Star Army

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  • 📅 September 2024 is YE 46.7 in the RP.

RP [Task Force Inquisition] Mission 2, Ground Phase - First Strike


Banned Member
Inactive Member
RP Date
YE 40
RP Location
Operation Earthbreaker
Planetary Orbit

The three attack craft, laden with hundreds of soldiers, split off from the Fin in unison, twirling as they aligned themselves with the unsuspecting planet far below. White blizzards raged across the earthly orb beneath, a harsh winter setting in rapidly, snow coating its surface with a frosted layer.

The trio of winged death swept closer and closer with increasing speed, soon breaking through those raging, writhing clouds. "COMMANDERS PREPARE FOR ASSAULT." The bay, the chosen landing point, washed onto the view screens.

Their Shosho's voice radiated through each in unison, the three craft now breaking apart and rocketing towards their individual landing points. Hustle and bustle overtook the Kagai as the Centuries readied themselves within their Rikugun-pattern Daisys.

Explosions of flak cannons and anti-air pelted the air around them as they descended. "We're taking too much fire! In and out, moving to land!" The Century Leader cried from near the helm, "ON MY MARK!" The Kagai's method of deployment was wide, side hatches on either side to jump down from.

Now, those hatches blew open almost explosively, revealing the cold-blasted shore and crashing waves. Time to go. "MARK!"

Midori's hands shook a little as the doors to the attack craft burst open and she got her first view of the planet. Her breath was quick and shallow in her chest as she fought down her rising panic. She couldn't help but think back to the last time she had been planetside in a power armor in the middle of an operation, at least the real her. She had been captured and held for years, and painful flashbacks surfaced in her mind as she fought to keep down what little bit of food she had taken in before the mission.

They aren't here, this isn't Splorfin. You have to lead Midori, you have to lead and take command.

Midori's hands stopped shaking after a moment as she looked at the foreign armor. She missed her Sarah, but the mission specifics had called for a Daisy, and that was what she would use.

The Mishhu are gone. You will be fine.

It was a mantra she repeated in her head over and over and over as she took that first step out of the craft and into the air. Already her suit's systems screamed to life as she stopped herself from getting buffeted by the high winds, turned face down toward the planet, and shot ahead.

"Kade, I want you up toward point. Call out large targets for the overwatch and Raku, make sure to hit the targets designated! Everyone else, we are the Inquisition, kill without quarter."
Attack Craft Bay

Kade slowly inhaled as the doors were flung open, shutting his eyes for the briefest of moments as he took in the sounds, sights and smells - carcophanos explosions that angrily roared each time they went off, people milling about with the nerves of post-battle anxiety wracking their systems but it was all too familiar for the young man with wolven features.

He'd been fighting since before he was thrown into a new body and then a Daisy suit though, only real difference here was that he had people on his side and there was no need to try and be showy for the entertainment of others anymore - Kade's perception of time normalised as his dark eyes with tar-black sclera and red irises opened back up to the sight of the helmet's hud, hopefully he wouldn't end up with a hole in his chest this time...

His powerful legs took a few steps before propelling the recon-member's mindy suit out of the ship they had been carried in on, hopefully it would carry them all out in one piece too - but for now the Minkan pushed off of the ground and let gravity angle him back down toward the beach head before firing up his suit's propulsion systems, making sure to fall into line just behind Midori and to the left a bit as the samurai leading the team spoke.

"Ma'am yes ma'am, Hoorah," he called out in response to the order, watching his altitude plummet rapidly as the icy shores rushed up to meet them.
Leprechaun Century (Platoon 3)
Attack Craft Bay

Moesashi Yama kept up an even pace of breathing as the sleek attack aircraft broke the planets atmosphere. It would be mere moments before all hell broke loose. The returning Nekovalkyrja took those few moments to ready herself for the oncoming storm. According to the reports shot in from the recon scanners, the target area wasn't only iced over, but currently in the midst of rolling blizzards. What a homecoming.

To make matters inherently worse for the cryophobic engineer, the geography of the land and the scale at which they were working with made use of fire less than nominal. Somewhat reluctantly, Yama had dropped from two fuel types to solely using plasma power. In place of that tank, she held a Light Armor Service Rifle. Stowed away somewhere in that bulky armor were four fragmentation grenades, and an Impactor. She had also made sure to wear two undershirts.

