The Gypsy was originally, and still is an antique ship, so remains far below the starship standard. I don't think there would be any objections so I left it as is.
The Divine Comedy was already compliant with the speed standard as par Toshiro's request at the time of submission, so is unchanged. It remains in the higher speed brackets, as it was designed as a hit-and-run craft that cannot stand blow-for-blow with most military ships of similar size.
The Phantasm I took the liberty to put in the STL high speed region while its FTL is in the very crude region. The ship itself is a cross between a very heavy fighter or very light starship, so it was hard to place. But since 'Spacer design philosophy is heavily vested in more fragile higher speed craft and it lacks most of the components of a true starship, I thought it should more appropriate to classify its speeds as that of a fighter. Therefore it has relatively high STL speeds, but awful FTL speeds.