Star Army

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RP [Survival] Chains

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Well-Known Member ((Ooc thread, check here for (crude) map!))

Not everyone in Malaise could live on Purgatory. For a planet whose main city still was being built, life could be rather harsh. The black market thrived down planetside, and not one of the towns outside of the metropolis Half Empty was free from its influence. Although the local law enforcement came down hard on violence within the city limits, it was still very much a frontier system and planet.

Colonization of the other terrestrial worlds was painfully slow in progress. However, those seeking a bit of a more controlled environment, away from the constant snow and ice down planetside, A couple controlled habitats were erected on nearby moons, both for stations and mining purposes. But even then, a few labs found their way to the largest moon, Viceroy. Although the naming confused many, some saw it as a way to get a chance at a quieter life.

In one such lab, Simply named 'Restoration' was a government owned lab, said to research medicine and biology. Though no one was sure what that exactly meant, and no one was telling, as the Non Disclosure Agreement was rather brutal to anyone that might think about blabbing. (Up to and including "Indentured Servitude") Nonetheless, maintaining the lab and working there paid well, and healthcare was said to be excellent. Many employees lived on the premises themselves, as cheap housing on the moon was somewhat scarce.

Today was a different day, for the men and women of Restoration. Indeed, it seemed normal, the employees that had just finished their shifts or had time off, milling about the so called 'urban' wing, where beds, kitchens, medical facilities, and even a rec room resided. The beds were rather military in style. Minimalist, but each were tucked away in nooks, short walls without doors seperating the bunks. The kitchen had its own meals, but also a local fast food within. The medbay was impressive with its high technology that employees got to enjoy as part of their benefits, and the rec room had a large tv, a holodeck, and even an old fashioned pool table, much to the amusement of employees.

However, as everyone went about their business everyone began to hear a buzzing. Not very loud, but it seemed to come from within their own heads. Insistant. Annoying, but not so much that a bit of focus could ignore it. Seconds later, before anyone could really ask what was going on, an ear splitting screech sounded inside that overwhelmed the senses, and caused everyone to black out, falling where they stood or sat.

Slowly, but surely, people started coming to in the Urban wing. There were buzzing alarms blaring... Those who recalled their safety briefings remembered there was a couple security areas they were supposed to go in case of an accident, but they were not in the wing. Not to mention, the lights indicated both a fire hazard, and a "chemical danger" as well. The ringing had stopped, but the light buzzing in people's heads were still there...

...along with a sense of dread that something had gone very, very wrong.
Darian sat up holding his head as he looked around his surroundings. They were familiar but he knows he was heading in for his shift and that he shouldn't be here. The man stood up from where he was laying in the rec room, and picked up the mop that was beside him. He tried to remember what had happened but everything was hazy and he couldn't get a clear picture. He looked over at a clock to try to get a sense of how much time might have passed since he passed out. "What happened?"
Chisa Bockwinkel used the nearby white washed wall to stand up.

She had been about to bed down. She had washed, dressed in her polka-dot pajamas, slippers on feet, retreating to quarters for a much needed seven hours when a buzzing in her head turned into an unbearable shriek, an ice pick in her mind that floored her to the linoleum. Oblivion. And now she was trying to focus wavy vision, blinking away dizziness.

Had there been some sort of radio wave burst? She heard of several incidences where communication satellites would have an energy overload and discharge amplified waves, and God help anyone caught in the hundreds of thousands of kilometers wide swath effected. Disorientation and mechanical failure were common side effects, along with headache, nausea, diarrhea, and vomiting...Chisa realized her mind had wandered to some sort of pharmaceutical add pitch, and she sighed, taking in a deep breath.

Willing her mind to the fore, she bent down and retrieved her change of clothes for tomorrow and her lab coat. She had been carrying them back to bunk with her; freshly cleaned, pressed, and folded with her lanyard set on top of them, Chisa had dropped them into a neat little pile on the floor. She looked around, realizing that people were waking up or standing up, all seeming to have experienced something similar as well - muttered curses in hushed, dazed tones abounding.

