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RP Summer Beach Party, YE 45 [Open RP]

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Founder & Admin
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🌸 FM of Yamatai
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RP Date
YE 45.6
RP Location
Yumiuki, Yamatai
YE 45 Beach Party.png

OOC: This is an open RP! All characters and factions are welcome! Bring your character, or make one up!

= = =

The sun had just dipped below the horizon, painting the sky with hues of pink, orange, and indigo, casting its farewell glow on the exotic jungle city of Yumiuki. Nestled at the meeting point of wild, lush forest and the endless azure sea on the vibrant hub planet of Yamatai, Yumiuki had always been a feast for the senses. But tonight, it was transforming into something even more magical: a nocturnal playground pulsing with energy, laughter, and the spirit of endless celebration.

Booming music reverberated through the air, a siren call that lured people out of their neon-lit bamboo huts and futuristic high-rises. The beats meshed with the symphony of natural sounds—the chirping of alien birds, the rustle of otherworldly foliage, and the constant, soothing backdrop of ocean waves. Towering ferns and bio-luminescent plants framed the beach, their glow accentuating the kaleidoscopic light shows projected onto the swaying palms and the ancient, time-worn statues that dotted the area. It was as if the very soul of Yumiuki was alive and dancing.

Holographic banners floated in the sky, announcing the night's festivities in shimmering letters, visible from every corner of the sprawling jungle metropolis. Hovering robots zipped through the air, capturing smiles, dance moves, and toast raised to the heavens as they tried to put rumors of war out of their minds. Partygoers, humans, Minkans, and Nekovalkyrja mingling with a myriad of other species, sported attire that ranged from traditional jungle garb to the latest interstellar fashion. Neon tattoos glowed on their skin, responsive to the music's tempo, while their laughter mingled with the exotic, intoxicating scents carried by the breeze.

Massive floating stages, tethered to the sea floor by luminous chains, hosted DJs and performers who had traveled across star systems to be part of this unique celebration. Their platforms bobbed gently on the waves, creating a hypnotic, surreal spectacle. Vendors floated on hovercrafts above the warm, shallow water, selling delicacies that tickled the palate with flavors unattainable in any other part of the galaxy. From skewered fruits that fizzed in your mouth to cocktails that changed flavors as you sipped them, the offerings were a gastronomic adventure in themselves.

From the cliffs that framed the beach, overlooking this grand tableau, the sparkling cityscape of Yumiuki stretched out like a jeweled canvas. Towering spires of ancient temples mingled with ultra-modern skyscrapers, all interconnected by glowing vines and high-speed transport tubes. But tonight, the real spectacle was on the sands below, where every footstep released a burst of phosphorescent light from the bio-luminescent algae, and every smile seemed to shine as brightly as the stars that were beginning to emerge in the heavens.

Imperial Premier Hanako raised a glass of wine as partiers began to arrive to catch the sunset and start off a night of celebrations. She greeted some of them at the end of the boardwalk, wishing everyone a fun night and giving toasts to the spirit of adventure. It reminded her of the huge party she'd attended in Malifar's Temeridi Beach in YE 42, but this time it was a nightlife affair. And with people on edge about the recent battle with the Mishhuvurthyar, it looked like people were eager to let loose.

Euikoshi, a short Yamataian with green hair in a bob cut, tugged her friend and cabin mate Pidole along by the hand, "Come on, I want to see you have a great time out here tonight!" she encouraged her red-haired buddy. "Let's get tipsy and bring someone to play with!" Pidole just stared at Euikoshi as she went along. Behind them Poppy Pink, a gorgeous pink-haired woman followed with a confident strut carrying a powered surfboard under one arm.

A Hovering vehicle landed near the outskirts of the party area. A woman, who appeared to be an Anthro of some kind, Daur maybe, with how human she looked, along with Fox ears, as well as two pairs of wings. Exited the vehicle, and stretched her wings, unfurled them as she did. "so.. this is a Yamataian, party, shame Ezzy had work to do.. i'd love to take her along, maybe next time. " The woman looked as members of her security protection team arrived. Nyx Pine, daughter of the late Jack Pine, and youngest sister of Archduchess Neera looked around silently.

"oh wow!" a high pitched voice said out loud, as a young Neko wearing leaves on most of her body said as she looked around this new event. a big grin formed on her lips as she saw the effects and moved onto the sand and giggled. "wonder if Luna-chan is here" Yuri said. As she looked at the sand.

Majnun fluttered around enjoying the scenery of all that the celebration had to offer. She noted Hanako at the end of the board walk and returned the greeting. Her eyes looked around as to where she should go next, with absolutely no intent in stealing to much of the important woman's time.

The Taisho actually waved back. "Have a fun time!" she smiled with a genuine warmth, clearly enjoying herself.

Down on the beach, Pidole got a whiff of some delicious barbeque and excused herself from Euikoshi to go up to the cart where a random alien of an undocumented species was selling pork ribs and pineapple chunks on a bed of white rice. She waved her KS card over the scanner and went back to Euikoshi to share with Euikoshi on the beach. She didn't eat and walk at the same time--that was not something Star Army soldiers did (it was even against regulations while in uniform). This didn't stop her beetle companion, though, and it pilfered a pretty piece of pineapple.