Moesashi gripped the nearest railing as the ship stuttered, resisting the initial pelting of AA fire from the planets surface. She made sure the support pack bolted to the rear of her armor was tuned and ready, before looking at the other more prominent figures under her command. "Let's go," she said, unusually... cool.

On cue with the mark, Moesashi gave a loud "HAI" before throwing herself, and her platoon, promptly out the side of the assault craft. The commander gave their best attention to the descent as they could, glancing up at the encroaching shoreline from time to time as they prepared to make an impact.
Attack Craft Bay

Miko was humming a song as the craft moved into position. It was an upbeat tune with a nice pop too it. Even the words sounded good, talking about killing all the enemies or something like that. The sounds of gun fire breaking around the ship filled in the missing notes. Miko at times wondered if the ship would even make it. This prompted him to hold the hand of Sora who was sitting next to him even tighter. He knew as long as she was by his side that no force could stop them.

The doors burst open and Miko released Sora's hand and leapt into the unknown.
Attack Craft Bay

The crack of hardened Zesuanium plating against itself resounded through the craft's compact interior twice. Sora's large gatling cannon was holstered at her chest, in pretty much the only way that could have slightly reduced the amount of space the massive birb took up. "Alrighty, looks like we're in for a long one. Let's get going!" Following the rest of the platoon out of the dull vehicle's exposed apertures, Arinori raised the gun up - streams of shining energy erupted towards the defense, driving for them to take cover even though they'd almost never hit given the circumstances. Needless to say, she wanted to draw some attention away from the soldiers still jumping out.

Making a small crater in the sandy soil, the patrician continued her aggressive push - spitting fire and death on the beachhead, and generally being a huge pain in the ass to anyone who stood against her. Just how she wanted it.

Quite close to the LEP-recon platoon

Armin and Arcturus Sargas - twin elysian bois in a dual-seater Mamushi - grinned in unison, making a flashy aggressive turn in front of a machine gun nest which was set up too far ahead for its own good, its shells bouncing off of their defensive barrier. "Suck aether!" The small craft erupted forth a storm of energy, annihilating the small setup easily as the pair jetted off back in the direction of the landing craft they were supposed to be escorting down. One small group of reds down, probably hundreds to go.
Near Cloakburners

As the dropship hit the beach, Akane and Aoi flashed past overhead, launching a bomb from their twin seat Mamushi into the already smoking defenses. The bomb exploded into a great wall of hot smoke that would give them cover as they exited the dropship and got into cover during the opening seconds of the battle. "Smoke out." Aoi reported calmly as they flashed over the drop zone and Akane brought them around for a strafing run.
Century 1
As the Jackrabbits fell and crunched hard into the pillowy snow blanketing the uneven shore, movement could be seen up ahead. Midori and Kade, amongst the others, began to focus, the platoons around them moving up quickly. Strangely, there was an odd absence of fire in their direction. It was as if they were waiting for something.

Out of nowhere, as the platoons began to advance, explosions billowed from within their ranks, Daisys being tossed like toys into the air by some force. Mines. It seemed those tasked with defending this area were smart, letting the enemy deplete themselves before they got within firing range. Strangely enough, Kade could see, they were moving west, towards the fortification - they appeared to be leaving their right flank unguarded. Additionally, a faint rumbling could be heard on the wind, though its location couldn't be told at this time.

Century 2
Akane and Aoi's brilliant usage of covering smoke was greatly appreciated by the units below, given the bottleneck they were landing into. The enemies ceaselessly fired into the smoke cloud, knowing the Century couldn't fan out effectively. While the twins watched, the Daisys crashed into the left side of the enemy position, smoke afforting close-range combat as the most useful offense. The right held strong, the enemy sweeping their emplaced guns back to repel the advancing Century.

Century 3
Moesashi, Miko and Sora made fall directly onto the beachhead, blooms of snow forming a wet mist around them from the sheer force. It seemed this corner of the battlefield was taking the most direct fire. Armin and Arcturus had managed to remove the closest emplaced gun turret however as they watched, several towards the rear of the right wing began to spray back up towards where they had retreated. Several stray shots smacked against the bulky Kagai with little effect for now, though it caused the beast to double back and begin to make its escape before the other two landing craft.