Retreating to the far corner of the Sleeping Quarters, Chisa faced into the corner while throwing her lab coat on first, then she undressed out of her pajamas and swiftly put on her clothes for tomorrow. Dark brown pants first, pastel blue blouse next, socks and brown loafers lastly; all went on in a flash as everyone started stirring.

"...the Hell is going on?..."

Chisa knew that asking herself that question was pointless. What had her teacher back at Fringe Benefit College (FBC) told her?

It's alright to talk to yourself, it's when you start answering yourself back that indicates a BIG problem...

Despite a sense of nervous anxiety thrilling down her spine, Chisa also knew she needed to get to the lobby, see if she could contact security about what had just happened...yet, that seemed kind of spooky to her. The guards in Restoration were a bit intimidating, and she felt her stomach knotting a little as her dizziness hadn't seemed to abate. Med Bay was a safer, smarter course of action; she could queue the staff into what they likely were already suspecting, that something very wrong had happened. So, without any further preamble, Chisa slung her lanyard on and walked out of the Sleeping Quarters and into the Hallway...
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A cold floor. It was a familiar place to wake up, though upon consideration Kees couldn't remember what party he had last attended. Trying to push himself up he paused as he bumped into a strange object, turning Kees' eyes widened for a moment as he realized that it was a pool table sparking a memory of an acquaintance offering to show him the game at the end of his last delivery. As his head cleared a faint buzzing became quickly apparent to him, as well as the fact that he was not alone, a man in casual clothing holding a mop also occupying the rec room quickly drawing Kees' attention.

Seeing that the man had just finished speaking, though not remembering what he had said Kees prompted in a friendly tone, "Hey, nice to meet you the name's Kees." He paused with a warm smile before inquiring, "Do you have any idea as to how I ended up on the floor?" The man looked a little confused himself though Kees hoped that it was from finding another man passed out on the floor.
Darian turned to face Kees and shook his head some. "Nah..I don't remember anything after I left for work...I'm Darian by the way." He leaned against his black mop and rubbed his chin with the other hand. "Hmm...if this was a comic book....this is when the bad guy wold show up on the TV to tell us that we're part of some big plan of his or something. And that we have to find something in 2 hours, or the whole city will be blown to bits...something like that." Despite saying something rather grim sounding, the young man did not seem that bothered by it, in fact he might have been excited.
A slamming door woke Nailah with a start. The young woman twitched and sat up, still fully dressed in her blouse, skirt and heels from her previous work day, her eyes wide as she surveyed her surroundings in a manner one step down from abject panic. Why was she on the floor? How long since her shift had ended? And why was it so dark?

The sounds of distant alarms only fed her worry. Scrambling to her feet, she clutched her handbag to her tummy with both hands, fighting to maintain her regular breathing as her eyes darted this way and that, searching for some sign of another person, but she found none. Where was everybody? The dormitories were usually abuzz with quiet activity of people coming and going, or at least the gentle sounds of people asleep as they rested for their next shift. The lighting was dim, indicative of emergency-only power reserves, and her head was still spinning. Had she been drugged? No, that couldn't be -- the last thing she remembered was coming back to the sleeping quarters to change her clothes; she hadn't even had the chance to go to the rec room for drinks and merriment yet. Had she...?

A few moments' consideration more, and she assured herself that no, she had not given anyone the opportunity to take advantage of her, at least not that she could remember. She dared not consider any other possibility. For now, the important thing was to figure out what had happened, and why she couldn't remember anything clearly. Looking at the bunks nearest to her, she couldn't make out the familiar outlines of their occupants in the dim lighting. She hesitated for a moment, then finally steeled her nerves enough to inch towards one of them and gingerly pull back the covers.

Nothing. No one there.