The return greeting made her smile, "I hope you have fun as well!" she responded before she set her sights on one of the cocktail vendors. Perhaps there would be something exceptionally spicy like the one she had with her friend Miko at a previous celebration. She selected one that purported to change flavors as it was sipped. On her way over she spotted a Caelisolan that looked a bit shy. Majnun acquired two cocktails and walked back over to the lonely woman offering one. "Greetings! I am Majnun and who might you be?" Nuriel looked up feeling her anxiety peak as the stranger approached. She accepted the beverage, taking a few moments to compose herself. "Nuriel." the winged woman said quietly taking a sip of the drink curiously, hoping it was not some kind of prank.

There was just enough room between the bustling bodies of Yumiuki's neon nighttime revelers to navigate a hoverboard between them. At least for Ketsurui Aiko, whose regular usage of an advanced Kirie Thought Armor had long ago trained and acclimated her Nekovalkyrja reflexes and provided her with immediate agility whether in battle or a crowd. She looked relaxed atop her XM3-48 "master" hoverboard and charted a weaving path through the dancing masses, controlling her floating platform's thin deck to avoid any collisions far before they'd happen. Standing tandem in front of the tall princess was a more standard sized Nekovalkrja with tanned golden skin and short indigo hair, who Aiko would every so often keep from toppling off their ride with a hand gently placed on the other girl's waist.

Like a cape in Aiko's wake, her raven black hair — reflecting its subtle purplish blue sheen in the electric glow of tonight's party — whipped about in the air behind her with a sheer black kimono alongside it. The gossamer robe was loosely fixed around her waist with a dark crimson obi and covered up the black two piece bikini she wore beneath it, which was stylish and small but not so much to be risque. It had both a low and high cut strap that dug into her muscular hips. Two thin gold micro chains were affixed between the breast cups of her bikini's top and connected around both sides at the middle of its back, swaying elegantly around her ribs as she advanced through the crowds on her hoverboard.

"Do you see anything you would like to stop for, Boss?" Aiko asked her passenger. She had continued to chaperone her ship's MEGAMI avatar whenever the girl wanted to see sights beyond the vessel's hull.

At Aiko's question, the Kaiyō MEGAMI's golden eyes moved to the tide and surf beyond, then back to the partygoers that mingled in their varying states of eagerness and inebriation. For Boss, the feeling of whizzing through the crowds and bluffs with little responsibility as Aiko guided their movement was a farcry from her daily activities as the heart of a gunship. It felt freeing.

A whistle blew after Ketsurui Aiko, actually right down their ear- There was a Neko in a YNP police uniform flying directly next to them, giving a dissaproving look towards the hoverboard.

"Please keep to the designated flight paths whilst using powered vehicles. Even if you have enhanced physiology, it is dangerous for the pedestrians." A robotic monotone accosted them. Actually, on second glance, this wasn't a neko at all- The pale doll-like features and oversized ears suggested a variant of the old NH-28 nodal weapon system. Their oversized claws and crystal-bearing tail barely fit into the uniform, though they were disarmingly mousey and diminutive in expression... You know, for an android that could break you in half. "Please dismount, and I will let you off with a warning."

From her place at the front of the board, Boss smiled warmly to the Nodal System and gave a wave, albeit a stifled gesture as she didn't want to disrupt the perfect balance Aiko was currently fostering. Ise Goramu had been aboard Boss' hull for a long time before, mostly inside of the cargo hold and surrounded by foam peanuts.

"It's that NIWS we had aboard," Boss said over her shoulder to the princess. "They warned of her power levels but interestingly she never saw combat while aboard. She's quite the jokester now. Perhaps she has learned of the Yamataian culture and jests as I have." The MEGAMI's smile at her greeting to the NH-28 had grown into a glowing beam. She was proud to see others had taken the same route she had in life beyond the robotic, sentry-like one she remembed of Ise — and herself back then.

Aiko was completely unflustered by Goramu's screeching interruption and continued to ride, surprised that, of all beings in the sector, one who had served aboard the Kaiyō did not recognize her. And that doubly someone acting as a police officer hadn't checked her identity via whichever databases they had access to (as if Aiko's appearance wasn't enough). So the princess sent over what amounted to a digital identification card, complete with Ketsurui Clan credentials and a Star Army authorization for good measure, and directed her hoverboard away from the pursuing NH-28.

"Yes," Aiko said, agreeing that the cop was indeed their old acquaintance Ise Goramu.

"It is nice to see you in adequate conditions of health. I remember you, of course." They continued with the rather blank, gloomy demeanor. "However, conditions of my reassignment do not allow for me a give favors based on familiarity. That would be termed 'corruption'."

Perhaps with this explanation, it was rather obvious how they had achieved this change in careers so easily... Not just that they looked like a fetching little mascot in those bike shorts.

"Do you perhaps have some evidence of an advanced auto-guidance system, your bike is not equipped with?"

"We've broken no laws," Boss said, a little disheartened that she was wrong to assume the NIWS had grown humor since their time seeing them. The MEGAMI had grown colder as she said, "We've proven just as much of a danger as you have by floating alongside. Any evidence of your own would be nice. For now, Aiko, I feel all the fun has been lost. Would you like to imbibe, as it were, in a fruit-filled meal or dance before another bout on the board?"

