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Master Chief is on there already! Master Chief Petty Officer is the highest Nepleslian navy enlisted rank on our new chart, just like the real-life U.S. Navy. In the video game Halo, the main character is a Master Chief Petty Officer in the UNSC Navy even though people usually abbreviate it.
I suggest that both the Navy and Marines use the three Sergeants as their top enlisted, while also sharing the three Warrant Officer Ranks as well.
I am personal supportive of condensing Private 2nd and 3rd Class into just "Private", and a general restructuring of the Marine Ranks.
However, I would ask that whatever is done with the ranks be IC, as it could add some interesting RP, even if the RP was just a bunch of complaining marines
There's only one problem with this action I can bring to light. Since most of this was brought up before Aquila Flight and also most of the changes benefit everyone outside of the aforementioned plot, I'm for fixing the structure (though in my honest opinion, I had little issue with the NSN ranks aside from there needed to be more not less.)
However, the restructuring and squashing of Officer ranks for the NSN is going to leave my players too few places to ascend into before becoming flag officers. Again as AF is the only NSN plot in existence currently, and both myself and @Gunhand4171 somehow were unaware of this thread (we only were moved to the actual Nep boards a month ago roughly), I feel that it should at least be known.
Since your plot is set before the changes take effect, you can safely just ignore them until the plot is over or at least an episode. At this point we could even say the official start date for the new rank scale is YE 38's start. Does that work for you?