Sora's shots upon the enemy as they soared towards terra firma were wildly inaccurate from this distance, not managing to cause much more than terror in the hearts of the Rixxikor down below. As the three ground-bound troops took in their first look at the battlefield, it seemed this had already caused several of the scrap-armed foes to begin an orderly fallback on the left flank. Oddly, it seemed they weren't leaving many emplacements as they made their slow way up the hill.
Century 1

Midori's gaze whipped over to the sudden explosions, realizing the sinking feeling in her stomach was on point as she had noticed the advance was to easy. Putting the 50mm gauss bazooka to one hand, Midori drew her LASR-SLAG from her hip and fired the attachment, launching a full clip of grenades in succession, each one further then the other.

"It is a minefield! Careful as you progress. Keep your eyes open for any attacking forces laying in wait. There could be more surprises in the snow."

As she heard the noise, it brought worry to the Samurai as she began to use her suit's systems to scan their surrounding area.

"Go up and over the minefield, or create a path through with fire. Kade, find out what that noise is and tag it for Raku. Raku, can you lay down some fire to clear this field at all?" She called over the comms, hoping the pilot could destroy much of the field before they continued their advance.
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Century 1

Kade couldn't help but lower his head a bit every time another land mine went off, sending a cascade of dirt up only to shower back down to their heads as he moved into position near a ridge - the green-plated armour of his Daisy slamming into the ground as the Minkan laid on his stomach and stared through his LATR's scope, looking around for the source as he noticed chink in the enemy's defences.

"Their right looks clear! negative visual on whatever is rumbling!" Kade called out from his position as he continued staring through the scope, a worrying idea popping into the young Minkan's mind.

"...Let's hope they won't roll in armour from that naked flank but I'll keep you posted!" he finished, there was a very likely possibility that it was bait but there was an equal chance it was just a mistake on the defender's part...
Century 1

Miles had deployed just behind the rest of his group, keeping an eye on his medical HUD as he moved to entrench himself near the rear but far enough from the landing craft he wouldn't be caught if it was targeted. "I'd do as she says, I may be a medic but I don't keep spare limbs on me so if you get your legs blown off that's on you and the best I can do is close it and strap you to a rock and kick you home." Miles said with about as much humor as he usually had, which was precisely none. If anyone didn't know he and Miko were brothers you'd never figure it out without being told.

Century 2

Meanwhile Shasse had also hung back from her group slightly although she wasn't sure if she should be, the little neko had trained as a sniper although there wasn't really a specific role for that and most guns just did the work for you so her skills were largely useless as an individual. "Uhm so, commander, do you want me to hang back to try and snipe them? I've also been trained in the ways of cannon fodder if that helps." The bouncy blue neko said rather chirpily over their team comms, she knew her place in the army and just made the most fun out of every situation she could, troops were expendable because they were easily replaceable, as well as pseudo immortal.

"Unless anyone wants a backpack companion? I'm almost small enough to fit I tested it!"
Century 3

Moesashi hit the ground with the usual amount of grace one would expect from a cat that weighed several tons in armor. Her mind took an extra beat to comprehend all that was going on around her as sickly white flakes of snow violently berated her armor. She tried her best to skip over the thought.

After realizing her initial delay, Moesashi motioned to those behind her to move. She called out to her squadron. "Theres a crook in the mountainside we can use for a concealed climb." They were to be headed up the rough inclines of the iced beach due northeast. "C-cowards!" She exclaimed, pointing towards the enemy scrawling up the left bank. The Nekovalkyrja raised her rifle, returning fire at any remaining encampments first.
Century 3

Miko was taking in the lovely snow covered beach. Had it not been for the sounds of explosions and the random pinging sounds as rounds hit his armor this might of been a nice place to have a vacation. He followed the lead of Moesashi and to where she had been pointing. He smiled big as his armor calculated the distance and he arced to weapon upwards. He was pleased he brought an indirect fire weapon, a grenade launcher.