"Indeed," Aiko said, again curt with her words as she maneuvered away from the supposed police officer again. Her time hadn't been ruined or any fun lost, though, and she was ultimately glad that her MEGAMI friend had thought of something else to divert their attention. "I will need to speak with someone at the palace regarding police conduct," the princess added, sure that the YNP wasn't supposed to address any member of the Ketsurui Clan the way Goramu had. "For now, finding somewhere to eat sounds perfect."

The gynoid was left behind during the maneuver. Probably for the best. Wasn't like they could get drunk anyway.

Out in the flourescent waves,Poppy maneuvered herself around on her powered hover-surfboard, carefully balancing herself on the shifting waters as she zipped around back and forth, pink ponytail flying high behind her.

Getting bored of stomping her bare feet on the sand and watching the illuminating effect, Yuri spotted Poppy and smiled as she watched her sempai surf, As she stepped closer to the water, she wondered if Poppy was using a hoverboard, recently made. "ooh Poppy-sempai, sugoi!" she said out loud to her.

Poppy waved. "The water's nice and warm!" she shouted back over the sounds of the thumping bass of party music and the white noise of sloshing waves. Thankfully Yamataians also had telepathic messaging! It was great for giving people subtitles.

Yuri smiled as she heard her message, and stepped forward, and flt the fluorescent waves wash over her toes, and giggled. Are you using one of those Extreme class Hoverboards, made by Yugumo Corporation, Poppy-Sempai?" She asked telepathically as she watched her supirior show her skills.

"I think so? It was a rental," Poppy shrugged. "After this I think I may get my own. It's great!"

Yuri grinned as she heard Poppy's response, and enters the water to swim. She had thought about renting one of those hoverboards too.

Okimi, wearing a tropical-themed sarong wrap over the top of her form-flattering two piece white bikini, happily watched everything around her as she walked along the boardwalk. The caretaker was sipping on some kind of fruity drink that had instantly made her think of a tropical paradise and taking long naps in the warm sunlight.

"Ooookimi-chaaaan!" said a familiar voice, as Luna's blue arms appeared on Okimi's shoulders. She tried to be careful as the drink appeared to be delicious and didnt want her to splill it.

A mega-watt smile powerful enough to keep the civilian district of Kyoto running for at least three-tenths of a second lit up Okimi's face as Luna made herself known tto the caretaker. "Hi, hi, hi!" Not finding anywhere within arms reach to place her fruity beverage, Okimi turned enough to snake her free arm around her bestie and hug Luna tightly. "Its wonderful to see you Luna-chan!"

Luna smiled as she hugged her best friend close. "Agreed, i missed you!" she said as she held Okimi close. "I think Yuri-chan's by the water with Poppy, so i'm all yours" she said with a smile.

Okimi let a wicked smile form on her face. "Oh, really?" She let her eyes roam up and down the blue-skinned neko's body. "So tempting..." The caretaker grinned. "However, I seem to recall someone saying she would take me to see the ocean one day." Okimi waved the hand holding her drink around, careful not to spill the contents. "Well, we're here! So, Miss Tour-Guide Extraordinaire, it's time to introduce me to all the fun to be had at the beach!"

Luna smiled "oh yes, i do happened to recall, someone saying that exact same thing!" she said with a big grin. "your wish is my command, my dearest BFF, lets have you finish that drink first ok? dont want you distracted" Luna said with a smile.

"Okay!" Okimi chirpily replied before lifting the cup and swiftly draining the contents. She smiled happily at Luna, as she pulled the empty container away. "There, all done!"

Luna smiled as Okimi finished her drink, and watched her disposed of the container. "excellent!" she said "Now then, as my dearest cousin, and our favorite girl has discovered, the sand has a unique effect, doesn't it?" she asked as she led Okimi to it, and stepped on the sand, to show her the neat effect.

The caretaker followed after Luna, practically bouncing with happiness at spending time with her best friend once more. Okimi couldn't help but let out an 'ooh' as she stepped across the sand, causing phosphorescent light to flare with each step. She let out a delighted giggle, curious to see what patterns she could make the sand create.

Luna smiled as she watched her friends reaction. and then crouched down and gently poked the sand, and drew Kanji on it. mostly to say Okimi was her favorite best friend.

Looking over from her attempt to make silly patterns, Okimi's heart fluttered as she read Luna's message in the sand. With a 'squee', she wrapped her arms around the other girl and squeezed her tight, rubbing her face against the blue-skinned neko's. "Best. Friend. Ever!" Turning her head, she kissed Luna on the side of her mouth. "Love you, Luna-chan!"

Luna smiled as she was not only hugged but kissed at the side of her mouth. This caused her to smile.

Really prepared for the beach scene, Carver had carefully oiled up the bulging muscles of his ID-SOL body that was fully visible aside from the small amount of dark skin covered up by the lime green speedo he wore. Now, the huge Nepleslian Marine was just waiting for the impromptu muscle-flexing contest, that he was assured to be all the rage at these kind of shindigs, to begin.

Dom snorted to himself as he sipped on his frosty glass of dark stout. Normally, the middle-aged human wouldn't have involved himself in this sort of party scene, but he just knew someone from the Sobek would turn up and do something daft unless he was there to keep an eye out. Until then though, he'd happily sit and enjoy a pint or two, maybe check out some of the more attractive specimens putting themselves on display for the event.

