Star Army

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RP: 188604 [Star Wasp] 4: The Beach Episode

  • Thread starter Thread starter Zack
  • Start date Start date
10,000 feet above the beach aboard a Corona Dropship:

As the Corona soared closer to the beach, Cyrus punched Raphael across the shoulder. "Hey! Wake up brother. Dropzone is coming up." He said walking to the ramp of the dropship and punching the release. The door slowly lowered to reveal clear blue skies. Cyrus smiled as he felt the cool air whip across his bare chest, the only thing he was wearing were swim trunks...

Raphael sighed, being that he let Cyrus talk him into this stupid stunt. Yet, deep down he knew he loved it. He too was bare chested, only wearing swim trunks. His wings tucked tightly to his body to not catch air to early. He moved to the ramp and stood on the opposite side of Cyrus. "You sure you are up for this? Think you might be a little rusty." Raphael teased.

"Oh really? Think my new mods won't be able to hold up? You know I used to do drops in the dark with a full kit right? This is a cake walk with my new limbs." He shot back. He looked at the crew chief who nodded. "Try and keep up Raph!" He said before sprinting down the ramp and into the open sky.

Raphael smirked and dove down after him. His wings still tucked in tight, the two fell in tandem, slowly circling each other in a straight nose dive. As the pair reached 2000 feet, they both spread their arms slowing their rapid descent. Once they were stable, Cyrus activated some new augmentations he always wanted to try. Several panels on his arms and legs opened like aerobrakes which increased his surface area and allowed to further slow his descent. Raphael mentally shook his head and opened his wings. doing the same. As they both neared the water, Cyrus deactivated his aerobrakes and turned himself into a cannonball. Hit hit the water with so much force that a normal man's legs would have snapped. Raphael on the other hand gracefully glided down, slowly circling the beach before he dipped low and flew mere inches above everyone's heads. He laughed as he did his fly by and pencil dived into the sea behind Cyrus's massive cannon ball splash.
Self Inflicted Ostracization

8-Ball landed his badly damaged Ebony Peregrine a bit of a ways away from the group. He had received a group invitation to go to the beach but he suspected that he was included simply as a formality than an actual desire for him to attend. The mercenary decided to participate in the event to maintain the appearance of a unified front. Heck, he even wore a pair of green swim trunks with white floral patterns and sandals to maintain the appearance. Not to mention only wearing a white beater because he knew just how hot it was going to be working on the very black fighter in the very open beach. The last thing he needed to do was die of heat stroke.

The man hopped out of the cockpit when he landed, his dog tags jingling around his neck. The man had a towel in one hand and a tool set in the other hand. He'd use the towel to lay on if he worked underneath the ship. But for now he was focusing on the port side external missile hard points that were practically fried by plasma fire. "How far out is Junket-Three?" 8-Ball asked as he moved under the port side control surface to inspect the damaged area. "About ten minutes sir." A voice replied as a full body version of Alastair materialized. He was standing upright with perfect posture and wearing a pristine Nep uniform. "Come on Alastair, get in the beach mood!" 8-Ball teased. The AI responded by having his clothes fade away to reveal a very pale body in swim trunks and sandals like the human's. "I even made the swim trunks blue to make you happy sir." The man simply shook his head as he opened up his toolbox. He'd start with cutting off the melted surfaces so he could begin the necessary electrical work.

However, before starting, Tiberius pulled open his datapad to see if there were any messages on it. Nothing was in his inbox that wasn't from his family. That made him a little uneasy. Tiberius made it a point to send a message to the pilot he dubbed 'Head Hound' to let her know that he would be at the beach and she could settle accounts with him there. Sure, he didn't expect her to show up and try to overpower a 5'8 man bristling with muscle. But he certainly expected her to give him a piece of her mind at the very least. Unless this Head Hound had the same gene mods like 8-Ball. That would make for an interesting day, and probably a brutish looking lady.
As Alex looked around for something to drink he noticed a small group of people congregated around a woman wearing a green outfit in a reclining chair. They look like they know what's going on, he thought. As he approached he noticed two men seem to dive out of the sky and land in the water.

