Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

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  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

RP: Terraforming Ake [Terraforming Ake] P1 - Dust Bowl Children

Sister Sara

Sapphire let out a shriek of surprise, looking over her shoulder as she was trapped and not much room to maneuver. Seeing it was Akemi, not one of the thugs they was treating elsewhere. She leaned back into the back rubbings after she got over her shock of Akemi joining her. Even back in school after P.E. in the showers would a girl think of touching another's girl's back. She was in decent shape for her age and still blossoming into her womanly curves. Also at the age were boys were becoming an object of desire, even though they had crushes on the latest Movie Actors, Performers such as musicians. But being this close to another female? Unless of course it was a female doctor, or Momma.

But it sure felt good to have her back rubbed, causing her to emit soft sigh or barely audible moan of delight.
"Whoa. Geez, I know I'm good, but I didn't know I was that good," Akemi casually said in response to the yell as a massive, toothy smirk spread across her face. "How the heck do you normals even get through the day when you're so sexually charged? Must be awful." She started to focus on massaging Sapphire's shoulders and upper back. "I could always take care of the rest for you y'know." By this point if the computer expert were to turn around and look down or perhaps pay more attention to what was going on around her just below waist level she'd probably notice another way in which Akemi wasn't like the girls from P.E. class.
"We have other things to focus on, beside trying to seduce each other. Only the males have that problem." Sapphire shot back at Akemi, but in a softer tone. Feeling weird in an unique way that was both pleasant and tinglingly. "By giving me a full body massage?"

She didn't want the massage to stop as she was really truly enjoying it. Her first one other than the usual pat on the back, or gentle shoulder squeeze of recognition. She gave another encouraging sigh of contentment as her body responded in more ways that was new to her.

The perfectly hot shower water raining down her physique and the massage was her undoing as she placed both hands on the wall of the shower cubicle, feet shoulder with apart for better support. She often wondered what it was like, but never had the opportunity to experience it. Getting clean was slowly taking the back seat as her body came alive in a new way for her.
"Yeah, as thorough as you'd like." The now much less feminine Neko slowly ran her hands across Sapphire's neck and all way down her inner lower back before cupping her sides and gently sliding them up to rest below the girl's modest bust. "How about you just tell me when you'd like me to stop?" The entire time Akemi continued to purr without stopping even for a moment and bent forward to make sure she was heard extra well.
Sapphire backed up against Akemi, "oh contin..." only to get a surprise that wasn't there before. Unsure what it was, caused her to spin around and stepping back as she looked down. Eyes widen in shock.

"Wha..whe-how?" Looking up at Akemi, unsure whether to cover up or not. Blinks. Being thoroughly trapped in the shower. She looking quite puzzled at the changing form of Akemi. "Aye-int you female? How? Yu-you Na-Nekoes su-suppose to be female? Or You shifters?" Stammers out in shock. Forgetting she's naked as the day she was born.

Alice was busy while Franklin solved the situation, she was watching her scanner with complete focus. By the time she was done Akemi was gone. Alice also noticed that Seiji joined them and he was watching her work, he was not getting in the way though, so she let him look as much as he wanted.

"Franklin," Alice replied to the man after she was done. "It is not that I do not want you around, quite contrary. You are only experienced member of this expedition who seems sane. I only naively expected our security guard to her bloody job. I would generally thing that watching prisoners is a job for security personell and one that does not get tired seems to be perfect choice. Especially one that is tall enough to to get stepped on by the prisoner should they escape."
"Well yeah, we pretty much always are," Akemi shrugged, upturning her open palms, "but y'know, there's a pill for everything. This is just temporary unless you'd like otherwise." Once that last bit was said she grinned wide again and gave the rest of Sapphire a blatant look of appraisal for a moment. "I did imply we could be having a lot more than just a bath if you were interested. Being a guy sounds like way more fun when it comes to that. What the heck would two girls do anyway? I'm an artificial being so I have no imagination."
Sapphire blinked a bit in stupefaction for a few seconds as she simulated what Akemi just said, looking down at her open hand, trying not to stare at the extra appendage on Akemi. "Huh.. I know that it takes a male and female to make babies. But how?.. they don't teach that part in school." She blushes, looking away. "Do-don't get me wrong .. I wouldn't know the first thing... nor what to do, except maybe share a few kisses and a hug or two..."

She fidgeted nervously, unsure whether Akemi was going to flee at her being soooo inexperienced at matters at hand. "You being a soldier and all. And travelled more. I'm sure you know a lot more than I do. Besides, since you already gotten my back clean, I can return the favor..."
Sister Sara

Mako blinked as the volumetric sprite poofed into a full size witch, "Eh, not terribly interested in-" she was in the process of saying, when the witch poofed again, then grabbed her from behind.

