Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.


Hey Star Army!

I'm scouting out potential new staff members and I want to get your feedback. Who do you think would make a good staff member or moderator, and why?

Qualities I'm looking for is they're unflappably positive and respectful under pressure, they know SARP like the back of their hand, and they're able to work with everyone else in SARP (people skills are huge). Responsibilities include helping GMs create RP and helping members resolve their conflicts swiftly.

I still recommend @Jack Pine - he's running Section 6, a huge faction, and in most cases he does like to talk to people when an issue comes up. He also really does help a lot of people joining the site.

Someone I know that is super duper friendly is @club24! He loves helping people out, whether it's for something relating to him or otherwise, and is also generally able to be, super chill and relaxing to talk to.

Ethereal has helped out the discord so much with keeping on top of things, but it has stressed him out a lot. I think he'd be a great addition with a team to help support him!

It should be noted that if anyone I've mentioned wants to *not* be a staff member, just lemme know! I don't want to force these onto you guys accidentally :c
im a source of true neutrality but i dont have the time. Maybe after thanksgiving or the new year~

As for who i think would make good staff im for keeping @Ametheliana on. I dont really have many other people on i feel arent too abrasive or frankly dont want the job or would simply be too unbiased.

Maybe @FrostJaeger for his dedication to the site and the way he lays things out with all the information on hand has always struck me in a good way.
Maybe @Syaoran for 's passion on most subjects ive seen them give their input in without being blinded by bias without devolving into strawman arguments or petty arguing.

If anyone else comes to mind ill mention them too. Was going to throw legix out there for a nomination but he's got a babber too and surgery thats got him all loopy and has little time as if being a father and an FM AND a GM etc. (get used to that soon too, Wes.)
I may be playing devils advocate but I dont think being unflappably positive is necessarily a trait we need atm.

People who are overwhelmingly positive TEND to be for reasons that make them easily shakeable under the surface and therefore more susceptible to cracking under pressure.

Granted if we dont have someone emotionally rocksteady there are bound to be decisions they make that are regrettable. But being unshakable isnt the same as being likeable.
I may be playing devils advocate but I dont think being unflappably positive is necessarily a trait we need atm.

People who are overwhelmingly positive TEND to be for reasons that make them easily shakeable under the surface and therefore more susceptible to cracking under pressure.

Granted if we dont have someone emotionally rocksteady there are bound to be decisions they make that are regrettable. But being unshakable isnt the same as being likeable.
Honestly we do need a devil's advocate for this conversation. So, go ahead man.

Maybe @FrostJaeger for his dedication to the site and the way he lays things out with all the information on hand has always struck me in a good way.
Maybe @Syaoran for 's passion on most subjects ive seen them give their input in without being blinded by bias without devolving into strawman arguments or petty arguing.
They might be able to balance each other out. I support these.

Someone I know that is super duper friendly is @club24! He loves helping people out, whether it's for something relating to him or otherwise, and is also generally able to be, super chill and relaxing to talk to.
Probably, but let's not give him Kyle's burden. XD
In respect to who I feel could do well as a moderator. @HarperMadi is my two cents. Although she's not necessarily unshakable and she can have strong opinions and get into fights, she has a unique perspective and I believe her to posses the will to be unbiased if needed. In the current climate these are valuable traits to have and shouldn't be thrown aside. To add to this, Madi is passionate about Star Army and has shown no signs or possibilities of desertion to my awareness. She will also go out of her way to resolve conflicts if she feels as though she has the capability to do so. Although this is well and good, there are some cons I can see with Madi as a moderator:
- Does get into fights and can go past boiling point. Snaps tend to be somewhat sizeable and involve "slinging" that have potential to escalate some scenarios.
- Tends to get in peoples faces if she doesnt agree with something theyve said.
- Isnt "unflappably positive".