Her heart started to pound in her chest as her breath became more ragged. Holding her breath, she nervously took short, cautious steps towards the door to the main hallway.
Nodding as Darian replied and introduced himself before starting to talk about comics and their possible insight on their situation, Kees began to look about the room a little. His head having cleared more as he looked around he began take note of his surroundings soon followed by the difference between the buzzing in his head and what he thought sounded like alarms. Kees returning his attention quickly to Darian inquired his tone a little more serious, "Are those alarms? I'm not too familiar with the protocol of the facility since I usually only drop off deliveries, but if this is an emergency, shouldn't we be trying to find other people? Or at least get somewhere safe?"

With the alarms continuing to drone, his state of mind was beginning to shift from the idea that he had just partied a little too hard, to wondering if there was something seriously wrong going on, and hoped that he'd be able to run into someone who would be able to reassure that all was well in the facility, or at least point him toward the emergency exit.
As the understandably confused employees begin to shuffle out into the hallway, the first thing they would notice is that the automatic door that led towards the main lobby was shut. (All the hallway doors were heavy duty steel that rose into the ceilings like a spaceship would have, presumably to seal off sections in case of fire.) And that the door had a large maintenance lock on it.

...And the mechanic who presumably put it there sitting below it. Bill was the primary mechanic of Restoration, a middle aged nepleslian with a shaved head and maintenance cap on, a bit of a beer gut from what he insists is necessary to work on this place, and dull brown colored eyes. At the sight of people emerging from the other doors, he begins to panic and drag himself to the side, trying for the kitchen door but he is clearly unable to stand or move very fast. "G-goddamnit, get away from me you psychos! I-I didn't do anything to you!" It was at that moment that it was very noticeable that his leg was injured badly. Blood soaked through the maintenance uniform around his leg and the shape of it made it look like it had been crushed and then mangled.

The man's voice was panicked, and audible in the Urban wing enough for those in the rec room to hear... however, they may have noticed that the table in the corner still had the tabletop game some of the nerdier workers enjoyed. But the alarm's spinning lights illuminated it briefly enough to show someone slumped over the table in their chair, unmoving. It was strange, but the yelling outside the rec room sounded urgent.
Nailah inched out into the hallway, breathing in short, erratic chops as she forced herself to swallow the suffocating lump in her throat. Each tiny, timid little step she took was cut a few inches short as the front of her shoes' soles scuffed the floor and brought them to a halt, and her wide, fearful eyes darted around at the eerie shadows jumping around in circles from the spinning warning light coming from the end of the hall.

"H... Hel-lo?" the young lady timorously called out, her voice small. "I-is anyon-ne out-t h-her-re...?"

The mechanic's voice made her jump bolt upright, and a short, horrified squeak burst from her mouth as she slapped her free hand over it, clutching her handbag tightly with the other one. She pressed her knees together and rose up on her toes, half-jumping and half-stumbling back against the wall behind her as she wildly searched for the source of the voice. Her terror only grew when she saw the man's mangled leg in a pool of blood. Even from her distance, it made her stomach turn, and she gagged involuntarily, squeezing her eyes shut. "Ohmigod--"
Darian looked up at the warning lights and listened to the siren now that Kees had mentioned them.He scratched his head as he tried to remember what they signified. "Um....I think that was the....yeah that the 'Shit hit the fan' alarm. We're supposed to head to the shelters now." He still did not seem too worried but it was becoming clear that this man was not exactly in touch with how much danger they might actually be in.

The shouting coming from the hall way however was rather surprising and he notably looked surprised. It was not something he could leave alone and he was about to move into the hall until he spotted another person in the rec room out of the corner of his eyes. "Hmm?" He turned to face this person and approached them "You okay there bud?" He gently shook the person's shoulder to see if they were awake.

The sight of Bill and his life pouring and pooling froze Chisa cold in the hall. Close enough to the wall, the intern chemist used it to brace herself as she suddenly felt faint. She swallowed back a rise in stomach contents, stifling a gag as her mind raced over details, obvious details, and not so obvious. Leg mangled, security doors locked tight(His leg must have been literally smashed off by them), Bill is bleeding out fast and probably in shock from it, dead (assumed) guy at Cosmos and Comets rp table...

"H... Hel-lo?"

Nailah, the receptionist...