Mileena licked her lips as she sampled this new Yamataian cocktail and silently processed the taste. "this is good.. i wonder if the sobek is capable of recreating it. " she said as her sense of smell picked up Dom's scent, and a familiar one. One she hadnt smelled since she'd left Draco Eridanus.

Anna strolled through the festivities dearly missing her furry companion Gunny. The sassy little nep walked amongst the crowds gathered on the beach wearing her little black bikini. At the moment she spotted Carver she could not help but to facepalm. It had been awhile since they had served together, what were the odds? She strode on over to him and looked up towards his face as if trying to see into space. "Hey big guy, the muscle contest is probably where they keep the crayons." she said in a sassy yet friendly nature. Who knows if he would even hear her, let alone remember her. She braced herself to be punted down the beach.

Carver paused, having been just about to initiate flex sequence thirty-three beta with the second alternative transition. That was always a surefire crowd-pleaser. Still, that voice was familiar and after looking around for a moment, remembered that people usually came in a smaller size than himself and looked down. Immediately recognising the vertically-challenged sassiness that he had first met aboard the Eagle, the ID-SOL smiled widely. "Ah, you think so Anna? I didn't know crayons were a thing you usually had at the beach. I'd have defintely brought some with me, but you know.." he waved at the lime speedo "..there's no spare room in this to carry anything!"

Euikoshi told Pidole to stay put while she jogged off from their little spot on the beach to go meet Carver. "Hi!" she greeted him excitedly, running a hand through her pretty green hair. "I'm Euikoshi, I like your bathing suit, green really suits you," she smiled. "You could carry me," she quietly added with a wink.

Anna smirked a bit "Who knows where crayons are kept here, used to keep some in a pocket just in case you needed it." She grinned a bit seeing him embrace the local festivities. She about choked from shock when Euikoshi came over. "Oh I am sure he could, you would not happen to know where the muscle contest is would you? Some one here has got some flexing to display for the public." she giggled a bit chaotically.

Carver smiled at the friendly green-haired woman. "Why thank you, young lady, you clearly have excellent taste." He looked over at Anna and smirked. "And I am sure I could put on a private display, for the right kind of audience." He focused for a moment and flexed his pectoral muscles.

Euikoshi privately transmitted her phone number and hotel room number to Carver. "I'd like that very much. Text me later. We're just a room full of soldier girls."

Anna could not help but to outwardly roll her eyes beginning to wonder if she had perhaps been better off walking Gunny than approaching the marine. "Sure thing, just don't toss me around or break the locals." she glared at the both of them.

Carver accepted the contact and saved the information from Euikoshi. "You betcha! Maybe we'll see if its just green I look good in!" He let out a hearty laugh before looking at Anna and tilting his head. "I never knew midget-tossing was a beach sport! Why did no-one tell me?!"

"Well one, we never saw each other outside of work and two......besides I don't have your contact info. So how was I supposed to inform you hmm? Perhaps Euikoshi could explain it to us?"

Euikoshi laughed and waved a little goodbye at Carver. Then she ran back to the beach to tell Pidole about her find. "Hey, I just found a guy who wants to give us a private show in the hotel room!"

Pidole just stared at Euikoshi, processing this development without comment. She hope he was nice. Crime was low on planet Yamatai but still this guy was a total stranger. But Euikoshi was an experienced organizer of parties and activities so Pidole resolved to give her and this mystery man a chance.

Near the waterfront, a large and muscular old man of Indian descent had been found somewhere on the beach by a couple of Nepleslian Red women. The man had been seen wearing a pair of stylish shades and flanked by a pair of mastiff doggos of some kind. The mastiffs had just looked over towards them as if they were bored.

"Was that Dr. X?" a Nepleslian Red woman in a red and onyx semi-one piece swimsuit had whispered to her companion, another female wearing a similar swimsuit.

"Nah, couldn't have been him. Didn't they end him on Fujiko a few years back?" She had said, completely dismissing the possibility that the mad scientist no one outside of the Reds had ever heard of would be so in the open.

Ravi, having heard the pair, had just turned his head towards them, lowered a side of the shades, and just winked at the cute silver and red haired women. Ravi then looked over to a Raijin Type Artificial Nepleslian male seeming to be making his way over towards Carver. Quickly grabbing his cold drink next to him, he had eagerly watched to see how the coming sparks were going to turn out.

"Oi! You, big boi!!" The tall (but still dwarfed by Carver) and muscular man in maroon trunks with the Fujiko Development Corporation flag on them had yelled out towards Carver. In all of his 1 year of life, Kevin Zhang had been waiting for a chance to finally talk to an ID-SOL.

Carver looked over, as ever assuming that someone calling for a big boi was addressing him and spotted the muscular man in the maroon trunks. "Ooh, look, a fellow man of manly refinement! Let's go!" And with that minuscule warning, reached out to grab Anna and drag his fellow marine along to talk to the smaller human.

Anna groaned a bit as she let Carver grab her hand and drag her off to this latest form of muscle worship. "This can only get better." she responded with a sarcastic look on her face.

