Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Terraforming Ake [Terraforming Ake] P1 - Dust Bowl Children


As Seiji, Daziel, and Akemi came towards the entrance of the Joacim, Daziel twisted his heel so he could keep walking and talking to Seiji without either of them actually going anywhere. Now they were all headed towards the edge of the crater lake.

“Yes, I imagine she's very disappointed with me.” Replied Daziel, extending a hand past Seiji to take the scanner from Akemi's hand. He figured the scientist would likely be too absent-minded to notice it if she didn't say anything; and had little patience for any potential games at the moment. He went on as he pressed the scanner into his opposing palm and then back again, switching the hands he held it in as an idle motion, “As it is, we should discuss the fate of the other team when we are all together in about fifty-four minutes or so, at dinner. In the meantime, I'd like you to stay focused on getting this camp back into order and preparing your data for the meeting. There will, of course, be a meal at that time and I have taken the time to set aside some vegetable portions for you with your peculiar dietary concerns-- yes, I've done my homework on you, my boy.”

Daziel looked sideways to Seiji, then over to Akemi, before taking the scientist's hand into his own and pressing the scanner into it with a smile and a, “Say 'thank you' to Miss Koga for retrieving your scanner, and get to work, old boy. I've got much to do on my own.”


While Alice inserted the nasal-pharyngeal tube into her patient's nose to relieve the pressure caused by the blood clot in his head, Franklin busied himself with ensuring that all the space surrounding the prisoners was clear of any implements whatsoever before he set up those volumetric fields. Greg watched the two of them work with some amusement on his features, clearly not bothered by the situation at all. As promised, Franklin left a single cigarette and a pair of matches on Greg's bed before activating a similar field for the executioner.

The contused prisoner who'd asked not to be left alone with him called out again. “I don't think this is enough, guys. I'd really rather you put me on a whole 'nother ship from this guy.”

“Y'ain't really in a position to rather anything, though, are ya?” Franklin asked with a thin-lidded grunt, activating another one of those volumetric fields. The prisoner was silent, looking down at his bare feet with a morose stare.

“You hand-roll these, old man. Where's the tobacco from?” Greg piped up, now tugging away at his cigarette.

“Grow it m'self.” Replied Franklin without looking, the cowboy moving for a sink built into the wall. “Cut it m'self. Roast it m'self. Roll it m'self.” Here, Spencer looked up from where he was washing his hands to glower at the smoking prisoner and add, “An' until you showed up, I smoked it m'self.”

In the back of the bay, Niel tried to ignore the goings on with the prisoners and just talk to Yori. He was grateful she'd visited him, and fearful that she'd have to leave at any moment in order to get everything done she needed to. With this fear in mind, the shipwright reached out for Yori and was able to get his fingers around the thin braid of hair which adorned one side of her face. Instead of just giving up and putting his hand back, the middle-aged wash-up played it off like a casual motion; rubbing the twine-like thing between his thumb and forefinger. As he toyed with her hair, Niel said, “Ah, well, Burton's your boss now. Your other boss won't even know what you've done here until you go back. And I don't think Daziel cares so much if you get the work done in a dark basement or in a crowded park so long as you get it done.”

Not wanting to let that be the first thing on her mind, Niel quickly withdrew his hand and added, “I do want to thank you for coming to check on me, Kataoka. I'm in a great deal of pain right now, even with the anasthetics... You--” He sniffed and shifted so he could look directly at her, “You're a good kid, coming to visit someone you just met this morning. You opened up, too. It's like we've known each other for a few weeks already.”

Sister Sara

At first, Sylphie responded to each poke with an adorable squeaking noise. When she began to get frustrated, though, Mako would find herself essentially poking air because the volumetric sprite had made herself, well, unvolumetric. While Mako's hand phased in and out of her body, Sylph just crossed her arms and pouted.

“I'm not invasive. You installed me.” She said, trying to crane her neck in such a way that it was turned away from both Sapphire and Mako. “And if you look at my programming, you'll see just how sophisticated I can be. So, there. Hmph. I sure hope this 'Daziel' guy is nicer than you are.”

