanced sensors array. If I were to ever do a 'plot ship' of sorts; a craft crewed entirely with I'ee taking part in a plot, that is to say, this is the kind of ship I'd have them clunking about in. Hopefully, it wouldn't fall apart on them. Hopefully.

IeeEngie1.webp IeeEngie2.webp IeeEngie3.webp IeeEngie4.webp
The big empty hanger frame just bolted onto the bottom is a really cool looking idea. Kinda... "Oil rig utilitarian"?... Asymmetric designs can be really hard to get right, but you always seem to manage it somehow.
The big empty hanger frame just bolted onto the bottom is a really cool looking idea. Kinda... "Oil rig utilitarian"?... Asymmetric designs can be really hard to get right, but you always seem to manage it somehow.
I'm glad I can get it right. I love asymmetry, and it can be easier to pull off with a space ship since there's less/no need for streamlining.
I started work on a design for an alien tank. Giving it a rest for now because assembling legs in a natural looking pose is hard as all hell. When I'm finished with it I'll post it here.

I did notice in my folder an old DoGA model I made when I was still experimenting:
EarlyPC1.webp EarlyPC2.webp
This is progenitor to what would become the Patrol Craft. At this point it was more like a troop transport, designed to ram its umbilicals into the enemy craft with force before disgorging its troops.
The two bent prongs flanking the three ramming spikes are meant to resemble a wasp's open jaws; insect scare tactics! It's a motif I hope to resurrect on one of their ships sometime.
Another little update. I tried my hand at drawing a hand-held weapon tonight. It's a short range 'particle thrower'; destructive and random!
I wanted to make it look like a leaf-blower or chain saw, and it's meant to have roughly the same size as one in proportion to an I'ee.
I've also been giving thought as to what I'ee infantry should be like, as well as their weapons. I'm thinking they'd be split evenly between 'fusiliers', providing long range support with ungainly, long-barrelled weapons, and 'brawlers', who charge into close quarters. The brawlers would have their right arms dedicated to wielding a large riot cop-esque shield, and the other two wielding a pair of small sub-machine gun weapons. Their armoured gauntlets would also have blades on them for CQC.
Yui wears brawler armour, but she lost her gun some time ago and has yet to get a replacement; she used a larger, LMG-type weapon.

I'm thinking the I'ee fusiliers would greatly emphasis teamwork, with maybe three to four I'ee manning large sniping weapons the size of small cannons. Two to carry and maneuver the large weapon, one perched at the back to aim and fire and a free-handed spotter who'd likely have a weapon to defend the crew if necessary. The I'ee's solution to big, scary enemies, particularly in big scary vehicles and power armour, would be to build bigger guns to fight them with.

That's not to say I don't want to design an unsightly I'ee tank, though! I just like the idea of lots of little wasp girls in armour trying to fight their wars like it's the 1800s. ^w^
Gwuh! I finally got back my drawing spark! A family crisis a few months back basically destroyed it all, but I've finally recovered from that. At least enough to do a little doodle!

This is Mitty:

She's the begrudging daughter of Filly, the Goddess of Apathy, created to destroy Nayley, the Keeper of Failure. Along her journey, she is often asked to kill other Keepers, like Creativity and Fury.
Mitty is the protagonist of a little RPGmaker project I've been working on for the past few months.