Star Army

Star ArmyⓇ is a landmark of forum roleplaying. Opened in 2002, Star Army is like an internet clubhouse for people who love roleplaying, art, and worldbuilding. Anyone 18 or older may join for free. New members are welcome! Use the "Register" button below.

Note: This is a play-by-post RPG site. If you're looking for the tabletop miniatures wargame "5150: Star Army" instead, see Two Hour Wargames.

  • If you were supposed to get an email from the forum but didn't (e.g. to verify your account for registration), email Wes at [email protected] or talk to me on Discord for help. Sometimes the server hits our limit of emails we can send per hour.
  • Get in our Discord chat!
  • 📅 July 2024 is YE 46.5 in the RP.

OOC The Francia Frontier

Hey, I don't suppose you'd like another member for this experiment? I have a Nepleslian open RP character I could possibly retool for this. Are you missing a particular skillset for the colonists?
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@paladinrpg ; I've just updated the first post of the OOC so it's got some links that'll come in handy.

I might state things you already know, but it's just for the sake of making sure we're on the same page. Right now, the civilian cast only has a gun store owner, elementary schoolgirl, schoolteacher (and brothel madame), a mecha maid, bar cook, a mechanic/technical support, and an incredibly legitimate salesman. With civilian characters, there's no particular 'need' - instead, we're looking for ones that'll basically give depth to the place, as they're intended to stay there as NPCs of sorts after the plot is concluded. The goal is to basically create a living setting after all.

You'll also need a military character as well. Having two characters is mandatory, as the civilian will stay, and the military one may (if desired) go into other plots following the conclusion of Francia. The only exception is if a player's relatively new and isn't confident in being able to handle two at once. The reason for this is the alternating view points; one chapter will be military, the other will be civilian, alternating back and forward. A military character can participate in both, but a civilian can't.
I haven't gotten my character sheet done just yet, but in case others are curious: I've gotten the clearance from Cadet to post in the Open IC for the time being.
@Abwehran Commander , @Fian , @Exhack , @Aendri , @Koenig808 , @ShotJon , @viralyte , @Homeside 6 , @Semjax

Since we're moving proper, I'll be posting later today. If anyone wants to post but can't make it that soon, tell me and I'll delay one more day at most, otherwise I'll keep us moving forward so it collects more momentum. Right now, I'm giving you guys a lot of leeway to find ways to introduce your characters. If they were stationed at Francia prior to the plot even beginning for an example, you can say they're coming over to pick up the supplies for an example. At the same time, if they have yet to arrive, the character can just come out of somewhere further back in the cargo ship to name a few.
Now, everyone? Keep in very close mind that you completely and utterly have permission to commit utter shenanigans and otherwise ruin your commanding officer's day so long as you're having Fun for the Fun God.
@Abwehran Commander , @Fian , @Exhack , @Aendri , @Koenig808 , @ShotJon , @viralyte , @Homeside 6 , @Semjax

Alright guys, keep in mind that not everyone can attend the JPs, so I don't want them to be our bread and butter. Ideally, keep making normal single posts every 3 days at most if you can so that nobody is left out. Remember, this plot is more fast and loose than most others considering the standing rule;

Entertain yourself and others so long as it's reasonable, and if necessary (and even when it's not), at Fredriika's expense/sanity.
If somebody hasn't done so before I get back, I'll have Slip-Ring either check behind the counter (since Its already back there, or near there now). And/or take the wheel of the transport for happy-fun times.
Sorry guys, I don't have DoGA anymore because a hard drive was dying a bit back, and the site doesn't seem to have it anymore for DL either. And on top of that, I'm trying to figure out how to draw straight lines in either MS Paint, GIMP or SAI on a reasonably sized canvas, but haven't figured that out yet. I only managed to learn how to edit colors on pre-existing images...a little bit of advice would be nice. X D

The way I have it set up IC is that we're in a corner store, and assuming you're looking out, the bad guys are all the way to the right and beyond your vision by maybe 10 or 20 meters. The door leading to the stairs going up is in the back, and the medical truck is pretty much smack dab in the middle of it all. The counter is by the door to the back too btw.
After looking at them a bit more, and MS Paint in particular, then facepalming, I made a map.


I'm not entirely sure where you all are inside the Grab-n-Gulp, but that won't matter unless we all decide to hunker down. The yellow bit is the doorway leading into a stairwell up to the apartment area, and the green arrow is our friendly neighborhood ShotJon, who was riding on the outside of the transport and leaped off before things got hairy.