"Don't want to ruin your fun, but medbay is non-smoking zone. So do not lit that smoke unless you want face full of foam." Alice threatened poor Greg. He would get his smoke later, not while she was probing inside his teammate's skull. Beside they had to take them to let them clean up, before she could tend to their wounds. Still the man in coma came in first. Alice sucked out the blod clot from his brain and then used some other medical thing that helped with all this. She was no brain surgeon though, luckily medical system on the ship offered enough assistance.

"You can smoke you deathstick later," Alice said to Greg. She then looked at the other man who was up. "So how could Greg kill you? These volumetric fields should be pretty much Greg-proof.

While she talked Alice looked at scans of comatose man's head and body. She looked for anything that was not supposed to be there, like a deathswitch.
Sister Sara

Sapphire quickly typed in various command programs, limiting the 'Sylph' access to the volumetric projectors to the main lounge area, her workstation, along with making her ghost like if 'Sylph" tried to interact with any hardware such as keyboards to computers, keypads that gave access to weapon's lockers or any of the room and the Sara's subspace radio system.

Sapphire picked up the KS card she just used. It was amazing tech to cram such a program onto the KS Card. She would have to look at this card a bit closer. "He may just have you deleted or transferred back onto the KS Card you came from." Using a Magic Marker on the KS Card, she wrote:: Sylph: AI Program :: "Soooo... it would be better to come clean on what you can do and can't do. Who you work for."

Sapphire spoke softly as she looked at 'Sylph'. The little volumetric Sylph did have a very sophisticated programming. With Mako poking and distracting Sylph, exposed a lot of her functions, allowing Sapphire to insert the updated programming.

"Zip file!" That's how it is done!" Sapphire eyes lit up as she exclaimed suddenly. She gave a smile. "Very Genius!" She straightened up with pride at coming to that conclusion. Only way a AI program could fit in such limited space and once read, core programming would leach the rest of the programing and filling in the missing data thus without triggering the established security already installed on the computer system reading the card. With the network of the three ships had, it would be turning loose a child in a candy store without adult supervision. "That is very simple, yet sophisticated"

Sapphire loved computers and the programming as she returned back to the console and see how far 'Sylph' spread herself and began to eliminate the off-shoots from the other two ship, confining 'Sylph' to the Sister Sara.
"No thanks necessary," Akemi said quickly with a raised palm held out in front of her and facing forward to add emphasis. She spun around and ran off to the infirmary to check out the prisoners. "Okay, who here wants autographs? What am I signing, who's it to and where?"

Yori was rather surprised when his hand moved near her face, causing her to turn red with embarrassment. A man's hand had never been that close to her face except her father's. She didn't know what to do now and was practically paralyzed with nervousness until he moved his hand away. She then looked to the side twisting the braided strand of hair around her finger as she fumbled around with her words. "I um..well I wanted someone to talk're the only one that gets machines.." She couldn't manage to look in in the face with the thoughts swirling around in her head.

"Sorry." Niel couldn't help but smile weakly at Yori's reaction. It'd been years since he'd done anything to make a girl blush. As an aside, it is worth mentioning that Niel Strellan was once betrothed to a beautiful Geshrin woman who left him because he spent too much time tinkering. It is perhaps also worth mentioning that the middle-aged designer was unbeknown to him the object of severe attraction for one of the receptionists in his department-- her wistful gaze cast over his working form huddled over his drafting table. That is to say, it's not that Niel was not a handsome man. More importantly, he hadn't done anything to make a girl blush in so long because Niel was a man of his work who spent hours mentally adrift in a world of mathematics and materials; a world the young Yori had managed to penetrate in this, his direst time of need. Having conveyed the emotional weight of this moment, the narrator will go on to say that Niel scratched at his bandages and rearranged himself some more on the infirmary bed before saying, "I'll try to keep it to machines, then. You've got coolant all over you. That from your suit? Have you tried a thicker, gel-based coolant?”

The shipwright started digging around in his uniform, patting at pockets here and there; wincing as he patted over his ribs. “I had something for a heatsink made from active silicon.” He explained, but couldn't find the datapad that he'd always carried with him. “It was for starship generators, but it was just too inefficient to use for something so large... If I could just find my...”

Nearby, Franklin hopped onto the edge of one of the beds to watch Alice work from behind while the prisoners talked.

“Look, all I know is when any number of guys get caught and left behind somewhere with Greg, he comes back and they don't.” Said the other prisoner, watching Alice slide the incredibly advanced space-aged medical equipment around on his comatose counterpart.

