• If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at stararmy@gmail.com or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat! Discord.gg/stararmy

Structured Data Updates for Wiki Pages

If you missed the last meeting, you might not have heard about the structure data that's being added to wiki pages. What is that, you ask? Well, basically it's tagging pages with nuggets of data (like for example tagging character pages with ranks or occupation or species). If namespaces or pages are added to a schema (think of a little database) under the main edit field you'll see some extra boxes. These fields are actually hugely useful to the site because they can be used to make lists of characters like:
  • Listing every SAOY character who hasn't been promoted in over 3 years
  • Listing all Elysian characters
  • Listing all locations in the setting and sorting them by type and faction
  • Finding all the Star Army's clerks
  • AUTOMATED CREW ROSTERS THE GM DOESN'T HAVE TO EDIT or go into "wiki code table hell" for!
  • Automatically updated list of playable species (already implemented)
Right now the Star Army of Yamatai is kind of the guinea pig for a lot of these but I hope to use the learning experiences when I roll these useful tools out to the other factions.

Speaking of growing pains...

We've updated the way that ranks work in struct data. Instead of looking up a rank page, it talks to the new stararmy_ranks database and provides a convenient dropdown. The purpose was continuing work to try to get ranks to sort by rank on crew roster. Unfortunately this means all rank fields on character bios will have to be updated to use the new system. If you're a GM you can change your crew roster to use the column saoy_rank_old instead of saoy_rank if you want to use the old data for now.

As I continue to roll out new struct stuff, I'm going to use this thread to post updates.

Also, we have TONS and TONS of older pages that need to be tagged with data so they're findable. I have been doing this almost all by myself and need help with the workload. Please help me. You can offer help in this thread and I'll assign you a small task like "update struct data for all star systems that start with P on this page" and if we work as a community it will go fast.
Update: Accidentally borked some pages messing around with exporting and importing data but with some help from Syaoran and Cowboy and Raz we've managed to fix most of them (about 100 left which I'm still working on). Learned some important things NOT to do, lol.

If you used the new built-in art request system please go back and re-do it (by using the art request dropdown on the character page edit screen) so I see it again. Considering moving art requests to their own schema so it can be used for places and locations as well as characters.
Update: Since we've updated almost all Star Army of Yamatai characters now, we no longer need the obsolete "page" type fields for occupation and rank, which have been replaced by the "lookup" type fields (i.e. dropdown menus), I plan to retire the old fields saoy_rank_old and saoy_occupation_old today to reduce page clutter.
Update: Responding to a request, I've created a SARP guide on how to use Struct on your wiki pages. It links to the official plugin documentation, gives SARP-specific use examples, and lists available data columns you can display in your struct tables.
Places now have a field for parent place. For example you can list Planet Yamatai as the parent of the city of Kyoto, and you can list the Yamatai Star System as the parent of Planet Yamatai. This is useful because you can now use struct to list child pages automatically on the parent pages by filtering a table or list by pages whose parents match the name of the page you're on.

Events have their own schema now and events can also have parents, so, for example, pages about battles can list a war for their parent. Event pages can now be listed by year and month in automatic lists and one such list is now implemented on the events page. Events have a lookup field that presents pages in the places schema as options so you can now sort by events that took place in a specific location.

Added generic character_occupation and character_location fields to the characters schema.

NDC Personnel​

Schema ndc_personnel has the following columns available:
  • ndc_status
  • ndc_jobcode
  • ndc_rank


The schema products is for manufactured items. It is applied in the items: namespace and selected corp namespaces.
  • product_name
  • product_nomenclature
  • product_manufacturer
  • product_brand
  • product_image
  • product_releaseyear
  • product_price_ks
  • product_designer
  • product_production
  • product_description
Can we apply this to subnamespaces of Corp too? Subsidies for my corp are subnamespaces of the main.

Corp is applied to corp: namespace

  • corp_name
  • corp_status
  • corp_faction
  • corp_logo
  • corp_parent
  • corp_ceo
Can we get the schema information for locations added to the guide, please?
Ah! Thank you! I missed that, I was looking for ":Locations" for some reason
I started going through the corp pages to get them in, I started making the table but the page links aren't in the corp names -->

If you want to link to the page, use %title%
Last edited:
1. Done
2. Done
Thank you - Need another product type - Drones
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