Soft thumps rang out as he sent down range rounds towards the enemy. On the outside is composure was what you would expect of a trained solder. On the inside was a small boy having far too much fun laying waste to the enemy like this was a video game.

"Laying down cover fire." He said over comms. His attention then turned to any encampments that needed some death from above delivered.
Century 1

"Keep an eye on the right flank but do not follow it. Move toward their left side, take angles to cut off their retreat. Raku I want you keeping an eye on that right flank. Lay down fire to the side and destroy anything that doesn't have a friendly designation."

Midori lifted up and over the minefield a few feet as she kept herself low enough to not make such an easy target. Her rifle at her side again she lifts her 50MM cannon up and begins to cut in at an angle toward the retreating forces. She fired a shot or two just to let them know they were there, aiming to hit at least one.
Century III

Arinori's form wavered and shimmered as its powerful barrier shield was brought forth to full power, making quite the defensive network for her. She continued trudging forward, making towards the section Moeashi had marked out. "They're falling back on our left hand side! There's not much resistance I can see there, they might be planning something." The Patrician's voice was collected, proper, and crisp - not exactly relatable to the nasty, terrifying death-spitter in her hands.

"Look out for any fox-holes they might have set up. There's a lot of ambush potential here..."


The Mamushi formed back up with the landing craft. Well, more like kept flying in a sort-of circle around them to be equally ready for anything else being thrown their direction - fighters, flying armor, missiles, or anything else, really.
Above Century 2

Akane banked the fighter around, focusing on dodging any antiaircraft fire. Aoi didn't worry about flyign the fighter, focusing instead on the sensor suite of the fighter and the larger situation. Using the data not just from thier own sensors, but also from the powered armors below, Aoi marked the emplaced guns. Akane banked the fighter around, picking their way through the chaotic battlesphere towards the attack vectors that Aoi reccomended. When she was on target, she let fly with the ship's weapons.
Century 1

Midori's inspired usage of explosive prompted many of the hidden devices to detonate, a sudden boom as a handful detonated in the space of a few seconds. The shockwave was quite something, throwing a couple of soldiers to the floor - unharmed - yet the tremor could be felt in the very ground underfoot.

Midori's orders carried across her local comms, her team generally pulling from the east towards the west. However, several of the other platoons in the century kept pushing up to take the vunerable position, the slight hill and treeline obscuring whatever lay behind.

The Samurai's shots struck home as the movements of the Rixxikor were easy to follow, simply following in single file. The shots caused the rear couple to hit the deck and return fire. It seemed around 20 were on there way up the hill. Platoon 1 to the left of their platoon seemed to be focusing on getting higher to cut off the retreating soldiers, shots darting towards them as they failed to focus on returning fire.

As Kade was pelted by flying debris, the rumbling seemed to die down, though whatever it was must have been very close. Further towards the platoons on the right than other members of his platoon, it's possible he would see the head of a Graxlat breaking the treeline - known to be natural engineers. They seemed to be watching and waiting for something as the platoons approached.

Miles, keeping towards the rearguard would have seen bodies of those hit with mines fly through the air, spinning like balet dancers as they crunched into the snowy ground. There was no shortage of people to treat but it was his choice about who or when to do his job. It looked like two other medics were flitting over the twisted corpses and crying, broken soldiers. As he moved, he began to notice the snow sounded different in places, feeling almost as it flexed underfoot.

Century 2

It looked like Akira was indisposed in leading the charge towards the bloody brawl ahead, looking more like a medieval melee than a professional engagement from this distance. As Shasse spoke, a resounding BOOM of Akane's fire striking home against one of the HMG emplacements only a hundred meters or less away would ripple through her.

It was chaos at the front, gobs of charged energy flying pass the little Neko where she stood. 33As sprinting past her and getting mowed down until out of nowhere a Joto Hei halted within the Shasse's vision. Looking over their shoulder, the Daisy-clad Medic shot the blue Neko a sympathetic look. "Stand still and you're easier to hit, let's catch up!" Konoka reached down to grab Shasse's hand and help her to take those first few steps.

Aoi would notice that unlike what would be expected, the other gun teams were more focused on the Infantry that began to overrun their positions than the fighter high above. It seemed, knowing they would die, the chittering Rixxikor were intent on spraying as many bullets as they could down the coast. Trying to keep Century 2 pinned in this small landing point.