"I-is anyon-ne out-t h-her-re...?"

Say something, stupid, especially before she sees Bill!

Chisa's mind urged.


Too late!

Turning around in the dark of the hall, Chisa's eyes had already begun to adjust some, spotting Nailah behind her. She walked over to her and urgently shook her by the shoulders.

"B-Bill's hurt, Nailah! G-go to the med bay and s-see if you can get the staff t-to help! I'll try and s-stem the blood loss!"

Turning away, hands shaking, Chisa rushed to Bill, tearing at the right shoulder seam of her lab coat. She felt the give and heard the rip of threads as she neared.

"B-Bill-BILL! C-calm d-down, it's me, C-Chisa, I'm going to try and t-tie off your leg!"

Chisa approached slowly, and watched the older man who seemed frightened and frenzied with pain...she hoped he recognized, hoped he would calm enough to let her try and save his life.
Nailah inhaled sharply, stiffening even more as she was shaken suddenly, and her wide, panicked eyes stayed locked on the fallen technician for a few seconds until Chisa shook her again. Breathing in short, choppy gasps, she tore her gaze from the injured man to the woman in the lab coat's eyes, and stared helplessly at her for a moment, before managing a series of tiny, arrhythmic nods. "Um-m--" she stammered, "y-yeah, ok-k-kay..."

As Chisa ran down the hallway to Bill, Nailah forced herself to follow a few steps behind, grateful that someone seemed to know what to do. She had not known Chisa on a personal level, but she had shared light conversation with her a few times, even eaten lunch with her on one or two occasions, mostly because there were no other more interesting people about at the time. She always struck her as the mousy type; rail thin, sloppy appearance, not much effort spent on making herself presentable. She'd wondered once how much better the girl would look if she'd just try a little harder. A little eyeliner or blush, perhaps a short-sleeved one piece dress would complement her figure, and that hair--

Her mind snapped back to reality as she remembered that she had been panicking seconds earlier. She had never been in any kind of crisis before in her life, and she hadn't ever considered that such a thing would happen to her here, despite all those skulls and crossbones she'd seen plastered all over those agreements and contracts she'd signed. Now she was wishing she'd actually read them.

In only a few strides she made it to the medbay entrance as Chisa fell beside the wounded man. Nailah swallowed hard as she averted her eyes from the gruesome wound, the knuckles on her trembling hand white as she gripped her handbag intensely, and reached up to open the door to the medical lab. As upsetting and alarming as the dark, foreboding atmosphere around her was, not to mention as much as she didn't at all want to approach the man lying in his own blood, she was more than a little apprehensive about leaving either him or the scientist.
A little confused by Darian's unworried and casual reaction and explanation of the emergency situation, Kees was about to question Darian further about the location of the shelters and how to reach them when shouting erupted from the hall behind him. Turning quickly Kees hurried to the door managing to get it open, able to now hear two pairs of footsteps, the panicked shouting of a man, and the voice of another woman, though his initial scan of the hall outside the rec room left him confused as he initially failed to see anyone in the dim light.

Calling out a little nervously Kees hoped he'd get a response, "Hello? Is there anyone out here?" Trying to look around more carefully he saw a pair of figures toward the other end of the hall one near the door to the medical bay, and another area of motion that he assumed was a man and a woman that he couldn't quite make out in the dim light. Taking a step toward the people he saw he spoke again, "Is everything okay over there? Do you know what is going on?" He had no idea what was going on, but hopefully these people would be able to help, though at the moment it sounded like they needed the help more.
Bill rose his hands up to defend himself from what he assumed was an incoming blow, but when Chisa started to tear off cloth for a tourniquet, he slowly realized they weren't there to hurt him. "Wait, you're not- Gh! Easy easy there, girl. That's tender..." He was understandably in a lot of pain, but he stopped trying to crawl away and propped himself back up against the nearby wall. The lights were on enough to see people, but the spinning alarm lights played with people's vision.