Kevin was not actually expecting the larger ID-SOL to respond. All the bravado his cloning "inspired" regarding a green (real or potential) mostly vanished from him. But he had to maintain the appearance as much as possible since he had made it this far. After the brief deflation, he swaggered his way towards Carver and Anna.

"Ahhh, greetings Greenie. How about an old fashion muscle flexing contest."

It wasn't long before Carver was no longer the tallest person on the beach. Nor even likely the most muscular. Bounding through the surf, legs nearly so long she'd make a great elk look stumpy, a massive, silver-haired woman in SA-of-Y regulation exercise sports bra and bloomers was exercising, leaving a spray in her wake and footprints that took two breakers to wash away, sometimes a third. Emiko Freyjasdóttir was on leave between assignments, and turned her head as she passed the not-quite-as-tall as her Nepleslian, snapping it the other way to see her former shipmates on the Resurgence. "HELLO, MY FRIENDS," she bellowed as she passed, running so quickly that her booming contralto was modulated by the Doppler effect.

Kevin simply turned his head towards the Amazon with a raised eyebrow. Ravi, on the other hand, took one look at Emiko and an audible whistle could be heard.

"Heh, his work alright. Perhaps I should send a message and congratulate Dr. Sanders on his... work," Ravi muttered to himself, doing his best not to cackle and stare.

Oh, this man spoke Carver's language like only a true manly man of manly manliness could. The ID-SOL couldn't stop the massive grin from breaking out on his face even if he had wanted to. "All right, partner! Let's do this!" He considered turning to watch the spectacle of a woman who he weirdly had to look up to see the face of, but really, the promise of a good muscle flexing showdown was far too enticing.

Anna snorted in bemusement at the spectacle that was unfolding before her eyes. Surely her former partner was in his glory amongst this gathering group. However, she was just happy to have her hand back in one piece. Her attention distracted momentarily as the giant woman ran past. Now that was a woman she would not mind crushing her wrist, in the least. Any way she plopped her rump in the nearest seating location happy to not be atop someone's shoulders for this disaster of a spectacle.

The biggest grin appeared on Kevin's face. Making sure he was far enough away to not kick any sand at the pair, he swung his right leg as parallel to his torso as a show of his agility before going into a front double biceps, letting his ID-SOL inspired physique shine towards any Yamataians that might have been watching the contest. Basic, but it did the trick for the opening salvo for the Nepleslian Red. He was fighting for the honor of the Reds now. At least that was what his memories were telling him.

Carver matched his opponents grin at the opening move, nodding at the technique the smaller man displayed. Clearly this was no pretender to the most noble sport of manly men. Deciding to show respect to the man, the ID-SOL chose a different pose so as to not immediately crush his opponent. Keeping his legs hip-width apart and slightly bent, Carver rotated his upper body, stretching his arms up and drawing in his diaphragm to form a stomach vacuum pose. He lifted his chin, knowing that every glistening muscle in his arms, chest and legs were now showing full definition. The Nepleslian Marine looked over at his opponent out of the bottom of his eye, wondering how he would respond.

"Ahhh, good good. Long ago, an ancestor of mine fought an ID-SOL once," Kevin said, deciding to engage in conversation as he transitioned from the front double biceps to the side chest. In a fluid motion, his arms moved to allow him to clasp his hands together at the chest. He pushed with all his might to make the involved muscles prominent.

"On Kennewes, I do believe. The echo is vague."

A soft sigh escaped her lips as Anna settled in with a bit of an eye roll to watch the two meat suits have a contest of who has got the bigger muscles. She would just be happy to not get any sand in her eyes as a result of this fiasco, otherwise Carver would be hearing about it for a month. Thought she did begin to wonder where he hid whatever it was that made him glisten, was he smuggling oil again?

The ID-SOL made his own transition, shifting sideways and dropping his arms into the side triceps pose. He frowned, humming to himself in thought as he tried to remember what he knew about Kennewes. "Nope, never been. Heard its a fun place if you like a fight, or treasure hunting in the swamps."

As Boss and Aiko passed Pidole, the MEGAMI spotted the pineapple-laden ribs on rice and beelined for the Star Army technician. In their search for something to eat the pair had seen all varieties of scrumptious snack, but none so appealing as what the Resurgence's technician was eating.

"From where did you acquire that food stuffs?" Boss asked. Her words were a little more stunted and formal than she would have liked and she tried to shake off the strange feeling from their run-in with NIWS earlier as she looked up at the ruddy-haired technician.

"Oh, hi!" Pidole greeted Boss. "I'll show you!" She gave Euikoshi a gentle pat on the shoulder and then trounced up the beach in her blue bikini to show them the way to the food cart she'd found earlier. As she moved her beetle rode on top of her head, looking around in curiousity.

As they reached the food cart Cherry and Becker were there buying food as well. "You have to!" Cherry encouraged Becker. "How often do you get a chance? Don't give me that stuff about being rusty."

"Okay okay," Becker shrugged. "I'll try," he said, sheepishly scratching the back of his head.

"What endeavor do you seem to be undertaking?" With her piqued curiosity moving from the beetle atop Pidole's head to the conversation at the food stand, Boss's gilded eyes went from one technician to the next before she asked the stranger her question.

"My friend's gotta get back in the game," Cherry cackled with a devilish grin on her face. "You know...dating, hooking up..." She made a crude finger gesture of in and out. "A little pipe installation in the aft compartments...if you know what I mean."