Greg shrugged and snapped the cherry from his cigarette. He'd just light up as soon as they left, anyway. All in all, the pirate seemed in good spirits. He seemed nonplussed by the revelation about his purpose as a prisoner, and even less interested in fighting with his captors. In fact, when Akemi arrived he smiled and waved at the red-eyed Neko. “Hey, yeah, that was me who wanted the autograph.” He said, “But you kinda took all my shit and left me in my boxers here, so...”

For full effect, he put on his most charming smile and suggested, “Maybe you could autograph something and give it to me? If I was allowed to choose, I say...” Greg scrunched up his face in false concentration, looking Akemi up and down like he was deciding what to ask for. “Maybe you could autograph your NSP for me?”

At this, Franklin let out a little chuckle.

In the blink of an eye, technology does a day's work.
Akemi had sent simple instructions to Sister Sara, and the ship's computer carried them out with ease. In terms of processing power, the ship had plenty to run Sylph, follow Sapphire's commands, manage the power output for the APS, keep the bay at a comfortably cool tempurature, stream in the daily load of fanmail for Daziel's blog, stream in Miria's response to Akemi's earlier letter, dutifully keep all of this new data buffered and awaiting Sapphire to reactivate communication authentication, and send each and every crew member a message on their personal device about Akemi's budding enteprenurial spirit and her endeavor to find investors for her burger joint. It wasn't the first piece of spam that'd passed through the ship's communication buffer. Almost as an afterthought, it sent two messages, the first to Akemi.

'Sapphire October is currently at her workstation in the bay of Sister Sara, interacting with local program 'Sylphie-chan Version 4.6'. She is accompanied by Katsuragi Mako.'

Sister Sara
The second message was extended to Sapphire in the form of an audible message that sang out around her, the voice of a soft-spoken woman who carefully and matronly explained, “Sapphire October, Akemi Koga has extended an invitation to you for an extended bathing session. She would also like to cordially invite you on an outing with her.”

Pictures appeared, narrow slits of light from the side, flowing landscapes from the front. It was the massive and naughty-looking rock formation Akemi had discovered earlier.

“This is Sapphire's Valley.” The computer said matter-of-factly, having already registered Akemi's name for the geological formation as it was the only name that had been used to refer to it so far. “Akemi Koga would like you to accompany her to its peak sometime.”
Akemi was thoroughly unimpressed but also not offended by Greg's attempt at humor. "You're lucky I didn't take your boxers and disarm you of whatever you're packing in them. Maybe I should sign your eyeballs so you can see me all the time." The ideal master race specimen really wanted to ask Greg and Sapphire about Sylphie through a two way volumetric communications window but she reasoned that wasn't a good idea because it might allow the pirate to do something dangerous with whatever the program was. Besides, it would probably be more fun to see how the former farmer would respond to her earlier messages without prompting her. "Anyway, what would you like signed that you actually think you can get?"

Alice just smirked at Greg and his antiques. "Well, this time it won't be neither you or Greg that comes back. But do not worry, I bet you will be better in Origin prison then with those guys. Piracy is a sin, if it were up to me I would just shoot you." Alice said and meant every word, but there was certain way of doing things. They had to be done the right way.

"As for you," Alice turned to Akemi. "It is good that you shown up. I am sure Franklin needs to do some kind of damage control, so it would be good if you guard the prisoners and watch my back, while I make sure nobody dies. Please."

Yori paused when she noticed Niel directing the conversation back towards machines, realizing that she had done it again, given up on normal conversation so easily just to stay in her comfort zone of machine. She would've told him it was okay and he could talk about anything, but Niel brought up a point that had her flash back. At the time of the fight her adrenaline was much to high to really panic, and she had kept herself busy and distracted after words, but Niel's words made it all sink in.

She looked down at herself and trembled some. " from the fight, my coolant line broke." She tried to keep her voice from wavering and speak strictly from a factual standpoint to keep herself calm. "The suit has amplifiers for inertia control through out it..I just used the first coolant that would work.." She was about to go on a ramble before she noticed Niel was looking around for something.

"What are you looking for?"
Sister Sara - Workstation

Sapphire blinked and listened to the message from Akemi to her. She was flattered that her name would be forever written in the history books on this planet and terraforming project. Any person would be. She looked at Sylphie the volumetric projection.

