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SACN Star Army Logistics Thread

To: Star Army Logistics
Subject: Yui Privateer secured, another Yui 7?

We of the First Expeditionary Fleet, Second Squadron have obtained a Yui-class Privateer Variant manned by Tachibana forces which has finally cleared investigation. Due to the fact that it is on a Yui-series frame, I am wondering if there is interest in any fleet for another Yui 7 being constructed. Please note that its computer core will likely need fully replaced.

From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
First Expeditionary Fleet, Second Squadron
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Star Army Logistics

Please send the ship to the depot at Nataria.
To: Star Army Logistics
Subject: Yui Privateer Sent, Reporting SCSC inventory

The Yui 7 scout has been sent to Nataria. Also, I would like to relay that Second Chance Salvage Company has a number of SAoY equipment. The value of the below, plus a some items I had considered purchasing myself, was given as being set to 2,000,000 KS. I would like to know which the Empire wishes to pursue, as the price I would have to pay for all is far higher than normal and consists of roughly half of my fortune. Also, many of these items may not be considered restricted technology, or are otherwise obsolete.

From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
First Expeditionary Fleet, Second Squadron
To: All Star Army Logistics Personnel
From: Star Army Logistics

The Type 35 Body Bag is now available and has been added to standard equipment for shuttles.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Ittรด Hei Murakami, YSS Eucharis
Subject: Type 35 Body Bag

Per the wishes of Ketsurui Hanako-Shosho, I am requesting 100 of the new Type 35 Body Bags to fully stock the Eucharis and its shuttles.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Nami Sachi-Jรดtรด Hei, YSS Aeon
Subject: Requisition

Ise-Taisa requests the following items to resupply the Aeon.
  • 1 TASHA M9
  • 1 Yusou Type 33 Grav-APC
  • 25 Type 35 Body Bag
  • 20 Type 33 Nekovalkyrja Service Pistol

Shipment of the following items purchased personally by the Taisa
  • 1 EM-O2 "Houmen" Communication Satellite
  • 1 EM-K5 "Sagasu" Enclosed ATV
To: Nami Sachi-Jรดtรด Hei, YSS Aeon
From: Star Army Logistics

Your request has been approved and will be delivered by a Tenba from the 1st XF.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa, YSS Sakura II

The following are turned over to Star Army Logistics for reasons of contraband and/or proper disposal.

Box of Fine Cigars

Coffin with corpse inside

2 random severed chunks of flesh

These were in a shipment of randomly selected items. I've no idea the story behind the coffin, though I would suspect it an interesting tale to say the least. I also send the remains of former SAoY personnel which had turned rogue as members of the Tachibana and fell to us in combat. They may still have families loyal to Yamatai who wish to grieve, in spite of their crimes.
To: Star Army Logistics
Subject: Captured pirate Issoku-class

During combat, we captured a pirate-operated Issoku-class Cargo Runner. The crew member most responsible for her capture has shown interest in having the ship for her personal use. I am wondering if, after it has been thoroughly investigated, it should be turned over to Logistics or given to her since it is a civilian vessel.

From: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
YSS Sakura II, NG-X1-395
First Expeditionary Fleet, Third Squadron
To: Kage Yaichiro-Taisa
From: Star Army Logistics

Please sell the ship and use the funds for the benefit of your ship and crew. You can sell it to the crew member if she makes a reasonable offer.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Rei Tanaka

I have just purchased a Vampire class Patrol craft. I plan on using it for SAINT operations, and would like to upgrade the engines and stealth capabilities. Geshrinari would not put a stealth package on for non-military sales. I guess they meant to individuals.

I was hoping since this will be used for SAINT and SA operations if I could get a partial reimbursement to help cover the upgrades to the vessel.

Thank you for your time.
Rei T.
To: Rei Tanaka
From: Star Army Logistics

Stealth systems are not legal for privately-owned starships, so we cannot assist in this manner.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Jรดtรด Hei Murakami, YSS Eucharis
Subject: Mindy 1H

Nitรด Heisho Misato Suzume requests a special order of 1 (one) Mindy 1H variant power armor, for usage in her new role as ranking infantry NCO on board the YSS Eucharis. A rush order would be appreciated, as she is planning a near future operation with its usage in mind.
Order approved.
From: Star Army Logistics
To: All Star Army soldiers.

Please accept this Type 36 Holiday Kit for your use.
From: Star Army Logistics
To: All Star Army Supply Personnel

Please note that the Mindy 3 and Mindy 4 programs have been canceled indefinitely and no more test types will be available. Please continue to use the Mindy 2D.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Kage Yaichiro

I understand that the Nozomi-class is to be used until exhausted, though somewhat obsolesced. As such, I would like to make the following requests.

1. Transfer of a Nozomi-class scout to the Star Army Museum

2. I also request the transfer or better yet the sale of a combat-level vessel to me for the purposes of independent research. Please note that the power and propulsion systems would likely be removed and replaced during the course of this, as might any primary energy weaponry. The CFS may also be heavily altered or replaced. As such, damaged or deactivated vessels would be preferred. I cannot promise that the research will pan out into something of military value, as this is a heavy deviation that I intend, hence my preference to purchase and mess with on my own time. The ideal would be a Plumeria-class that is heavily damaged, of any variant, so that I might be able to analyze the possibility of re-organizing and optimizing the interior at the same time and perhaps altering the hull and structural design. Failing that, another Nozomi would be suitable but I am not picky in this regard.

The YSS Asuka is a Nozomi-class that my be suitable for inclusion if other famous vessels like the YSS Nozomi should be unavailable, but I admit to having a bias toward my old command. I also understand that the YSS Firebird is commanded by an old friend.
To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Star Army Logistics

1. The YSS Nozomi is marked for transfer to the Star Army Museum when she is removed from active service, however, the ship is still on active duty and will be for the foreseeable future due to the war.

2. We will search for available, suitable ships for your upgrade program. In the meantime, you should also know that some of the old Kyoto-class carriers are starting to be pulled from the boneyard in the Scrapyard system for reactivation to serve in the Kuvexian War and we were wondering if you would be interested in designing a refit version of that class.
To: Star Army Logistics
From: Kage Yaichiro

I will certainly add that to my list of things that need done. What shall the updated role and function be? Is the design to support specific new equipment, requirements, or numbers of support craft?
To: Kage Yaichiro
From: Star Army Logistics

We are not entirely sure yet but it seems best suited to being a large troop transport, with onboard fighter support.
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