As Nailah began to move towards the medbay, Bill coughed and rose a hand in her direction, "W-wait, don't! Sebastian went in there, he... Gah... He's the one that did this to me. I don't know why. I heard gunshots out in the lobby before the alarms started going off, so I locked the door to keep us safe in here... but he hit me from behind, grabbed my tool and started beating me with it. Something made a loud sound in the medbay while we struggled, and he went in there... Dunno why he didn't finish me off... but I couldn't talk to him." Sebastian was one of the cooks in the kitchen, an overweight Hispanic man who seemed to have a bit of disdain for most people here. He generally wasn't well liked, though he had awkwardly tried to hit on Nailah while she was busy working a couple times.

In the rec room, Darian's investigation proved unappetizing, as he neared he got a closer look and the shake caused the body to slump to the floor where the head could be seen clearly in the shifting lights... it had been crushed, skull split open and a pool of blood had former underneath where his head had rested. The man was very clearly dead, and even more clearly killed.
As the confusion in the hall seemed to resolve itself Kees tried to listen as best as he could to what the wounded man said as he approached hoping to either help or have his questions answered. Learning that things had apparently been going much worse than he had anticipated. Gunshots in the lobby were definitely a bad sign, though the talk of the man who had gone on a rampage was a much more immediate worry. Unsure how to intrude on the conversation he bluntly blurted, "Is there anything we can do about this man? Are there any resources that we could use? I mean I'm not fighter but I think we can all agree that something needs to be done."

He looked around nervously half expecting the man to leap out of the medical bay at any moment and his eyes caught on the door to the kitchen before asking, "Do you think there would be anything of use in here?" He pointed toward the door hoping that the women or the wounded man would be able to tell him what to do.
Tying the tourniquet, Chisa looked up at Kees, and looked him up and down without thinking about it, causing her to avert her gaze elsewhere; she was glad her blushing face wasn't at all apparent in the lighting. Those broad shoulders, and his often effortless, warm smile had more than once kept her up with longing at night.

Dammit girl, get yourself together and stop stripping Mr. Slater down with your eyes! Pervert!

Where her eyes looked was toward the wall passed Kees, long enough to regain her composure. She then looked back up at Kees, her eyes under control, leveled on his jawline, but avoiding his gaze.

"I-I have no idea what's going on b-but Bill says there's a killer in the med lab, S-Sebastian, and we all blacked out a short while ago...Kees, d-do you think you could slide Wallens off the gaming table and b-butt the table up against the med lab door. If Sebastian c-comes out that door, I want him impeded at least there anyone else up or alive?"

Breath girl, you'll be okay...steady breaths, stop panting, stop stuttering and get a grip-it's all chemistry!

Finishing a fairly tight tourniquet on Bill she started tearing at her left sleeve; once off, she used it to wrap the bottom of the wound so nothing else would get in on it.

"Bill, I'm going to see about getting you some hydrogen peroxide, it will act as a disinfectant..."

Standing up, Chisa looked at Kees, and then away again real fast when she locked on his kind, confident eyes. Here cheeks felt warm and she knew she was getting red in the face again.

"Um, yeah, the t-table should stop him up a little if he comes out...I'm going to see about getting Bill something to clean and disinfect his injury."
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Darian's expression finally looked worried when he realized the body belonged to a dead person. This was when it became apparent that this was not one of his comic books, this was real, and someone was really dead now. "Oh shit...this is real bad.." His brain was racing through every scenario he could fathom, trying to figure out what his next move should be. "Okay...I've got my mop...I can protect myself...and this guy was obviously killed...right gotta figure out who this is?" He questioned whether or not that was the right choice but that was the only thing he could come up with as his mind raced.

So the young man leaned in and checked the body over for anything of interest. And with some rummaging he found a phone, the man's house keys, a pocket knife and his wallet. The wallet was what he was really looking for he wanted to figure out who this was, and he might have a security clearance that might become useful later. Despite only wanting his wallet he decided it was best to grab everything, maybe he could return them to the man's family.