It was at this point that a screaming, screeching sound of engines working incredibly hard would come over the wind. Aoi and Akane's screens blinking with a wing of at least 5 fighters speeding from the west towards the airspace of Century 3. It seemed that only one Mamushi was in that area, they had only seconds to try and assist if they wanted. That being said, amongst the brawl that was occuring it seemed that some, incredibly tall Daisys were beginning to take dominance. Flails and swords of an unknown material could be seen severing limbs from the Daisy IIs, though there was little else to distinguish them from friendlies as they began to carve up SA forces.

Century 3

Moesashi's directions were accurate and while several members of the platoon to their left were already pushing their left-flank enemy, it seems that their soldiers beginning to push forwards now following the lead of Moesashi's men as they drifted further towards the West. After a moment, the Rixxikor lying up against the rocks ahead began to swing their weapons towards the East, now pumping twice the fire as before into Platoon 4, Moesashi's platoon turning away to follow the hill leaving them with easier targets to fire at.

Miko's arcing grenades sounded against the closest enemies, fountaining snow and sleet high into the air, obscuring both sides with a sheet of blanket, glistening white. In these few seconds, a whistle sounded loud against the sounds of firearms. Out of nowhere, a glistening, legged vehicle of some sorts began to jet down the hill far above. Smashing directly into three members of Platoon 1 and sending them flying down the hill. A loud, high-pitched whining sound accompanied it, along with smoke grenades suddenly being flung against the snow, cloaking the thing in a deep blackness which swept across the entire first platoon.

Their Kagai was breaking back off, though Armin and Arcturus' radar screens suddenly bleeped with an incoming squadron of seven unidentified craft. They would be on the Kagai in thirty seconds or so, the speeds they were travelling seeming to be short bursts and long slows. Heavily modified, whatever they were. Most worryingly, the two remaining emplaced weapons below were still aimed skywards, their battlefield heavily obscured, firing up at the vessels as they moved further away.
Century 1

Kade had grown somewhat accustomed to the constant plinking of dirt, stone and snow gently tapping his armoured carapace - for all he knew there could have been a few chunks of friendly units that had gotten too close to the mines mixed in, the recently-sleeved Minkan pushed that thought to the back of his mind and was about to start firing back when he noticed movement off to the side - they were doing something back there alright...

"I don't like this one bit, I saw a Graxlat over by that tree-line," the boy began speaking as his eyes fell upon one of the victims of the land mines, at first he thought the Daisy-clad person was badly injured but Kade soon realised most of it wasn't their blood - so the odd-eyed Minkan briefly left the LATR propped up to drag his fellow soldier behind the little ridge Kade had set up shop in, telling himself he could help at least one person today.

"Returning fire!" Kade called out as he went back to the rifle, taking a moment to carefully line up a shot each time he saw any exposed body parts from the enemy - it may not have been as aggressive as Midori's or the ship's barrage but he had confidence the carefully-placed shots would prove themselves useful, if any of them landed that is.
Century 1 "Jackrabbits"

Midori's shield came up to block any incoming shots as her 50MM cannon continued to rain fire down on those that had stopped. They were the easier targets and the ones actually a threat as she tried to take out what she could, all the while keeping her sensors heavily focused on the right flank which seemed terribly unguarded. It screamed trap to her which was why she instead chose to focus on the left flank and taking the hill. She kept moving, making sure to stay above the minefield and moving so she was a much more difficult target to hit, all the while she took shots to try and whittle down their forces.

"Raku, any luck? Anyone see anything from that right flank? If so, take it out."
Century 3

A smile crossed his lips as the smoke covered the area. It would seem the boss battle had begun and Miko's body was ready for this. Ready like the perfect fried egg in the morning. Which reminded him he still needed to have Sora for dinner sometime since having met up. Even more reason to live to see another day.

In a flash a group of three Elliptical Tactical Drones launched from Mikodimus's Daisy. He hoped to get some eyes in the sky to better direct his attacks towards the new boss. The shoulder mounted Gauss Cannon moved into a firing position ready to rain down the pleasure. His shield was facing the new foe with the grande launcher pressed against the side of it.