The MEGAMI's attention flitted to Aiko momentarily, wondering if the princess could help fill in to the conversation. Though Boss had created the situation for herself, she was at a loss for a way to tactfully continue it, let alone understand it.

"Like Hoshi and Saiga-taisa," Aiko told Boss telepathically, maintaining her placid public visage in the face of such common excitement. "Do not worry too much, she seems to be having fun at the man's expense."

A look of understanding washed over Boss' olive toned face as she looked back to Becker. She made a pointing motion to the hulking ID-SOL further down the beach, hoping they could work something out between themselves in the aft sections as Cherry so desired for her friend.

"Thank you for showing us, Pidole-san," Aiko said aloud, mostly as a way to ignore her companion's attempt to engage with the raunchy crewmen in kind. She remembered the beetle-bound engineer's name from their brief meeting at Kikyo no Sekku, so made sure to acknowledge the woman for her small favor.

"My pleasure," Pidole grinned.

Aiko then caught the attention of the food stall's attendant and held up two fingers, wordlessly ordering a set of those delicious pineapple barbecue ribs for both her and Boss. She made no move to pay, and despite it the cook nodded happily before starting to prep a couple of plates for the princess and her friend.

Emiko-Shoi needed no assistance finding the food truck. The woman seemed to have a nose for food as preternatural as her height. Having bought several bowls of the pineapple rice ribs, she was on her third, sucking rib meat off the bone to cleanliness, by the time she had turned around and noticed Pidole, Euikoshi, and company. "Hello Bug Friend." She slurped down another order of ribs while she stood beside the crew, but her eyes were on the flexing game some distance away.

Pidole was happy to see Emiko. "Hello! How are you? What are you up to these days, ma'am?" She asked. "Have you gotten in the water yet?"

"Paperwork for reserve headquarters. Leaves plenty of time for exercise. I got in waist deep maybe?" Of course, waist-deep for Emiko was almost shoulder-deep for some Nekovalkyrja. She pointed down the beach at the flexing Nepleslians, "What are small men doing?" Another bowl of rice disappeared down her maw in the time it took her. "Maybe needing help, they are, no?"

"Sometimes," Pidole answered, not really sure who Emiko was referring to but answering anyway to avoid being rude. Was she talking about Captain Aoba?

"I will go help them, please hold it, si us plau," she handed a full bowl of the food towards Pidole, pushing it onto her and walking off- leaving it to drop unless Pidole is ready. With that, Emiko jogged back down the beach towards the flexing Nepleslians.

"What...?" Pidole said, saving the bowl only from her quick Minkan reflexes. She stood there looking at it for a while and staring but finally put it in the bowl return station at the end of the food cart. Yamataians tried to avoid single-use plastics on planet Yamatai, so many vendors used ceramic or metal bowls.

Dom happily started sipping on his third pint of the evening. "These Yamatai folks know how to throw a mighty fine shindig!"

The night was young, the beach was alive, and in the heart of Yumiuki, the spirit of adventure was reborn. Tonight, amid the cacophony of beats, the luminous spectacle, and the aroma of gastronomic wonders, stories would unfold and memories would be etched into the annals of time. Tonight was a testament to resilience, to the power of community, and to the enduring allure of life's most beautiful mysteries. The festivities had commenced, and there was no turning back.

= = =

OOC: JP by Wes, Charaa, Nakshatra, raz, Ametheliana, iaincarter, Polygon, demibear, special guest appearance by Yuuki T. Jones, III

Feel free to continue below if you missed the JP or want to keep going!
Kevin's eyes flashed some kind of emotion at the mention of treasure hunting. But it did not deter him as he spun around to whatever audience (Anna acting as the proxy) and moved his left foot forward. With his right foot only touching the ground with his toes, he rested his arms on his hips for a Rear Lat Spread.

"Suppose between our last fight, there would be a large amount of Green and Red wreckage in those swamps," Kevin responded as he was moving. This ID-SOL (Carver) was not acting at all like what he had been taught about the Greens. It kind of confused Kevin, but perhaps the language of manliness is universal.
Yumiuki, Yamatai


The caretaker released her 'best friend with benefits' from the tight hug, keeping her arms loosely around the blue-skinned Luna. "So, my lovely, here we are on a beautiful beach in front of a beautiful ocean. There's all kinds of tantalising foods and tempting drinks to try and I'm sure plenty of fun activities left to be discovered and explored! So, little miss tour-guide extraordinaire, where to next?" Okimi, feeling as if with all the stresses and worries forgotten about for the time being that she could just float into the sky and become a happy cloud, grinned at her best friend.


The ID-SOL marine considered his opponents words as he shifted to the next pose in the routine. Turning to face his dance partner, for what was this but the manliest of dances as they sought to outdo the perfection of the other's form, Carver ensured his feet were shoulder-width apart and his toes were turned out. The marine contracted his thigh muscles, placing his hands on his hips with the palms down. Finally, to complete the Front Lat Spread, the large dark-skinned man flared his lats and relaxed his abdominals as he leaned back ever so slightly.