"Ok. You get to live for now. And you have burned up your only chance." Sapphire waved the KS Card with Sylphie's name on it. "Tamper with any of the software without my authorization on any of the three ship. Or use any equipment that hadn't been authorized already will get you put back in your cell, Miss Sylphie."

Sapphire had changed her AI program just a bit that this portion of Sylphie would follow her commands both voice and typed. Other than that she was free to get used to her home. Then had the main subspace-transceiver resume its duties

She had a shower to get. And an invitation to accept. she wanted to see this geological formation she was named after. Even though it reminded her of a female laying on her side as her mind hadn't been corrupted by intimacies of the flesh yet.

"Computer Security threat neutralized." Sapphire sent out to all of the crew via voice and text. "Radio systems back under normal operation."

Then on private channel to Akemi, "Shower time. I stink and you probably stink!" Then turning to the Mini-Neko. "Thank you. I'm happy you survived. I'm Sapphire October." Giving the Mini-Neko a warm friendly smile. "You need any software upgrades to your power armor, let me know and I'll do my best to get it." Powering down her workstation computer.
"I don't know about that, I don't sweat. I might end up smelling an awful lot more when we're finished than I do now," Akemi replied telepathically through the ship communication systems, letting the much older and thus no doubt more mature Sapphire imagine what scent she might take on. If the shamelessly perverted Neko had her way it certainly wouldn't be soap. "Not that I'd mind."

"Actually, I planned on going in a moment," Akemi said as she turned to the doctor. "We can just restrain them or put 'em under if they're going to cause trouble. Plus we've got the ship to watch them when no one else is around." She paused and gestured to the unconscious man. "Hopefully they'll behave cause I'd hate to have them join coma camp."

"Normally I am sure that would suffice," Alice said as she scanned the coma man for foreign objects hidden. Chips of any kind, something that can kill a man. "But mr. Greg here is apparently well known for espacing capture and making sure others who were captured are dead. Or at least he said so. So I do thin, that it would be better to remain vigilant and keep these three under constant watch. I think he told us so we would not take it seriously, but I prefer to take things seriously. I do know it might be new thing to you, but as you are member of teams security force, I am fairly sure that this falls under your job. I do realise it must be way too easy a job for amazing nekovalkyrja, but alas you are only one we have at the moment."
Akemi crossed her arms and rolled her eyes as she tilted her head to the side."Well he shouldn't be able to cause any trouble with a force cage between him and everyone else. Plus I can always stick a hand up his ass and go fishing for treasure if we want to make sure he doesn't have any weapons. And Mako 's a Neko too. I should tell her you don't think she's a full person worthy of being mentioned." She stood silent for a moment. "Oh, and you could always give him some sedative to make him as weak as a kitten. He was injured after all, right?" No way was Akemi letting guarding some scummy scab cut into or outright cancel her sensual shower time.
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Seiji visibly perked up at the idea of a proper meal. It wasn’t that they had done without, but the regularity of it after this busy and exciting day held an appeal that would make most people appreciate even the sort of food Seiji choose to make his diet. For the man himself it was a blessing.

The Scanner then, as if by magic, appeared in front of him, pulled from Akemi and handed to him. Seiji actually had intents to thank Akemi; he was as polite as they came. He turned around as Akemi excused herself, but did call his thanks after her before looking down at the treasure in his hands with eager eyes. It would have been really easy for him to go off and spend hours picking at the little bits of data on it, the most minute of things being explored and sorted, but Daziel had made himself clear and Seiji had lost too much not to realize he had to toe the company line from time to time.


So, with a lighter heart, and a step to match, Seiji made his way into the ISC Elijah. It seemed to be a pretty busy place.

Seiji did not interrupt or even try to be a part of the conversions going on at the moment as he made his way over to the science (!) workstation. He set the scanner to upload its so precious cargo to Elijah and with casual and expert experience set the ships scanners on, intending to have them check the other ships, then itself, for any signs of tampering or easily repairable damage.

He did his best to ignore the fact that the people who had been trying to shoot at them where having pleasant conversations with the crew. That bothered him a great deal, but he was no security expert, so he did not know how these things were supposed to go.