“Hmn, Go kill that Lewis guy for me and I'll wear it just for you sometime,” Uso responded, a smile growing on her lips as she watched Corgan fixate on Arrcos, “Course, if you want a wasp to love you as much as Sammy loves those breasts I could try finding one for you.”

Uso would watch as Cyrus and Raphael would make their splashy entrance, then turn back to Gut-Stripe.

“So do you want to tell us a story? Or do we need to share our culture first? I'm sure you'd be GREAT at volleyball!”

Of course, as she spoke people started to congregate around, starting to block out her sun. “8-BALL COME OVER HERE!” Uso shouted, before turning to Gut-Stripe, “And you, you should pick a partner.”

Uso would then set aside her drink, and get out of her chair to pick up a nearby volleyball.
Dream Team

Aashi leapt to her feet as she watched the plummeting of adrenaline-pumped bodies make their way planet-bound and then burst into the water. She had been taking in a deep breath as she watched and her breasts dipped lower than they had been as she exhaled.

"My, my..." she said as she made her way to the volleyball court.

"You're going to be setter, Uso?" Aashi asked as she noticed Uso taking the position at the back of the sandy court. "I'll be up here by the net," she said to over her shoulder as she walked there. She put her hands in the air, twisting her wrists above her head as if she were pushing a ball out of her hands and over the net. After she had done this enough times, she lifted her foot up to touch the back of her leg and she held her ankle, then did the same stretch to her other leg. She bent down low and touched her fingers to toes before straightening up.

"Who's on whose team, by the way?" she asked the group of strangers.
Corgan's staring at Arccos was interrupted by Cyrus and Raphael's display. He shook his head. "Show-offs." He muttered, noticing the ladies' reactions. Admittedly it was amazing they managed to keep their trunks on while falling through the sky. Maybe he should have shown up naked like he planned originally. 8-Ball's landing caught his attention and he turned to look at the Ebony Peregrine. "I knew staying here was a good idea. Looks like those squids almost kicked your asses back there, Your Meow-jesty.."

The half ID-SOL seemed to seriously consider Uso's offer. "Well if I had the vehicles I'm asking Arccos for, I'd go kill Lewis right now just for fun. It might be a while before her Junkers get a chance to make em, though." He replied seriously. "I'm looking to start a mechanized division of Ragnarok. Might need you or Cyrus to get her some blueprints, Spacers don't know much about making ground transports." Having finished speaking to Uso, he started to head over to Arccos when he heard mention of volleyball.

He noticed the lady with the horns stretching. It took extreme willpower for him to look her in the eye. He walked over to her and held out his hand. "I don't believe we've been introduced. Corgan Garret. As for teams, why don't we go by gender?"
Aashi Nath let Corgan's name roll over her tongue as she said it back to him, then went on to say, "I love your cybernetics. My people can't bond with them properly, I am very envious. As far as game play goes, I like your idea."
Gut-Stripe seemed more than a little overwhelmed at the suggestions and questions being flung at her by Uso, standing quite stiffly and working her mandibles against one another. "I... I could tell a story, I suppose.", she answered uncertainly, shifting from one foot to the other. "What is volleyball? What do I need a... a partner for? What is going on?" The I'ee commander was grumbling softly to herself, buzzing her wings restlessly as she tried to comprehend what was going on around her.
The most skin Arccos has ever shown:

Uso's explanation elicited a slight raised eyebrow from Arccos. Day off, does good? It didn't really make a head of sense to Arccos who at this stage on the planet only slept two hours a night. Then again... Day off. If her deputies needed help they could call her, but they seemed to have things in hand. So it boiled down to 'weird dirtdweller naked party'. She decided to give this a couple of hours.

A biomechatronic hand moved to grasp Sammy by the top of his big waspy head, pulling him away from Arccos' torso gently but firmly. There the I'ee was held at arm's length as Arccos moved over to stand by Corgan and... Iromakuanhe lady. Someone new. On the way she one-handedly shucked one item of clothing after another and draped it over her I'ee hugging arm.

