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Star Army Is Fat

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I don't know why, but on the wiki it now says the namespace that the article is in in things such as the search box and on search results pages.
Sorry; was asking about this. I get the namespace moving for images, but did we change/update wiki software for the search bit to happen?
Because we use the setting "Use First Header as Page Title" the pages all have whatever ====== Title ====== we give them instead of showing something like stararmy:weapons:armor_service_pistol_type_29 -- but the side effect is that we don't see the namespace. I've been constantly editing people's titles to be more specific (if 3 factions make all a page titled "Military Equipment" that looks really awkward in a search).

Recently I installed a plugin that puts the namespace in brackets after the page title so you can know which namespace it's living in. This has been really useful to me as I try to organize wiki pages (e.g. moving Star Army equipment into StarArmy:Equipment: ). One fun thing about it is that it will use the page title of a matching namespace (for example, pages in stararmy:equipment: will have the page title from stararmy:equipment (which is Star Army Equipment) appear in the brackets.
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