Once he had the man's belongings he decided to make his way into the hall where he heard the shouting and screaming before, straining his eyes to see down the corridor noticing there are other people besides Kees he jogged over, still holding his mop and looked the situation over seeing the condition Bill was in. "He got attacked too? This guy in the rec room had his head busted open as well."
Nailah snatched her hand away from the medical lab's door instantly once Bill warned her off, as if she had just touched a hot stove, or an angry insect hive. It wouldn't be necessary to tell her twice. She took several steps away from it, nearly tripping over herself in the process before she caught her balance and quickly jogged closer to where he and Chisa were, although she was clearly not eager to get any closer to the blood than she had to. Her eyes fearfully darting this way and that about the room, she hugged her arms tightly across her abdomen as she tried to make some sense out of their situation.

When Kees and Darian came out into the hall, she squeaked again softly, and barely relaxed at all when it became quickly apparent they were not a threat. She looked back at Chisa and Bill, wide-eyed and as alarmed as before. "W-w-wait a minute!" she stammered urgently. "Shouldn't-t s-security be showing up-p? We should w-wait for someone who knows-s what's going on here, shouldn't-t we!?"
"Security can knock, far as I'm concerned. Like I said, I heard gunshots out there, and I'm not about to let what's going down out there spill here..." Bill coughs a bit, the blood loss making him look a bit faint, but Chisa's tourniquet did appear to stop the bleeding for now. He'd need real help soon though. "I dunno. Like, a riot or something? Maybe we've got traitors or something. Reds?" Reds, being the faction of nepleslians that the main governement had been fighting for years over many disagreements, and were known for sabotaging.

"Fuck... Tyler is dead? People really are dying now... Maybe this lock isn't going to stop what's happening after all..." Bill bit his lip. While that may be true, it would stop any casual attempts to enter the area, and for all intents and purposes it was the only way in or out of this wing and he had reinforced it quite well with the lock, as the door itself was near impenetrable by normal means.

Unfortunately for everyone's nerves, it seemed that matters were still urgent. A loud crash sounded in the medbay followed by a woman's shriek. Whatever Sebastian was doing now, he wasn't alone in there. Bill's eyes widened and locked onto the door. "Fuck, that sounded like Eliza!" Eliza was the closest thing to a doctor on the station. While she didn't run the medbay, she did handle the evening shift and her skill with medicine was noteworthy. The blonde wavy-haired nurse often suffered a lot of corny one liners in her job, but was remarkably professional.

And now it sounded like she was in danger...
"N-no... no no-no n-no..." Nailah babbled under her shaky breath, looking around at the growing crowd gathering at the end of the hall. "B-but there's some kind of-- some kind of emergency exit-t r-right?!" she asked, insistent and fearful. "Some other-r way out, you know, in case of fire or something?"

The bang and scream from within the medical lab jostled the young, dark-skinned lady's nerves even worse, nearly causing her to jump out of her skin and slap her hand over her mouth once more, although she was shaking so bad that she missed her face entirely four or five times in very rapid succession before finally hitting her target. The atmosphere and the disembodied sounds coming from someplace she couldn't see were horrific enough, and the fact that she now knew that Sebastian was inside with Eliza caused her imagination to run away with itself. Nailah had always felt uneasy around the cook; something about the way the heavyset man always averted his eyes every time she looked his direction, as if he were ogling her with those beady, hungry eyes when she wasn't looking, or the way he licked his dry, cracked lips when she drew too close to him. And his brusque, unpleasant demeanor didn't help his perpetually scowling face appear any friendlier. She never had any concrete reason to think he was dangerous, but for some reason the idea of ever being alone with him in a closed space for even more than a minute frightened her. And now, hearing those horrible sounds from behind the door in front of her, the mental images of what he could be doing to Eliza racing through her head made her feel as though she was going to die of terror.

Incredulously looking around at the people gathered, her eloquently painted eyes darting from person to person in erratic, wild insistence, she pointed frantically at the door and backed up against the opposite wall. "Help her, help her, somebody help her!" she screamed, dancing on her toes as she pressed her back against the wall.
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