"Hey now!" Mako squeaked as she was grabbed onto, though she did not respond with any form of violence or the such. "I donno your ship, it's not part of our group." She commented, "Has to be somewhere close by though if you're able to link up with our computer?" she asked Sylph.
"Well, if you really want to return the favor, how about you just turn around, take that position you were in a moment ago and bend your knees a little? You close your eyes and relax and I'll keep massaging you and add this to the mix." Hopefully Sapphire liked surprises as this was quite a big one. "I guarantee you'll feel really good. I've even got some pills you could take to make everything feel even better. They're totally harmless. I'm here to protect you after all." Akemi was loving every second of this and couldn't help smiling.
Sapphire was unsure about the pills so she just shook her head no. Sooner or later she was going to lose it anyways. "Huh...wi-will I get pregnant with you being a shifter? I don't wanna be sent back." Her curiosity was getting the better of her and so far Akemi hadn't hurt her yet. She did like her - him?
"Nope," Akemi said simply in a reassuring, matter of fact tone. "There's nothing to worry about. Besides, like I said, there's a pill for everything. Even if there was a chance you'd be fine if you took one. All I was suggesting was some stuff that'd get you more in the mood and make the experience feel better." After a brief pause she spoke again gently, "So, you feeling up to it? I sure am." The truth of her words was rather visually evident. "Feel free to look all you want."
And she did take a look, eyes wide. "Th-that whont fit!" She exclaimed "Will it?" Finally putting the connection on how babies were made. Biology in school can be both a blessing and a curse. But being at that age where visuals trigger a yearning and curiosity sometimes overruled caution.

Sapphire squirmed a bit feeling quite different as fluids, other than water or bodily waste, made her upper thighs slick when rubbed together. Blushing she looked to the floor as she backed up against the cubicle wall.
"I'll make it fit" and "it will by the time I'm done" were Akemi's immediate thoughts.

"I'm sure it will, but there's only one way to find out for certain and you sure look and smell like you're ready to find out," she replied, briefly lowering her eyes and raising her brows, obviously very amused. "Us Neko can sense anything," she lied with a knowing delivery, tapping the tip of her nose with an index finger and taking a quick theatrical whiff of the air.

"Really, when you think about it this is a great opportunity for you. You can learn everything you want from me while we're here before you get into a potentially serious relationship elsewhere. I won't judge, I'm just looking to have fun with someone cute. You sure you wouldn't like some chemical assistance to deal with your nerves?"
"No! If I'ma gonna experience this... I want a clear mind! And no more of them Neko mind tricks either!" Sapphire spoke softly yet with determination. Shyly reaching out to shyly touch that extra appendage that Akemi had. "Or I'll make you wear a pink tinfoil hat with antennas!" A useless threat as Akemi could just literary tear her apart without a second thought, but sounded good to show she still had guts to stand up for herself.
Sister Sara
"Well, clearly I'm not at home." Sylphie replied, rubbing the side of her face affectionately over Mako's shoulder. "I've been installed onto this ship's computer by that little kid."

Referencing Sapphire, Sylphie decided to use her otherworldy powers (aka, being a program in the ship's computer) to peer into the ship's head with her mind's eye. Quickly, she blushed and released the tiny Neko next to her, adding, "That kid is in the shower, doing organic things."

Before Sylph could clarify, Daziel entered the bay of Sister Sara with his trouser-sack slung over a shoulder and waved at the two of them as he deposited the bag next to his chair at the head of the conference table. "Well, hello, darlings!" Was the cheery greeting, followed by the executive approaching to plant his hands on his knees so he could lean closer to the two of them, smiling at Sylph. He'd already looked her up using his computerized brain and ascertained her full nature, however, nonetheless the recently revealed-to-be-Neko businessman played it dumb, kindly entreating her with a, "And who is this adorable little thing?"

Sylph blushed, and moved behind Mako again, peering over her shoulder to the executive with another blush, "I'm Sylph, a virtual assistant program." She answered softly, then asked, "You think I'm adorable?"

Daziel smiled even wider and stood again, this time headed for the kitchenette. "Of course you are, my dear girl! Now, come and assist me with dinner, you adorable virtual assistant, you!"

Franklin snorted and lifted his flask to Alice before tilting it again for another sip.

"Well, I reckon the tentacle-humper thinks she done her job by killin' all them folks dead and emprisonerin' these here dumbshits. Don't break yer head over it, suger-britches." Franklin explained, trying to assuage the fears of the good doctor, "Hell, reckon the two of 'em did alright keepin' our skins on when the shit were serious. Ain't that right, Chickenshit?"

This last bit, Franklin added while snapping his fingers at Seiji, who'd been otherwise quiet in the corner of their end of the med-bay.