Somewhere around two men splashed into the Green Sea, causing the 'spacer to look around and lay eyes on 8-ball's ruined fighter... Which just about explained why everyone was wasting time on wet sand. The scouting mission seemed to have gotten spanked so hard they weren't able to continue operations... So they needed time to repair everything and relaunch. Huh.

"Corgan, you're drooling." Arccos piped up, moving to stand beside Corgan as he fought to keep his eyes on the new woman's face. She tossed the bundle of her clothing to the side, where it was caught by one of her less uniform junkers, and was left in something more or less what she assumed to mean 'beach appropriate'.

To Arccos, everyone just seemed to be wearing underwear, so she had more or less followed suit. Her vest, jacket and poncho had been discarded; while the white blouse was worn unbuttoned with her sheriff's badge pinned to it, and her shoulder holster still worn. That over a somewhat boring black-white gradient sports bra and a rather plain black bikini briefs printed with the words 'I don't need life, I'm high on drugs' printed on the waistband. In Yamataigo. It was extremely up in the air whether Arccos thought they were funny, or if she just didn't read the language. She didn't replace her hat, though.

The first time showing off this much skin showed that under her usual extreme amount of layers, she actually had a figure. The leggy type: Tall and slim, but with surprisingly wide hips. It also displayed the handful of tattoos she had. A pair of crossed antique keys on her right hand indicated some sort of connection in the Free State's factions, while the strange series of numbers around her upper thighs gave the impression of a pair of stockings' elastic garters without wearing any legwear.

One of Arccos' hands replaced her cigarillo to her mouth, the other held Sammy into a position perched against her hip. She liked the big bug, but having something with such a large head against your chest severely limited the functionality of the arms at the best of times. A few looks were cast around the volleyball area. Looks of slight disappointment. Arccos took out her datapad and started thumbing in a few commands...

"How about we make this game interesting?"
Sammy doesn't appreciate what he's getting>

The male I'ee stirred in Arccos' arms as she began to strip off her clothes, letting out a lazy, little huff of protest when she pried him loose: His slender limbs clinging on stubbornly before slacking back to his sides once he lost grip. Disturbed from his warm, sleepy doze, he looked up at the freespacer with another huff, watching her strip in bemusement. Then, when he was snuggled back against her hip, he squeaked with approval, wrapping his long arms around her waist and nuzzling into her curves. Settled once more, he paid the conversations around him little heed, content to simply cuddle for now, even with an impending game of volleyball.
Ace walked over with a bottle of the local beer in his hand wearing a tight black sleeveless undershirt and black swimtrunks. "Did I hear someone say volleyball I'm a pretty good spiker and setter." He flexed a bit. "I'm still sober haven't hit thirty bottles of this stuff yet my metabolism is pretty high and paired with my weight and augments it takes a long while to get drunk." Ace looked over to 8-ball. "Hey need any help. Also I heard what happened between Aries and Alastair. She's waiting on him I hope he takes up her offer since I heard you approve as well." Aries blipped in. "You didn't have to shout it out loud for everyone to hear." She blushed.
Moving like a silent shadow, a towering mannequin of deoradh metal hit the beach with a considerable spray of sand. Inertialess drives made it's flight pattern more akin to completely ignoring the laws of physics, but once deactivated, it was a heavy and cumbersome thing who's footsteps reverberated the ground beneath it.

Vaguely humanoid, but with a thick mushroom-shaped helmet instead of a head. Vast blocky arms and spiked knuckles. Gleaming titanium joints and glossy carbon-based orange armor panels, bordering a lime green one-piece swimming suit with yellow daisies. In the left hand, a massive yellow and white life preserver, and in the right, a keg of virulent sith brew. A chain of freshly grown blue flowers ringed their horned bonnet, seemingly a matter of pride for the enormous monster.

Coastline recreational mission start. The festivities have been located. Application of fun in progress.

Broken ships. Apparent practice in bailing out from an aircraft. A small net separated several of the organic males and females. Did they not want to talk to each other? Was this another one of those formal planetwalker relationship barrier things? Perplexing. Uso was holding a white leather-bound sphere of oxygen gas.