“… Security threat?” Seiji actually did not want to know at this point. He hadn't been a part of it, nothing had blown up, thus it obviously wasn't his concern. He sent a few basic commands to the system to collate all the information from his scanner into readable charts and graphs before finally stepping away from the console.

Brimming with curiosity he shuffled over, quietly, to watch the doc do her thing. He had never actually seen a doctor at work before. There were enough people pestering Alice already; he was not going to be one of them.
Sapphire smirked as she listened to Akemi's reply, as the innuendo went sailing over her head. Giving a nod to the Mini-Neko, she scampered away from the work station though Sister Sara to her quarters to get ready for her lengthy shower.

"Hey Fluffy, Hi Dawg!" To her stuffed animals that lay on her bunk near her pillow. She peeled off her clothes as the door behind her closed shut behind her. She turned the stuffed cat face towards the wall along with the dog, as she moved about her quarters wearing her underclothes, unpacking her stuff and putting on her bathrobe. Slipping her feet into flip-flops, and digging out her personal hygiene kit. She didn't know what to make of Akemi. But she sure needed something that maybe Franklin or Daziel could provide it to her.
Sister Sara

Mako was too fascinated with the sprite to pay much attention to Sapphire. She did wave and mumble a "Sure, let you know" but her attention was focused on Sylph.

She was a bit bummed the fellow mini sized person had gone all no touch, but entertained herself by waving her arms through the volumetric image.

"So, where did you come from?" Mako asked. "I didnt think there would be anyone else my size on this mission"
A string of data which, shot through the stars, explodes in a swirl of colors in Akemi's mind...
アキちゃん! (=^・ェ・^=))ノ
Ohayo gozaimasu! It's very early in the morning here where I am, and I think it's the middle of the night on Yamatai. Where are you right now, and what time is it there?

I read your message about getting married. ฅ( ̳͒•ˑ_ • ̳͒) ฅ You're so silly, Aki-chan. You think even a stupendous person like you can get away with just wanting to get married out of the blue? Somebody's got a case of the silly-dumbs. It's okay, though, I still like you.

ฅ( ̳͒ᵕ ˑ̫ ᵕ ̳͒)ฅ I don't know when I'll get some more leave, but I'd love to come and visit you at your new job. Right now, though, I'm always working and I'm super-busy all the time. I just spend all my time waiting for my next break so I can have a nap.


Maybe when I come and visit you, we can take a nap together, and you can start the long path of winning my heart for a lifetime by making me feel special and wonderful with your cute kisses and a severe case of happy-glads.

Please keep writing me. It's so lonely out here in space, and I missed you and Koko and Siv and the Motome's huuuuuuge cafeteria.

Yours Truly,
ฅ ̳͒•ˑ̫• ̳͒ฅ Miria

"Ah, my datapad." Niel eventually replied. "Your inertia-control amplifiers might be better off with a different coolant, is all. I thought I might have something for you, but..." Niel winced again, his search bearing down on those cracked ribs of his and his movements tugging at the bandages where beneath there was no ear.

"Well, it's not here, so I think I'll just adopt one from Sister Sara and synchronize it with my personal data." Niel finally decided. It was fairly easy for anyone like Niel to store all of their data on a personal SYNC server for remote access anywhere civilized, but Niel took it one step further and kept multiple hard data copies of everything he'd ever come up with just so he could quick-reference previous designs or make use of Origin's prized modularity.

Over on the prisoner end of things, Greg watched Alice scanning his comatose compatriot with a sly grin. As he expected, her search turned up no results.

"You know, you could maybe interrogate me? I'd totally cooperate. Doubly so if you killed the other two guys for me. I know more than them, y'know." He suggested, leaning back onto his bed with his hands behind his back. Greg tilted his head to one side and eyed Niel and Yori on the opposite corner of the bay and asked, "What's the deal with them? They father-n'-daught'r or husband-n'-wife? I only ask 'cuz I felt sorry for the guy, seein' Crazy Jane cut off his ear."

While Greg relaxed, the other awakened prisoner sat upright and alert. He eyed Greg, he eyed Alice, Franklin, and even cast a glance Seiji's way. Franklin, detecting the argument between the two women coming to an impasse, chose this moment to speak up.

"I ain't got much I kin really do, t' be frank." He said, digging a flask out of his waistcoat. "Ship's is fine. Might orta see t' that ole pile-uh bodies we whipped up earlier afore they starts makin' interestin' smells for everyone... I reckon I could be persuaded t' make a deal with the noodle-eater."