"Honestly, don't really concern myself with that colours stuff. I'm NMSC, so I wear green, go where I'm told and do what I'm told. Usually the enemy bleeds red and sometimes I do too." Carver snorted. "And sometimes people get yellow and run. Other times, spooks get involved and its a black op." He chuckled. "Got all your colours right there. But what's it matter? We're all Nep's and the world's out to get us enough as it is without us going after each other too."

Heya! If you want to get involved with this open RP, reach out to me! I'll either have a character I can bring along, or if you have a specific desire, I can make up a character just to interact with yours!

Yumiuki, Yamatai​

Luna smiled at Okimi as she listened to her best friend with benefits talk to her. There was a blush as she was called her lovely, but there was also a smile as she felt so happy to be there with Okimi. “Well, my dearest, I am glad you asked this humble little miss tour-guide extraordinaire. If you're bored of playing on the cool sand, I’d say our next order of business is to get into the water, for some fun. I think Yuri might be there, and we have a duty to perform, which is namely splashing her and get her soaked.” She said with a cute grin on her face. As she moved her face closer towards Okimi and gave her a quick kiss on her lips. “Your it!” She suddenly said and took off for the beach with a giggle as she ran.

Yuri was indeed at the water after getting bored of checking out the illuminating effect of the sand, she decided to turn her attention to the water. It was fortunate her mother had taught her how to swim when she was younger, and equally fortunately she knew how to control herself so that she didn’t drown and enjoy herself, but she had a lapse in judgement, in choosing the outfit. As when she entered the water, the waves removed it, leaving her without, but the clueless youngster kept on swimming, until she spotted the approach of a familiar blue Neko. This caused her to grin as she thought of splashing her cousin, and wondered about Okimi before spotting her.
Yuri smiled as she realized she now had two targets to splash unaware that Luna and by that extension Okimi had planned to do that to her as well. She tried not to let herself giggle as her mischievous thoughts came to be, corrupting the pure Neko.

Mileena followed the other scent which pointed her in the direction of Dom. This caused her to smile as her floof tail began to wag behind her. Her ears hanged from their previous positions of concern and discomfort to pleasure and happiness as she caught sight of Papa Dom. The cocktail was replaced with a new glass when she joined Dom’s side. “Hey, I thought you were here.” she told him, with a smile on her foxy maw. “There’s some interesting drinks here.” she also commented as she glanced to his glass. “That any good?” she asked as her curiosity filled her.
Yumiuki, Yamatai


"Why you little..." Okimi started, clearly fake-irritated, before just giggling and giving chase to the fleeing Luna. Admittedly, the caretaker wasn't trying too chase too hard as she wasn't afraid to admit that she was enjoying the view of her best friend running away. Clearly whoever had coined the phrase 'hate to see them go, but love to watch them leave' had known what they were talking about. Although, being a nekovalkyrja with all the pride such entailed, Okimi didn't really like to lose so she picked up the pace as the duo approached the water.

Now, it was important to point out that this was Okimi's first visit to the beach and thus she had no experience in running in to the water. So she could perhaps be forgiven for not knowing that she needed to adjust her gait as she entered the water. As a result of not doing so, the caretaker swiftly overbalanced and tumbled forward with a startled yelp. For the next few moments the world was a jumble of air, water and sand until Okimi found herself sat in the shallows, blinking and spitting out sea water. Looking up at Luna, the caretaker tilted her head. "I'm gonna guess that's not how to do it?"


With a smile for his crewmate, Dom nodded as the foxy cyborg approached, raising his glass in a silent salute to Mileena. She was definitely one of the more unique appearing individuals in attendance, but still definitely belonged amongst the absurdly-pretty folks of Yamatai. Privately, the human was glad he had gotten past the awkwardness of their first meeting back on the Sobek. In fact, just as he had with many of the younger crew, Dom had found himself feeling somewhat protective of the cyborg. Fortunately he knew he wouldn't have to worry terribly much about Mileena at the party - anybody dumb enough to cause her grief was likely to be turned to mush long before the cargomaster could intervene. He could still remember her showing off her implanted claws and didn't envy anyone that pushed her to use them. He let out a soft snort at the thought.

"Yeah, they throw a pretty good party round here." He took a long sip of the stout. "It's actually fairly good." The stout actually was pretty good as well, smooth with flavours of dark roasted coffee, chocolate, and caramel and a hint of black liquorice. Before he left, Dom would have to find out what brand he was drinking and see about getting a case or three for the Sobek. It was far superior to the last batch he'd picked up on Sood Zadra which he suspected had been watered down and rebottled. Not that he'd be able to do anything about it as his supplier had apparently gone down with a terminal case of being mugged. Shaking his head to dismiss the dark thought, he held the large glass out to Mileena. "Want to try it?"
Luna and Yuri
Luna giggled as she charged ahead, shooting herself towards the water. She could hear Okimi and she could detect the fake irritation from her voice, which caused her giggle to become louder in volume. She wasn’t crazy cackling yet though as her feet made contact with the water, and she used skills she trained in she carefully balanced her gait allowing her some relative ease while in the water. But the blue skinned Neko had a feeling she should be concerned for Okimi so she turned to watch, before she hurried back to her side, and grabbed at her to help her sit up, with her head above water.