"Friend Uso. I am here." Truffleclub's tell-tale lumbering speech. "But do not know... how vacc-at-tyun is done?..."

Arccos was here too? Wearing less clothes?... Was the automata doing it wrong by putting something on, instead of removing things?...

They liked the flowers. They didn't want to remove anything.
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As Alex approached the group, someone indicated for him to join the men on one side of the net. What's going on? He thought. As he took a position on one side, something plummeted into the beach with a crash and a spray of sand. As Alex glanced over to look at what it was, he was surprised to see what appeared to be a mushroom headed robot approaching. While he was distracted, someone tossed a ball, which ended up hitting him in the head.
- Beach -

Errowyn arrived at the beach as the game of volleyball was just forming up. She gave a soft laugh at seeing Alex get beaned with the volleyball. She flopped her beach towel onto a nearby beach chair and set the cooler next to her chair. She took off the wrap exposing the same bikini she wore when listening to the meeting after the storm and battle, then tossing it to the deck chair to join the towel. She slipped out of her sandals and wiggled her toes into the warm sand.

She tied her hair back into a ponytail to keep it out of the way. She looked around and saw Uso in her green bikini and gave her a warm smile as she strolled to the group of mixed beings. She gave Cyrus a wave of her hand and moved to stand next to him.
Ace bumped the ball back over. "Hey watch it let's at least tell the people who don't know how to play how to." Ace spiked the ball into the sand when it came back to him leaving a fairly big hole in the ground spraying sand all over.
Seeing another man slam the ball downward over the other side, Alex assumed that it was the point of the game. The next time the ball came near him he tensed up and jumped.

Unbeknownst to him, machinery in his limbs and torso activated, sending him five feet into the air. Slamming down on the ball with more force that he thought possible, the ball went plummeting into the sand on the other side with such force that it sent a blinding spray of sand into the eyes of most people on the other side. As the sand settled down the sad sound of a deflating ball clould be heard. Shocked, Alex just stared at his hands, lost for words.
Ace was surprised momentarily. "I have two questions for you...uhhh...whatever your name is and they are. One do you have augmentations? And two do you know how to use them correctly?"
Cyrus swam to the surface laughing. "That was awesome!" He yelled, swinging a fist through the air. He saw Errowyn wave from the shore and swam over to her. He walked up the beach and stood next to her. "Hey baby." He smiled pulling her close to him.

Raphael on the other hand swam up to the surface and floated on his back. He sighed as he just floated along in the crystal clear water.
8-Ball grumbled to himself as he heard Uso call him over to the group of people. "You better organize those parts by type!" He said to his AI. "Of course sir." Alastair responded while the human got up and started walking away. "I'm serious, if you organize this shit alphabetically instead of by type again, I will disassemble you!" He threatened as he made his way over to Uso.

There was talk about who was on whose team, there was a half-IDSOL there, and some super-cybered person. An interesting congregation without the I'ee additions to say in the least. Heck, even Errowyn and her new boots were there. "Whats up my most magnificent empress of space and time?"


Uso shouted quite loudly, walking over the to the volley ball net, ball in hand... giving Corgi a soft touch on the shoulder as she moved by him.

“Aashi! You're the other team captain since it sounds like you know how to play.


You're all on her team.


You're all on my team. Everyone else, just fill in how you see fit! There was a bit of a growing crowd. Another one of Vier's bodies had shown up, a duplicate of the woman standing nearby in gray shorts and a gray T. Even Uso's medic friend, Ivory, had decided to show up, wearing a white wrap over her body a large sun-hat helping keep her in the shade as she lay out on one of the chairs.

Of course, the Hounds had yet to show up...

“So for those of you who don't know. The goal is to hit the ball onto the ground on the other side of the net without going out of bounds. Once the ball is on your side you are allowed to hit it once, and then you have to let a team-mate hit it. … Also I'm sure there are some other rules....

Gut-Stripe, why don't you come over here and just have fun with this,

Truffleclub, don't worry about it, you're nailing the whole vacation thing.


Without really waiting to see if anyone was ready, she'd gently lob the ball over to the other side of the net.