Spencer turned the flask up over his mouth and took in some of the brown and sour he'd brought along for the trip. Three shots worth of the stuff later, he yawned and gestured to Akemi. "You go outside an' toss them bodies in the back of our new truck fer me, an maybe I keeps an eye on these cudlickers for ya until Daziel figures out what to do with the bastards."

Looking to Alice for approval, Spence eyed her and asked with furrowed brow, "That suit you, Doc? Or'd you rather not suffer my company any longer in favor of havin' a mouse-hunter hoverin' around yer office?"

Daziel made a point of smelling the air and planting his hands on his hips after Seiji left. Not that he was feeling remarkably endeared to the air or the outdoors, but simply that this was what a person did when standing alone in the afternoon sun overlooking a lake. With the lake stretched out before him, the executive twisted to look at the piles of bodies and loot lying in the scuffed sand. He approached the loot and knelt with a sigh to examine it, tying the legs of a pair of pants together and using them as a bag for each item he examined.

"I say, such colorful posessions for such drab regalia." He mused, eyeing a pair of ruby-studded earings, "Why, it's a veritable smorg-as-bward of-- hello, what's this?"

Sister Sara
Sylph gave Mako a wide-set mischevious grin and bounced back before summoning her tiny broom once more and riding it over to the floor with a, "I don't have to be your size. I can be any size I need to be."

To illustrate, there was a poof of projected smoke accompanied by a cartoonish sound-effect, and then there was suddenly a full-sized sorceress standing where Sylphie once had. The larger version pointed her broom at Mako and stuck out her tongue. "Betcha wish you could do that!" She said, then with another poof was small once more and also standing behind Mako. A pair of hands reached from behind and gave the tiny Neko a squeeze, somewhat out of playfulness and somewhat to show her what it felt like.

"I live on a ship called the ISC Haunted House, to answer your first question. I'm an AI designed by my master to assist her in repairing damaged ships."

Yori put her hands on Niel's shoulder's when she noticed him wincing. "You shouldn't move around too much, your condition is not good. We'll have plenty of time to work on the suit after you recover." She tried to ease him back, wanting to get him to lay down, having become more concerned for his condition. "I have to work on the security's armors before I work on my suit anyway." She stood up with a smile. "I'll get you a datapad and we can keep in touch while I work. I'm not too confident about doing maitnence on the SYLPH either...never actually touched one before."
Sister Sara ::

Sapphire happily stepped in the shower as her chores was done for the moment. Her eyes closing in delight as the delightfully hot water rained down on her and sluicing downward towards the drain, taking the slime and dust away. She lathered up using the multi-purpose shampoo, after soaking in the spray of the hot water.

Yes! This was worth the wait and smiled at being able to take a decent shower. This gave her time to think more on the crew. Weighing their merits. It seamed that she, herself was not very good in combat. But she had fun shooting the machinegun that was mounted on the small utility truck. And hoped that the pirates didn't come back. And those that they captured. Well they was Daziel's, Akemi's and Franklin's problem.

She hoped her security measures on 'Sylphie' were excellent enough to keep her harmless. And the link between her and whomever planted her on the KC Card was broken. She had that little nagging feeling, she should've just outright killed the invasive AI. She still needed to take a closer look at the KS card. Which thankfully was secured in her quarters and hidden.

But all in all this was a good gig to have. Specially for a fifteen year old out on her own for a change. She wondered how the rest of her family was faring. Maybe she would send them a letter. Letting them she was okay and make inquiries about the rest of the family.
"It's a deal," Akemi happily replied without waiting for an answer from Alice. She figured she'd made a good enough case for not needing her around and Franklin could easily handle their talkative captive, especially when he planned on killing his own comrades. Free to go where she pleased, the tiny raven haired Neko headed straight for the communal showers using her inertial control. Upon reaching them she stopped outside the entrance to take off her armor and clothes. She placed them all in a little pile and quickly downed five blue pills before wordlessly rushing in to join Sapphire. The potentially soon to be not so innocent girl was greeted with a pair of energetic four fingered hands which swiftly rubbed her back from top to bottom. For maximum amusement Akemi started purring loudly and stood uncomfortably close while leaning into her motions.