“You’d be correct, unless you wanted to slam into the water.” Luna said with a concerned tone of voice as she watched her spitting out sea water. “That’s good, spit it out!” she said as she desired not to have Okimi go for a second drowning. As Luna looked over Okimi, a new pair of legs appeared at their side. Her body tilted slightly forward ”hey, you ok?’ the voice the two would recognize as Yuri asked. As Luna looked up to speak, she spotted something about Yuri. “Yeah, just needs to make sure there’s no water in her lungs, and Yuri, where is your swim suit?” Luna asked her.

“Fell off, I think it got bored of me” Yuri said in a dead serious tone of voice as she observed, the two of them.

Mileena would agree that the Yamataians do throw a good party, and thought about future ones on the Sobek if Lenna allowed it. The Fox Cyborg clone thought it could be a good opportunity to bond, but she wasn’t sure if the races on the ship could handle certain drinks. The clone decided to do research later, with Dom’s likely help. Her thoughts were soon interrupted by Dom’s offer, and on realization she hadn’t quite fasted different drinks before, she nodded.

She took the large glass in hand, with one hand wrapped around its side, while the other was underneath. Soon the glass was listed to her maw, and gently tipped into it, allowing her taste buds to taste the drink for the first time. Her ears and her tail shot up, and her eyes widened, as her mind processed the sweet taste of chocolate, odd but sweet taste of caramel and the odd taste of coffee and slightly less tasty black licorice. “Wow..” she said handing the glass back, her lips licked at her mouth, to clean it.
Yumiuki, Yamatai


As she finished coughing up the last of the water from her lungs, Okimi vowed to be very careful the next time she got in the water. This was not a pleasant sensation. The neko did find herself sufficiently distracted as she noticed Yuri's lack of clothing. Okimi couldn't help but privately wonder at exactly how the young medic managed to consistently end up naked but could only conclude it was some kind of strange gift. Or maybe some variation on that 'may you always live in interesting times' curse? Something like 'may you always be blessed with wearing your birthday suit'? Which, now the caretaker thought about it, was a daft curse because no matter what you wore over the top of it, you were always wearing your birthday suit.

Okimi gave her head a short, sharp shake to clear it before she dragged herself into a philosophical loop of inane musing. At which point, she realised that Yuri was both a) stood within easy reach; and b) unsuspecting of the imminent watery attack upon her person. Deciding that this moment was the appropriate time to initiate Operation: Splash Attack, Okimi smiled up at her crewmate.

"Oh, hi Yuri-chan!" The purple-skinned neko smiled widely. "Luna-chan has been teaching me how to have fun at the beach and said we needed you for the next lesson!" She shifted herself slightly to a better position, allowing her hands to drop into the water of the ocean. "The lesson is called... Splash Attack!" Matching actions to words, Okimi swung her hands up, spraying water at Yuri, letting out a giggle as she did so.


Nodding in the satisfaction - that any passionate individual felt at the conversion of a formerly-ignorant individual towards the wonders of their passion - Dom, took back his glass, trying not to look at the way Mileena's tongue flicked against her lips. He repressed the sigh he wanted to let out, feeling every one of his thirty seven years. You'd think with age and experience would come the ability to control one's inner self more easily, but at the end of the day, Dom was just a man and his crewmate was a vivacious young thing. Still, the human was more than able to control his urges and shoved any sense of attraction towards the foxy cyborg back where it belonged - a hole deep inside the depths of his mind.

Maybe, when they were back on the Sobek and had some downtime, he'd let her sample a few of the other stouts and ales Dom kept squirreled away. Assuming of course that the light and sticky-fingers of neither Stan nor Hrist had discovered his little stash and cleaned it out. There were days he was convinced the two were in some weird, unspoken contest to see who could acquire the greatest loot from the crew's possessions. Still, the next time one of them 'borrowed' his Lorath electronica and dance musical collection, there was going to be a reckoning. Dom snorted at that, not entirely sure that he would want to lay a hand on Stan and fairly certain that Eir would break him for trying with Hrist.

Giving up such thoughts, Dom decided instead to enjoy the moment. After all, the location was breath-taking, the company was pleasant and the libations gloriously plentiful. The human could only hope his birthday, less than a month hence, would be anywhere near as enjoyable an experience. Dom turned his head to look at his crewmate. "So, Mileena, anything in particular catch your eye? Plenty of things you can try here that you'd never be able to enjoy back on the Sobek, after all."
Yuri and Luna
Yuri smiled happily, “Oh wow, really?” she asked feeling very happy to be included in a lesson, especially one created by Luna. Though she was unaware of the danger she was presently in, as her curiosity made her start to ask, just what lesson she could help with when she was suddenly attacked with water. The suddenness made her shriek in surprise, and also she heard both Luna and Okimi laughing at her reaction. “Oh, Okimi-chan! I take it dear Luna-chan also told you about another part of the lesson? For every action equals an opposite REACTION!” she said loudly as she splashed Okimi back, trying splash her roommate’s face, as Luna just giggled hysterically at the sight before her.

The Fox Cyborg didn’t realize she was doing anything suggestively, when she licked her lips to get at the taste that had been left behind. As she looked around though, she saw everything there was to offer here, but the fox was unsure what exactly she should do first. “that’s true, but I am not sure what to try first, you have any ideas?’ she asked Dom, as he was the oldest compared to her, and more experienced, she thought he’d have some ideas.
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