EDIT: Lots of people are in support of @Jack Pine and while he isn't a top pick of mine he is up there and I can definitely see why people feel as though he would be a good moderator. An important thing to keep in mind is that a moderator is never perfect. But they can be made better through practice and training. Jack is a good suggestion due to this and I feel as though most would be hard pressed to disagree.
In respect to who I feel could do well as a moderator. @HarperMadi is my two cents. Although she's not necessarily unshakable and she can have strong opinions and get into fights, she has a unique perspective and I believe her to posses the will to be unbiased if needed. In the current climate these are valuable traits to have and shouldn't be thrown aside. To add to this, Madi is passionate about Star Army and has shown no signs or possibilities of desertion to my awareness. She will also go out of her way to resolve conflicts if she feels as though she has the capability to do so. Although this is well and good, there are some cons I can see with Madi as a moderator:
- Does get into fights and can go past boiling point. Snaps tend to be somewhat sizeable and involve "slinging" that have potential to escalate some scenarios.
- Tends to get in peoples faces if she doesnt agree with something theyve said.
- Isnt "unflappably positive".

You realize it's been less than thirty hours since my last warning about cussing and inflamitory language, right?
You realize it's been less than thirty hours since my last warning about cussing and inflamitory language, right?

Okay no I didn't realize that.

Not going to change my vote though. If others don't agree you won't be elected, simple as that.
I Support both @Jack Pine and @club24 as jack has been extremely good natured and is always available and happy to answer any questions, and club is calm under pressure and has a notorious history of never backing down if something is not right.
If people want me I don’t mind being able to help with conflicts, and thanks meta for thinking of me but im just gonna stay out of the thread and see what happens.

It doesn’t help im in the minority timezone and therefore late to most threads.
My thoughts about some of the names currently suggested. I'm basing this on the criteria that @Wes mentioned, Positivity, Affability, and Knowledge. Theese are the ones I have definite feelings about.


@Jack Pine
Knowledge: He's done a lot of wiki work, but it's mostly original which may be a concern.

Affability: ❌ I feel that Frost has had a lot of conflicts with others that might not make him the best choice.
Knowledge: This is where Frost is the Strongest, I think that he's probably one of the best on the site in this regard. My experiance is that he is right more often then he's wrong.

Positivity: ❌ I would not describe Harper as being unflappably positive and respectful under pressure.
Affability: ❌ I feel that Harper has had a lot of conflicts with others that might not make them the best choice.
Knowledge: Very creative.
My thoughts on the matter are that I'll be a lot more active (this means a large step up on PP shenanigans along with the introduction of a new group I've been working on) if @Jack Pine and @Ametheliana are staff. @club24 is also a good choice in my opinion.

I also believe that @FrostJaeger is not an appropriate choice for staff as from what I've heard and from my own experience is that he lets his own agenda and bias influence his job as staff a lot on top of the fact that he seems to be power hungry. Not to be mean or anything but that's just my opinion.
@Jack Pine has my vote, I’ve seen him cranking away at this shit for a long time. All of the wiki articles and participation in JPs, Threads, and other post are definitely commendable.
I haven't dealt much with Jackpine personally just on a few occasions, but with so many people voting for him and the number of things that can be held against him so few I think he's probably a good choice, means he's got everyone's trust and knows how to stay out of trouble.

I also think @IQ would be a good pick, they had their moments with everything, but they've got a good head on their shoulders and they're not afraid to admit something makes sense even if they don't like it, or their own mistakes.
Hey Star Army!

I'm scouting out potential new staff members and I want to get your feedback. Who do you think would make a good staff member or moderator, and why?

Qualities I'm looking for is they're unflappably positive and respectful under pressure, they know SARP like the back of their hand, and they're able to work with everyone else in SARP (people skills are huge). Responsibilities include helping GMs create RP and helping members resolve their conflicts swiftly.

Syaoran embodies all of the qualities you look for in staff members. The only time you see the guy is when he is submitting something new, role-playing, or talking about a wiki article he’s read in full. He has also rejected being an NTSE mod before so probably doesn’t want to have even more responsibility.

Maybe Legix, then? He’s well-behaved when given a position that commands respect.