Meanwhile, Niel was doing a little assuaging of his own for Yori. "Ah, you're right. I gotta take a nap so I can come to this meeting or whatever's gonna happen in an hour. As for the M4, I think you'll handle it well enough. I mean, it was made during a different era for Yamataian military technology. A true piece of simple workmanship for what it is, especially when you look at the overdesigned garbage they use these days."

Seasons change, time passes by as the seconds become the minutes becomes the hour... at Sister Sara's conference table.
The meal that Daziel prepared was simply spectacular. While the man was by no means a professional chef, the rations on the ship were easy to prepare and an artful eye could make them especially presentable. Upon smooth white platters were all manners of decadent looking dish, a suptous boquet of textures, colors, and odors which enriched the nose of even the pickiest eater. Open faces sandwhiches of thick sliced chicken, onions, fine melted cheeses and perfectly-wilted greens sat next to generous helpings of bean salad and sliced fried turnips with crispy breading a golden brown which shone almost as a glow in light of Ake's afternoon sun streaming in from one end of the bay. On another platter, baked potatoes exploded from their skins-- slits of cloudy white velvet shiny with metled butter and silken dollops of soured cream. Further over, there was the massive tray of wiry pasta spirals gooped up in a smooth white cheese sauce, flanked on every side with a circle of thick, steaming tuna steaks which were blackened to perfection yet still pink and soft in the center. The seasonings for these foods had been chosen carefully for a gradient-like quality so that as one traversed the table they would find themselves traveling across the tongue from savory to sweet, and that such a journey would be one taken with the nose before the mouth to better educate meal choices. In the middle of these three platters was a fluffy crimson cylinder sprinkled with the soft snow of confectioner's sugar; a red velvet rollcake.

At the head of this freshly-served feast was Daziel, reclining with a book (How To Look Bad and Look Good Doing It: A Man's Guide to Being Impressive in The Work Place Without Losing His Humility, by Evelyn Cagliardi, NepPress, YE 06) and sipping from a steaming tea cup while Sylphie rested on his knee, simulating an adorable nap. As far as clocks go, this was all exactly four seconds before one hour had passed from Daziel's announcement of a meeting in one hour. The first person to arrive at the table was Niel, who wheeled himself in a wheelchair into the bay and resisted the urge to stop at the workbench and see what Yori'd done while he was napping. He pushed one of the rolling chairs out of his way with a passive palm and rolled up to the table, taking in the vastness of Daziel's spread with a look of awe.

"Looks nice, Mister Burton." He said, eyeing in particular the cheesy spirals which rested just out of his reach.

Daziel kept looking at his book, but was polite enough to respond with a subdued, "Not at all, I'm sure, dear fellow."
"Man this looks amazing!" Akemi declared as she entered the room and scanned the table. After making her way over to it and giving everything a careful once over she grabbed a plate and loaded it up with one of the delicious looking sandwiches, some potatoes and pasta. She then hurried to snatch a seat at Daziel's side and read the cover of his book before setting her sights on Sylph and her teeth on her sandwich. "Isn't that just the cutest little thing? I wanna huggle it."
Sapphire came in shortly after Akemi. A bit starry-eyed. She grabbed herself a plate and helped herself to a nice healthy collection of foods and drink. She settled a bit slowly on her seat as it reminded her the time spent in the shower with Akemi and could feel her face heat up. She let her hair fall to hid her face a she began to eat.

"It was on the KS Card. The numbers were binary code of her program to steal copy what was needed to complete her AI programming. Basically she's now part of the ship. I did what I could to limit her access to the rest of the ship's functions." She muttered between bites of her food as she ate her fill. As long as I have the KS Card, Hopefully I can control or limit her." Giving 'Sylphie' a glare.
Akemi being Akemi and thus never one to pass up an opportunity to act full of herself, she naturally took notice of the way their communications expert deliberately took her seat and smirked widely at the girl, especially when she blushed. She didn't stare at her for long before quickly turning back to Daziel and taking another bite of her sandwich. "Sounds like a cool book. Might be something I'd read. Did you make all of this?"
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Yori walked in wearing her Origin uniform, something she had not worn since she changed out of it when they touched down on the surface. Again how ever she was not wearing the skirt, but rather the slacks usually worn by males. She had spent the hour making repairs and doing diagnostics on the two power armor they had, making sure nothing was wrong with them either since it seemed they were recently hacked she had to make sure there were no back doors left.

Seeing the feast before them she gave an impressed whistle, she herself was not a stellar cook, and her mother would only cook like this on special occasions so it was rare to see such a meal for her. "This all looks really good." She said as she sat down next to Niel without much hesitation. She then looked between Dazeil and Niel with a soft smile "You two look like you're doing much better."